Live Items of Local Interest Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling Mrs. W. H. Hollis was a visitor to the Rose City Monday. Subscribe for the PRESS, now V. S. Abraham and family left Tuesday morning for Seaside. J. B. Matthews wishes to show you the new “ Union” jack; f o r 1 lifting, setting tires, stretching Mrs. Harry Wescott, o f Gaston Dr. Charles Pollock was a Port- fence and many other uses. Al­ was in town on Tuesday. land visitor over Sunday. ways handy. tf Andersons for summer under- Albert Mackrodt made a busi- Oliver Curtis, Uncle Sam’s wear and all men’s furnishings, ness trip to Portland, Tuesday. rural carrier on route one out of Local Reporters of the Press I I Mrs. Philip Kinzer and small Mrs. J. T. Fletcher is spending this city, has purchased an Ind­ son. Jack, are spending the week a fortnight with her sister, Mrs. ian Motor cycle from A. C. Mack­ rodt, which he will use in deliv­ at Newport. J. L. Collins o f Dallas. ering the mail. The Misses Feibell and Miss Does your watch keep time?j David Mobley, a well known Frances Heibel were Rose City If not, better leave it at Shear­ visitors Friday- Pacific University student, was er’s for an overhauling. tf in the Grove last week, having For scientific shoeing go to Miss Grace Payne, a student \ just returned from Gearheart. Harris & Markham. They guar­ at the college registered fro m ! He will work the remainder o f antee the results. tf Albany, is a guest at the Leabo the vacation in Portland. W. H. Ringle o f this city, w'ho home. Mrs. Mary Dillmater, who has has been seriously ill, is once G. Demangeon and wife, o f! been visiting with her neice.Mrs. more able to be about. Portland, visited over Sunday in . Joe Hartramphf, in this city for Mt. Hood Ice Cream at Shear­ this city with Mr. and Mrs. F.T. : the past six weeks, left for her er’ s. Special prices on quantities Miles. home in Michigan, Tuesday, Mrs. for parties, picnics, etc. tf Another new lot of post cards! Hartramphf accompanying her D a n Deaville, a prosperous at the Forest Grove Pharmacy. as far as Portland. farmer near Cornelius, was in Local views of all kinds for your Capt. F. S. Barnes moved into friends. town on business Tuesday. the John Beal cottage on Fifth Geo. Hamblin, the well-known street this week, vacating a build­ Now is the time to purchase shingle manufacturer o f Glen- ing on First Ave, South, where that range you want. The best wood, was in the city on business he had lived continuously for that are made can be had at Tuesday. eleven years. The captain is re­ Hinman’s. tf O. Aschim, o f the Gaston sec­ nowned as the maker o f the best Fred Hartramphf, of Hillsboro, formerly living in this city, was tion, called at this office Tuesday archery bows in the world, and has shipped six of them to Chi­ up from the county seat Tuesday and placed his name on our list cago parties within the past ten of subscribers. in his Ruick. days. Lee Byers, a farmer of the A. G. Hoffman is repapering Thatcher section, was in town his store-room next door to the Monday, and invested in a new PRESS office and has cut in a win­ [ single harness. dow on the east side. (Crowded out last week.) Mrs. M. A. Thomas and her YOUNG LADY W A N T E D -T o J. McCale cut hay for F. Black­ learn typesetting. Must be high daughter, Miss Amy, were at the man Monday. | Gladstone Chautauqua several school graduate and WILLING TO days last week. An agent for a school furnish­ learn . Apply Press Office. WEEKLY NEWS OF WATTS Mrs. John Baldwin returned to Miss Julia Bemiss and C. E. her home in South Park Sunday, Dixon, o f Gaston, were in the j after several weeks visit with Grove this week and attended the Nelson-Dixon wedding at i friends in Portland. Dilley Wednesday. | Blaine Hoskins recently return- Mark Cox, a prosperous farm­ j ed from Idaho where he has been er o f Gales Creek,and having ex­ distributing safe deposit banks tensive holdings in this city, was for an eastern concern. ■ - "I A party o f vacationists consist­ ing o f Bert Doane, Hugh Murch­ ison and Aubrey Moore, left for Tillamook Monday via the Wilson river route, and will spend the next ten days watching the mer­ maids disporting in the billowy waves. 0 . C. Jackson took the party over. Diamonds; Watches, Solid G old and Gold Filled’ A large force of surveyors are at work in the upper Patton val­ ley this week. Cut Glass Repairing O u r Specialty Rings for the O ld & Young Hand Painted China; Fancy Vases; Novelties and Anything and Everything in Jewelry. T h e B ig S t o r e Pacific Avenue with Gas The F. P. Gas Plant Does All This at Minimum Cost A. C. Philip, Agent 200 Chamber of Commerce, Portland Forett Grove, Oregon Call or Telephone Your Orders to Schultz Market & Grocery For Fresh, Salt and Smoked M eats, Fish and Vegetables of A ll Kinds A n Especially Neat Stock of Monopole Canned Goods and Groceries Free Delivery to All Parts of the City Both Phones Pacific Avenue Forest Grove HINM AN’S ........ ................ F O R ■ TENTS, HAY ROPE and HAYING TOOLS of the very best NEWSY GASTON ITEMS B o o th J e w e lr y C o . W a tch Heat The Hanson hay-baler from Dilley is doing work in the dist­ rict this week. Miss L. Farr is staying with hei* father for the summer, his busy season. Silverware and Mrs. M. Bisbee has so far im­ proved as to be able to walk to the neighbors. Your summer vacation can be ing the little one’s grand-parents ronewed during the winter even­ Mr. and Mrs. A. Dilley. ings if you take an Ansco cam­ era with you. Sold by Forest Grove Pharmacy at special cut prices. Dr. Wells was transacting bus­ A merry little party consisting iness here this week. o f the Misses Frances Heibel, M. B. Signs made a flying trip Nellie Hall, and Lula and Edith to Portland one day this week. Feibell, spent a day last week at Chas. Atkins, o f Gales cre**k, the City Park. Crawfishing in Gales creek furnished the prin­ was a business visitor Monday. cipal form o f amusement, and Mr. Strong intends to spend a the young ladies used quite orig­ season on his Hill ranch as a va­ inal methods in snaring the crus­ cation. taceans. Harvey Hudson spent the week end visiting with his grand-par­ ents here. Fobs, Chains, Lockets and Bracelets; Clocks. » . Light ing concern was in the district Monday. looking after business interests Miss Kate Shannon, accompan- Mrs. Frank Johnson is enjoy­ in the Grove Tuesday. I ied by her uncle, Geo. NcGee, ing a visit from her parents, who George Jackson returned Mon­ left Wednesday morning for a live at Clatskanine. day from a week’ s enjoyable vis­ few days along the NehaLm. The families of W. M. Harris it with friends in Portland. Geo. Dr. Semones. Homeopathic and F. Kennedy leave for Tilla­ says he took in the entire town Pvsician and Oculist. Does no mook and Nehart’s Bay Friday and knows the metropolis now surgery. Office at residence. for an outing. about as well as a native. 319 North A street. Ind. Phone Mrs. Chloe Shephard and baby tf Miss Elsie Scott, who has been 3625. son are out from Portland visit­ making her home for some time with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Thomas in this city, the latter being her aunt, left Wednesday for StPaul. She will visit in Montana enroute and the coming winter will at­ tend school in Chicago. Cook Forest Grove, Ore. Dr. C. E. Hawk, owner o f the Hawkecrest ranch, spent Sunday looking over his properties. L. L. Paget returned to Port­ land and his office Monday morn­ ing. Mr. Paget owns one o f the best farms near Gaston. A. M. Porter made a visit to Scoggin and Patton valley last week. Mr. Porter owns a ten thousand dollar farm in the Pat­ ton district McCormick HARVESTERS and MOWERS are second to none and cost no m ore than the inferior article. Call and examine them and be convinced of their sterling worth W e Carry A Full Line Gasolene and Oil Stoves two and three burner Safe, Reliable and O dorless Charter Oak —Ranges— Real Estate None better m ade, and at prices that are reasonable H IN M A N ’S H A R D W A R E S T O R E J Cl