F orest G rove P ress Voi. 1 FOREST GROVE, OREGON. THURSDAY, AUG. II. 1910 hundred passengers or more, de­ metal tubing. In the center of pending on the size o f machine, the machine will be four engines will soon be an every-day sight, which will be o f twenty-five horse and a trip across the continent by power each. At the forward end the air line will be thought no of the machine will be the steer­ more unusual than by railroad at ing rudder and two balancing the present time. While Mr. rudders, which will be under the An airship or aeroplane, in­ Spencer’s invention differs in control o f the pilot, four cranks vented by George N. Spencer, many essentials from flying somewhat similar to those used formerly living in this city, now machines now in use, the most on trolley cars being used to op­ making his home on a farm two radical difference, and that which erate the rudders. The propellers, the method of miles from town on the Thatcher sets it apart from all others, is in road, will revolutionize methods the propellers which lift theaero- working o f which distinguishes o f travel and definitely solve the P*ane from the ground and cause Mr. Spencer’s aeroplane from all others, and on which he bases problem o f successfully navigat- its forward motion, ing the upper air. In all heav- A description of the working his claims as to the practicability ier-than-air flying machines now model o f the aeroplane which o f his invention, will be eight in before the public, the ability o f Mr- Spencer will construct, given number on the working model. the machines to remain above the without technical terms, is as They will be seven feet in length ground depends on their forward follows: The machine will be and twelve inches wide, the two motion: a running start must be forty-five feet in length, with a i blades o f each propeller being made to raise them into the air, cabin four feet in width which three and one half feet long. and after they reach the upper will contain room for twenty They will be constructed of wood. regions, they are at the mercy o f passengers and a crew o f five, The propellers will be located at every strong wind that blows. lh e upper and lower planes will 1 the top o f the machine, on hori- In consequence, a flight of fifty be nine feet in width, each, and i zontal bars, four to each side. miles by one man is hailed with ten feet apart; the cabin will be The propellers, by means of a loud acclaim; and where two per- seven feet in height from the stirrup, engaged to the hoiizontal sons ride for any distance in the center o f the floor to the apex; shaft, may he swung around the machine, double heads are given ! the planes will be constructed of shaft to any position desired; the incident by the newspapers, muslin or other cloth, as likewise herein lies the secret o f the in­ If Mr. Spencer’s invention the cabin and the propeller blades; vention, and sets it apart from all proves successful, airships carry- there will be very little wood used other flying machines now made. ing from twenty-five to two as the framework will be made of A bar fastened to the outer end Practical Air Navigation Has Eeen Solved— Forest Grove Inventor Perfects Aero­ plane That Will Fly o f the stirrup and to a loose ing at the top and the weight at sprocket wheel on the horizontal the bottom, will keep the aero­ bar, gives the engineer control of plane steady and prevent its tip­ the propellers, a sprocket-chain ping over. connecting the loose sprocket Mr. Spencer applied for letters wheel and a crank in the hands patent on his invention some o f the engineer. i months ago, and will probably In operating this aeroplane, the receive his papers in a short time. engineer sets the propellers in Mr. Spencer is an inventor of motion in a horizontal position. much experience, and is eminent­ Mr. Spencer claims that in his ly practical in his ideas, as is ev­ working model the machine will idenced by the fact that o f all his have a lifting power of 2500 complicated inventions, not one pounds, lifting the aeroplane and has ever failed to do the work he its freight at the rate o f 132 feet has claimed for it. He is as con­ a minute. A fter the machine has fident that his present invention reached the desired height, the will fulfill his expectations, and propellers are changed to a ver­ one seeing the drawings o f the tical position, and a forward mo­ machine and hearing from him a tion is obtained, the airship being description as to the workings able to travel 100 miles an hour. thereof, can be no less than con­ When descent is desired, the pro­ vinced o f the feasibility of thein- pellers are reversed,and when the j vention. Should his claims be forward motion is checked, are bourn out by a practical test, For­ changed to the horizontal posit­ est Grove will gain more fame ion, and the craft may be lower­ than when it was called by form­ ed to any spot desired. Carrying er President Hayes ‘ ‘The pretti­ est town in Oregon.” twenty-five persons, necessary luggage and gasoline, o f an es­ EXCLUSIVE D O P E -T h e P ress timated weight of 7000 pounds, reported exclusively the story the machine will cross the conti­ last week of the Forest Grove hen nent in forty hours, more or less, that crows instead of cackles according to Mr. Spencer. The when she lays her daily egg. Cock-a-doodle-do! R e a d t h e motive power o f the machine be­ P ress to get the news. City “ Dads” Transact Business They Walked and Fished Noted Editor and First Road Building Test to be Made P. U. Graduate Di< An exhaustive road building The city council met in regular The party o f “ strollers” who session Tuesday night at the free left on August 27th for a fishing reading room. The mayor, all trip returned Thursday evening members o f the council, the re­ o f last week,after a walk o f over corder, street commissioner and one hundred miles. The party chief o f police were present. consisted o f Miss Manche Lang- Nothing o f special importance iey, Lotus L. Langley and wife came up before the body and the and Allan A. Dale. They walked usual routine business was at­ from North Yamhill to “ The tended to. The claims o f Peach- Trask” , the stage hotel on the in, Adams and Burke for dam­ Trask river, a distance o f thirty ages, caused by the new water miles, camping in the mountains line crossing their properties, the first night and getting to were considered. The council ' “ The Trask” at noon o f the sec­ has made them an offer in settle­ ond. They then spent three or ment, but as the sums are not as four days fishing and hunting in large as those demanded by the the Trask district, eating de(a)r property owners, a board of ar­ meat (bacon at 20^ per pound) bitration may have to be appoint­ and cooking up fish (stories). ed to settle the matter. Langley says that those fish over there are on speaking terms with most o f the sportsmen in Oregon. The party went in to Tillamook, out to the beach resorts and over Mrs. Margaret A. Allen, aged the Wilson River road home,hav­ seventy - seven years, died at ing looped the loop o f about one Laurelwood Academy Sunday. hundred and twenty miles on She was born in Ohio June 2,1833 foot in nine days. The last thir­ and came to Washington county ty miles o f the trip, from the Mc- from Pine Valley, Baker county, Namer Camp on Wilson River to six years ago. She is survived Forest Grove,they made in one by her husband, William M. Allen, day, and not because they were and the following children: Mrs. homesick either, but just because, L. F. Moffett,Gaston; M.M.Allen so Miss Langley says “ You just and Mrs. Amanda Bishop, Nebras­ get used to steppin’ spry” . ka: and G. M. Allen, Boise, Idaho. Funeral services were held Good roads advocates say that draw Tuesday, Professor Kay officia­ highways well paved ting, with burial in the Hill cem­ trade— which may account for the heavy traffic on the road paved etery. with good intentions. A Massachusetts couple has de­ cided to be married in a balloon up in the clouds. It probably won’ t . H. W. Scott, the automobilist seem much different from the lat­ ter part of their courtship. o f this city, says it is a mistake to put sawdust on the street to lay the dust, as it will soon be­ come incorporated with the earth, Charles Pierce, Mrs. Elsie Cra­ and when the fall rains begin mer, Mrs. Alice Thomas, and the will absorb and hold the moisture, latter’ s daughter, Ethel, came causing the roads to stay muddy out from Portland last week for for a longer period than where it a visit with J. F. Pierce o f this city, who is the father o f the is not used. He says straw is all three first named. They secured right as it can be raked off in a couple o f automobiles and went the fall. out to Greenville for a call on Mrs. John Ireland, who is a Subscribe for the Press daughter o f Mr. Pierre Laurelwood Resident Dies Sawdust oo Streets a Mistake Visitors from Portland No. 40 Watch For This Party One Francis Lovejoy stole a Harvey W. Scott, editor o f the test in western Oregon will be Mitchell Runabout Automobile Oregonian, who died in Baltimore made by Professor H. M. Parks, from a Dr. Sugg o f Chicago, and August the seventh, was the o f the Oregon Agricultural Col­ a reward o f fifty dollars is offered first graduate o f Pacific Univer­ lege. Six counties have agreed sity. Mr. Scott was born in to meet the expenses o f an ex­ for the recovery o f the automo­ Tazewell county, Illinois, Feb. 1, haustive test in road building, bile and apprehension o f the 1838. He lived on a farm until these counties being Multnomah, thief. Evidently thinking Love- 1852, when he crossed the plains Marion, Clackamas, Linn, Benton joy might pass through Forest and Tillamook. It is hoped that with his father by oxteam. The Washington, Lane, Polk and Yam- Grove in hiB travels, the captain family first settled in Yamhill hill counties will also join the of the Chicago Detective Bureau county where they remained a movement, but they must do so have caused a notice o f the theft year, thence moving to Puget soon in order to avail themselves I to ^ , )08ted in thi8 cjt T . . , ., i , , Sound. Determined to have an o f the offer made by Professor Pgrkg j Lovejoy is described as being education, young Scott came to It is the purpose o f Professor 30 years old; five feet six or Forest Grove in 1857, walking the Parks to make a geological test seven inches tall; weight 141 lbs; entire distance from Olympia. ; o f all rock and other formations dark hair, smooth face, sallow He was compelled to give up in the counties o f western Oregon compaction and a large nose. school for a time, but again en­ so that he may gain an accurate Wore when last seen, blue coat, tered the University in 1857, and idea how much road-building ma­ terial is available, where it is to light flannel trousers and cloth graduated in 1863, working his be found, and what will be the auto cap. way through college by employ­ cost o f transporting the material. ment among the neighbors and He will issue his information in on his father’s farm in the Watts pamphlet form when gained. Professor Parks will give his district. time free,and the pamphlets will The City Council, o f Hillsboro, Mr. Scott became editor o f the be issued by the college, the only Oregonian in May, 1865, and with expense being hotel bills and has instructed City Attorney the exception of a few years, livery hire. Judge Lionel R. Tongue and City Recorder Bow­ Webster, a good roads inthusiast man to prepare initiative petitions from 1872 to 1877, had held the of Portland, is now in eastern for amendments to the city chart­ position continuously s i n c e . Oregon, setting forth the benefits er, allowing the council to im­ While editor of the Oregonian he that will come from adoption of pursued his studies,reading deep­ the constitutional amendment prove streets and assess the cost ly on literary,philosophical, theo­ permitting counties to issue road to the adjacent property. The logical and classical subjects, and building bonds. When he re­ measure will be submitted to the was accounted one of the really turns to Portland a definite plan voters as soon as it is prepared. will be'formulated by subscribers The planks with which several o f learned men in the state. to the good roads fund, for a cam­ Through his editorials in the paign that will assure the adop- the Hillsboro streets have been Oregonian when Oregon was in tion o f the amendment at the improved for some years,are giv- the formative period o f its growth coming election. In all sections iny out.and something more dur- he did more to shape the building o f Oregon the need of better able will likely be tried by the is gradually taking hold o f Qf the county seat, o f the state than any other man. roads the voters, and as the roads of His name has been a household Washington county have received word throughout the Northwest iving in and out o f the county, 1 * for two score years, and the real living in the past few weeks, it mig greatness o f the man and his The complete file o f the Cen­ be a good plan for our citizens to work will be even more clearly get into the running in the test tury Magazine, from the first is­ seen in the years to come. to be.'made by Professor Parks sue. November, 1881, to the cur­ The body o f Mr. Scott will ar­ rent issue, owned by F. S. Barn­ rive in Portland Friday night es as mentioned in last week’ s The remains will lie in state in A vacation party consisting of P:.H8S. has been acquired by the the Scottish Rite Cathedral dui- the families o f Rev. E. V. Stiv­ reading room, the library board ing part of Saturday. Saturday ers and O. C. Jackson left Mon­ l nying part o f the purchase, and night the midnight services of day morning for Tillamook f o r a Mrs. G. O. Rogers and Captain the Scottish Rite Masons will oc­ two weeks sojourn by the briny Barnes donating the balance. cur. Sunday private services deep. The party went bv private conveyance and intended totrav- The volumes make a valuable ad- will be held at the family resid-, el by easy st" cam j ing whei e dition to the Library. ence, and the body will be inter­ ever the fancy led them, and ---------------------- red in Riverview cemetery-. fishing in the mountain stream9. Subscribe for The Press, now. Hillsboro To Improve Streets a black eye from various persons fi|ew Volumes for City Library Off to Tillamook