ra tti r a tti SYMBOLISM DID B e lin d a R e je c t* NOT APPEAL P ro po sal o f C h a r lie to Be Joined T o g e th e r Like Hand* of Clock. H A R V E Y W. S C O T T IS D EA D. Best Known Newspaper Man Northw est Has Passed Away. of MAYOR GAYNOR IS ASSASSINATED ALASKA S TE A M E R L O S T . Princess May Total W reck on Reef— All Hands Safe. m E S S COLLEGE Juneau, Alaska—The Canadian Pa­ cific steamship Pricess May, which left Skagway, southbound, for Vancouver, B. C., at 9 o’clock Friday night, with 80 passengers and a crew of 68, struck the North Reef of Sentinel island at 2 o’clock Saturday morning in dark and hazy, but not foggy, weather, and in a smooth sea sank two hours later. All the passengers and their bag­ gage were taken to the lighthouse on Sentinel island, whence they will be brought to Juneau by steamers which have gone to their relief. The light- keeper did everything in his power to make the castaways as comfortable as possible. None of the prssengers or crew was injured. There was no panic when the Prin­ cess May struck the reef, but the wo­ men and children suffered much from cold in the small boats, the majority having left the sinking ship scantily clad. Captain McLeod and his officers took the situation coolly and managed to get all the passengers and crew away from the sinking steamer before she foundered. The boats hugged the shore until daylight, when landings were made. In the meantime steamers were sent from Juneau, where the distress sig­ nals were received from several sour­ ces. The steamship Victoria picked up the call at sea, and it was also heard by the United States naval sta­ tion at Cordova. Canadian postoffice officials believe that a shipment of gold from Dawson for Seattle went down with the vessel. Baltimore Aug. 7. — Harvey W. Scott, editor of the Portland Oregon­ ian, died at Johns Hopkins hospital shortly before 6 p. m. of heart failure, Mortally Wounded While on 32 hours after a surgical operation Board Steamer. for prostatectomy. He went off the operating table Sat­ GUFATESI 1 urday morning in strong condition. for Was About to Sail fo r Europe W A S H l i p i g T M STS.. P O R T L A N D This morning at 7 o’clock he began Rest and Travel—Assassin sinking and in spite of the best stimu­ Arrested on Ship. lants known to medical science his Tents, Awnings, Sails heart grew steadily weaker until the Coll. Hinmoclu. Cuvu and end. He was conscious almost to the 1 o r 1,000 * t f a c to ry pricaa last and the end was painless. PACIFIC T IN f AND AWNING CO New York, Aug. 9.—Mayor William 27 N . F ir a t S t., Portland Or. With him were his wife and one of J. Gay nor, of New York, was shot and his sons, Leslie Scott, who had accom­ The Modern Way. panied him on his trip to this city for probably fatally wounded on board the steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse as “H as he a sk e d your parents for surgical relief. your hand y e t? ” In Portland Mr. Sctot leaves two he was sailing for Europe this morn­ "My, no. T h a t’s an old fashioned sons, John H. and Ambrose B., and ing. His assailant who, at the time was not identified, was arrested. custom th a t’s no longer observed. My one daughter, Miss Judith. Later the man who shot the fath er may co n sid er him self lucky if Mr. Scott began failing nearly three months ago from an attack of sciatica. mayor gave his name as Jules James we decide to send him an Invitation to our w edding." Early in June he went to Hot Lake, Gallegher of 440 Third avenue, New Eastern Oregon, but the baths there York City. The mayor was standing on the up­ greatly debilitated him. At last con­ Scared by th e Cooking. per deck of the liner, well forward, R e d , W e a k , W e a ry , W a t e r y Kyee. vinced that only surgery could relieve L ittle W illie— Say, pa, when poverty R eliev ed By M urine E y e R em edy. T ry talking with Commissioner Thompson, com es In a t th e door, w hat window M u rin e F o r Y our E y e T ro u b les. You W ill him, he started for Johns Hopkins hos­ L i k e M urine. I t S oothes. 50c a t Y our pital, from Portland, one week ago Corporation Counsel Watson and his does love fly out of? D ru g g ists. W rite F o r E y e B ooks. F re e. secretary Mr. Adamson, when the shot last Thursday morning. P a— It probably flies out of the di­ M u rin e E y e R em edy Co., C hicago, was fired. The operation was pronounced en­ ning room w in d o w , m y son. G lobe T r o t tin g to A v o id S u ito r. tirely successful and the surgeons and William J. Gaynor was born in U nrest. Mrs. H elen Beryl O raydon, w ho ob­ physicians were confident of recovery county, New "Is Mr. B ligglns a t hom e on hor»w tain ed a divorce from Tom O raydon, up to this morning, when an unexpect­ Whitestown, Oneida th e lig h t h aired young man w ho m ade ed weakness of the heart ensued which York, in 1851, and received his educa­ back ?” such a pow erful fullback on th e H a r­ the physicians were powerless to cope tion in Whiteston and Boston. At the "I should th in k so,” replied Mis* age of 22 he went to Brooklyn, where v ard football team several y e a rs ago, with. C ayenne. “H e seem s equally uncom­ Mr. Scott was apparently as strong he engaged in newspaper work and fo rtab le In e ith e r place ” hAs gone to E u ro p e to escap e a p e r­ siste n t su ito r, w ho says he Is a R us­ on arriving here last Monday as when took up the study of law, working on A P a in fu l F a o t. sian noblem an. Mrs. O raydon, who leaving Portland four and one-half days the Brooklyn and New York papers It ta k e s a lot of w aiting to bob up is th e d au g h te r of J. P a rk e r W hitney before. The doctors here perceived while studying. He was admitted to h a s been spending th e g re a te r p a rt of his heart weakness, but thought he the bar in 1875 and began practice. He precisely a t th e moment a certain girl comes along h e r tim e on h e r fa th e r’s ra n ch In could go safely through the operation was a noted writer on legal subjects P la c e r county, C alifornia. Em ployed and its subsequent effects. At Mr. and acquired a national reputation for ID A H O F O R E S T S B U RN.; on th e ranch w as an e x p e rt h o rtic u l­ Scott’s request the operation was per­ his work in breaking up rings within the Democratic party and in securing tu rist. He w as p resen ted to Mrs formed Saturday instead of Monday. the conviction of John Y. Kane for 2 ,0 0 0 Men W orking to Save Tim ber E Y E R E K S E O Y t .. wnl a ,» O raydon and alm o st In stan tly fell In election frauds. He was elected Judge R U S H T O R IC H E S R U IN S . — Many Buildings Burn. love w ith her. He sought to follow up liquid Form. 25c, 50c. Solve Tube». 25c, gl.Ot of the Supreme court and served from socially an acq u ain tan ce th a t cam< Spokane, Wash.—Fanned by stiff 1893 to 1909, when he was elected about sim ply thro u g h his em ploym ent Cardinal Gibbons Sees History o f mayor of New York City. He twice mountain breezes, forest fires in the I T C H C A N B E C U R E D H e w rote le tte rs and telephoned cor- Rome Repeating. n h s h o rt tn n o by usin*r declined the Democratic nomination Coeur d’Alenes, the Panhandle of Ida­ a ta n tly to her. Finally Mrs. O raydo ho, Bitter Root mountains, Stevens P L U M M E R ’S ITCH New York—Cardinal Gibbons sat on for governor, also judge cf the Court of left the ranch and w ent to San F ran county, St. Joe country and the Clear­ REMEDY cisco. The "noblem an" followed a n t the spacious veranda of a Long Island Appeals, and also the nomination for water valley have broken out afresh In 50-c«?nt c a n s o n ly . A d d ress He was and rangers have again sounded a call continued bis le tte r w ritin g and tele country house and, as he watched the mayor of Brooklyn in 1896. P L U M M E R E R U G COM PANY phoning. HI* p u rsu it becam e so ardu automobiles flit down the road before one of the first to speak of favoritism for every available man in the country. n u r d a n d M a d is o n P o rtlan d . Or. ous th a t Mrs. O raydon left San F ran him in one unending stream, moralized in freight rates. Two hundred men were asked for at on the dangers of self-indulgence that cisco and has sailed for E urope.— Wallace, 50 at Stites, in the Clearwa­ have beset all republics. P hilad elp h ia Telegraph. SW ARM T O SEE R O O S E E V LT . ter country, and 300 employes of the “ I think,” he said, “ we are closely REDUCE THE COST OF UVIMt Flewelling Lumber company quit work approaching the age of extravagance Japan ese Is H a rd e s t to L e a rn . Dedication o f John Brown Battlefield at the mill at St. Joe and went to fight T he Jap an o se language Is claim ed and inordinate pleasure, offered by use the flames. Will D raw Thousands. The cry to be th e h a rd e s t of all to learn Rome just before her fall. “ All told, perhaps 2,000 men are of today is for more and more riches. BAKING POWDER Topeka, Kan.—Visits to Kansas by E ven the Ja p a n e se find It h ard , and fighting fires within a radius of 100 sev era l A m erican arm y officers have The rich man is greedy for more. It Presidents Harrison, Roosevelt and miles of Spokane. 25c. FULL POUND found It Im possible to m a s te r I t It is the same with the well-to-do. It is Taft have brought together great Rangers Pring and Finish struggled crowds, but the coming of Colonel ta k e s th e Ja p a n e se child sev en y ears the same everywhere. “ Truly, we have many generous Roosevelt on August 31 to dedicate the through 10 miles of flames to Stites to to learn th e esse n tia l p a rts of the among the rich, but I would wish more John Brown battlefield at Ossawatomie summon help. By crawling in the bed alphab e t, and one m u st becom e fa­ of a small stream where the water was Is guaranteed to rem ove m ilia r w ith 214 signs to learn th is of them were considerate of the un­ will cause to assemble there the great­ H a rd Corns, S o ft Corns scalding hot, the two guards saved sim ple p a rt of th e language alone. fortunate. This great desire for riches est number of Kansas people ever con­ a n d Callouses. E a*y to a p ­ their lives and, famished for food and p ly ; rem o v e« aU b ad odors gregated within the borders of the T he 214 signs serv e as th e E nglish is making people very selfish. drink, stumbled to help at Stites. a n d g iv e s in s ta n t r e lie f to “ Then there is a desire for inordi­ state. Initial le tte rs in o ur a lp h a b e t To B u r n in g , a c h in g , inflam ed, A special from Wallace says forest sw o llen a n d te n d e r feet, Fully 50,000 will attend this cele­ be able to read any of th e h ig h er nate pleasures.” a n d is a ll th e n a m e im plies fires in the vicinity of Murray have An automobile whirled by in a cloud bration, which is to be held on the bat­ class of Ja p a n e se n ew sp ap ers one N O X A L L to u g h e n s the swept all the timber from an area four B fF O H P «k in so a s m a lle r shoe can m ust be th e m a ste r of from 2,600 to of dust. The cardinal pointed after it tlefield where John Brown and his men b e w o rn w ith c o m fo rt. R ecom m ended miles in width and 10 miles in length, and continued: fought for free Kansas. The tract of 8,000 Ideographs.—A lbany Journal. an d sold b y all d r u g g is ts , o r by m ail. “ You see we have many more chan­ land, comprising 22 acres, has been together with buildings, flumes and ap­ A d d re s s D r. O. O. F le tc h e r & Co.. Foot AFTER Th* Pity of It. nels of pleasure than were known to purchased by the Women’s Relief corps pliances belonging to mining com­ S p e c ia lists, P o r tla n d , O reg o n . P ric e 25c. “ Tts o n l j f i th e sa d d e st th in g s of the Patricians of Augustus Caesar’s and deeded to the state for a memorial panies. m arried life.” , time; yet there is the desire for new park. ASK YOUR CROCER FOR K. A S. BRAND OF W AR C L O U D PASSES. , "\Yhat Is T” . pleasures and more pleasure. Ossawatomie, the early home of John Blueing Disinfectant Spray "T h e faol th a t th e wife c a n ’t th in k “ I believe the gospel of Christ will Brown, is about 50 miles south and of an y th in g new for din n er, an d th e save the present situation. There was west of Kansas City, and about 15 Catholic Authorities Aoandon Pro- Ammonia Cold Water Liquid Starck posed Demonstration. husb an d , w hile dissatisfied, c a n 't sug no Christ you remember, to save miles from the Missouri state line. In “ Clean, 0 ” Non-B*i!ing Washing M g e st a n y th in g " Rome.” the early history of the state the town Madrid—Like oil on troubled waters was a mere trading post, but with the came an official announcement that the Mother* win fin d Mr*. W inslow** S o o th in g K .A n ° S. chemic ^ ® . S y ru p th e b u s t r e m e d y to uae lo r t h e ir c h ild re n C L E A R W A T E R M A S S O F F L A M E . building of the Missouri Pacific rail­ manifestation scheduled to be held at l u r i n g th e to o th in g p e rio d . road through it an era of prosperity San Sebastian had been abandoned, O f Nine Big Forest Fires, But Four came and with this the location of With the Catholics insisting upon hold- 1 P h a r m a c is t s Her Mistake. shops for the railroad company. Its ing it and the government forbidding WE M A N U F A C TU R E ALL D*UO S P E C IA L TIE S Are Under Control. The young woman waa hastening to population today is round 2,500. it and rushing troops to the scene to the subway station en route to the Lewiston, Idaho. — Major F. A, P h o n e M ain 113 What the little town will do with see that the order was obeyed, Spain railway train. Looking about for a Fenn, supervisor of the Clearwater the 50,000 people who will assemble was prepared for a great insurrection, 401 Main S l Vancouver, WaslÉgü boy to carry her heavy suit case, she National forest reserve, gave oat a there to greet Colonel Roosevelt on the which now seems forestalled by the de­ espied a stalwart youth and asked statement to the effect that at least morning of August 31 is a question cision to forego the manifestation. him If he would take It for her to the 25,000 acres of valuable timber in the not easily answered. The Catholic newspapers will publish A n E m b a rra s s in g Word. iStatlon. He hesitated a moment, ug Clearwater reserve has been burned manifestoes explaining the decision. “T h e n ,” said th e reporter, ’Til he had been headed to an opposite and the fires are not yet under control. Spain was at a high point ¡of tension sev eral p re tty songs w ere rend«r«d t! Meteor Falls; Jars City. direction, and then complied. At the He predicts heavy losses to the for­ at the time the decision was made. M iss P a c k e r.” Council Bluffs, la.—Accompanied by That ticket window there was an unusual ests unless rains prevail within the the Catholics would go ahead and “Oh, g racio u s n o !" replied the b» crowd. The boy pushed forward. next few days. At the present time a noise as loud as thunder, a large me­ prepare to hold the manifestations at tess; "you m u stn ’t say ’render»! bought • tlc k s t for th « young woman. COO men are fighting the fires, but in teor fell in the neighborhood of Coun­ San Sebastian, thereby precipitating You see, h e r fa th e r made »11 w i put It In the box and handed her tbs sections the fire is advancing at the cil Bluffs shaking the city and causing an uprising, seemed assured. Troops m oney In lard .”—Catholic Staid11' su it case. As she proffered him th e rate of a mile an hour and little can be intense excitement. Searching parties were being rushed to San Sebastian and T im es. have attempted for some hours to dim e w hich seemed about adequate j accomplished by back-firing. from this city, including two regiments for his services he emlled at her pe­ A call for more help has been made locate the place where the meteor fell, of hussars, a regiment of cavalry and cu liarly , shook his head, lifted hla hat and additional fighters will be rushed but at a late hour had been able to do two battalions of chasseurs, while a «gracefully and waa gone before the into the mountains from Kooskia as so. It is supposed to have fallen in regiment of infantry was ordered from |young woman had time to proteet or soon as they can be secured. The the hills immediately back of the city. Vittoria. really to underatand what had oc­ larger fires are on the tributaries of Hundreds of people heard the explos­ curred. T hen the appalling thought the Cleat water, and some of the best ion and felt the shock, but because the Japs Will Study Flying. Icame to h e r with conviction that he pine and cedar is being burned. One sun was shining at the time, very few Berlin—The Japanese military com­ saw it. waa undoubtedly a college boy put­ of the big fires is in the vicinity of mission, which for several months has ting In vacation time at aomo kind of Lolo Pass where a large area has been been studying military conditions in Paris Has Lynching. employment which neceealtated hla burned over. In all there are nine ■wearing qulta ordinary working big fires and a large number of smaller Paris—Paris witnessed a demons­ Europe, has arranged with the com­ clothes. | one and not more than four of the fires tration of lynch law in the heart of the pany controlling the Wright aeroplane capital Sunday, August 7. A police­ patents in Germany to buy a number to think that you can cirf "And how dreadful»" the thought are under control. The Japanese squirming with mortification, “he man was about to arrest an apache in of Wright machines. your weak stomach and f8 r "*M my fare, tool" the Boulevard Sebastopol when the government will send to Germany four back your health again ^ Baby Death Rate Great. captains and 21 lieutenants of the *------ - j ......... ........ Des Moines, la.—One-third of the man fired at him with a revolver. The army, and these, by agreement with dieting or experiment«® babiee in Iowa under 1 year old have bullet wounded the policeman and the German government, will receive this or that remedy. died this Summer, according to statis­ killed a man paaaing on the street A instructions in aeronautics. Seven of crowd speedily gathered, seized the tic* collected by G. H. Summer, need Hostetler’s Stomad» B* the officers have already arrived here — 1 l“ ‘' çTT*t tronfile with my tary of the Iowa State board of health apache and hanged him to a lamp poet. and begun to take lessons. ters and nothing eb<* kind« o i medicine*. — actu ally ** g re e n a* poor milk and improper rare are given over 57 years it ha* Woman Hit by Ball Sues. Thief Robs Fainting Woman. F * m . my bruth^ having . Ud odo*. Two as causes. wwfcsAgn a mend recommended making people weH . S r . “ JCityr A,le*Jn'f th*‘ * b“ *- New Y ork-W ith *24,000 worth of V»1 »?” •“ *“« tbrtn I can w illingly and ball batted foul struck her on the cheek diamonds in her handbag. Miss Tinnie ing them so and it will d* Turkey Buys Old Warships. cW rfoU y a*y that they have entím ly snd thus caused a permanent disfigure- Boner, a saleswoman for a jewelry S ü ü l B 1 ümvefac« let yoo know th a t ! Berlin—The sale to Turkey of ment. Miss Hazel Wilson has sued the firm, fainted on the street. While a much for you. Try 8 to “ 17 ° ° * H Hal. the old German battleships Weisaen- owners of the local American Asso­ policeman was assisting her to her today for Indigestion, ■K «vom mch tronfile»--—cha* burg and Kurfuerst Friedrich Wilhelm ciation baseball team for *20.000 dam­ feet, somebody in the surrounding pepsia, Biliousness, has been cloeed, the price being fixed ages. Miss Wilson says that if the plucked him by the arm and Ta*«* O m A Diarrhoea and Malaon, at *4,500,000. Djavid Bey, the Turkish box in which she was sitting had been “ Here’s the sick lady’s hand- minister of finance, came to Berlin to properly screened the accident would and Ague. It never f* It waa empty when she opened “C harlie," sorrow fully sighed th e young lady in th e p a rlo r of th e con­ cre te house, on W ashington avenue, "It la n early 12 o’clock.” "Yes, B elinda,” w as th e b re a th in g resp o n se of h er p oetical oom panlon, w ho waa sittin g on th e sofa beside h er. "th e m in u te h and Is d raw in g clo ser and closer to th e h o u r hand, and w hen th e tim e of m idnight Is chim ed th e tw o h an d s will be even as one. Oh, darlin g B elinda," he con­ tin u ed , as he lite ra lly sim u lated th e actio n of th e m in u te hand, "m ay n o t th e com ing to g e th e r of th o se tw o h a n d s be sym bolical of u s?” She broke aw ay and stood firm ly on h e r feet. "No, C h arles H enry S m ith," sh e re to rte d , an g rily , "th o se tw o h an d s w ill rem ain as one b u t a sin g le se c ­ ond, and th e n th e m in u te hand will di­ v o rce Itself and go on Its way alone. N o, Mr. S m ith, a m inute hand th a t d o e sn 't stick Isn’t th e kind of sym bol­ ism I w a n t!" TRY- K1 URJNE CRESCENT N O X A L L j Bad Breath make terms of payment. not have happened.