The family tree sometimes that he was greater than the bears pretty poor fruit. cumulative results of his labors, Published & Edited by but that back o f any effort he put G . E. S E C O U R forth was a reserve force o f un­ in the City o f Too much sparking is bound to F orest G rove , O regon , fathomed depth and o f unmeasur­ ignite the matrimonial match. THURSDAY o f EACH WEEK. ed breadth, readv at his call. We meet hundreds o f men who ¡ " I n d e p e n d e n t P h o n e s have made a success o f life in the The fish bait that comes in flat O f f ic e 505 R e s i d e n c e 231 Northwest, men who have built bottles catches nothing but s u c k - Grove' 0,,n;up their business stone by stone, ers. and who are respected for what j - T erms op S ubscription they have accomplished, but with The man v-ho falls from grace CASK IN ADVANCE many o f those whose names are may be merely taking a tumble One Year $1.00 - Six Months .75 before the public, their work to himself. Display advertisements for publica­ overshadows their personality. ---------------------- tion in the PRESS must be in this office People think first o f the bank or There are some things that are not later than Tuesday evening to in­ the store or the huge building, . no(. ,icked whe„ they’ re d o w n -a sure appearance in current issue. >t lickei and lastly o f the man whose ef- j live wire, for instance. forts brought them into being. Not so was it in the case o f tiie What men most aumire about (editor o f the Oregonian: people The PRESS is published with thought first o f Harvey W. Scott some women is sometimes equally the constant aim o f best serving anj tben 0f |,js paper. true about a bicycle tire. our advertisers and subscribers. ^Ve are all cr ated free, and . ...jr— We believe they are interested in equa| jn the sense of our inalten- Deep waterways ought to be the publication, and we shall be ab]e nKj,ts in the pursuit of hnp- one o f the main planks in the pleased to receive any suggestion pjn<,gg There the equality ends, temperance platform—Ex. looking towards its improvement. The very god of nature has or- If you know any news items o f dained tbat there shall be grada- Of course the man who marries interest, such as visitors to or tions in the mental and physical a dream must do so with his eyes from the city, weddings, social „ akeup 0f human beings. In gatherings, births, deaths, new Mr. Scott was created a giant, closed—and he never wants to improvements, fires, accidents, both mentally and physically. wake up. etc., either in town or country, Joined to and working in perfect It has come to a pass where ih e phone them in, make a note of harmony with a pn 'siuue which patient hen is merely working for the occurances and hand in at the ave him the vitality to withstand the cold-storage plant or the in- office, or tell Mr. Ed. S. Sparks, the severe strain of his arduous cu bator. who is reporter for the PRESS, labors, was a brain of extraordi- about it. Your kindness will he ! nary capacity. Added to these appreciated. When you have j was a , genius for hard work, There is a movement on foot to reduce the price of shoes—watch read your paper,kindly hand it to Dlinkinfr eVe,- at the fountain of the leather trust boot the lining some one not a subscriber. If he kno\v!edge,and his t: ind growing reads a copy we will land him. out o f it. more profound wfth what it fed Loyally yours, on, he elected, through the Ore­ THE PUBLISHER. gonian, to make his life-work the When airships become so thick Ind. phones: Office 505, j upbudding o f the Northwest and that they shut out sunlignt then, Residence 285 or 231. ! the upward growth of its people. indeed, will aviatiou be well es­ Now that he is at rest it is not tablished. A Shed for Horses Needed j surprising that the people o f this rqighty western empi e, who have There are some people so par­ There is needed along with a reaped and will reap the fruits of ticular about their associates that public watering trough for horses |,js labor and wisdom,should with they never try to get acquainted visiting the city, a shed to house «me accord seek eagerly to ac- with them. them from the hot sun o f the knowledge the debt they owe summer season and from the cold him, pay homage to his greatness Ducks may be shot from aero­ blasts o f winter. The stranger and honor his bier. planes, but the problems o f get­ coming to Forest Grove and s e e - ---------------------- ting them afterward appears to ing a line o f teams hitched in a Live Temperately to be Healthy be full o f difficulties. solid row for a block on Main street, might marvel at the vol- News reports tell o f a woman The price o f cigarettes is going ume ot business transacted dur-L vbo? to relieve a chronic stomach up, but this o f course won’ t both­ ing any given day by our mer- | trouble, fasted for twenty-eight er the man who always got his chants with people from the|dayS. then when she sought to from the other fellow. country..but we do not especially break her tong fast, her twice- need this as an advertisement. ahused stomach refused, or was Veterinary dies from inhaling People on the streets and in the unal le lo food. This is places of business i- a sufficient rsiI!t] history o f such cases. the breath o f a horse. Is that barometer of our trade, and to People will, through a series of what we get for training horses hitch horses on the streets is not ye; rs, subject their stomachs to to smoke Turkish cigarettes? only an indication o f village all manners o f abuses, eating methods, but it also works a hard without regularity: consuming a An Eastern professor who has ship on the animals. There is conglomeration of food stuffs, the been star:led by the prohibition also to be considered the fact d g ts to n o f widen might even movement predicts that Niagara that where the streets are used cause a hog concern, and drink­ Falls will go dry in 3000 years. as a public stabling place for ing liquids which none of the low­ teams, the ideals o f civic clean­ er a .limn Is will voli ntarilv par- The man who wrote the play liness will receive a more or les: r-k e o f, fio m tta and coffee to entitled “ The Naked Truth,” severe jolt. "rot-gnt” whiskey,and w hen the probably had a hard time clothing What is needed is a large open n or. vitiated stomach rebels.and his thoughts in proper language. shed, boarded up on the south outraged nature calls a halt,then side to keep ofi" the cold South •away to the dt ctor for a “ cure” . Don’ t wait to throw flowers on winds, and located sonvnvhejre Do we take the physician’ s near the center o f the hpsir ess m dicii e and follow the regihien the coffins of the dead. Throw section of town. Heie the farm­ he has laid down for our relief? verbal boquets while they may ers could put their teams while Fora few days; then we whisper bring happiness to the receipienis. doing their trading. Thus would a sea l less ng at tho doctor am our streets have more o f the ap­ rush off to take up some fad. the A Rev. Somebody, o f Chicago, pearance o f those o f a growing n o t heroic one to date being the says the miracles recorded in the city, the horses would receive a fasting * cure” , w herein we ex­ hi hie are merely fairy stories. part o f that humane treatment pect in a period o f time between He’ ll probably find that what h to which they are entitled, and two full n oons to bring the body gets in the hereafter is the real which they would return in in­ l ack to a healthy state from a tiling—Ex. creased vitality and better scr- condition which is the i\ suit of vice. Western bankers report that the cun ulative effects« : pint;« ny, dissi} ation and irregular living. the farmers of Kansas, Nebraska, G realer Than His Work Ourphysical well-being d e f« nds Missouri and Iowa have spent automobiles. on being temperate in all things. $15,000,000 f o r The reason why the Oregonian He who has the wisdom to learn There must be something in that is on** o f the greatest newspapers nature’ s laws and follow them, story after all. in U m WUDtry, and why it has will have no occasion ft' rush ”” —— had such an influence in shaping from one extreme to another in a Loose boards in sidewalks are the growth o f the Oregon country desperate effort to relieve him- equivalent to the slap-sticks o f during the past forty be- 9t.]f 0f the results o f his own the circus clowns. Many an un­ cause the late Harvey W. Scott, folly. Old mother nature’ s laws wary pedestrian has sprung the its editor, was greater than his are inexorable. Who breaks, trap with grievous results. Re­ work. We do not mean by this pays. pair your sidewalks. F orest g ro ve P ress T o Our Patrons The great Oxford dictionary that was begun by Dr. Murray in 1884 is now completed as far as “ T . ’ ’ But it is debatable mat­ ter whether modern English was spoken as far back as 1884. A Michigan farmer who sepa­ rated from his wife and then lie- came her hired man is suing her for $500 back pay. Perhaps he could get her to settle out o f court if he would agree to take $ 199. An eastern doctor advances the astounding theory that it is not the heart that keeps the blood in circulation. This solves the problem o f how lovelorn lads and lasses sustain life after losing their hearts. After listening to all the lean ­ ed dissertations upon the dange's o f osculating prepared by promi­ nent scientists one comes to th conclusion that only a bold iru i, will hereafter dare kisi a girl. But, then, only the brave deserve the fair. The stately oaks and firs on the c .mpus furnish grateful shaut for many during the hot weather. Here young maidens are wont o gather in groups and .-it on tin grass with tin ir sewing, an J is they make the dainty stitches, t dream o f the far oil time when the phrophesy o f the flower petals, “ he loves me, he loves m^ not,” shall be fulfilled. T ——'A HILDA i £, PROFESSIONAL D ir e c t o r y W . M. Langley Son Leu'ye 3 Forest Grove, Ogn. J. N. Hoffman A ltorney-at-Law Collection» and all business e n trü st«! to m «riven prom pt attention. A ttorney ior I < rest Grove Collection i^grency. Oiffce-Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Avt. Ind. Phone 502 Forest «, ve H. W . Vollmer, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Abbott Bldg. Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. O. V /. Hump! trey Jillome ,-al-Law P. Bldg. O ffic .-K . Phor.e 014 borest (.rove, Oregon Dr. O. H. ScLeetz ChiropraClic 5/„ inoiogisi Specialist, in nervous diseases. luny, trouble* rheumatism, in ia c t all th ft Office next to LaCcurse’s store W . H. Ho is A tio.ncy-ai-Lcw Forett G eve, C^n. W . Q. i >. cber. Mi D. Physician ana Auigeon Diseases c f Women A b pt cmity Dr. Brown’s Old Office Main Street, Forest Grove, Ore. Victor H. Limber $1* .4. Funeral D irector and Emlalr. er Modern Equipments wtmtaa Chapel, Forest Grove I X .— Becom es a Partner For Life D r. C. E. E e c i :m an n C hi cp rector Hilda the Helper wedded Brown, her faithful young Philander the Consultation Free richest merchant in the town, Office in Forest Grove Nat’i I a; who thus pxor-osod with candor: W . i. if. ridir L each Fire and I ife Inaura, ce Written If you don’ t insure with me W E BOTH L.OSL North First Street, near Main Forest Grove, Ore. CARL HOFFM AN Sanitary Plumbing •‘You’re such a helper, Hilda dear— and Heating you're such a business heartener — it seems to me 'tis very clear Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Basement Hoffman build­ you ought to be my partner.” ing. So read the moral, maidens all: DON’T STOOP TO KNOCK AND SLANDER. BUT BOOST YOUR TOWN, HELP ROLL TIIE BALL: THERE'S MORE THAN ONE PHILANDER. (Th* End.) O"» on Electric Time Care' LI AVES Fr- st Grove 0 a ru V •lan (i a in 1 p m 1 l'-1 r> m i in p m "■Off o m 9:45 n m LEAVES F ortlivnd 7:05 a m 8:30 a m 10211 a m 12:10 p m 2:10 p m 3:30 p m 5:30 p rn 8:25 p m rbone 502. JOHN WUNDERLICH Funeral Director and Embalmer...... Prompt Attention Given to Calls. Modern Equip­ ment. ARRIVES at Portlnnd 8.00 « m Banks Oregon 9 f 0 a in 11 0 a m 1 'O p n 2 50 5 °0 800 10; 50 il p p p m m m m ARRIVES F rrrt Greve 8:15 9 T 11:30 1:20 3:20 4:40 fi:40 9:35 am am am Pm Pm Pm Pm Pm 1 he Press Prints Letter Heads, Envelopes. Business Cards, Calling Cards. Statements. Bill Heads. Circulars, and Anything else that can be pro­ duced with ink and paper. Let us have your next order. V\e will deliver you a satisfactory'an<^ Saturday O nly Lva Portland 11 Sunday only Lva F..G. tJO p i -Ar. F.G. 12» a m - A r . a t PortlmnH 4*40 i A n Artistic Job