Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, September 08, 1910, Image 1

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    G rove P ress
Vol. I
City Schools Will
Open September 19th
The public schools of this city
will open for the Fall term Sep­
tember nineteenth. All pupils
are expected to assemble on this
date at the building and in the
room where they attended last
year, and the teacher will then
promote from there to the next
grade, and the list of supplies
and books needed will be handed
to each pupil. All pupils who
wish to take special examinations
for school entrance will meet at
the Central building on Friday,
September fourteenth, at one o’­
clock, P. M. All teachers of the
city schools are requested to meet
at the High School buil iing on
Saturday, September seventeeth,
at ten o’clock, A. M.
The list of teachers who will in­
struct in the various grades are
as follows: Central Building,Miss
Taylor, High; Mrs. Shea, High;
Mirs Chalmers, eighth grade;
Miss TWa, sixth: Miss Joy,fifth;
Miss Staley, fourth; Miss Cook,
third; Miss Greer, second; Miss
Clement, first. Lincoln Building,
Professor Leonard Heibel, prin­
cipal; Miss Horton,seventh grade;
Miss Lathrop, sixth and seventh;
Miss Hollingworth, fourth and
fifth; Miss Martin, second and
third; Miss Scroggsv first; Mrs.
0. M. Gardner, domestic science
and art.
0. M. Gardner, Ph. D., Super­
intendent of Forest Grove’s pub­
lic schools, is a native of Ohio,
and has been engaged in school
work for the past twenty years.
He has taught from the little red
school house to college prepara­
tory work, and has for the past
twelve years served as principal
or superintendent of town schools
in various sections in Oregon,
©nd wherever he has labored in
he educational fields of the state,
le schools have grown and im
proved under his leadership. He
came to this city from John Day,
in Eastern Oregon, two years
)go, and that his work here has
met the approval of the patrons
,of the district, is evidenced by
|lb election to the position of
superintendent of the system of
public education in Forest Grove,
ji In the past two years there has
beed added to our schools, two
years’ High School work, making
now a full High School, which is
accredited by the state. Profess­
or Gardner has arranged the
four courses, which will give us
one of the best schools in the
state. A piano has been bought
for the school and entirely paid
for. and four organs have been
added, and they are almost free
fro n debt. Present indications
ar* that there will be a largely
increased attendance over that of
h a t year, and the outlook for a
successful year’s work is partic­
ularly bright and promising.
New Electric Theatre Opens
||T h e Electric Theatre installed
b> Messrs Bennett and Hebner
B the K of P. building was
irmally opened Monday evening
i good sized audiences. The en-
■tainment was varied and of
i excellent class and met with
arty approval From the aus-
icious openi' : , success seems
Hired to the enterprising pro-
Boy has Narrow Escape
Alexander Robinson, formerly
of this city, and who gained a
reputation throughout the North­
west as a distance runner while
attending P.U.,writes the P ress
man from Nehalem of a narrow
escape from drowning he exper­
ienced while swimming in the
river at that place. Alec was
swimmin,; down stream where
the current is very rapid, when
his knee came into violent con­
tact with a submerged rock. The
shock and pain paralized his mus­
cles, and for a time he floated
helplessly down stream. He fin­
ally managed to grasp a project­
ing rock, to which he clung un­
til sufficiently recovered to reach
the shore.
No. 44
Merry Party Saturday Eve. Accidental Discharge of
Strange Visitor Causes
Excitement Sunday Saturday evening a merry
Shot-Gun Causes Death
crowd of ¡young people met at
The meteor which passed over the home of 0. C. Jackson on George Washington Parker, a
this city shortly after noon, Sun­ Pacific avenue, where games farmer living about one mile
day, appearing as a huge ball of were played and music and soc­ Southwest of this city, was kill­
fire, and striking with a jar and ial conversation were indulged in ed last Friday near his home by
until a late hour. Lunch was
noise as of thunder, is supposed served during the course of the the accidental discharge of his
to be located somewhere in the evening. Those comprising the shotgun.
hills beyond Gales Creek, notwith­ jolly crowd were: Misses Hazel
Mr. Parker left the house at
standing that people in other Stockman, Luella Markee, Bertha eight o’clock Friday morning
parts of the state claim to have I Vohs.Sadie Devlin, Neva Griffith, with the intention of shooting a
Iva Devlin, Vivian Dixon, Edyth
seen the heavenly visitor going Godby, Zella Elliot, Cressie Ten­ hawk. He did not return during
out to sea. The reason for be­ nis, Florence Morley.and Messers the day, but no particular un­
lieving that the meteor is in this John Hillman, Roscoe Barker, easiness was felt by his family
region is, that from no other has ; Charles Groves, Loyd Moore, until toward evening, as he fre­
it been reported that a shock was Robert Mott, Guy Morley, Earl quently went hunting and re­
Jackson, Kennard Dixon, George j
felt when the object struck. At Jackson, and Glen Markee.
mained away all day. As night
Buxton and Haines power plant
approached, however, his wife
the disturbance was sufficient to
and children began a search for
rattle the windows. At Gales j 00533436
him in the region of the home.
Creek one woman who saw the
Colonel T.J.Thorp,of Corvallis, awsome spectacle passing over A Chinese cook in the employ Darkness prevented any extend­
who was principal of the Forest
of the construction crew of the ed search, but with the first break
Grove public schools some years
P. R. and N. Railway, building of dawn Saturday morning his
ago, has been granted a patent coming to an end, and her neigh­ from Portland to Tillamook, was son George resumed the search
by the United States government bor admitted that it certainly badly injured Thursday at Tim-) and at about seven o’clock found
on a motor vehicle. Colonel meant something. A prominent ber, by being struck on the head the body of his father lying near
Thorp was a loyal Union man business man and former member by a limb which fell from a tree
a tree in the timber on the farm
during the Civil war, and led his
going through the roof of the cook
troops to victory in many a hard of the legislature, of this city, house. He was removed to Port­ of Edward L. Naylor, at a dis­
fought battle. He was breveted thinks it means the election of land. A white man working on tance of about sixty rods from
Brigadier-General while in the Jay Bowerman to the governor­ the same lire near Nehalem, re- \ the house. The unfortunate man
field for gallantry. The Colonel ship of Oregon.
cently received a fractured leg of had received a charge of shot in
not only has the inventive faculty
| so serious a nature as to necess- j the right side of the head, which
but his knowledge on most sub­
1 itate amputation of the limb be-!
shattered the skull and evidently
jects under the sun is piofund.
tween the foot and knee.
caused instant death.
The weapon which caused his
death was a doublebarrelled ham­
The petition for a County High
merless shotgun, and was lying
Mrs. Charles Hines entertain­ School Fund, which has been cir­
Mrs. Mayne J. Abbott enter­ by his side with one shell explod­
ed about fifty friends Monday culated by Professor Gardner, of tained Friday afternoon in the ed. The theory advanced by the
evening at Five Hundred. The
most delightful manner. Five
affair was planned for the pur­ this city, and Professor Barnes, Hundred was played, Mrs. Chas. coroner for the accident is, that
pose of raising money for the of Hillsboro, has been ordered O. Roe winning the prize for the Mr. Parker either had lain his
Altar Society of the Catholic placed on the official ballot, to be highest score.
Refreshments gun on the ground and it explod­
church. The guests were invit­ voted upon at the November elec­ were served, and the affair was ed when he picked it up, or that
ed to come and bring twenty-five
one of the most enjoyable of the the trigger caught on a small
cents as a donation. The even­ tion, by the county court.
Should the measure carry a
ing was enjoyably spent, punch
Those present were; Mesdames twig sticking in the ground near
was served from the buffet dur­ fund will be set aside by the Chas. Hines, Philip Kinzer, John the gun when found,
ing the evening, and after the county, to be used in*paying the Thornburg,E.E. Williams,Gerald j Coroner E. C. Brown was sum­
cards dainty refreshments were tuition of pupils attending High Volk, A. Hinman, Will Haines, moned from Hiilsboro, and em­
served. First prize at cards were Schools in various sections of the John Wilson Macrum, W. W. Mc- paneled a jury consisting of A.B.
won by Mrs. John Wilson Macrum
Eldowney, John Ablmtt, Samuel
and Charles 0. Roe, while Miss County. A large number of Todd, C. 0. Roe, Willis Goff.H.J. Todd, E. L. Naylor, G. O. Sloan,
Manche Langley and W. B. voters seem to favor the proposi­ Goff.Arthur B.Caples,F.J.Miller, Ed. Rivett, 0. H. Wilson and J.
Haines received consolations for tion, as they believe better schools Rolo Peterson, and Misses Hill of M. Hiatt, who brought in a ver­
lowest scores.
I can be provided with the aid of Portland, Myers, Frances Myers, ! dict of accidental death.
Mr. Parker was a native of Ill­
the fund than is now the case, a Langley and Hinman.
large number of pupils will be
inois, and came to this section
last May from Texas, where he
enabled to attend, and distribu­
been a railway conductor.
Hillsboro’s public schools will
open for the fall term September will make the assessment levied
E. J. Fisher, General Agent of He wasfifty-eight years of age,
ninteenth. Professor B W. Barn­ on each property-holder very the Pacific Home Mutual Fire and a Knight Templar, and is
es will be retained assuperinten light.
Insurance Company, has resigned, survived by his widow and two
ent. The teachers will be: High
and J. R. Schultz, of Albany,has children, George and Frances.
school;EIvaSmith,Sarah Boldrick
been appointed to fill the vacan­
and Anna Buckingham; eighth
cy. Mr. Schultz has had con-; Funeral services were held Sun­
grade, Mrs. M. C. Case; seventh
siderable experience in the insur­ day under the auspices of the
grade, Lonne Weatherred; sixth
business, and his appoint­ Masons’ lodge of this city, with
Mrs. J. W. Marsh, a native of ance
grade, Jennie Beamish; fifth
ment as general agent will doubt interment in Forest View ceme-
grade, Ruth Jones; fourth grade, Oregon, died at the home of her less meet with the approval of tary. Mr. Parker was an indus­
Cecelia Greer; third grade, Emily daughter, Mrs.L.G. Weidewitsch, the patrons of the Pacific Home
Young, Miss Walker; second at Cornelius Friday. Mrs.Marsh Company, which is one of the trious man, and had gained the
grade, Alma Curtis; first, Mrs. was the daughter of Mr. and strongest Mutuals in the country. good opinion of his neighbors
Brown, Miss Yard. The Misses Mrs. J. DeLetts, early Oregon
during his short residence in this
Boldrick and Curtis are residents pioneers, and was born at Ran­
section because of his good qual-
dolph, Coos county, October 2,
of this city.
1855. The family came to Wash­
The sympathy of the commun­
ington county in 1867, and locat­
ed at Centerville, three miles The W. C. T. U. will hold its ity is extended to the bereaved
Northwest of this City, where annual meeting Friday afternoon family that has lost a kind hus­
3 o’clock at the residence of
Frank Meresse and wife are the deceased was united in mar­ at
S. G. Morgan on 3rd Ave., band and loving father by the de­
spending the week with friends in
and 3rd streets. plorable accident.
this city. Mr. and Mrs. Meresse Marsh, and where she has con­ Officers for 2nd
ensuing year will
were married a few weeks ago in tinuously made her home since. be elected at that
time, it is hop­
Peru, 111., the home of the bride, Besides her husband she is sur­ ed that every member
will make
who was Miss Bell Denny. Miss
Denny lived for some time in
There will be no formal pro-
Forest Grove and has many John Marsh, Centerville; Mrs. L. gram
but the topic for the meet­ Mrs. Minerva Walker is visit­
friends here. Mr. Meresse is a G. Weidewitsch. Cornelius; Mrs. ing will
be“Vacation Gleanings” , ing this week at the homes of
well known Forest Grove man. T. Green. Banks; Mrs. Anna and every
member is asked to her son and daughter. S. A. Walk­
The young cougle will make their Cummings, Banks,and Ben Marsh bring some item
of interest from er and Mrs. George Armentrout,
home in Montana.
Centerville. Funeral services her vacation experiences.
in this city. Mrs. Walker has
George Hayden, a pioneer res­ were held Sunday at the Cornel­ All women interested in the lived on the donation land claim
ident of Thatcher and a civil war ius Methodist church, with inter­ “ Oregon Dry Campaign” are two miles South-west of Banks
most cordially invited to come to
veteran, died suddenly at his
where she and her husband locat­
home yesterday afternoon. He ment in the Cornelius cemetery. this meeting.
ed in 1848, continuously since
was aged eighty-two years, and
In London they say that a man
A band organization was per- that early period. Though past
is survived by his widow and one
soi> Allen Hayden. Interment should allow his wife one-fifth of fected last night, and first prac- eighty-two years of age, she is
wiff be made tomorrow in the his income. Here, they get five- tice will take place tomorrw even- still vigorous, and in full posse«
ion of all her mental faculties.
Teacher Receives Patent
1 P.R.&N. Line
County High School
Fund to Be Voted Upon Entertains at Five Hundred
Mrs. Chas. Hines Entertains
Opening of Hillsboro Schools
Change of General Agent
Native of Oregon Passes
W.C.T.U. Meeting
Bride and Groom Arrive
Pioneer Visiting in City