Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, September 01, 1910, Image 1

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    ' -----------------------
F orest G rove P ress
No. 43
years ago there were no tramps;
with various materials.
there are so many that they IN ihtMGRY OF HARVEY W . SCOTT
know the best goods. For in­
have a language of their own.
stance, the seeds and fertilizers
Ten millions of people in Ameri­
subjected to tests and are ex­
FLAYS OLD PARTIES ca never get their heads above
amined by professional chemists.
the poverty
The member o f the association
thousand children under the Exercises at Pacific University on September twenty-ninth under knows just what he is getting
when he buys from his store.
Roosevelt administration were
Auspices of 1 rustees—President W . N. Ferrin to Preside—
working twelve hour shifts in
In order to add to the profits of
Addresses will be Made by Men Prominent in the
the concern, outsiders may buy
the textile factories o f the South.
Past and Present History of Oregon, and
The first thing Roosevelt saw
at a slightly higher rate than
when he landed in America after
members o f the association.
Close Associates o f P. U. Graduate
his hunting trip was a battleship;
Everything is sold at the pur­
Anna A. Maley, woman’s Na­ one per cent of the cost o f a first-
Memorial services for the late acter, and George H. Himes, Sec­ chase price with a certain per­
tional Organizer o f the Socialist class battleship would pay the Harvey W, of Oregon’s retary o f the Oregon Historical centage added so that the buyers
party, gave an address on Social­ salaries of twenty-five college earliest pmneers, first graduate Society, who will tell o f his life know just what they are paying
ism at Strihach’s hall Thursday professors for one year. Under of Pacific University, and for as a pioneer. Appropriate music and can compare prices. As an
evening. Miss Maley is a woman the present system only 76 per ove fo ty years editor of the will be rendered. Special invit­ example it is demonstrated that
of strong personality,and a force- cent o f eighth grade graduates Oregonian will be hel 1 in Marsh ations will be sent to prominent coal is sold to members o f the
ful and logical speaker. She does are able to attend High school. hall. September the twenty-ninth men and women o f Oregon and association at iron? 75 cents to $1
not depend upon flowery flights Working people only get one-sixth under the auspices < f the trustees the Northwest to attend the me­ less than the usual charge. This
oi oratory to keep the attention o f what they earn. Only 48 per 0 ‘ the University. President W. morial services, and an invitation difference is indicative o f the
oi Her neater», Put deals in plain cent of the farmers own their N. Ferrin will preside.and will to the general public will be giv­ general saving effected, but it
facm, and convinces by her own lands. A farmer in Wash­ triv • an introductory address. en. This will be the first public means even more, because local
ington sold thirty-three dollars The principal duress o f the oc- service held in memory o f Mr. merchants, in order to hold trade,
‘ ‘ in e Socialist party,” said worth o f produce for which he c- sion • ill be deli vered by H in. Scott since his burial, and a large are obliged to reduce prices, and
M iosaialej, ‘is the only party received five dollars; the trusts W. D Fenton, of P.-rtla id, who attendance is expected. A con­ this works to the advantage of
that is really sincere in us prom got the rest, and if they could will give a general resume o f the ference was held with the family the general purchasing public in
the vicinity and is a factor in
isc j, anu ¡s the logical, construct­ tan the hides o f the working
solving the cost of living problem.
ive pm ty ui tne people. Protect­ class they would come and get
So successful has been the ex­
ion u.i^ier .he Kepubhcan party them.”
Miss Maley is possessed o f a
periment in- Lancaster county
uoco not protect, anu the tariff is
that it is being investigated by
a mice, The coolies of China nimble wit, and drove her state­
farmers’ associations in other
am, India operate our American ments home with many sharp
parts o f the country.and is likely
made machinery either nere or in I pointed jokes. One she got off
to be introduced into other sec­ own countries, under Amer­ j on the present occupant o f the
tions of the agricultural world.
ica.. owneiship, and bring their ] White house, and which caused
It is perhaps one of the most
laLoi undei direct competition ; considerable merriment, was that
noteworthy examples on this side
, American labor; this lowers i Taft had joined some kind, o f a
o f the Atlantic o f the co-opera­
the w ages in this country and j pick and shovel laborers’ organ-
tive movement which has had
win gradually lower tne standard I ization, but that it would be just
j as consistent for him to join a
such great success in England,
oi citizenship in America.”
and has a number o f other less
Socialists,” said the speaker, wash-tub society, as he would
conspicuous though flourishing
‘ ‘contend tor an.equal division o f have about as much chance of
organizations to its credit in this
the profits o f toil. With the ad­ using one as the other, for rea­
country. -Oregonian.
vent of new labor-saving machin­ sons known to the audience.
ery the profits have become great­
Some people are so big-headed
er and greater for the class and
It.- mr the wage earner. Under that when they have a headache l
the i resent increasing cost of it affects them all over.
Miss Estella Stearns, who grad­
lin in g the working men realize
When you see a young man on
uated this year from Pacific Uni­
jtbai conditions will soon become a weighing machine the chances
versity, and who has been Beach
unoemable, and that a radical are that he wants to ascertain
correspondent for the Oregonian
[change m the methods o f govern- j how noticeable his load is.
this summer, has been retained
intent must be made.”
by that paper as society editor.
j Among tne many strong state-
Miss Stearns, while living in this
b h eh ts made by the speaker dur­
city, was a social favorite among
in g tne course o f her lecture were
the younger set. She has a spec­
[tin loiiowihg: “1 he Republican
ial aptitude for journalism, and
nan promised to regulate .
her many friends in Forest Grove
Lr.t trusts, and the Democrats
will be glad to hear of her pro- 1
i remised to bust them, but
t'.tei' plan would be to own
have developed a business i
Ptl.mii under Socialism. Seventy
ability which is paying them a big
financial profit. Five years ago
25 o f them organized a small co- J
operative association for the pur-j
F. M. Shearer, o f Tillamook,
pose o f buying goods direct from j
brother o f Jacob Shearer of this
manufacturers and selling to
city, died at his home Sunday,
n u .
, ,.
I themselves at cost. The work
his death being caused by blood-
The annual Oregon conference was crudely hand,ed> and the or_
■F ti. ,.i. E. Church will be held ganization was not particularly
poisoning resulting from a scratch
a: ilidaboro September 20-26, well balanced, but it proved pop­
on the finger. He was born in
Page county, Iowa, in 1853, and
Bi i:op C. W. Smith, resident ular, new members joined the
Bishop o f Oregon, presiding.
of Mr. Scott, and the arrange­ was married to Sarah Latimer o !
original 25, and the business of life and works of Mr. Scott.
Ti e program for the seven days
Short addr ases will be given ments have met with their hearty Tillamook, in 1883. Besides his
the first year aggregated $9000.
widow he is survived by three
of the conference has been pre- This determined the originators by several prominent m<-n of the approval.
children; Otto, August and Chris­
puivU, and will include addresses
o f the scheme to broaden their
As Harvey Scott was a gradu­ tie, and three brothers and one
by speakers of National reputa­ field, cover the entire country erent phases in the life of Mr.
tion, including Rev. David G. and incorporate the Lancaster Scott. Among the speakers will ate o f a Forest Grove education­ sister. He was buried Monday
at Tillamook.
ney, D. D., o f Chicago, cor­ County
Farmers’ Assocation. be: Ex-Governor T. T. Geer, al institution, and as because of
n s ; onding secretary of board; They did, and today have a mem­ who will tell o f Mr. Scott as he that fact the city has had much
to v Edwin M. Randall, D. D., bership of 500 and a business of knew him in public life; Edgar added to its fair fame, it is like­
Chicago, general secretary Ep- $50,000 yearly, which is growing B Pip-r, managing editor o f the ly that the business houses will
rih League; Miss Carrie Barge, fast.
Oregonian, who will apeak o f the close during the time of the me­
The city council met in special
Kacoiua, National field secretary
In the begining a few farmers great e litor as an associate in morial services and the citizens sessjon Tuesday
young people’s work; Rev. S. S. talked among themselves and de­ the editorial work of the Oregon­ o f the town will attend in a body
mayor, four councilmen, treasur­
[Sullinger, Vancouver, Washing- bated whether it would be poss­ ian for m ar1 years; Rev. T. L. to pay tribute to the memory of
er, recorder and Chief o f Police
¡to i; Rev. F. B. Short, D. D., ible to save money by buying cer­ Eliot, I). D., of Portland, who the great editor and empire were present.
Si It Lake City; Rev. M. C. B.
tain things in common. This led will speak of his religious char- builder.
It was moved and seconded
ason, D. D., Cincinnati, corres- to a meeting o f the 25 at the
that a committee be appointed to
inding secretary of board; Rev, house o f J. W. Root, near Man-
$15.000, the members paid 50 it is believed that the years ag­ investigate the feasibility o f re­
lishop Charles Smith, D. D.;
heim. Pa., and the organization cents a year each to cover the gregate will be at least $75,000. moving the light plant, the object
R* v G. H. Feese, D.D.,Klamath o f a small co-operative society,to cost o f printing and such inciden­
Recently the association has ex­ being to locate the plant nearer
¡Falls; Rev. Thomas Nicholson,
be conducted by an executive tal ex;>enses, while a small profit tended the field o f its operations the railroad, in order to facilitate
).D., New York; Rev. Fletcher committee. Local merchants op­ was a ided to the cost of *the beyond the merely commercial the getting o f fuel. The mayor
H man, D. D., president Willa- posed the plan, and a campaign goods in order to > eet all expen­ side. Rooms have been fitted up appointed councilmen Hinman,
[lette University: Rev. Benjamin was started among the farmers, ses o f operating the business.
over the warehouse and after the Abraham and Hines a committee
fou ig. D. D., Portland. Rev. W, which resulted in the present as­
How well the enterprise has monthly business meetings a pro­ to make the investigation.
I p Harrington, D. D., Puget sociation. J. W. Root is the pre­ succeeded is evidenced by the gram is presented for the enter­
The proposition o f Mr. Allison
Bound; Rev. J. M. Canse, Seattle; sident and genera! manager, and fact that a business o f $50,000 tainment and instruction o f the that the city furnish pipe, Allison
lev. Frank James, Linnton. Ore. a board o f nine directors is com­ was done last year with a saving members. Topics o f agricultural, lay the pipe and the city have
T. Abbett, Sunday school mis- posed o f farmers living near the o f 20 per cent to the members of domestic, scientific and literary control over the same, was ac­
lonery; Rev. T. L. Jones; Rev. towns o f Manheim.Lititz. Willow- the association. Besides effect­ import are assigned and discuss­ cepted. Mr. Allison will take
iaron A. Heist, secretary young street and Lancaster. A store ing this saving it was found that ed. Readings and lectures are water from the mains between
»pie’s work, Oregon Anti-Sa- and warehouse was built at Me a profit o f 10 per cent had been
in men from the state the city and the intake.
or, League; Rev. Charles Bos-
o f agriculture and the var­ An ordinance creating the office
chanicsville, on the trolley line earned. It was decided to de­
fei;, D. D.. Philadelphia: Rev. leading to Lancaster, and the clare a dividend of 5 per cent and ious colleges and universities.
o f Fire Warden, providing for
H. Selleck. D. D., Salem; business o f buying and selling hold the other 5 per cent in a re­
As a result o f this interchange his appointment, and defining his
iv. C. L. Wilson D. D., field everything needed by the farmer serve fund. During the first five of ideas the best results are to be duties, has been drafted by the
ecrotary Methodist temperance except groceries and clothing, months o f this year the associa­ obtained from the store. The city attorney, but no action was
began. The capitalization was tion did a business of $30,000,and farmers tell o f their experiments taken thereon by the council.
Anna A. Maley, in Scathing A d ­
dress, Arraigns Republicans
and Democrats—Social­
ism Logical Party of
People of Country
Graduate Receives Promotion
Brotiier of Jacob Shearer
Dies at Tillamook
litéoii iKl. E. Confer­
ence at Hillsboro
Special Session of Council
-■ t T f