^ e n t , and the town itself better Occasionally adyertihement for theMrciiiit in- widower who Published & Edited by The P r e s s has no disposition vested. We hope lie interest in marrying joke, G. E. S E C O U R to knock. That which for the the matter aroused by the PRESS in the City of F orest G ro ve , O regon , best interests of the town would [ will continue until it comes to THURSDAY o f EACH WEEK. better be left unsaid, we won’ tsay full iruition. The object o f this paper is to I n d e p e n d e n t P hones work always for the up-building Road Building in low O f f i c e 505 R esidence 231 o f the town, community and The women say that unless you : Entered at the poet office at Forest Grove, O rti county, and to that end we will A remarkable thing has been are very careful, it is easy to get! as mail matter o f the second class. lend the aid and influence o f our accomplished in road work in an ugly carpet ort your lloor. T e r m s o f S u b s c r ip t io n columns. We do not consider it Iowa. A good highway has been CASH IN ADVANCE as knocking when we call atten­ established at an estimated cost One Year $1.00 - Six Months .76 A bug that will try to get sus tion to any needed improvement, o f building and maintenance of tenance from an imitation palm, Display advertisements for publica­ but on the contrary think that $3 a mile for the first year. This certainly has the wrong huncii. tion in the PRESS must be in this office where there is a disposition on road extends from Council Bluffs not later than Tuesday evening to in­ the part of the citizens or officials to Davenport and is 380 miles in sure appearance in current issue. One never fully appreciates a to Le careless in any matter length. boy until one sleeps with a lad touching the civic welfare, the The work was practically all T o O u r P atrons proper word spoken at the proper done by volunteer labor, on the who has been eating crackers in H. W . Volimer, M. D. time, and repeated if necessary, “ township unit” plan. There bed. Physician end Surgeon The PRESS is published wit will do much to enhance the were commissioners for each Office in Abbott Bldg. the constant aim o f best serving growth of the town or commun­ county thru which the road pass­ The most uncommon thing in Roth Fhor.es Forest Grove, Ogu. our advertisers and subscribers ity. ed, all without pay, and ali class­ this world, despite its universal We believe they are interested in Therefore we again call the at­ es o f people, including farmers, application, seems to he common the publication, and we shall be O. W . Humphrey owners, bankers, sense. tention o f the property owners automobile pleased to receive any suggestion clergymen, merchants, teachers and the city officials o f Forest yhlorr.ey-at-Lcio looking towards its improvement. Grove to the fact that the side­ and editors were pressed into It’s easy to say lots of bright, Offlce.K. P. BMg. Phone 644 If you know any news items of walks need repairing. If it were service. The townships were original things if your auditors j forest Grove, Oregon interest, such as visitors to or only that the walks in a few spec­ also organized, and like a great never heard them before you stole from the city, weddings, soda ific cases in the town needed at­ military machine, the whole line them. D r. O . H. Scheetz gatherings, births, deaths, new tention, it would not matter so was put into action under the di­ improvements, fires, accidents, Chiropratlic Spinologist much, but the truth o f the mat­ rection o f the “ dragged road A true wife, says an old grouch, j S o cia lis t, in cei vous dise«*«“;, lung: trouble, etc., either in town or country, ter is that in all sections within secretary.” The road was divid­ is one that loves her husband and ! rlxHimutisn., in-fact ail disease*. phone them in. make a note o f the corporate limits there are ed among the various squads and her country and doesn’ t try to j O ffice iic x t to L a C o u r s e ’s store the occurances and hand in at the walks that are a disgrace to the persistently dragged into good run either. office, or tell Mr. Ed. S. Sparks, city. Loose, rotten and broken condition. Drags were attached W . H. Koliis who is reporter for the PRESS, )oards are the rule, not the excep­ to autos, which proved very val Some lose their heads in emer­ about it. Your kindness will be tion. It is a duty that each prop­ uable for the purpose. The good A tto rm y -ct-L cw gencies, others stick theirs out of appreciated. When you have erty owner owes to the town, that road was very speedily evolved car windows. It appears to be a read your paper, kindly hand it to Forest Grove, Cgn. îe should keep his walks in front from what had been a mud road. matter of taste. some one not a subscriber. If he o f his holdings in good condition, One o f the results was the en­ reads a copy we will land him. jut if he remains careless and couragement o f the use o f more W . Q. Tucker, M. D. Loyally yours, Doing as one pleases sounds negligent in the matter, it then motor cars, and it is said that Physician en d Surgeon THE PUBLISHER. lecomes the bounden duty o f the 8000 o f them were sold in that good, but there is an old saying Diseases o f Women A i pecialty Ind. phones: Office 505. that one should believe only about city officials to take cognizance o f state this season. Dr. Brown’s Old Office Residence 285 or 231. half what they hear. On a smaller scale something Main Street, Forest Glove, Ore. the matter, and act in a manner as becomes their official positions. o f a similar character was recent­ Don’t Knock; Get Out As soon as a man’shat is taken Many towns in the state with no ly done in Idaho. Last Sunday Victor H. Limber from him at areceptiou. he whis­ a large number o f auto owners of arger population than Forest Funeral Director and Embairer Some people o f the present day Wallace made an excursion to pers to his wife, “ How soon can are as hard to satisfy as their an­ Grove are paving their streets Modern Equipments Fourth o f July canyon. Each we get out o f here?” cestor, Adam, in the garden of and building cement sidewalks to C h a p e l, f o r e s t Grove one took an extra man along and Eden. In conversation with the replace those made o f wood, and carried picks and shovels. All Would a bride rather have a writer the other day, an old moss- quite a large number o f our citi­ worked hard all day on the road half dozen heavy silver spoons as Dr. C. E. Eockrnann zens are advocating that we do back who has lived in this com­ between Wallace and Coeur a wedding present than a dozen Chiropractor munity since probably the year ikewise, holding that it will not d’ Alene for the purpose o f mak­ light silver spoons? only be cheaper in the end, but Consultation Free one, broke out into a wail that ing it a good thoroughfare for Office next door to Forest Grov" Press would have been pathetic had it that the advantages that will ac­ Home office: 151 East 28 PL, Portion d motor vehicles, and incidentally Some young men seerr. to think j not been amusing. The burden crue thru using the superior ma­ for all other vehicles. that a college diploma is a daily i o f his plaint was that Forest terial will be incalculable. We The moral o f these incidents order on the universe for three' jelieve this, and favor the build­ W. i. H. Beach Grove was behind the times, or, is that cooperative effort goes a square meals and flub-duhs. ing of hard surface sidewalks, but to quote his language “ There Fire and Life Insurance long ways in road improvement. aint nothin’ doin’ here; the town’ s îe cost must be taken into con­ Written The building o f good roads does too slow. I guess this is about sideration. If the propery own­ An Iowa woman found a darn­ not necessarily involve the col­ the the dullest town I ever ers are not at this time able finan­ ing needle in the yolk o f a boiled If you don’ t injure with me lection o f heavy taxes or sub­ cially to build cement walks, as struck.” egg. The old hen was probably WE BOTH LOSE It is a strange feature o f hu­ le town grows and property be­ scriptions and the spending o f a trying to imitate a ball o f yarn. j North First Street, near Main man nature that a man will live comes more valuable, better ones large sum o f money. The con­ Forest Grove, Ore. in a town or community for a may be constructed. In the mean tribution o f a small amount o f It makes a man mad to get a life time, and still have nothing time, for the sake o f civic pride labor by many individuals under light bill when his wife is away but hard words for his section. and the welfare o f the residents a systematised plan o f work, will on a vacation and the juice has CARL HOFFM AN The reason why people o f this of the town, let us keep our wood­ often accomplish wonders in road not been turned on for six weeks. improvement.— Lewiston Teller. en walks in good condition. character always have their little Sanitary Plumbing hammer out, and can see noth­ and Heating There is something strange Make the most o f yourself or Press Editorial Bears Fruit ing good to talk about, is that the about it, but no matter how poor Satisfaction guaranteed. Charts you will not amount to much. slowness and dullness o f which acomplection a girl may have,she reasonable. Basement Hoffman build­ ing. phone 502. The editorial in the P r e s s some they complain is to be found in is always afraid it will be spoiled The greatest tragedy in the life their own personalities, and not weeks ago, urging the business by the sun. in the region where they may men o f Forest Grove to lend their o f a boy is rain on circus day. J O H N WUNDERLICH chance to live. Let a locality be moral and financial support to the Some women claim nothing never so fair and full o f promise, organization of a town band, is , Every man engaged in a law­ makes them so tired as for a man Funeral Director yet one o f these men placed there bearing fruit, as is evidenced by suit claims he was forced into it. to tell them what a Devil he has and Embalmer..... in will drag along, wasting op- the fact that a petition having been. It takes some a long time The good merchant is usually to get tired, however. porunities and bewailing the that object in view, has been cir­ Prompt Attention Given to times and conditions, while those culated and freely signed by the the best advertiser and vise versa. Calls. Modern Equip­ blessed with an optomistic view business people. ment. o f life and the talent to take hold This is a move is the right di­ The milk o f human kindness LEAVES ARRIVES and shape adverse conditions to rection, and we feel sure that if raises the finest kind o f cream. Fore«t Grove at Portland their ends, will prosper and make the business houses and towns­ Oregon B anks 6:50 a m 8:00 a m their fields blossom as the rose. people in general will not only Now that aviation has become 8:40 a m 9:50 a m 10:30 a m As againt the occasional grouch, work for the musical organization 11:40 a m craze all the time is fly time. 12:20 p m 1:30 p m Forest Grove has quite a large but will remain loyal to the band 1 40 p in 2:50 p m number of citizens who have lived after it is organized, that the boys 4:10 p m 5:20 p m There are some folk wise 7:00 p m 8:10 p m T h e Press Prints in a number of communities in will always be more than willing 9:15 p m 10; 50 p m enough to keep it to themselves. various sections o f the country, to do their part. Forest Grove # Letter Heads. Envelopes. who have elected to make this has enough amateur and profess­ LEAVES ARRIVES Business , Cards. Calling Most self-made men act like Portland Forest Grove their permanent home, and who ional musicians to give us one o f Cards, Statements. Bill 7:05 a m 8:15 a m are ready at all times to declare the strongest bands in the state, they had been in a hurry with 8:30 a m 9:40 a m their job. Heads. Circulars, td it to be as progressive and wide­ and they only need the interest 10:20 a m 11:30 a m 12:10 p m 1:20 p m awake as the average, and with and encouragement o f the citi­ Anything else that can be pT0" 2:10 p m 3:20 p m It begins to look as if Senator as many opportunities to succeed. zens to make o f it a reality and 3:30 p m duced with ink and paper. I* 4:40 p m it' 5:30 p m 6:40 p m The thing for the chronic pessi- success. There is scarcely a Gore, for a blind man, saw a great us have your next order. " 8:25 p m 9:35 p m mist to do when life in any given town in the state but what has a ueal o f corruption in that Indian will deliver you a satisfactory d j locality has become one long, musical band organization, and lauus deal that many public men 9«»vrdajr 0*1, dreary, cloudy day, is to hunt for there is nothing that will give the who never complained o f poor L o Portland 11:39 p m ~A r. F.G. 1ÎSR ■ m Sun lay ou y A n A rtistic Job Matures new. citizens o f the town more enjoy- eyesight overlooked. Lv» F..G. tJü p m— Ar. » . K i R n l am D m F orest G rove P r e s s Again: Repair Your Walks ■ mrbusmwmsi