Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, August 18, 1910, Image 6

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    Live Items of Local Interest
Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling
Local Reporters of the Press
Mr. Washington Bunday spent
Mrs. Olmstead went to Port­
inday at home.
land Sunday.
Schultz pays 27^ for
;gs. Bring them in.
Mr. and Mrs. M. S Allen were
in Portland Thursday.
Bert Leabo, of McMinnville,
Roy Fogel has gone to the
was in town on Tuesday.
ountains for a few day.
E. G. Mills and mother spent
Mrs. Ula Hanna visited with
inday on the beach at Newport. friends in Portland several day.
Mrs. Ed. Dixon and daughter the past week.
Arthur Mills, who has been
thel were visitors to tha Rose
his vacation at Medford,
ty Saturday.
Miss Amy Thomas spent Sun-
We still have left a number o f
LOST—Mother o f Pearl cuff
button. Finder please return to high priced hats, also some o f
P ress office and receive reward. medium price, which we are clos­
ing out at less than cost for the
Knights Templars, A. G. Hoff­ next three weeks. Miss Kirk-;
man, E. W. Haines, E. Seymore, wood’s Millinery Parlors. 39-3t.
Prof. A. Ben Kori and Scottish
Teachers examinations
Rit^s Masons Judge Hollis and
Wilbur McEldowney, attended state and county papers were
the funeral services of the late held last week at Hillsboro, county
Harvey W. Scott in Portland Sun­ school superintendent M. C. Case |
being in charge. There were Thro’
over seventy applicant.-, and Mr.
When John D. Roselair pays
Case states he believes there were
the penalty for his crime by
hanging at Salem, Thursday,Sep­ few failures, though he has not
tember eighth, he will have been yet completed the examination of
the papers.
the first man in Oregon to stretch
hemp on that day o f the week,
A stack o f oats containing 250
according to penitentiary offiicials bushels on the farm o f John
Friday is usually hangman’ s day. Hardeheck, near Dilley, burned
Hoppicking will begin in the yesterday. Sparks from a thresh­
Buchanan yard between this city ing engine caused the blaze.
The west side o f the Knight’s
ly at Greenville, the guest of
Castle on Pacific avenue is being and Cornelius about September
eula Ireland.
the fifth, according to Mr. Buch­
Miss Bella Chalmers, of Roy, painted this week.
Other yards in various
Anything you may need in
>ent Sunday the guest o f Miss
sections of the country will begin
men’s wear— remember A nder ­
atherine Shannon.
picking at about the same time
son ’ s is head-quarters.
Miss Etta Schumerich of H. T.
and the prospects for a fine yield
agley’ s Law office, Hillsboro,
Rev. Daniel Staver filled the this year are bright.
as in town Tuesday.
pulpit in Hillsboro Sunday at the
Mr. and Mrs. Claus Chrtsuan-
Mrs. Thomas Webley and Flor- Congregational church.
sen o f Tillamook, occompanied by
ice, were among those who
Mrs.Chas.F.Miller and daught- their nephew,Chris Christiansen,
lent Sunday at Newport.
ter, Miss Margaret, returned called on friends in this city Mon­
President Ferrin attended the Tuesday from Newport.
day on their way home from a
meral of the late Harvey W.
Mrs. McGee, mother o f Mrs. visit at Oregon City. Young
cott, in Portland Sunday.
Shannon, left for Gearhart Beach Christiansen, though only in this
All work done in Dr. Booth’s Saturday to spend a few weeks. country a year front Germany,
speaks the english like one to the
ptical Parlors guaranteed,
You should try a glass o f that manner born.
fith Booth Jewelry Co.
tf- delicious soda, all flavors, at
Notice to The Public
The amount collected at the Shearer’s. It will quench your
tewart Temperance Meetihg on thirst.
I have purchased the Flourand
le evening of July 22nd. was
The cement walk in front o f Feed business o f R. A. Phelps in
Judge Langley’ s office is being Forest Grove. I take this means
George Littlehales has resum- extended west to the corner of o f introducing myself to you; my
name is T. J. O. Thacher, called
d his work at Hoffman & Allen the block.
o’s after a two weeks vacation
Horses sent for and delivered “ T. J. 0. ” for short.
Among the changes I have
t Newport.
to any part o f the City. Ind
in the store is the introduc­
G. S. Allen was in Portland Phone No. 322. Harris & Mark­
uesday where he visited with ham.
is designed for the use
is brother, Floyd Allen, late of
Dr. Walker o f Portland has
wives and daughters
rented the house of Prof. A. C.
coming to town. It is equipped
Phillip Kinzer, o f the Pacific Boggess and will occupy the same with wash bowl and towels, look­
bast Condensed Milk Factory, Sep’ t 1st.
ing glass, whisk broqms, sofa,
eturned Tuesday from a business
Miss Maud Hollinger o f Cornel chairs stove and everything for
:*ip to Seattle.
ius, formerly living in this city, the women folks who have ridden
calling on friends in the through the dust and dirt to town
The Farmer’s feed shed o n
’acific Avenue has been painted
.that they may make themselves
i red and green, which gives it
The F i r s t
Congregational presentable for {heir shopping.
very nifty appearance.
Church. Subjects o f the sermons I hope the women will make use
o f it and enjoy it as much as I
Dr. C. E. Bookman has remov- for next Sunday are at 11 A. M.
have in fixing it up.
d his offices from the Forest
I ha$e a lot of wagons and
¡rove National Bank Building to
farming implements which I will
he location next door to the
J. A. Brown, the livery mar,
sell AT COST as I am going out
’ r e s s office.
was ill several days the past
o f that branch o f the business,
Frank Ketchin, who resided on week, his indisposition being qc hut 1 shall keep Flour, heed and
he Thatcher road a short distance oas>oned by an attack o f the old- everything in that line. I hope
rom this city, died suddenly at fashioned chills and fever.
you will call and get acquainted
0 o ’clock last night of heart
Miss Anna Dean, formerly of with me.
fouhle. A widow survives.
the First National, and Miss Etta
Yours Respectfully,
Schumeric, o f Hillsboro, left
T.J O.T hacher .
Stephen Morgan left for Kelso,
Wednesday for Newport, where
Vashington, «yesterday, and it is
they will spend a couple o f weeks.
umored he is to be. united in
narriage to M>^< Stillwell today,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emerson,
he ceremony to take place in , accompanied by a number of rel­
The bridge across the Willa­
atives who are guests o f the Em- mette fiver at Oswego, over which
A Socialistic lectu re will be arsons, were among those who en- the. Southern Pacific trains pass­
ielidered at the Skating Rink ^ovef t le °*am
at Newport ing this city cross, is ore o f the
best built bridges in the west.
HttAday, Aug. 25, at 7:45 p. m. Sunday.
’ bridge was built by G. W.
Anna A. Maley o f New
Department commander W. J.
chief engineer o f the
All are invited to attend, I R. Beach o f the G. A. R. was in
lines.and is eighty feet
women especially.
Portland Saturday. Mr. Beach
allows any
President Holman, o f Willam­ has not yet decided definitely
under at
ette University, will preach in whether he will attend the Na­
It has
the HelJjodist church next Sun- tional convention to lie held at two stone | iers and three 300-foot
<fky evemng President Holman Atlantic City or n ot
spans, and was erected at a cost
is a very strong s|**aker and he
Mrs. M S. Allen of this city has
o f $350,000. Mr. Boschke says
WtU^iu«loubt give an interesting raised some monster cucumbers the bridge is strong enough to re­
jn her garden this year, one on
sist any force. It is constructed
t)r. C- L. Large reports a son display in the P ress window be o f steel and carries a sin Me track.
honvto-Mr.and Mrs.Burget Voee. in,r 9'xteen and one-half inches The line approaching this bridge
of Seoggin Valley the 16th inst ,onK’ ami eleven and one-half is known as the Beaverton-Wills-
This little stranger ig the only inches in circumference,
burg cut-off,and in place o f run­
grand-son, and no sons in the
Mrs. J. Deardorf, of Mason ning along Fourth street. Forest
fartuly of Mr.and Mrs.Joke Mess City, Nebraska, visited the past Grove passenger trains now run
'**% ><* Laurel, father and moth- week at the home of W. L Cady over the railroad bridge and
er of Mt*. \ ose. Parties wishing in this city. Mrs. Deardorf is across the Oswego bridge. The
tag i attendance
of Dr. Large in more pleased with Forest Grove first pa-senger train ran across
this claSs of
w>ll oblige him than any other town she has vis- this new bridge July seyenteenth.
^ e I n g a g in g his services two ited since leaving home and may
— *------------------
months jrior to the expected return here to reside permanent-
Subscribe for Jhe Press, now*
New Bridge is Fine Structure
Mrs. M. A. Thomas
Right on Time
Fashionable Dressm aker
Cor. 2nd. St- and 1st. Ave. South.
Forest Grove, Oregon
you require for the hot days
o f July and August should be
purchased now.
A complete line o f hamir.ocks
porch swings, rattan chairs, etc.
are here for your inspection.
We have a nice assortment
o f these essentials to coolness and
you will find them most inviting.
Our experience tells us that
we may safely trust the people
to pick out the good points o f
anything in this line.
ROE 8c C O M P A N Y
m s i-
Elgin W atches are Unsurpassed
in Accuracy & Quality Features
Sold by
Arthur Shearer
Main St. Jeweler
The PRESS wants
If you can write for publi­
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Phone M 1026