“7 - SECTION VII provided, the total rate for any hotel shall not exceed $4.00. O rdinance No. 182. A violation of any of the pro­ 3rd. For private stables, 50?. visions of this Ordinance shall 4th. For livery stables, $4.00. subject such person to a fine of (Contiued from Page 1) 5th. For barber shops with not less than $5 nor more than ______ ions for water shall fully Bet bath tubs. $1.50. $25 or imprisonment in the City orth the uses for which it is re- 6th. For each laundry. $2. jail for a term of from 1 to 30 uired, thereby indicating about For photograph galleries, days, or both, and the City may he desired quantity, the lot or $ 2 7th. discontinue water service to such . 00 . ilock on which it is to be used person at the option of the City For stores, offices and 8th. md if in a building the class of Council. »uilding; no person shall be en- shops, 50?, 9th. For lawn-sprinkling, 2. itled to use city water directly Passed by the City Council >r indirectly for any other pur- 500 square feet or less, 50?, for July 26, 1910, >oses than those stated in his or each additional 1,000 square feet Robert P. Wirtz ler application, nor shall any con- or fraction thereof, 20?. Approved by the Mayor,July mmer be allowed to supply water 10th. For garden sprinkling iirectly or indirectly to any or watering, for each 500 square ■ 27, 1910. M. Peterson, Mayor. jther person for any purpose feet or less of surface sprinklfed without permission from the or watered, 25?, for each addi- Attest, Robert P. Wiitz. Common Council. If the Com­ tional 100 square feet or fraction mon Council shall approve of any thereof, 5?. : S tate of O regon application, it shall place service 11th. For street sprinkling in j C ounty of W ashington SS pipes from the most accessable residence portion of city, for each C ity of F orest G rove main to the curb or outside of 75 feet front, or less,50?, for each I, Robert P. Wirtz, the duly elected, sidewalk at the point most con­ additional 50 feet front 25^; and acting Recorder, of the in Q qualified ' j l _ venient for service, and shall sup­ i business portion of city for each City of Forest Grove, Oregon hereby ply such service pipes with stop­ 25 feet front or less, $1; for e a c h | certify that I have made a careful com- , ,.~T , lie e i o r i. ' parison of the foregoing pan _ _ transcript of cocks or gates and the city shall additional 25 feet front,25?; pro- Ordinance No. 182 with the original on be the sole owner and shall have ) vided, water for lawn, garden fiie in my office and of which I am the control of all such pipes and stop­ and street sprinkling shall be legal custodian, and that it is a correct cocks, provided, no service pipe j used only between the hours of transcript thereof and the whole there­ shall be laid unless the applicant six o’clock a. m. to eight o'clock of. Witness my hand and the seal of the shall have advanced a sufficient a. m. and from six o’clock p. m. City Forest Grove this 27th. day of sum of money to reimburse the to nine o’clock p. m. Except in July, of 1910. city for its expense as above pro­ cases where water is used R obert P. W irtz vided, which money so advanced through meter, in which cases Recorder of the City of Forest Grove, Ore shall be credited on the appli­ water can be used at any time { S eal } cant’s water rate and provided, during the day, between the further, all consumers shall at hours of five o’clock a. m. and A n n o u n cem en t of their own expense connect with nine o’clock p. m. such stop-cock or cut-off at the For parties useing water curb with standard galvanized through a meter, for any purpose service pipe, which pipe for resi­ whatever the rate shall be at a dence shall not exceed three minimum price of $1 per month To the voters of quarters of of an inch diameter, for 3000 gallons or less and for Washington County, Oregon and such service pipe shall be each additional 1000 gallons or I hereby announce myself as a placed not less than twenty inch­ fraction thereof, 10? per 1000 j candidate for the office of Sheriff es under ground and shall be gallons. When consumer uses I of Washington County, subject kept in good repair,and provided water for street, lawn or garden to the endorsement of the pri- further, no consumer, plumber or only, without having a m eter,____ ! mary election, to be held on Sep- other person shall be allowed to the rate shall be $1.00 per month tember 24th, 1910. connect or attach or reconnect for 2500 square feet or fraction If I am nominated and elected any pipe to the City mains or thereof, and 25^ for each 1000 I will during my term of office, service pipes or make any altera­ square feet or fraction thereof, faithfully and impartially dis­ tion in any pipe or pipes so con­ and the full amount for four the duties thereof, and nected without authority from months June, July, August and charge to the people of this county the Common Council or its author­ September shall be paid in ad­ give an efficient and at the same time ized agent and provided further, vance. an economical administration. all buildings in which city water Parties living outside the city state that I will give is used shall be held subject to limits may be furnished with the I further business of that office my reasonable inspection, and pro­ water by first entering into a personal attention, with courtesy vided further.in case of accident, written contract with the city, and fair treatment to all. or for the purpose of making re­ which contract shall provide that G e o . G. H a n c o c k . pairs or extentions,to the system, the water must be furnished water may be cut off without through a meter, said meter shall notice to the consumers, and the be provided by the consumer and City shall not be liable for dam­ the rate shall be at a minimum ages on account of the water so price of $1.50 per month for 3, The PRESS is published with cut off. Water must not be al­ 000 gallons or less, and for each lowed to run to waste to prevent 1,000 gallons above 3,000,20* per the c° n8^ t aim of, se™ n* i XXX or „ fraction . thereof. 1 ™™* : our advertisers and subscribers. freezing, nor kept running at any 1,000 We believe they are interested in time longer than necessary for the publication, and we shall be its intended use. - SECTION VI pleased to receive any suggestion looking towards its improvement. - SECTION V Penalty on Non-Payment of Rates If you know any news items of interest, such as visitors to or W ater Rates from the city, weddings, social At any time when a consumer gatherings, births, deaths, new The rates to be charged for water per month shall be as fol­ does not pay the sum due the city improvements, fires, accidents, lows; for water for ten days after the etc., either in town or country, 1st. In dwellings, one faucet, same is due the Commissioner i ph°ne them in. make a note of $1.00; each additional faucet,25f‘; shall so inform the Chief of Po­ Hie occurances and hand in at the provided; that the total rate for lice and he shall cut off all ser­ office, or tell Mr. Ed. S. Sparks, any dwelling shall not exceed vice from such patron, and such who is reporter for the PRESS, $1.50; provided further, that all service shall not be renewed un­ about it. Your kindness will be faucets in dwellings whether til such person shall have paid appreciated. When you have served directly or indirectly with the amount due the city for ser­ read your paper, kindly hand it to City water shall be counted. vice together with the sum of 50? some one not a subscriber. If he 2nd. For hotels, one faucet, for cutting out and 50? for re­ reads a copy we will land him. Loyally yours, $2, each additional faucet, 25^; connection with the City System. THE PUBLISHER. Ind. phones: Office 505, Residence 285 or 231. Geo. G. Hancock To Our Patrons -Y -Y The C orner Store Abraham’s T he C o rn er Store 0 Fashionable Dressmaker Cor. 2nd. St* and 1st. Ave. South. Staple and Fancy Groceries Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Both Phones - - - F o rest G rove Best Trout Fishing in Oregon B oard a t th e Half W ay House Day, W eek or M onth Good Meals, Clean Beds, No Chinese M r. an d Mrs. Chas. A dkins, PropV * Home Baking Co. F in est of B read an d P astry B aked Every D ay W e sell 6 loaves of bread for 25^ F re e D elivery to All P arts o f th e City Pacific Avenue Forest Grove The Progressive Store G roceries, D ry G oods, Boots an d Shoes A Fine L ine of G en eral M erchandise Hoffman, Allen Co. A. E. MOULTON WALTER ROSWURM Roswurm & Moulton Successors to R osw urm & Co. Dealers in Real Estate, Exchanges, Business Chances, Ice, Coal and Wood Forest Grove Oregon P A C IF IC IN S U R A N C E HOME CO M PANY M U TU A L riRK PRINCIPAL OFFICE. FOREST GROVE, OREGON Will Save You More Than 25 Per Cent If you w a n t up-to-date, reliab le a n d tru stw o rth y plum bing fix tu res installed, o r rep airs m ade, get in touch w ith th e p ractical p lu m b er H. L. DECKERT Shop 431 Independent Phone* Pacific A venue Residence 4525 F o rest G rove, O regon F orest G rove, O reg o n Shoes Groceries Dry Goods Right Goods - Right Prices Courteous Service Corner M rs. M. A. T hom as H. T. Giltner Abraham’s 4 That Porch Furniture you require for the hot days of July and August should be purchased now. v A complete line of hammocks porch swings, rattan chairs, etc. are here for your inspection. We have a nice assortment of these essentials to coolness and you will find them most inviting. Our experience tells us that we may safely trust the people to pick out the good points of corner jtore anything in this line. ROE a COM PANY Jki THIS IS THE MIN YOU NEED M If the hoofs of your horse need to be shod. I have the metal, the knowledge, the skill and the will­ ingness to put your horses right when they need a firm footing. I also do General Blacksmithing. anything and everything. Joe Lenneville BICYCLES FOREST GROVE GARAGE ? A