t \ The t --- ----------^ The ( Additional Local Items I Corner Store Abraham’s Corner Store of General Interest * la * mmmmmm wmmmmmmmmmmmmtmJ Telescopes and Suit cases at, Anderson’s H. E. Witham was in town Saturday. F. M. Starret was in Portland Friday. A. G. Hoffman was doing bus- iuess in Portland Friday. Groceries J. C. • VJ Giltner.a veteran o f the J iL H V i i w i v u v iH ii v* Victor Brown o f Wilson was civil war, has been seriously ill I at his home on third street. Mr. j visiting his father Sunday. Giltner has the “ Grippe” due to REMEMBER—Dr. Booth guar­ a cold contracted on a recent out­ antees all glasses for 1 year, tf ing to Tillamook. H. W. Scott and family spent Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hugo Saturday and Sunday in Port- Limber o f this city, are receiving land. ; congratulations from their many Mrs. S. J. Sparks has been friends, this week, the occasion seriously ill the past week at her | being the arrival of a son and heir, home on Third street. Monday being his birthday. Com er Store Miss Gertude Allen spent a few Miss Francis Lake of The ¡days last week with Alline John­ Dalles spent Saturday evening son at Springhill farm. with Amy Thomas. Miss Lake attended college here two years Mrs. Edna Brown returned | Monday from a pleasant vaca­ ago and was on her way to visit Miss Beula Ireland o f Greenville. tion spent at Newport. Right Goods - Right Prices Courteous Service Com er Store Abraham’s Oregon Land & Trading Co. (INCORPORATED) Edward Seymour, Mgr. Farm and City Property Forest Grove, Oregon Both Phones M. J. Abbott Jeweler and Optician Watch Repairing A Specialty P aterson Block Forest Grove P a c if ic A v e n u e Secretary Wilson, in his visit to day and Sunday in Portland at­ tending the camp meeting. Oregon, says that when the Pan­ The Misses G. Kirkwood, ama Canal is completed the apple Elizabeth Swanson, Anna New­ growers o f this state will have the man and Vesta Greer, left Wed- world’ s markets at their feet. nesday fo r a three weeks camp­ This confirms the optimistic view ing trip on Wilson River. expressed by Homer C. Atwell, Benjamin Reeher, from Reeh- president o f the State Horticult­ er’ s camp was in town the latter ural Society, in an interview part o f last week. Young Mr. published exclusively in the Reeher is rearing cowlets and p r e s s some weeks ago. pullets during his college vaca- tion. YOU AU TO “Windy Jim” Discourses tt • “ It was gittin’ teu be ’ bout fly time out at Forest Grove,” said “ Windy Jim” as he slapped one o f these pesky critters which had the nerve to alight on his hand. “ An’ I was workin’ on a dairy ranch a milkin’ cow s.” “ The flies was a gittin’ purty numer­ ous everywhere.” “ The hired gurl was purty fly an’ the boss was beginin’ teu get fly an’ a lot o f fellers camped along the > creek was about the flyest bunch I ever struck an’ you bet I struck some o f em ’ purty hard ’ till won feller laid me out with a fish pole.” “ There was green flies, an’ Mrs. Grace Irma Greer, of Captain Peters, living in South horse flies, an’ house flies, an’ ¡Park, has been under the weath- Hillsboro, died at her home last cattle flies, an’ my how the time Thursday. Mrs. Greer was the ey several days this week. . flies its most supper time al­ daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. F. C. The Misses Ava and Beth ready.” “ Well the boss got Ballard, o f Hillsboro, and was Carlyle and Edna Mills attended some dope an’ ketched a lot of j camp meeting in Portland last held in much esteem by a large flies; it was sticky stuff an’ when circle o f friends. j week. we went fishin’ we fished with Captain F. S. Barnes, the fam­ Christian Church, Subjects: 11 flies, they was al! sticky with the ous bow maker, and veteran of ¡o ’clock, “ The Vine and the dope so we stuck ’em on teu the the civil war o f ’61, has every ¡Branches.” 8 o ’ clock, “ Decisive hooKs an’ when the fish bit they copy of the Century Magazine, ; Battles.” jist closed on them hooks an’ begining with its first issue, No­ E. J. Fisher and family left vember, 1881,up to the current thar they were stuck plum fast, [ Wednesday mornirg for a two number. The Captain has 20 o ,!y none of ’ em bit so we didn’t | weeks outing on the upper Ne- bound volumes o f the magazines, i. ketch any fish.” “ But the mus- keetos bit alright an so did the ! halem. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hall o f flies which was so blamed thick Fred Fogle was taken quite Portland visited this week with that the sun couldn’ t shine sick Sunday and Dr. Tucker was the formers parents, Mr. and | through em .” called. He is now doing very | j^rs M. E. Hall, In this city, on ..WeI|> the boss an’ me we got | nicely. j their way home from an outing teu shooin’ the flies off o f won of Columbia Graphaphones and at Tillamook. Everett and Gladys the neijfhbors calves tin the flies j records will help to pass an even- walked from Astoria to Tillamook got go thick an- big that we | ing away. Get them at the Foi - and came trom there tins far by couldn>t whieh was the calf j est Grove Pharmacy. sta^e‘ an’ shooed it away by mistake.” Judge W. M. Langley o f this “ When it landed up in our field Mrs. S. F. Barnes o f this city, has been seriously ill the past few city, has received the card of Mr. it was in such a condition that it SODA j days but is reported as being and Mrs. Sidney Plumb Langley, had teu be made into veal an’ Langley ranch, Moreland, Kan­ sold teu the butcher shop.” “ I much improved. with pure crushed fruits for flavoring. You are not limited to crushed fruits, how­ sas, to which is attached a fairy got six dollers outen it an’ the George Littlehales, head clerk ever. O ur C hocolate I ce C ream S odas card bearing the name Esther. boss got three years board an’ in Hoffman and Allen store, left and N ut S undaes are simply delicious. The little maid arrived in Kan­ logein’ which I didn’ t consider a | yesterday for a two weeks vaca­ sas July 22. Mr. Sidney Lang­ fair division so I quit the job an’ tion at Newport. W. Prickett ley is a brother of the Judge. aint gone back yit.” That gasolene stove you need Pacific Ave. Forest Grove Otto Seidelman, living in the can be purchased at Hinman’ s, Announcement of region west o f town, while work­ two and three burners, with or ing at the bottom o f a 50-foot well without ovens. tf Geo. G. Hancock last week, was struck on the L. W. Trowbridge, a traveling head by a falling bucket, which Market man o f Spokane, is visiting at the To the voters of cut a gash requiring several Washington County, Oregon: ; home o f his half-brother, Rev. E. Fresh and Sailed Meats. Heme Made Park Sausage “ Just stitches to close. The injury is I hereby announce myself as a V. Stivers, in this city. Like Dad Used to Make ‘ Down on the Farm.' ” very painful, but Mr. Seidelman candidate for the oti ce o f Sheriff The family o f T. H. Littlehales is congratulating hum >lf that his o f Washington County, subject to the endorsement ot the pri­ left Wednesday for Seaside, head was not knocked off. mary electio n to be held on Sep- here they will enjoy the ocean Cash Paid for Hide« Fre»h Fi«h H. W. Scott and family took tember 21th. 191?. and Pelt« Every Thursday oreezes for some weeks. If I am nominated and elected an automobile trip Saturday and A watch is a necessity toevery ! Sunday,going as far as Sheridan, I will during my term of office, IN O SOI P H O N E S B E L L 241 M O O R E & W 1 L H E L M S O N man. woman, boy or girl. Shear-, Mr. Scott states that the crops faithfully and impartially dis­ charge the duties thereof, and ; er can supply you, with the best up in that section are not as good give to the people o f this county tf at right prices. as those around Forest Grove, an efficient and at the same time Mrs. T. H. Littlehales and but they beat this county on a -"1 economical ad. inistration. I further stite that I will give daughters Margaret and Winnie good roads. He thinks the peo­ the business o f that office my left for Newport Wednesday ple o f Washington county will personal attention, w ith courtesy never have good roads until they and fair tieatn er.t to all. morning for a two weeks stay. are built in a scientific manner. G e o . G. H ancock . When you buy your new wagon jack, get the “ Union.” Simplest, stongest and p o s t useful. Once used always used. J. B. Mat­ Compare Y ou r Tim e thews. A gen t tf Try our invigorating and refreshing E. Forest Grove fUeat nun Albert C. M ackrodt SELLS Indian Motor Dr. William Pollock and Dr. Charles Pollpok left last week for the Neitfdem where they will fish and mint for a fortnight E. M. F. 3 0 & Flanders 2 0 AU TO M O BILES Repairing of All Kinds A Specialty — Best W ork Forest Grove, Oregon Any article o f summer milli­ nery at Miss Kirkwood’s Milli­ nery Parlors will be sold at a great reduction for the next three weeks. 39-2t LeRoy Needham and family, EL G. Mills and family and Mr. with a reliable clock Y o u find it fast or slew, and should have it attended to at the earliest possible moment by A R T H U R SH EARER T h e M ain Street Jeweler