Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, September 01, 1910, Image 5

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    ' . . i - J . ____
lie for Dressed Veal
S m ith p a y s rt. a n d h e w ill p a y
12c fo r D re sse d P o rk .
16c f o r L iv e C h ic k en s.
2 5 c do*. fo r F re s h E g g s .
S m ith does n o t ch a rs:« co m m ission. Y ou r « t
A L L y o u r m oney w h e n you s h ip to S m ith .
A d d re s s
F R A N K L. S M I T H M E A T CO.
“F l f f h t l n c t h e B i e l T r u s t"
A. P . A R M S T R O N G , LL. B . , P R IN C IP A L
O u r s is a d m itte d ly th e h ig h -s ta n d a rd co m m ercial
sch o o l o f th e N o rth w e s t. T e a c h e rs h a v in g b o th
b u s in e s s a n d p ro fe s s io n a l e x p e rie n c e q u a lify s tu ­
d e n t s f o r s u c c e ss, b y in d i v id u a l in s tr u c tio n i f
d e s ire d , in a s h o r t tim e a n d a t s m a ll e x p e n se .
P o sitio n f o r e a c h a s soon a s c o m p e te n t. O p en all
th e y e a r. C a ta lo g u e , b u s in e s s fo rm s a n d p en -
w o rk f r e e . W r ite to d a y — th e r e is m o n e y in i t .
H ig h S ta n d a r d
T h o ro u g h C o u rses
S ession b e g in s S e p t. 12. ’ g
F o r c a ta lo g u e a d ­
d re s s D ean,
D r. S . E . J o s e p h i,
6 1 0 D e le u m B ld g ., P o r t l a n d . O r e g o n
K n o w le d g e .
Knowledge Is an excellent drug, but
no drug has virtue enough to preserve
Itself from corruption and decay If the
vessel be tainted and impure whereto
It Is put to keep. Such a one may have
a sight clear and good enough, who
looks asquint, but consequently sees
what 1 b good, but dees not follow It,
and sees knowledge, but makes no use
of It.—M ontalm«
OWARD E. BURTON — A m y e r an d Chem ist,
Lead villa, Colorado. S pecim en prices: Gold,
S ilv e r, L ead . fl. G old, S ilver, 76e; G old 60e: Z inc
o r C opper, SI- M ailing envelopes and fu ll price list
• e n t o n ap p licatio n . C ontrol aud U m p ire work so­
lic ite d . R eference: C arbonate N ational Bank.
Tents, Awnings, Sails
C*H. Hammocks, Canvas and Coven
1 o r 1,000 s t fa c to r y p ric es.
27 N . F ir s t S t . F o r t la n d . O r.
W rite fo r ca talo g u e « a n d lite r a tu r e . D ev elo p in g
a n d p rin tin g . M ail o rd e rs g iv e n p ro m p t a tte n tio n
P o r t l a n d P h o t o S u p p l y C o.
149 T h ird S tr e e t
S e n d y o u r boy w h e re h e w ill
h a v e good, s tr o n g tr a in in g . F all
te rm o p en s S e p te m b e r 14th 1910.
W rite f o r c a ta lo g u e .
N e th & C o. EiS w
W e Buy and C ollect N o te s, M o r tg a g e s, ««id R eal
E sta te C on tracts.
N o C o llectio n N o C h a r g e .
Worcester Bldg.,
Portland, Ore.
Trains for success in the Industries.
Provides practical and liberal educa­
tion. Strong Faculty. Modern Equip­
Offers courses in Agriculture,
Forestry, Domestic Science and Art-
Engineering, Commerce and Pharmacy.
Fall Term Opens Sept 23, 1910.
Illustrated literature, giving full in­
formation. sent free on application.
Address the Registrar, Corvallis, Ore.
“Clean. 0 ”
Disinfectant Spray
Cold Water Liquid Starch
Koa-Roiling Washing Fluid
K .A N d S -C H E M ic ^ ft,
P h
a r m a c is t s
Phono Main 113
Vancouver, Washington
Inion Painless Denti sts
O u t - o f - T p w n P e o p le
'ree whmn pises« or bridges are s rd s rs d . W# rw
th e mont sensitiv« te e th a n i roots w ithout ik e
« sy M ra r& a w s:
S ot of T s « t% .- a „
i Work or Tooth i
or ParooisAo
FUH m s . ..
P W u Modo
efearrn for Frinì— , Extracta» w k n «ther
V A o m . U r r a i* ’ G u a rn ito , w itk r i m
• > . ar. t r i * , or. U H M anto«
M o rn in g S p a t.
She (angrily)—I can stand this no
longer; you're utterly unbearable, and
Itinerant Optician« W ork Rural Dis­
I'm going back to mother this very
tricts Without State License.
The Oregon S tate Board of E xam in­
He (coolly)—Very well, th a t a r
ers in Optomery will pay a rew ard o f
S T A T E B U Y S P H E A S A N TS .
W IL D E S T O N E A R T H .
rangement will suit me exactly; I'll
$25 to anyone causing the a rre st and
see you this evening. I met your
conviction of any person or persons
mother yesterday and she Invited me Pendleton Show to Eclipse Anything Birds Will Be Liberated by Game testing eyes and selling glasses who do
not hold a certificate issued to them by
to take supper with her tonight.
Warden Stevenson.
Ever Attempted in West.
the Board of Exam iners.
I t is n o t
Corvallis — R. O. Stevenson, state alone necessary for them to possess
Pendleton — Deputy D istrict A tto r­
A Failure.
game warden, has purchased 100 pairs theis certificate, but it m ust be regis­
“Well, old man, have you found that ney Frederick Steiw er, of U m atilla of Reeves pheasants of Gene Simpson tered with and countersigned by th«
marriage Is a success?"
county, form erly a well known ath lete at «15 per pair and will liberate them Clerk of the court, in each county
"Nope, I have found th at It la a fail­ a t the U niversity of Oregon, who is in sections ¿of the sta te showing the where the holder practices. The public
in general is hereby warned not to p a t­
chairman of the com m ittee on com­ least number of violations of the game ronize anyone not holding such certifi­
"Why. how’s that?"
laws. This week four pairs will be
'My father-in-law says I must go to petitive events for “ The Round-U p,” sent to each of the following and liber­ cate, ns in the strict le tte r of the law
they are accessory to the illegal p rac­
work ”
which is to be given in th is city Sep­ ated [by th e m :
Bob Hughes, eight tice and will at least be called upon t a
Mothers w in And Mrs. W inslow 's Soothing
go into court and testify as witnesses,
B y ru p t i i e b e s t r e m e d y to u s e fox t h e i r c iiU d r s o
drawn up a provisional d ra ft'o f the Medford; Eugene W right, Grants Pass; against the persons violating the law.
d u rin g th e te e th in g p e rio d .
For further particulars address H.
events for the big fro n tier show, and J . D. Wilson, Yoncalla; Philip R itter,
ai. Barr, Sec., S tate Board of Exam -
from th a t it is evident th a t the exhibi­ Albany; Paul Houser, Salem.
An Irresponsible Client.
O thers will be liberated later “when ■miners of Optometry, Salem, Ore.
The lawyer of a amn named Tem- tion here will be the w ildest w estern
bornlno, who was beln . tried for theft show ever pulled off in the N orthw est. suitable localities have been found
Alfalfa Juice a Curative.
in the Paris courts receiftty. pleaded The list includes bucking contests, and where the assurance is given th at
Alfalfa, hitherto holder of a plebeian
that Tambornlno was not quite ac­ steer roping contests, relay races, they will be properly protected.
place In the food scheme, Is destined
Reeves pheasants are the largest of to become a comprehensive medicative
countable for his actions. This de men’s and women’s, and pony express
tense made the prisoner so angry that races lasting over three days, wild
and remedial agent th a t will put all
he leaned over the dock and knocked horse races, wild mule races, wild g rea t gam e bird in England, but so far others In the shade, according to Dr.
his lawyer flat on the floor of the steer races, tug-o’-war on horseback, as known Oregon is the first sta te to Marian N. Clark, who announces th e
court. The lawyer was not much hurt slow mule races, Indian pony races, stock up w ith th is variety, ju st as it discovery of rem arkable curative pow­
and rising to bis feet, made use of his fancy and trick shooting, hat races, was the first to plant the China ring- ers in the plant and blossoms. H er
client's violence so cleverly th at he horseback pistol contest, fancy roping neck, which has been so prolific in its Idea, already carried out on a small
and bulldogging of steers.
O ther propagation. Many of the sta te s have scale and suggested by the methol In­
secured an acquittal
events will be added from tim e to tim e been w asting th e ir money on the H un­ dustry, 1s to electrolyze the alfalfa:
nod. Weak, Weary, W etery Eye*.
R e lie v e d B y M u r in e E y e R e m e d y .
T r y as the com m ittee completes arrange­ garian partridge.
and condense Its healing elem ents to
M u r i n e F o r Y o u r E y e T r o u b l e s . You W i l t ments, and for all of them purses will
The pheasants ju st bought are paid vest pocket size—a haystack of medi­
L i k e M u r in e .
I t S o o th e s .
60c a t Y o u r
D r u g g i s t s . W r i t e For E y e B o o k s . Free. be hung up for the winners, who will
cine In a tiny ta b le t Dr. Clark r e ­
M u r i n e K y e R e m e d y C o ., C h i c a g o .
receive in addition the title of all- which there is now «50,000 on hand. counts many Instances of curing w ith
N orthw est champion.
Besides the Mr. Stevenson gives it out as his inten­ the condensed alfalfa juice many nerv­
Seemed to Be In Line.
com petitive events there will be In­ tion to spend a portion of this money
The small newsboy was leaning uj dian w ar dances, m ilitary spectacles, in an effort to restock the fields and ous alim ents, from D. T.’s to th a t tire d
feeling. One of these was th e ag g ra­
against the wall, sobbing bitterly.
stream s.
parades and cowboy band concerts.
vated case of a Reno sport who bet
"Cheer up, my little man," said e
on Jeffries and drowned his sorrow li»
passerby. “W hat's the use of wor
so many tall ones th at the cobras
F A R M E R S P L A N T F R U IT .
rylng? You may be president soru>
came to get him. The condensed hay
“S-say,” sobbed the little fellow, “It Apples and Pears on Commercial Five Drills Are Boring Fields of expert beat ’em to it, and cured th e
Eastern Oregon.
victim so effectively th at now he shud­
s-sure do Llook as If I wus h-headed
Scale Popular Near Weston.
dat way; somebody's alters a-roastln
Vale— W alter S. M artin, one of the ders at sight of even a dog. If the dog
Tobacco chewing,
Weston — F arm ers in the mountain owners of the E astern Oregon Land Is a growler.
m e!"
country adjacent to Weston are pre­ company, and whose home is in San gloomy thoughts of suicide, Insomnia,
It C ures W hile Y ou W alk.
A lle n ’s F o o t-H a re is a c e r t a i n c u r e f o r h o t, paring to plant commercial orchards, Francisco, is in Vale for the purpose and a host of other undesirable things
r w e a ti n g , c a llu s , a n d s w o lle n , a c h in g fe e t. S o ld and 30 or more have contracted for
of looking into the development of his fade away like the m ists of the morn­
b y a l l D r u g g is ts . P r ic e 25c. D o n 't a c c e p t a n y
V isiting experts have pro­ vast holdings in Malheur county, which ing under the soothing influence of •
s u b s titu te . T ria l p a c k a g e
F R E E . A d d r e s s trees.
A llo n S . O lm s te d , L e R o y , N . Y.
nounced the mountain soil to be well will eventually lead into the placing of few forkfuls of alfalfa bunched up Into
adapted for w inter apples and pears his acreage on the m arket. Demon­ a tablet. ________________
Almond ice cream.
W ith alm ost girlish pride she dis­ w ithout irrigation, and each of the stration farm s are being established in
One quart of cream, eight ounces of
played the crullers she had cooked for farm ers interested will plant from one the Cow valley country and dry farm ­
to ten acres of these fruits this fall ing is proving successful. Grain will sugar, four ounces of shelled almonds,
him with her own little hands.
“How do you like them ?" she ven­ Small orchards have been tried here­ th is year yield from 25 to 40 bushels to one teaspoonful of caramel, one table-
tofore, but received no attention and the acre. Some of the corn stands over spoonful of vanilla extract and four
tured at tea.
“W ell," he chuckled, trying to ex­ frequently contained a score of differ­ six feet high. Mr. Martin is greatly tableBpocmfuls of sherry wine. Blanch
One or two standard interestd in the the Vale oil fields and and roast the almonds, then pound In
trac t his teeth from one. ”*lt would en t varieties.
have been b etter If you had made commercial varieties will now be is looking over the five different wells a m ortar to a smooth paste. Put h alt
them very much larger. Then I could planted by each farm er, and the young now being drilled. He is pleased with the cream and the sugar on to boll;
stir until the sugar Is dissolved, th en
have used them as automobile tires." trees will receive thorough care and the prospects.
add the remaining pint of cream and
Since in terest in fru it culture has
If Your Eyes Bother You
the almonds; stand away to cool;
W heat — Blueatem, 95@97c; club, when cold add the caramel, vanilla
g et a box of PET T IT ’S EYE SALVE, been aroused in the past few weeks
old, reliable, most successful eye rem ­ many fine specimens of mountain pears 88c; red Russian, 86c; valley, 90c; and sherry. Freeze and pack.
edy made. All druggists or Howard and apples, raised on a few th rifty 40-fold, 90c; Turkey red, 88(rz92c.
Watermelon -sweet Pickles.
Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
trees, have been brought to town for
Barley—Feed and brewing, «23<ff) Layer of grape leaves, layer of rin d ;
J . R. Beaton exhibits two 23.50 per ton.
Diamond Will Indent 8teel.
sprinkle teaspconful of alum, cover
apples w eighing three pounds.
H ay—Track prices: Timothy. Wil­ with water, and let simmer on stove
While the diamond Is the hardest
substance known It Is also brittle and
until clear. Set aside to cool. To
ern Oregon, «20(0)21; alfalfa, new, «13 one pound of rind take one pound of
may be fractured by a blow. But If It
<0>14: grain hay, «13(0)14.
Is placed between two hard steel faces
sugar, one-half pint vinegar, six
Corn— Whole, «32 per ton; cracked, cloves, four sticks of cinnamon, and a
In a hydraulic press and a slowly ac­ Representatives to Farmers’ Conven­
celerating pressure applied the hard
■mall piece of white ginger rooL Boll
tion Get Credentials.
M illstuffs—Bran, «20 per ton; mid­ rind and sirup 30 minutes and con
steel will become indented.
Salem—Delegates to the F arm ers’ dlings, «30; shorts, «21(0)22; rolled while h o t.________________
National congress to be held a t Lin­ barley, «25(0)26.
How He Did It.
Oats— New, «29(0)30 per ton.
coln, Neb., commencing October 6, and
"Well, I have been 20 years trying
to the American Mining congress, to
B u tter—City creamery, solid pack, to get Into the house late at night
" I used Cascarets and feel like a new be held a t Los Angeles, Cal., from Sep­
in. I have b e e n a sufferer from dys­ tem ber 26 to October I, were named 36c per pound; b u tter fat, 36c; coun­ without waking my wife, and last
night I succeeded."
pepsia and sour stomach for the last two by Acting Governor Jay Bowerman. try store butter, 24c.
"Yes, I heard she was away a t the
years. I have been taking medicine and
shore for the summer "
other drugs, but could find no relief only TTie delegates to the Farm ers’ congress 16@17c; ducks, white,
Austin T. Buxton,
for a abort time. I will recommend are as follow s:
geese, 22!^(0)25c; turkeys, live, 20c;
Tough Luck.
Cascarets to my friends as the only thing Forest Grove; B. C. Leedy, Corvallis; dressed, 2 2 (0.25c; squabs, «3 perdoz.
W arden—You’ll get six months for
for indigestion and sour stomach and to Fred Crane, Cleone; C. D. Huffman,
Pork—Fancy, 13c per pound.
this job.
keep the bowels in good condition. La Grande; A. T. Shoemake, Salem;
Veal—Fancy, 12c per pound.
Prisoner—Ju st my blooming l u c k .
They are very nice to eat.”
A. A. Bonney, Tygh Valley; A. I.
Green F ru its — Apples, new, 50c(0) Only had my hair on last n ig h t Three-
P leasant. P rlrta b lr. P o ten t. Tart* Good.
Da Good. N e v e r S ick en . W e ak en or Gripei
son, Vale; B. F. Laughlin, Yamhill; «1.25 per box; apricots, 76c@ «l; pence chucked away, as you might
10c. 25c. 60c. N ever void in bolk. T h e g en ­
50<0(85c; say.—Illustrated n its
u in e ta b let etam ped C C C. G uaranteed to
C. L. Shaw, Albany; T. E. Griffith, plums, 75c(0«l; peaches,
c u re or Four m oney brelc.
Klam ath Falls; C. L. Griffith, McCoy; pears, «1.26(01.50; grapes, «1(0)1.75;
New Potato Hint.
W. D. Barnes,
C. N. blackberries, «1(0)1.50 per crate; huck­
your Angers scraping
W heeler, Pleasant Hill; W. P. Kirch-
"Did you ©7sr witness a great strug­ am, Oregon City. Delegates to the «1.25 per hundred; cantaloupes, «2.50 Dew potatoes. Put In cold water for
a few minutes, then rub with a sm all
gle wtth the waves?" asked the man Mining congress are: W. T. W right, @3 per crate.
Vegetables — Beans, 3@5c pound; piece of burlap or coarse cloth, which
who was always asking queer ques­ Roseburg: J . S. Day, Olalla.
cabbage, 2(03c; cauliflower, «1.50 per removes every particle of akin.
doz.; celery, 90c; corn, 12(0 15c; cu­
For M i x i n g Concrete.
"Yes," laughed the pompous man In
Rush Work o n Cut-off.
cumbers, 25(0,40c per box; eggplant, 6c
For mixing concrete a spade haa
the green shirt. "I once sat for two
K lam ath Falls—Construction is be­ pound; garlic, 8®10e; green onions, been Invented with long, oval holes
long hours while a professional hair
Falls- 15c dozen; peppers, 50c per box; rad­ In the blade, the perforations allow­
dresser struggled with my wife's m ar ing pc shed on the Klamath
Natron line, but no construction is be­ ishes, 15(020c per dozen; squash, 40c ing the finer cement to flow through
cel waves."
ing done by the Oregon Trunk in Kla­ per crate; tomatoes, S00t40e per box; and glvo the 'ace a finer finish.
math county.
Surveyors are a t work carrots, «1(0)1.25 sack; beets, «1.60;
in the Wood riv er valley and vicinity, parsnips, «1(01.25; turnips, «1.
j No locations for the line from the head Potatoes — New, «1.25(01.50 per
| of the Upper Klamath lake to Klam ath hundred; sweet potatoes, 3c per pound.
New, «1.50(0)2 per sack.
In order to maintain l Falls have been made. I t is believed C Onions—
attle— Beef steers, good to choice,
th a t the road will be built so th a t the
strength and keep the body | vast
tim ber holdings of the Weyer- «5(05.25; fa ir to medium, «4(04.50;
in a healthy condition these hauser company can be tapped. These cows and heifers, good to choice, «4(0 !
fa ir to medium, «3.50(04; bulls,
things are absolutely neces­ | holdings are on both sides of the Upper 4.50;
Klam ath lake.
The branch line to «3.25(0)4; calves,
sary:—keep the digestion Medford will be the first to be built, heavy, «3.76(05.
If you wish a high-class hair
normal — the bowels free as most of the contracts for this have Hogs — Top, «9.50(0)10; fair to me- | dressing, we are sure A ye r’s
Hair Vigor, new improved for­
from constipation — the already been let, and supplies are be­ dium,
Sheep— Best ML Adams wethers, «4
ing drawn to some extent from this
mula, will greatly please you.
liver and kidneys active. valley.
(04.50; best valley wethers, «3.25(0
It keeps the hair soft and
3.50: fa ir to good wethers, *3(03.26;
For this particular work
smooth, makes it look rich and
Investigate Log Stealing.
there is nothing quite as
choice ML Adams, *5.50(06.76; choice
luxuriant, prevents splitting at
good as Hostetler s Stomach
ends. And it keeps the
I. O’Phelan, of Pacific county, Wash­ valley, «5(05.25.
Bitters. Try a bottle for ington, is Investigating a wholesale Hops— 1909 crop, 10(013c; olds, nom­ the
free from dandruff.
1910 contracts, 13c.
Cramps, Diarrhoea, Indi­ system of log thievery in which sev­ inal;
Dnet n rl chang* lh* color o f th* hmtr.
Wool— Eastern Oregon, 13(017c per
eral prom inent business men of North
gestion and Malaria.___
pound; valley, 18(020c; mohair, choice,
Beach are said to be connected. Dur­
fa 33c.
ing the past several months., Mr.
Caacara, Bark— 4 %e per pound.
O 'Pbelan states, logs to the am ount of
Hides — Salted hides, 7(0)7He per
* '*
H i m « q m b . m > .
more than «6,000 have been missing.
pound; salted calf, 13c; salted kip, 8c;
salted staga, 6c; green hides, 1c less; At the same time the new Ajrer’e H tir
Good Yield o f Clover Seed.
dry hide#, 16H<cgl7e; dry calf, 17(018c; Vigor is a strong heir tonic, promoting
the growth of the bsir, keeping ell the
Albany—J. A. Jones, who had 31 dry stag*. 11(012c.
acres of red clover from which he took
P elts—Dry, 10><e; salted, butchers' tissues of tbe heir end scalp In a healthy
seed harvested 252 bushels, or a trifle take-off; « 1.16^1.40; S pring lambs, condition. Tbe hair stops falling, dan­
druff disappears. A splendid d re ssin g
more than eig h t bushels per acre.
—1 ■ H iSyttad.ftAyseOst.IwwWa.Mss« —
f o r Perfect health
W t M A M U fC T V W C ALI » 1 * f t C l A l T l g S
401 Mam SL
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