« — I I atom H i a j t s - m j a n e w ^ ( M. i. Abbott Jewe9er and Optician Watch Repairing A Specialty Paterson Block Pacific Avenue F o rest Grove YOU A U TO Try our invigorating and refreshing SODA Additional Local Items j To the Voters of Washington County of General Interest ■ I hereby announce myself as a L a a e s M a e s a a ie H ia a l Republican candidate for the off­ John Dethlefs was in town on ice of County Judge o f Washing­ ton County, subject to the action business Saturday. of the Primaries on S ep t24,1910, Geo. S. Allen made a business If I am nominated and elected, I will, during my term of office, trip to Portland Saturday. honestly, conscientiously and im­ Mrs. M. A. Thomas and daught­ partially perform the duties ap­ er Amy, were visitors to the Rose pertaining to the same, and will use my best efforts to give the city Friday. people o f Washington County a Alec Todd, road supervisor o f progressive, businesslike and eco­ the Oakhill section, was a Grove nomical administration of county affairs. I favor the building of isitor Friday. permanent rock roads, a uniform John McClaren, a prominent system o f road building, and in getting permanent returns for the money expended, and will work to that end. Scott Smith, a former resident My motto is, “ Businesslike ad­ o f this city, now farming in the ministration, permanent roads, Dillev section, was in the Grove and full value forevery dollar ex pended.” G. W. M arsh Friday. Cornelius, Ore. S. Sears, a well-to-do farmer of Hillside, was looking after For County Treasurer business matters in the Grove Friday. To the voters of Washington County. 0 . A. Corl has rented the Case I hereby announce myself a house at A street and Third ave­ nue, and has already taken pos­ candidate for the office o f County Treasurer o f Washington County, session. on the Republican Ticket, subject Miss Helen McEldowney, with to the action of the Primary her grandfather, H. W. McEl­ Election, to be held on the 24th day o f September, 1910. downey, attended the circus in If I am nominated and elected, Portland Friday. I will at all times endeavor to D in Parsons and wife have re­ conduct the affairs of the office as carefully in the future as I turned from a two weeks enjoy­ have in the past. able camping trip in the mount­ W. M. J ackson . ains o f the Timber section. Mesdames John Wilson Macrum For Recorder of Conveyances and John E. Bailey, with Miss I hereby announce myself as a Cooley, who is visiting friends in candidate of the Republican par­ this city, were in Portland Sat ty for Recorder of Conveyances urday. o f Washington County, subject The large tent on the Congre­ to the approval of the voters at gational church square, wherein the Primary election on the 24th. day o f September, 1910. Dr. Paddock held a series o f re­ L eo P erkins vival meetings recently, has been removed. For The Legislature Mr. Strout, who has owned the 35 acre tract known as the French place near Dilley, has sold to Mr. Switzer o f White Sal­ mon. Mr. Stout will go to White Salmon to take charge of a store there. with pure crushed fruits for flavoring. You are not limited to crushed fruits, how­ Professor Hazzard, a promi­ ever. O ur C hocolate I ce C ream S odas nent educator, and formerly with and N ut S undaes are simply delicious. I hereby announce myself as a candidate o f the Republican party for the legislature for Washing­ ton county,subject to the approv­ al o f the voters at the Primary election on the 24th day o f Sept. 1910. W. H. H ollis . For County Treasurer the Portland Academy, who is now living the simple life on a ranch in the Watt’s district, was Forest Grove transacting business in the Grove Friday. W . E. Prickett Pacific Ave. For County Judge I hereby announce myself as a Republican candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Washington County, subject to the endorsement o f the primary election to be held Saturday, Sept. Austin Buxton, o f the Watt’ s 24, 1910. H. G. K ing . section, ex-master o f the state grange, has been named by act­ ing governor Jay Bowerman as one ot’ the Oreyon delegates to i the Fanners’ National congress ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE TO CREDITORS which will l>e held at Lincoln, Notice is hereby given that E. I Nebraska, commencing Oct. 6. B. Catching has been appointed by the County Court of Washing- The two large deer killed by con County, state o f Oregon, as ' H. W. Scott and son Alec last Administrator o f the estate of week were photographed by C. Benj. F. Catching deceased, and A. Littler, the proud nimrods be­ all persons having bills against ing much in evidence in the pic­ said estate will present them to the said E. B. Catching, at the tures. The animals were unusu­ office o f Langley & son in Forest ally large, one weighing 151 Grove, Oregon, properly verified pounds,and the other 155 pounds. according to law, before the ter­ mination o f six months from the date o f this notice. Dated September 1st, 1910. E. B. Catching, Administrator o f the estate of Geo. G. Hancock Benj. F. Catching, dec’d. Langley & Son, Attys. 43-5t To the voters of Washington County, Oregon: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. I hereby announce myself as a Sealed bids will be received by candidate for th*- office o f Sheriff o f Washington County, subject the County Court of Washington to the endorsement o f the pri­ County, Oregon, until 2 p. m. o f mary election, to be held on Sep­ thp 8th dav of September 1910. and then opened for the construc­ tember 24th. 1910. If I am nominated and elected tion of a fill and bridge on the I will during my term of office, Armen trout place near Roy sta­ faithfully and impartially dis­ tion. A certified check for 5 % o f the charge the duties thereof, and give to the jieople o f this county amount o f bid will lie required an efficient ¡.nd at the same time and the court »-eserves the right to reject any or all bids. ar economical administration. Specifications may be seen at I further state that I wiil give the bjn'nem of that office my the office of the County Judge. By order o f the Court, personal attention, with courts v J. W. G oodin , and fair treatment to all. 42-3t County Judge. G eo . G. H a n c o c k . Legal Notices THROUGH TICKETS EAST OREGON ELECTRIC RAIL’Y ON SALE D A ILY V IA A N D CHOICE OF R OUTE BEYO N D PO R TLAN D Low Round-Trip ----- St. P r u l St. Louis Excursion Fares t o ---------------------- Denver Boston C h ic a g o N ew Y o rk And Other Eastern Pcints On Sale - FVn- ret*-«, sk-—* - v.«»—-R ;c r «, B11g A. L. R:iT. A. G F. & P. A. vrefron E ectr r Railway Portland, Ore. Sept. 8, 1910 ¡reformation address J. E. Farmer, Agent Ore. Eiec, Rv. Forest Grove, Ore. Aniiouncercents of Candidates UMINISTIUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap­ pointed adminstrator o f the es­ tate o f Jens P. Hansen, deceased, by the County Court o f Oregon, for Washington county and has qualified as such administrator. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same, verified as by law required, to me at the office o f Langley & Son, Forest Grove, Oregon, within six (6) months from date o f this notice. Dated and published Sept. 1,1910. Walter Hansen, Administrator o f the estate o f Jens P. Hansen,deceased. 43-5t L angley & SoN.Atty. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court o f the State o f Oregon for Washington County. In the matter o f the estate o f Mary E. Tennis deceas­ ed. H. W. Miller executor. Notice is hereby given that the executor o f the last Will and Testament o f Mary E. Tennis, has filed his final account as such executor, in the County Court of the State o f Oregon for Washing­ ton County, in the above entitled estate, and that the Hon. J. W. Goodin judge o f the above entitl­ ed Court, has set Monday Sept­ ember 12th 1910 at the hour of 10 o ’ clock in the fore-noon of said day as the time and at the County Judge’ s office in the Court House at Hillsboro, Wash­ ington County, Oregon as the place, being the time and place set for the hearing of objections if anv to said final account, and for the distribution o f the residue o f said estate and for his final settlement and discharge therein. This order o f publication being dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, Aug­ ust 8th, 1910. The first publication of this notice being made on the 11th day o f August, 1910 in the Forest Grove Press. H. W. M iller ,executor of the last will and testament o f M ary E. T ennis deceased. J. N. H offman , attorney. 40-6t 01029 Notice For Publication DEP’T. OF THE INTERIOR U.S. L and O ffice Portland,Ore. August 6th, 1910 N otice is hereby given that H enry A. B urley , o f Bacona, Oregon, who,on September 18th, 19“ , made Homestead entry,No. 15082, Serial, No.01029, for the SEJ Section 2, Township 3 North, Range 4 West, Willamette Meri­ dian, has filed notice o f intention to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver o f the United States Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 23rd day of September, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: M.M. S huster , R obert C.Goss- man , J ohn J ensen J ohnson ,J.N. F lippin , all of Bacona. Oregon. H.F.H igby , 40-5t Register. Notice for Publication DEP’T OF THE INTERIOR U.S.L and O ffice , Portland,Ore. August 13th, 1910 Notice is hereby given that J ohn K ostur , o f Buxton, Washington County, Oregon,who,on Septem­ ber 16th, 1905, made Homestead Entry No. 15789,Serial,No, 01223, for the Eè SEJ, Section 14, and Eè NEL Section 23, Township 3 North, Range 5 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice o f in­ tention to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver o f the United States Land Office, at Portland,Oregon.on the 28th day o f September, 1910. Claimant names as witness««: C arl I ler , o f Timber, Oregon. R oy N eiohbor . o f Timber, Ore. W illiam R oberts , o f KistOre. H enry H uber , o f Kist. Oregon. H. F. H igby 41-6t Register. ■# W «- j L y