% l Anderson leads: if you don't ■ believe it,see his new clothes,etc. Walter Roswurm made a trip to McMinnville, Sunday, in con­ nection with his ice business. The Corner Store Abraham ’s Mr. and Mrs. Reed Thomas, of Sumas, Washington, are visiting FOR SALE—40 stands o f bees. relatives in this city Mrs. Thom­ Bring your eggs to Schultz and F. A.Everest,Gaston,Ore. 41-6t get 27^ the dozen. tf as is a sister o f the Baldwin boys. Mis. H. R. Bemiss, o f Gaston, Mrs. Ortman, o f the Thatcher Why burn $4 wood when you section, was a Saturday shopper was shopping in the Grove Sat­ can buy a ton of Mendota coal for urday. in the Grove. $7.50, delivered. Little soot and Albert Friday o f Greenville little ash. Keeps an even fire. For scientific shoeing go to Harris & Markham. They guar­ was a Forest Grove business vis­ No splitting, no sawing, equals two cordsof wood. Give ita trial itor Saturday. antee the results. tf Roswurm and Moulton, Forest Hirman has the best tents in Mrs C. Sy, living at the east Grove. tf edge o f town, was a Monday vis­ the city. You want to look them Mr. and Mrs. Will Fletcher over before vou buy. tf itor to the Rose city. visited several days the past week 20 % off on all silverware at Sam Lawrence, now practicing at the home of the former’ s par­ Shearer's, the Main street jew ­ law in Portland, visited over Sun ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher eler. Come and see them. day with his mother in this city. in this city. Will, who has been Norvel Atkins, Portland depot Now is the time to purchase teaching for several years in Col­ agent for the Oregon Electric was that range you want. The best orado, will be principal o f a Port­ in the Grove Monday. that are made can be had at land school the coming school Corner Store year. Comer Stun Hinman’s. tf Philip Porter, ranching in the Bill Reed, who has made his Austin Buxton and family o f Gales Creek section, was a busi­ ness visitor in the Grove Satur­ the Watt’s district were in town home in this city for some years, Saturday night,attending the lec­ was down from Newberg where day. he has a steady job for the next ture o f Judge McGinn. Call or Telephone Your Orders to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wood Mor- year, this week. Bill will move ley (nee Leabo) of Portland, vis­ Dr. Semones. Homeopathic his household goods to the quaker ited with friends in this city over Pysician and Oculist. Does no city, and his mother will accom­ Sunday. surgery. O ffice at residence. pany him to cook him three 319 North A street. Ind. Phone FARMERS—Schultz Market, squares per diem. tf Pacific Ave., Forest Grove, pays 3625. For Fresh, Salt and Sm oked Meats, THE GLOBE GRAIN SEPAR­ highest market price in cash for 0 . C. Jackson and family, and eggs and produce. Bring them Rev. E. V. Stivers and family re ATOR, No Power,Self operating, Fish and Vegetables o f A ll Kinds Different from all others. in. 39-4t turned Saturday from a ten days Removes tares, wild oats sand, An Especially Neat Stock of Monopole Canned Dr. D. W. Ward, a prominent vacation spent on the Tillamook mustard, cockle, cheat, pink and Goods and Groceries ; coast. member o f the Republican party all other foul seeds from wheat, o f Washington county, attended Mose Johnson, a prosperous oats, or barley. Free Delivery to All Parts of the City the mass meeting here Saturday farmer o f Gaston, was in the All sizes. Farm size 30 bushels Groceries Right Goods - Right Prices Courteous Service Abraham’s Schultz Market & Grocery J. B. Matthews wishes to show you the new "Union” jack; for lifting, setting tires, stretching fence and many other uses. Al- ways handy. tf Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Scott and daughter, Jessie, were Sunday guests at the Fisher ranch in Scog- gin s valley, going up in their automobile. A new flag pole has been erect- ed on the top o f the Academy building, so that the students may flaunt old glory to the breeze the coming school year. Mrs. Georgia Hughes has re- turned to her home in this city after spending several weeks at Seaside, the guest o f her daugh- ter, Mrs. Gene Larrimore, of Portland. Among the Hillsboro people reg­ istered at Newport hotels the past week were, J. A. Imbrieand wife, R. M. Imbrie.Etta Schul- merich, Bessie Shomberg, Jessie Harrington, W. 0 . Donnelson, n u * «7 . l , , 0 Robert Weatherred,and Miss Sus- . „ le organ. Deputy county surveyor Mor- rill was up from Hillsboro Satur- day for the purpose o f running lines through the Ken worthy tract west o f town. It is said this property will be cut into building lots in the near future, Grove Friday, and invested in a fine double harness at one o f the local shops, Lashie Fields, formerly living ¡n this city, now making his home ¡n Portland, was out from the Bose city Sunday, calling on his boy friends, j . f . Woods, a former news- paper man o f this city, now in the employ o f a Portland print- *nf? firm, was in the Grove Satur- Jay and paid the P ress a pleas- ant call. A son of W. R. Harris o f this city, accompanied by his wife,son and daughter, are visiting at the Harris home in i-outh Park, Harris the younger makes his borne in the sun flower state. William Ridgley living at the north edge of town, brought into the P ress office a freak ear of corn found in his garden. The tassel o f the corn had grown in between the kernels and covered them to a depth o f over an inch. w v,;u „ While a thrashing crew was n .• at dinner at the Wells farm near Gaston, last week,sparks from the engine set fire to the stuble, and by the time the men could cover the half-mile from the house to the field the blaze was within fifteen feet o f 900 bushels of grain. Hard work saved the far- mer’ s crop from destruction. per hour, height 4 ft., 1 inch, price $30.00. Globe Grain Separator Co , 660 East 17th St-eet, Portland, Oregon. Cut Glass O u r Specialty Hand Painted China; Fancy Vases; Novelties Anything and Everything in Jewelry. and Pacific Avenue Forest G rove, O re. Dr. Hines’ Drug Store HINM AN’S ------ FOR — TENTS, HAY ROPE and HAYING TOOL' of the very best are second to none and cost no m ore than the inferior article. Call and examine them and be convinced of their sterling worth We Carry A Full Line BUY THEIR DRY GOODS HERE Our Stock Is Complete ! Our Prices Are Right ! Hoffman and Allen Company The Progressive Store Forest Grove, Ore. i To trade with us means to save you money HARVESTERS and MOWERS Our Service Is Perfect ! The Big Store Dr. Robert’s Veterinary Remedies. McCormick Rings for the Old & Your g Forest Grove W akelee’s Squirrel and Gopher Poison. Every woman who looks at the faded and scuffed appearance o f her living room floor and furni­ ture, has reason to wish that var­ nish was not such a delicate thing. Her wish could be gratified and a load o f care taken off her mind if she were to have the en­ tire woodwork (house, furniture and all) coated with my pure un­ adulterated varnish. Water will not hurt it. Heel nails will not scratch it. A blow from a sledge hammer will not make it powder off or turn white. Geo. G. Paterson can furnish the proof; call at his store. CHI-NAMEL. Diamonds; Watches, Solid Gold and Gold Filled Fobs, Chains, Lockets and Bracelets; Clocks. Watch Repairing Pacific Avenue Security Lice Killer. W hat Chi-Namel Varnish W ill Stand Booth Jewelry C o , Silverware Both Phones Gasolene and Oil Stoves two and three burner Safe, Reliable and Odorless Charter Oak — Ranges— Real Estate None better m ade, and at prices that are reason*^ HINMAN’S HARDWARE STORE Ü