Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, September 15, 1910, Image 1

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    F orest G rove P ress
No. 45
Chief Lenneville o f the Fire
D partment has rebuilt the lad­
der wagon, making it consider­
ably larger and adding several
new features. The wagon is now
eighteen feet long, and forty in
ches wide. On top o f the iron
framework which supports the
ladders, will be placed a wire
basket to hold the hats,coats,etc.,
o f the fire fighters.
On each
side o f the wagon is a running
board on which the laddies will
stand when going to a fire. Un­
der the w agon is a swinging com­
partment for the buckets and
other paraphernalia for fighting
Travelers on Way Home
Mrs. Homer C. Atwell writes
her father, C. V. B. Russel, from
Omaha that she and Mr. Atwell
will return soon to this city, pro­
bably reaching here next Thurs­
day. vt\)iey will stop at Denver,
Salt Lake City, and other towns
enroute home. Mr. and Mrs. At­
well have been in the East for
the past two months, the former
investigating fruit conditions and
in attendance as a delegate from
Oregon at the Conservation Con­
gress at St. Paul, and the latter
visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. Atwell writes that she pre-
fere Oregon dust to coal dust,
and Oregon fruit trees to corn
Mr. Atwell gave an address be­
fore the congress, favoring home
rule for natural resources. He
believes the people o f the North­
west are in a far better position
to properly conserve its resourses
than the federal government,
and the income from those resour­
ses, wdsely conserved and utaliz-
ed. should be used in lessening
the burden of taxation in the
state where the resourses are lo­
Banquet Tendered to Pioneer
Franklin Pierce, of this city,
who on Friday last reached the
i n
L ife’ s journey, was given a ban­
quet by his children at his home,
all the members o f his family be­
ing present a t the festivities.
Mr. Pierce came to Oregon in
1852, and was for many years
postmaster a t Greenville.
also conducted a general store
there for 25 years. His children
are: Charles Pierce, Portland;
Mrs.Mary Vollum,Spokane: Mrs.
Elsie Cramer, Portland: M r s.
Clarrisa Ireland, Greenville, and
Mrs. Alice Thomas, Milwaukie.
His grandaughter. Mrs. Ethel
Rodney, o f Portland, and her
young son, were also present.
Christian Church Sunday
Rev. Jesse Kellems.of Eugene,
will occupy the Christian church
pulpit in this city, Sunday morn­
ing and evening. Mr. Kellems,
is the son o f Rev. D. C. Kellems,
the well-known evangelist, and
tho only seventeen years o f age,
h e i s a forceful and eloquent
speaker, and has held revivals
with much success. He supplies
the Vancouver Christian church
pulpit, and exchanges this com­
ing Sunday with Rev, Stivers.
Pacific University Opens
September Twenty-first
o f Ohio State University, will oc­
cupy t h e chair o f mathematics.
Professor A. G. DuMez, o f the
University o f Wisconsin, will have
charge of the chemistry courses;
Mr. Charles 0 . Couville, from
Salt Lake City, will be the new in­
structor in athletics.
While the outlook for a strong
football team is uncertain,a num­
ber o f last year’s team will be
registered this year, and among
the new students promising ma­
terial will doubtless be found.
The bi-annual term reception
will be given Friday evening,
Sept. 23, with appropriate exer.
Type-Sticker to Merchant
printer’8 ink was in his nostrils,
L Mr.Russell is known to fame more
Afl interesting Sketch thru his connection with the shoe
trade, which he h a s followed
Pacific University will open for
Several o f Forest Grove’ s busi- since long before the first down
the school year 1910-11 Septem­
ness men in otherlines, were once appeared upon his boyhood cheek,
ber the twenty-first.
newspaper publishers, or at least
Of his success as a shoe dealer,
exercises will be held in the chap­
worked in printing shops, and it is unnecessary for the P ress to
el at ten o ’clock a. in., President
among the number who recall sP*?ak, as his sixteen years’ resi-
Ferrin presiding. The address to
with pleasure those happy days dence and business life in this
the students will be given by Rev.
when the gathering o f news, city is sufficient testimony in its-
William M. Proctor, o f Oregon
‘ ‘sticking it up” , and seeing that
City. Special music will be pro
the paper was issued ‘ ‘on time”
Three important events, which
vided for the occasion.
furnished about the only interest he has never regretted, have oc-
Present indications point to a
in life, is C. V. B. Russell, the cured in the life o f C. V. B. In
largely increased enrollment over
Main street shoe dealer.
1844 he was born; in 1864 he was
that o f last year. Reservations
Mr. Russell is a printer from mar. ied; in 1894 he came to For-
for rooms at Herrick hall, the
’ w ay back, and worked at the bus-1 est Grove,
ladies dormitory, practically fill
iness before typesetting machin-
all the space allotted to rooms,and
| es were hardly thought of. In
inquiries are being made among
[ fact, bets used to be made among
the townspeople for boarding stu­
Miss Nora Christine Emmel, ! the employes at the shop where
The city council met in regular
dents. This year will open a new daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. C. C. he work d, that no machine would
Tuesday night. All mem­
era for the University in the way Emmel, of Sherwood, became the \
official body were pres­
of new buildings and equipment. bride of Dr. Frederick Hill Thomp-
o f Police. Rou­
The new gymnasium, completed son, Thursday,at the Emmel home |
and bills
this year at a cost of twenty-five Mapleview Farm, Rev. Rufus |
thousand dollars, offers every ad­ Thompson, o f Albany, father of!
vantage f o r athletic training, the groom, reading the services
caused by expiration of term of
having all necessary parapherna- that made the happy couple i
L.J.Corl. Oddfellow’s lodge re­
1 a for that purpose. The large one. Dr. Grover C. Bellinger of
fused permission to move their
swimming tank is a feature found Salem wras best man, and the j
building on to their lot at corner
in but few college gymnasiums bride was attended by Miss Bon- j
Main street and first avenue
in the West.
nie Beckley.
North. Eva Adams pipe line bill
Next spring will be erected on
The bride formerly attended1
referred to Mayor and finance
the campus, a thirty thousand dol­ Pacific University, and is well-J
committee for settlement. Wm.
lar Carnagie L i b r a r y , Y>r known in this city, where she
! Ringle’ s request for tramway for
which the funds have been near­ has many friends. She is a grad
moving wood at Power House re­
ly all raised. Twenty thousand uate o f the College o f Liberal
ferred to L. and W. committee,
o f dollars will be expended for Arts at Willamette University. \
j Committee appointed to investi­
new books; these, added to the
Dr. Thompson took the scien-1
gate power house site, dismissed.
fifteen thousand • volumes now tific course at McMinnville Col­
The street commissioner was in­
owned by the college, will give lege, and his Doctor’s degree from j
structed to serve legal notice on
the school a library second to Willamette University. He is a ever
inver,ted to take the place
a number of property owners in
none in the state. It is said that practicing physican a t Staton,
*iari<* setting o f type. Mr.
different sections of the city to
a new dormitory and science hall where they will make their home. Rnsse!1 was
in Belgrade,Me.,
and was left an orphan at the^ge repair their sidewalks. The agi­
will be built in the not far distant
of ten years, and since that ten­ tation of the P ress for better
Dr. W. D. Ferguson, I
der age has paddled his own ca­ sidewalks is bearing fruit.
who has been soliciting funds for
He moved to Glenwood,
n • •
the use o f the University for thei
past several months, thruout the i License to wed was granted
East, met with much encourage­ Saturday by the auditor o f Clark Weekly Union, he had his first
An exciting runaway occured
ment, and results in the way of county, Washington, to Thomas experience in the newspaper
large donations will likely be Adrms, a bankei* of Vancouver, work. He yet has a copy of the in t h e business section of town
forthcoming soon
and Mrs. Eva Beal, of Salem,Ore­ issue o f that paper on which he Monday afternoon. John, Matt-
first worked, dated November 15. hews and Herb WisWell, two loc-
Several changes will be noted gon.
Mr. Adams made Forest Grove 1857. This paper shows that the al painters, were driving John’s
in the faculty this year. Pro
fessor Lester B. Shippee, who his home for many years, coming merchants of that day were up to frisky colts to their paint wagon,
comes from Providence, R. I., will hereto atte d Pacific Uuiversity date concerning the value o f pub­ when the animals became fright­
occupy the chair o f history and ec­ afterwards being associated in the lic ty thru the press, and adver- ened at an auto standing near the
onomics. He received both his rr.erchantile business with James tised in a way that proved satis- Express office, and bolted down
graduate and post-graduate de­ Woods, a pioneer merchant o f this factory to the buying public, the First avenue. Johnnie couldn’t
grees from Brow'n University. city, whose daughter, Nellie, he publisher and themselves, not- hold ’ em, and when they got to
Professor W. G. Harrington, a wedded. Mrs. Beal was the wid- withstanding that the bank clear- the com er by the free reading
graduate of Brown University and ow of John Beal, who died some ances noted in the Weekly Union room and made a quick turndown
the Emerson school o f Oratory, years ago, and who was born amounted to only fifteen millions College Way, the wagon bed flew
will have charge o f the depart­ and raised in this section, being o f dollars for the entire United 0ff at a tangent and John and
ment o f Public Speaking. Prof­ the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip States, hardly more than what Herb hit the turf with a dull,sick-
essor Earl D. West, a graduate Beal, who were among Oregon’s Portland can show at the present ening thud. The colts raced as
earliest settlers, locating on a time.
faijas Aunt A n Smith’s. Aside
donation land claim o n e mile
Mr. Russell set type and ma- from a few bruises and contus-
north of this city.
nipulated an old Washington hand ions, and broken wagon lied, no
press during the period of his particular damage resulted,
newspaper work, and attri­
Mrs. Charles Hines entertain­
much o f his p r e s e n t
ed a number o f friends Friday
to the energy heacquir-
afternoon in compliment to
Mr. Frank C. Carmack and Miss, , ..
. .
Miss Frances Myers, who is to Hazel B. Aldrich were united in e(1 thru working the lever of the
Mrs. Wilbur McEldowney gave
leave here to take up her school marriage Wednesday morning at old time press. After leaving the the first, Friday, in the series o f
work in Portland for the coming the home of the bride’s mother. Weekly Union he worked on diff- entertainments of the Five Hund­
year. The afternoon was pleas- Mrs. W innefred Aldrich, in this erent papers in various states in red Club which will be held dur-
city,Rev.Hiram Gould officiating. t u viiHrllp West and did his
ently spent playing Five Hund­ The happy couple left on the 10.30
\ * T j,n
¡ng the season. The affair was
red. Mrs. W. B. Haines winning Oregon Electric car for Salem and a8 w” r a , , c °
most enjoyable. Mrs. Mayne J.
first prize, and Mrs. John Thorn­ The Dalles for a honeymoon trip. Miner s Register, Central City, Abbott captured the prize for the
Mrs. Carmack has lived in this Colorado, where he set up Presi-
burgh winning the consolation
highest score. Dainty refresh­
for a number o f years, and ‘ dent Lincoln's last message in
prize. Lunch was served to the
is popular socially. She is a tal- 1865 ¡ n i*#» Mr. Russell pub- ments were served to the club
guests, who were; M«sdames E. ented musican and v ^ h s t and ,jghed a
of hip own> theIn_ members present, who were;
E. Williams. Frank J. Miller. her voice has often been heard at ,
, K. „
, Mesdames Arthur B. Caples,Clif­
Gerald Volk, John H Thornburgh, public affairs. For a number o f dependent Monthly,at Glenwood, ford Brown, Frank Gordon, Will­
B. F. Burlingham, Will B. Haines, years past she has been in the em- Iowa.
xho having had much exper- iam Pollock. Releigh Peterson,
and A. Hinman, and the Misses ploy o f the local telephone sys-
tem. Mr. Carmack is in thecro- ¡ence ^ a new8paper man> and George Paterson, Willis Goff.
Staley. Langley. Hinman. Minnie
ed°*Milk Company at the local admitting that he even vet grows Philip Kinzer, John Wilson Ma-
and Frances Myers.
plant, and he and his bride will wistful when he thinks of the hal- crum, Mayne J. Abbott,and Miss
ycon days when the smell o f the Josephine Baber.
Subscribe for The Press, now. make their home in this city.
Former P. U. Student Weils
Council in Regular Session
Ada ns—Beal
In Honor of Miss Myers
Mrs. McEldowney Entertains