Live Items of Local Interest Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling Local Reporters of the Press Miss Dean was in mday. iGo to Andersons for the mid- u ■■ i M Portland A. G. Hoffman was doing busi- ness in Portland Friday. A. B. Capies is assisting Harry Giltner in the store this week. B£iss Grace Dickison spent Sun- George NeGee, brother o f Mrs. in Portland visiting friends. J. X. Shannon Sundayed^in Port- |Frank Smith,of Portland,visit- land. Miss Anna Cornelius over Sur- Miss Julia Stroeder.of Portland -v ' visited with Miss Grace Dickison I k . m . Stevens, of Black rock. Monday evening. Miss Kathrine Shannon spent *" ^B *hington, is spending a few days in town. Sunday in Hillsboro, with hersist- ■ V ictor Cropp, o f the Verboort e>\ Mrs. E. B. Tongue, section, was a business visitor to r>... T1 . this city Saturday. r. Bhl Iklker- a c h i n g in the . Kansas City neighborhood,was a ■ tin m a n has the best tents in Grove visitor Saturday, the city. You want to look them ... . ^ oyer before you buy. tf , ‘ work cone 111 i)r- Loot.'. s H, Optical Parlors guaranteed. K gC .O .R oe and wife, visited with With Booth Jewelry Co. tf N. Johnson and family, at Horses sent for and delivered Spring Hill farm Sunday. to any part of the City, hid ^ ■ M n h p Kinzer and wife, and Phone No. S22. Harris & Mark- ^ ® lb :* r McEldowney and wife, ham. tf the week-end gt Newport. v, , , . „ , __ ‘ N.L. Atkins came out Saturday ■■OK S A L E -Jersev cow, giv- night aid went to th® Cronin «it ,ojir gallons milk |>er day. ranch on Scoggin creek fo r a few SjA.. Moulton,Forest Grove. 3:)-2t days outing. m You should try a glass o f that Miss Margaret Hinman went delicious soda, all flavors, at to Portland Saturday to visit for Shearer’s. It will quench your several days with relatives and thirst tf friends. John Wilson Macrum and wife, Dick Raycraft and wife, form­ erly o f this city, now living at went to Amity on Thursday of Hillsboro, were visitors to the last week,to visit with Mrs. Mac- rum’s brother, and thence to Grove Sunday. Newport where they spent the Benonia Wells, of Merna, Ne­ week-end with Mrs. Willis Goff. braska, was in town Friday, visit­ Dr. Tucker and family, M. S. ing the families of A.G. Hoffman Allen and family, Wm. Westen and M. S. Allen. and family, Mr. Kolpitz and Col. S. C. Spencer,of Portland. family, and Mrs. Wright and who is spending the week at his daughter, made up a jolly crowd farm near Gaston, drove into o f picnicers on Gales creek Sun­ town Friday in his auto. day. Miss Laura Luce, who is spend­ Mrs. Jesse R. Capies, o f Port­ ing the summer on a farm near land. daughter o f A. B. Thomas Shells, visited at her mother’s and w ife o f this city, with her home in this city Sunday. son and daughter, is occupying a Mrs. Dr. Higgs and daughter, Lillian, and Ethel Repass, of Portland, visited over Sunday wilii the family o f A.G.Hoffman. Mrs. R. W. Lancefieid, former-1 ly of this City, but now living on their Yamhill county farm, spent several days the past week at Seaside. Ben Dooley,of Banks,a mighty hunter o f big game when that thriving town was yet wild, was a business visitor to the Grove 1 Saturday. THROUGH TICKETS EAST OREGON ELECTRIC RAIL’Y ON SALE DAILY VIA AND CHOICE. OF ROUTE BEYOND PORTLAND Low Round-Trip Excursion Fares St. Paul Denver St. Louis Boston Chicago New York And Other Eastern Points On Sale August 3rd., 1 9 1 0 For rates, sleeper reservations, and full information address A. L. Ruff, A. G. F. & P. A. Oregon Electric Railway Portland, Ore. a---------. MILLER DROGGIST THE CUT RATE é Fire Chief Joe Lenneville went to Portland last week and pur­ chased a new nozzle for the fire hose. The new'nozzle is flexible, and can be bent in anv direction or shape. When a fire laddie is in close quarters when fighting a blaze, he can bend the nozzle and direct the stream where he listeth. Joe and Robert Knox, young sons of J. Knox, living at the northwest edge o f town, each suffered an accident to the foot during the past week; Joe step- ing on a piece of glass, which al­ cottage at Seaside during the most severed one of his toes, and summer months. Jesse goes up Robert getting a toe tangled in from Portland each week-end the spokes o f a bicycle wheel, which tore the member badly. and spends Sunday with them. Mrs. John Wilson Macrum will B p s . L. C. Walker, Miss Elda Ba nner Bryant, o f Clatskine. entertain the Fluer-de-Lis Club nn 1 'L L. Griswold, spent Sunday in Portland, on his and gentlemen friends this even­ now located ;n a cottage on way to Sheridan where he will ing, at the home o f her mother, i jP“ Avenne, Seaside, tor the work with a surveying party. Mrs. L. Watt. pmer season. r r bam Lawrence, this year s State Game Warden Robert 0. Ehnrles Smith the painter,who graduate of th® Washington Stevenson and daughter. Miss |s raised in this city, came out University law school, and an S evenson, were visitors at the Portland, accompanied by alumnus o f Pacific University, Langley Camp on Rhoderick family, Friday, for a short wont to Portland Tuesday.where creek Sunday. We do not un ler- lit with relatives in the Grove, he will probably make arrange- stan l that Warden “ Bob” was larlev is getting tired of Port- ments to enter into partnershi > making the visit in his official laljpd and may locate at Banks or with some lawyer already estab- capacity, as Judge Langley has BrH^w-> fished in the 'p®^! . rofesdon p®*! i.-iiHrirr nothin'? big time. ------- W ANTED—Position as book­ keeper by a young man o f excell­ ent ability and reputation. Re­ ferences given. Address, Book­ keeper, Box 137, Forest Grove. Buys A H eap — Sells Cheap J. E. Farmer, Agent Ore. Elec, Ry. Forest Grove, Ore.