Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, August 11, 1910, Image 3

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Live Items of Local Interest
Com piled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling
Local Reporters of the Press
Mrs. Lowell Markee has return­
ed to her home in this city after
several weeks visit with her hus­
band, who is with the United
Railway’s surveying crew locat­
ed at Wilson,Oregon.
Pete Thomas, son o f Mrs.J.W.
George S. Allen spent Monday j Miss Margaret Hinman was Fuqua o f this city, has gone
in Portland attending to business visiting with friends in the Rose down to the sea in a ship, his
city over Sunday.
destination b e i n g Australia.
who is about sixteen years
For scientific shoeing go to
John Wilson McCrum, after
went to Portland last
Harris & Markham. They guar- several weeks visit in this city,
an ee e resu s.
has returned to his duties at Spo- week, and liking the looks o f a
ship as it lay moored to the dock,
Claud Smith visited w i t h kane.
boarded the vessel and signed for
friends in the Wilson river sec-
Now is the time to purchase the voyage, notifying his mother
tion, Sunday.
that range you Want. The best
by letter.
M t Hood Ice Cream at Shear- \^:dt are, made can ^ had at
er’ s. Special prices on quantities Hinman s.
for parties, picnics, etc.
John Matthews of this city is
George Bacon o f Hillsboro,
formerly making his home in this
city, was up from the county seat,
Men and Boys like to trade
with Anderson because he takes
a pride in supplying their needs.
painting a barn for Mrs. W. Ber-
nards, living in the Verboort
Miss Lula Emerson of Chicago,
and Zoe Thomas o f Washington
are visiting at the home o f Frank
Emerson in this city.
Austin Buxton,ex-president of
Now is your opportunity to re-
the State Grange, was in the P‘enish y° « r silve1' chest. 2 °^
Grove from his farm in the Watts olf on a11 silverware at Arthur
section, Monday.
Shearer’s for the next ten days.
Dr. Semones.
Pysician and Oculist. Does no
Charley Morgan, who was em-
surgery. Office at residence, ployed awhile at the McCann mill
319 North A street. Ind. Phone near Cales creek, is hack again at
the brick yard northeast o f town.
Will Gerrish, formerly o f this
FARMERS—Schultz Market,
city, now conducting a piano pacific Ave., Forest Grove, pays
salesroom in Portland, was in highest market price in cash for
town with his wonted smile, Mon- eggs and produce. Bring them
_ 39-4t
J. B. Matthews wishes to show
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Parsons o f
you the new Union jack; for thj
: it d
Sunday at
lifting, setting tires, stretching ™,s m y visited over Sunday at
fence and many other uses. Al-
" orne °* Mrs. Parson s sister,
ways handy.
Mrs. Tom Richie, Vancouver,
J. Wheelock Marsh, former Washington,
postmaster and newspaper man
Why burn $4 wood when you
o f this city, now living in Port- can ^uy a. t°n
Mendota coal for
$7.50, delivered. Little soot and
^nd, was calling on friends in the fittle ash
Keeps an even fire.
Grove, luesday.
No splitting, no sawing, equals
Ray Knox, employed in the two cords t>f wood
Give it a trial
u___ u Washougal,
i Roswunii
and Moulton, Forest
logging camps above
Washington, visited over Sunday
The deer heads in the window
with his mother, living at the
the Miller Drug Store are at­
northwest edge o f town.
tracting considerable attention
Torest fires are reported to be from passers by. They are the
raging i,i the forests near Jewell,
result o f the prowess o f Messers
Clatsop county, and much valu­
Miller, Baldwin a n d
able timber is bei .g destroyed.
mighty hunters.
There are no tire wardens in the
George Ridder, wife and three
vicinity, and no efforts are being to check the conflagration, children, ol Madras, Oregon, are
: visiting at the home of the form
tilen Liltner returned to this er’ s brother-in-law, C. L. Perry,
city Sunday after a four years ¡n this city. Mr. Ridder states
teim of sfci in the United that crops of all kinds, especially N tvy. Glen likes the sea wh«at, are promising a fine bump-
and may again enlist on aman-of- er harvest, in his section. He
wa: . He was with the fleet in wj]| take his family to the coast
its tumous trip around the world, before returning home.
Lemg 0:1 board the Nebraska.
„ , .
Alec Robinson,this years grad-
John D. Rose lair, the man who m e o f Pacific University,
n ordered his w ife at their writes the P ress man that he is
mountain home above Buxton was now time-keeper for the United
rescntenc d to hang by Circuit railways surveying crew, located
Jud eCairpLell at Hillsboro, Mon- above Timber, on the line t o
day, the date being sot as Sept- Tillamook. Alec also has charge
ember eighth. Sheriff Hancock o f the company’ s stores. Here-
removed the prisoner to the pen- ports many campers in the
ite. tiary at Salem, Monday even- mountains, and the fishing and
hunting as being good.
Booth Jewelry Co.
Diamonds; W atches, Solid G o ld and
G o ld
Fobs, Chains, Lockets and Bracelets; Clocks.
Cut Glass
H and
Watch Repairing
Rings (or the
O a r Specialty
O ld fit Y ou ng
Painted China; Fancy Vases; Nove'ties
Anything and Everything
Jew e!.y.
T h e B ig S t o r e
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove, Ore.
A braham ’s
G roceries Dry Goods
All delinquent v'ater and light
consumers will be reported to the
City Council Sept. 1, 1910, for its
consideration. Don.t be a delin­
quent. E. B. S appington . C om . .
Announcements of Candidates
Right Goods - Right Prices
Courteous Service
Corner Store
Abraham ’s
C o r n e r S to re
For County Treasurer
To the voters of
Washington County.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate for the office of County
Treasurer o f Washington County,
on the Republican Ticket, subject
to the action o f the Primary
Election, to be held on the 24th
day o f September. 1910.
If I am nominated and elected,
I will at all limes endeavor to
conduct the affairs o f the office
as carefully in the future as I
| have in the past.
W. M. J a c k s o n .
For County Judge
To the Voters of
Washington County
I hereby announce myself as a
Republican candidate for the off­
ice o f County Judge o f Washing­
ton County, subject to the action
of the Primaries on S e p t24,1910.
If I am nominated and elected,
I will, during my term o f office,
honestly, conscientiously and im­
partially perform the duties ap­
pertaining to the same, and will :
use my best efforts to give the
people of Washington County a
progressive,businesslike and eco­
nomical administration of county
affairs. I favor the building of
permanent rock roads, a uniform
system o f road building, and in
getting permanent returns for
the money expended, and will
work to that end.
My motto is, "Businesslike ad­
ministration, permanent roads,
and full value for every dollar ex­
G. W. M arsh
Cornelius, Ore.
L e g a l Notices
In the County Court o f the
State o f Oregon for Washington
County. In the matter o f the
estate of Mary E. Tennis deceas­
ed. II. W. Miller executor.
Notice is hereby given that the
executor o f the last Will and
Testament of Mary E. Tennis,
has filed his final account as such
executor, in the County Court of
the State o f Oregon for Washing­
ton County, in the above entitled
estate, and that the Hon. J . W.
Goodin judge of the above entitl­
ed Court, has set Monday Sept- j
ember 12th 1910 at the hour o f 1
10 o’ clock in the fore-noon of
said day as the time and at the !
County Judge’s office in the
Court House at Hillsboro, Wash­
ington County, Oregon as the
place, being the time and place
set for the hearing o f objections
if anv to said final account, and
for the distribution o f the residue
o f said estate and for his final
settlement and discharge therein.
This order of publication being
dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, Aug­
ust 8th, 1910.
The first publication o f this
notice being made on the 11th
day o f August, 1910 in the Forest
Grove Press.
H. W. M iller , executor of
the last will and testament o f
M ar y E. T enn is deceased.
5. N . HorvMAN, attorney.
Call or Telephone Your Orders to
Schultz Market & Grocery
For Fresh, Salt and Smoked M eats,
Fish and Vegetables o f A ll Kinds
An Especially Neat Stock of Monopole Canned
Goods and Groceries
Free Delivery to A ll Parts of the City
Both Phones
Pacific A venue
Forest Grove
Security Lice Killer.
Dr. Robert’s Veterinary Remedies.
W akelee’s Squirrel and Gopher Poison.
To trade with us means to save you money
Dr. Hines’ Drug Store
of the very best
are second to none and cost
no m ore than the inferior
article. Call and examine
them and be convinced o f
their sterling worth
W e Carry A Full Line
Gasolene and O il Stoves
two and three burner
Safe, Reliable and O dorless
Charter Oak —Ranges— Real Estate
None better made, and at prices that are reasonable