Monday Miss Amy Thomas 0. C. Jackson returned from went up to Stevensen. Wash., Tillamook Saturday, bringing ^^A dditional Local Items | where she may teach the follow­ back a party of ocean visitors consisting of Mrs. Don Giltner ing school year. ^ of General Interest j (INCORPORATED) Miss Lena Hancock, of Cornel­ Mrs. A. C. Philip and two child­ ren, and J. C. Giltner. Edward Seymour, Mgr. Net Johnson was in the Grove ius, has returned home from a Ray Giltner, Jim Brickey and Saturday from the Spring Hill visit with her sister, Mrs. Frank Bert Brede have gene to Lake Jensin at Timber. farm. Farm and City Property S.Levy, formerly in the butch­ county, Eastern Oregon, where Will Prickett. the confectioner, they will spend the rest of the was a business visitor to the Rose er business in this city, but now summer. Ray made the heart of Both Phones Forest Grove, Oregon making his home in Portland was City Monday. many a Forest Grove dog glad by a Grove caller Saturday. taking with him his savage white REMEMBER-Dr. Booth guar­ Many times one needs a pair of “ bull” . antees all glasses for 1 year, tf extra trousers to fill in between H. G. King of this city has an­ Haskell Ferrin, of the Forest seasons: see the “ Curlee” Pants B ell, M 2 3 5 T elep h o n e * Ind. No. 451 nounced himself as a candidate Grove National Bank, was a Sun­ 2.50 to $6.00 at Andersons. for endorsement by the Republi­ day visitor in the Rose city. C. Franklin Koch, business can assembly at Hillsboro Satur­ For sunburn nothing better manager of last year’s weekly day, for county treasurer. Mr. than cold cream, we keep the Index, is now shipping clerk for King was city recorder of Forest best. Forest Grove Pharmacy. Fisher-Thornsen, Portland. M a n u fac tu rer* of Grove some years ago,and farm­ ed for some time near Greenvilk. Comrade R. W. McNutt and All Kinds of Mill Work, Frames, Sash, Doors, Albert Mills, formerly in the wife, of Cornelius, attended the blacksmithing business in this The dynamo belonging toE.W. Blinds and Mouldings tent meeting in this city Friday. city, now ranching in the Mann­ Haines, and formerly used in the A watch is a necessity to every ing section, was in town Monday. electric light power-house here, man, woman, boyorgirl. Shear­ Edgar Meresse, local newspap­ was taken by four horse team to Full and Complete Line of Rough and Finished, Kiln er can supply you, with the best er man, was in Portland Sunday, the Parson’s mill about 3 miles Dried Lumber, Always in Stock. Best Shingle at right prices. tf and attended the last day’s sess- north west of this city, where it and Lath. Cement, Sand and Lime | ion of the Gladstone Chautauqua. will be installed and used by Mr. Columbia Graphaphones and Haines to furnish electric power records help to pass an evening Mrs. H. A.Gates and daughter, in case anything goes wrong with away. Get them at the Forest Mrs. Jim Brickley, living on the Agents for his upper plant. Grove Pharmacy. Thatcher road two miles north­ Sherwin-Williams Paints That gasolene stove you need west of town, were Grove shop­ Legal Notices can be purchased at Hinman’s, pers Saturday. two and three burners, with or Paroid Roofing When you buy your new wagon without ovens. tf jack, get the “ Union.” Simplest, NOTICE OF SCHOOL INDEMNITY SELECTION. j Atty.E. Burke Tongue aud wife stongest and most useful. Once United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, of Hillsboro, will go to Astoria 1 used always used. J. B. Mat­ June 20, 1910. thews, Agent. tf this week to remain for some Notice in hereby given that the weeks. He has the settlement Mrs. Mary E. Cady, mother of State of Oregon, on March 3rd, of the Elmore estate. W.L.Cady of this city, came from 1910, applied for the SW1 of N John Frisbie and family, living Sunnyside Washington,last week Wi, Sec. 11, Tp. 2 North, R 6 at the north edge of town, will and will spend the summer here West., and filed in this office a list of School Indemnity Selec­ leave for the coast tomorrow, I with her son. tions in which it selected said where they will enjoy the ocean Matt Hines, formerly in the land; and that said list is open breezes for three v'eeks. blacksmithing business in this to the public for inspection. Any and all persons, claiming John Cornelius, formerly a city, now ranching above Gales adversely the above described resident of this city and at one | Creek, was a business visitor in land, or claiming the same under Watch Repairing A Specialty the mineral laws, or desiring to time a member of the town coun­ town Saturday. show said land to be more valu­ cil, was in from his farm in the Art. Thomas, formerly living for mineral than for agricul- P aterson B lock Pacific A vanua F o re s t G ro ve Blooming section Saturday. here, later a storekeeper of Sher­ | able tural purposes, or object to said Horace E. Thomas and wife, idan, but now ranching in the selection for any legal reason, both former well-known young Oakhill section, was a business j should file their claims or their affidavits of protest or contest in I people of this city, Horace now visitor in the Grove Saturday. this office on or before the 12th being on the Oregonian, were Sam Gilpin, formerly of this day of August, 1910. YOU AUTO 1 Seaside guests the past week. city, now farming in the Gaston Chas. B. Merrick, T ry o u r in v ig o ra tin g a n d re fre sh in g Register. section, was in town Monday, Wm. M. Harris and family, who J. C. Ardrey, shaking hands with old friends. I recently sold their place West of SODA Receiver. town, left Friday for a few weeks Sam prefers ranching to city life. 33-6t with pure crushed fruits for flavoring:. You are not limited to crushed fruits, how­ camping trip along the Wilson The Tillamook Headlight re­ ever. O ur C hocolate I ce C ream S odas ! river and at the Tillamook beach. ports the sale of a garden truck NOTICE Of SCHOOL INDEMNITY SELECTION. and N ut S undaes are simply delicious. Mrs. W. S. McFarland and farm near that city which brought United States Land Office, daughter, of Marshfield, Oregon, $600 per acre. This is climbing Portland, Oregon, W . E. Prickett June 20, 1910. returned to their home Tuesday, toward the high prices asked for Pacific Ave. Forest Grove after a two weeks visit with Mr. Hood River apple land. Notice is hereby given that the Ezra Kirts,a prominent farmer State of Oregon, on March 5. and Mrs. F. T. Miles in this city. 1910, applied for thp NWJ of N of the Kansas City section, and WJ, Sec. 11, Tp. 2 North. R. 6 Mrs. C. L. Large and Lucile, a Washington county boy who West., and filed in this office a | went to Portland Saturday and enlisted in the army during the list of School Indemnity Selec­ Forest Grove M eat Market visited over Sunday with friends war with Spain, was a business tions in which it selected said : in. the Rose City. The Doctor land; and that said list is open to | visitor to the Grove Monday. Fresh and Salted M eats. H om e M ade P ork Sausage “Just went down Sunday morning and the public for inspection. L ike D ad U sed to M ake ‘D ow n on the F arm .’ ” Harold Jensin, the Banks mer Any and all persons, claiming accompanied them hon e cantile man, who is visiting his adversely the above described Mrs.Clifford Brown left Thurs­ sister, Mrs. Claude Chestaine, at land, or claiming the same under day morning for Newport, ac Klamath Falls, writes that he the mineral laws, or desiiing to F reah Fish C a sh P a id fo r Hide* E v ery T h u rsd a y a n d P elt* companied by Mrs. N. L. Atkins has made a delightful fishing trip show said land to be more valu­ for mineral than for agricult­ of Portland. They will spend to the Harri nan summer home at able ural purposes, or to object to several weeks with the latter’s Pelican Bay Lodge. PHONES M O O R E & W IL H 1 L M S O N said selection for any legal rea­ sister, Mrs. Samuel E. Todd. son, should file their claims or W. A. Verboort, a prosperous their affidavits of protest or con­ D. J.DuBruille, wife and two farmer in the Verboort section, test in this office on or before the children, of Portland, and Miss has sold 40 acres of his fine farm­ 12th day of August, 1910. Chas. B. Merrick. Ida Brock, of Pittsburg, Penn., ing land to C. J. Taylor, from Register. were visitors to this city Sunday, Washington state, through the Mr. DuBruille was formerly edi­ agency of W. L, Cady, for a eon- J. C. Ardrey, Receiver. tor and owner of the Cottage sidei ation of $£650. 33-6t Grove Leader. O, H. Fry, a real estate dealer of Oakville, Washington, was in Compare Your Time this city Friday.on his way to at­ tend the funeral of the late Will­ with a reliable clock iam Shearer, his brother in law, who died Wednesday and was You find i t fast or si: w, and buried Friday in the Hillside cemetery. should have it attended to at Oregon Land & Trading Co. I Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. Forest Grove, Ore. Council Street, M. I. Abbott Jeweler and Optician min Albert C. Mar.krodt SELLS Indian Motor Cycles EL M. F. 30 & Flanders 20 AUTOM OBILES Repairing of All Kinds A Specialty — Best Work Forest Grove, Oregon Hubert time state the earliest possible moment by representative from this county, was in the city Saturday. Mr. A R T H U R SH E AR E R Bernards has large farm holdings in Yamhill county and spends T he M ain Street Jeweler much of his time there, but still claims Washington county as his voting place. Cleaning, Repairing and Regulating. All W ork G uaranty