Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, August 18, 1910, Image 1

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    m rnasm m
F orest G rove
Vol. 1
Famous P. U. Athlete
in Portland Monday
Alfred C. Gilbert, who brought
fame to the athletic department
o f Pacific University as a pole
vaulter when he was a student at
that seat o f learning, was a visit­
or in Portland Monday. After
leaving Forest Grove “ Little Gil­
lie” went to Yale, where he con­
tinued to take honors in athletics,
becoming champion pole-vaulter
o f the world. He was a member
o f the champio i American Olym­
pic team which won so many
honors at London in 1908. He is
now engaged in the toy manufac­
turing business at New Haven,
Conn., and has made arrange­
ments for a Portland firm to han­
dle his goods. Gilbert was ac­
companied on his trip west by his
wife, who was Miss Thompson,
also a former student o f Pacific
Prof. Ferguson Returns
Rrofessor M. D. Ferguson, who
has been east the past year in the
interests of Pacific Universety,
has returned to this city. Pro­
fessor Ferguson’s special work
was the raising of/funds for the
use o f the local institution, and
he met with /ery encouraging
success in his dBForts. He visit­
ed New York, Boston, Portland,
Maine, and othet large cities in
his itinery, and was received
everywhere w iti kindness and
courtesy, in the. work and aims
of the Unive/sity. Professor
Ferguson will sfeain occupy the
chair o f bible history the coming
school yfear. fie was accompan­
ied east fey Mrs. Ferguson, who
returned Hofne with him, and
they are now occupying their
residence in South Park.
No. 41
Judge McGinn Will Speak Young Man Painfully Injured Dr. and Mrs. Boggess
On Republican Principles Kennard Dixon o f this city met
Departed for India
Judge Henry E. McGinn o f
Portland will give an address at
a mass meeting to be held Satur­
day night at the tent on the Con­
gregational church square in this
city. The object of the meeting
with an accident Friday which
resulted in a badly lacerated face
and a powder burned and black­
ened hand.
Kennard had declared war on
the gophers which were throwing
moundg of earth in his lawn>
Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Boggess
left this city Monday for Luck­
now, India, where they go as
missionaries, and where Dr. Bog­
gess will teach in the Reid Christ­
ian College. They sailed from
Van Couver, British Columbia,on
the Empress o f India for their
Ft ¡ends o f Dr. and Mrs. Bogg­
ess tendered them a farewell re­
ception in the Methodist church
Wednesday evening o f last week.
A short program was given,which
included a brief address by Prof.
0 . M. Gardner and a response by
Dr. Boggess. During Dr. Bogg­
ess’ connection with Pacific Uni­
versity he and his wife have gain­
ed many friends who wish them
all success in their new field of
CJ?u y._!etL1/ 0rCh the and used as a weapon a cartridge
principles o f the republican party
which is placed in the runway o f
and to discuss the proposition as
the rodents and exploded by
to whether it will be for the best
, ,
means o f a fuse, the object be-
‘nter J8t30/ th®.Parl y t° n0mm? te >ng to liberate a gas which fills
candidates by
the assembly
the cavity and asphyxiates the
method, or whether they should
animals. The cartridge exploded
be nominated by means of the
all right but a little bit prema­
direct primary.
turely, and young Dixon says he
Those members of the republi­
doesn’ t know whether the gopher
can party who believe in the as
was killed or not. Though Ken-
sembly claim that only by again
nard’s wounds are painful, he is
returning to the old system of
cheerful, his motto being“ to grin
nominating candidates, can the
and bear it.”
party ever hope to get together
as a whole and be in truth a party
in-so-far as a definite working
organization is concerned. On
Messrs. Harris and Underwood i the other hand the direct primary
The trustees of Pacific Univer­
o f this city, returned last week : advocates hold that if the assem­ sity attended the funeral of the
xrom a trip into Idaho where they bly plan is again taken up by the late Harvey W. Scott in a body.
A Forest Grove party consist­
A quiet but pretty wedding oc- spent several days in going over party there will soon be a return Mr. Scott was a trustee of the ing of Mrs. Winnefred Aldrich,
cured at the Methodist church1 the ground o f the Coeur d ’Alene to the corrupt methods o f former University for nine years, and the Misses Dee and Belle Darling,
parsonage Wednesday morning Gold Crag Mining Company’s years, and that the only way to was for six years president of the Hazel Aldrich and Maud Miller,
when Mrs. Theresa Boldrick be­ claim near Iron Mountain. Their keep the party clean is for can­ board. A committee consisting of Messers H. T. Buxton, W. E.
came the bride o f Mr. Chares report regarding the prospect didates to be nominated solely by President Ferrin, Dr. L. R. Dyott Dunsmore and Frank Carmack,
Roper, Rev. Hiram Gould speak­ is most favorable. Several per­ the direct primary.
and Milton W.Smith was appoint­ took a delightful excursion up the
ing the words that made the sons m this city own stock in this
Judge McGinn is a speaker o f ed to draft resolutions on the Columbia river as far as the Cas­
happy couple one. After the mine and feel much encouraged much force and eloquence, and death of Mr. Scott. The trustees cade locks, Sunday. The party
ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Roper at the report o f these gentleman, has a wide reputation as a clear will hold a memorial service at the went to Portland Saturday morn­
departed for Newport, where who say there is a splendid out­ and logical thinker. Members o f University after the opening of ing and spent the day enjoying
they will spend their honeymoon. look for the Gold Crag.
the sights and sounds o f the me­
all factions and parties who are school this fall.
Before the wedding the couple
able to attend the meeting should
tropolis. The trip up the river
was serenaded by the Mills and
was made on the steamship Char­
be present, because it is only by
Livingston families, who are near
les Spencer, and there were over
hearing a clear exposition of both
neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Roper
six hundred excursionists on the
i sides o f a question that a person
The farm home of Charles
C. W. Rau, H. D. Rowe, H. L.
will make their home in this city,
boat. The Grove party pronoun­
can arrive at a fair conclusion.
Hines near Buxton, was destroy­
Deckert and J. G. Lenneville.
ces the day as having been ideal
the former now having charge of
ed by fire Saturday, with consid­
with their families, spent Sunday
and the scenery magnificent
the photograph studio.
erable o f the contents, entailing
in the beautiful Glenwood wilds.
The ladies served a bounteous
a loss of one thousand dollars.
The Hines family were away
The old gymnasium building on luncheon at noon, and the mem­
from home at the time of the fire, the campus is being torn down, bers o f the party all say they had
Hillsboro will hold a street carV
Charles A.
Sthepens, the which was discovered by a neigh­ giving way to the handsome the best time-e'ver. Foot races
famous writer, known in nearly bor. The residents o f Buxton | structure erected the past year were a feaUfre of the occassion, nival and livestock show some
every household in America for turned out in force and forming 1 by Pacific University. The de- Messrs LSnneville and Deckert time during October, the dates
the past thirty-five years through a bucket brigade, worked like [m olitionof this building marks proving the champions of the not yet naving been finally dec d-
sex, while Mrs. Deckert ed upon, as the promoters do not
his stories in the Y outh ’ s C om ­ beavers to subdue the flames, but the passing of the first gymnas­
the honors in the ladies wish the affair to conflict with
panion , visited this city Tuesday the fire had gained too much ium erected in Forest Grove.
other attractions. Committees
for the purpose o f interviewing headway. Most o f the furniture ! was built over a score o f years
have been appointed to get the
Captain F. S. Barnes, whose was saved from the lower floors. ago by an athletic association
program outlined and the exhib­
archery bows have a world-wide
[ composed of town boys and stu-
its into shape, and they promise
! dents from the college, and was
that the * 1910 carnival will be a
[first located where now stands
Mr. Stephens is traveling thru
the free reading room. For a
the western states collecting data
The county seat has been hold­
for a series of articles which will
number of years the club flur-, A resident o f Portland writing
these affairs annually for a
be published in the Companion
J.S.Trumble has returned to the
this fall and among them will be Grove after three weeks spent in many o f the charter membwfs was in the Nehalem country pre­ number of years and have always
a story of archery from ancient California. Mr. Trumble visited from the city,interest inathj^tics vious to the opening o f the hunt­ had a fine display of Washington
times to the present. The fam­ all the larger citieri of the orange­ among the town hoys languished, ing season, and noticed several county livestock, fruits, veget­
ous writer purchased one o f Cap­ growing state, and he was and the building was finally pur­ instances of deer being hunted j ables and poultry on exhibition to
tain Barnes’ bows.
very favorably impressed with chased by the University and re­ with dogs, contrary to law. He i please the visitors. Amusement
states that nearly every man in attractions are also a feature o f
their growth and prosperity. He moved to its present site.
Some o f the foremast athlete* that section has from one to six I the carnival.
states that the grain and fruit
crops o f California are looking of the Pacific Northwest received dogs, which will run the deer to |
fine, and he says this state is their training in tWs gymnasium, t h e water, where they a r e I
A picnic party consisting of
suffering more from a lack of among them being Alfred Gil­ slaughtered. He states that he
the Misses Nellie Hall. Abbie and
moisture at the present time than bert, the champibn pole-vaulter; has seen the deer meat fed to the
A Socialist lodge o f sixteen
Lydia Taylor and ye news report­
o u r southern neighbor. M r . Gates, the era cp distance man, hounds. He accounts for t h e charter members was organized
er o f the P ress , spent Sunday
Trumble and daughter will start and Harold Millis.the all-a round scarcity o f deer in the mountains
in this city Sunday, C. W. Bargee
along the sylvan banks o f Gales
for the east September the eighth athlete, who lost his life last from the fact that they are hunt- State Secretary, being present to
creek. The time was passed in
ed with dogs.
stopping at several points enroute winter in the Coos Bay wreck.
install the local,and after setting
wading in the pellucid waters o f
If the law was violated before
and making Baltimore their final
forth the object o f the organiza­
the murmuring stream and rest­
tion the following officers were
ing in the shade o f a weeping
* respect, it is likely that it is still
elected; J. H. Streams. Secretary;
willow, reading selections from
Forest Grove’s Chief o f Police J *!"* ««violated, and this man John Stribach, treasurer; J. H.
Mrs. Richardson, and grand­
our greatest poets. At noon the
met the P ress man the other day, beieives the game warden and his
girls served a luncheon fit for the daughter, Miss Fern Richardson and waving one fat arm in the air, deputies should use drastic meas­ Webley, organizer. The next
wert to Noith Yamhill Saturday
meeting will be held Friday eve­
sang a little ditty whose refrain ures in stopping the evil.
to visit with friends there.
ning at Stribach’s hall.
was “ My wife’ s gone to t h e
Mrs. T. H. Littlehales and the
Farmers in the western section
Mrs. Wilber McEldowney will
Bill’s drooping mouth andfrnoum-
A1 Sexton, the teamster, who
Mi- ses Margaret and Winnefred. o f the country who have thrashed ful mein belied his seeming hilar- entertain at cards this evening,
been quite ill, is able to be on
have returned from a two weeks their grain report the yield to be ity. We imagine these little
but has not entirely
outing spent at Newport by the above the average. The grain is
his indisposition.
well filled and will over weigh.
Favorable at Gold Crag
In Honor of Harvey W. Scott
Grove People on Excursion
Married in the Morn ng
Buxton Home Bums
Enjoys Athletic Sports
Old Gymnasium Torn Down
Famous Writer Visits Grove
Hillsboro to Hold Carnival
Deer Hunted With Dogs
m the NehaJem Country
Returns From the Land
of Oranges and Fruit
Pioneers Have Nice Time
Grove Socialists Organize
His Wife’s Gone to the Country
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