F orest G rove P ress Voi. 1 FOREST GRONDE, O REG O N , T H U R S D A Y , JULY 28, 1910 C. D. Wagner Talks Interest­ Forest Grove Couple Wed ingly of Life on the Piute A beautiful house wedding oc­ curred at the residence of Mr. Indian Reservation and Mrs. A. R. Leabo in this city Wednesday evening at 8 o ’oclock, Mr. Charles Daniel Wagner, their daughter Miss Bertha Alice, who was recently married to Miss becoming the bride of Glen Wood Lou C. Starrett,daughter of Mr. Morley, Rev. T. D. Thomas, pas­ and Mrs. F. M. Starrett living tor of the Congregational church, east o f town, and who is Super­ officiating. The parlors o f the intending Engineer of the govern­ home were prettily decorated ment irrigation system on the with asparagus fern and white Piute Indian Reservation in Ne­ carnations, and the dining rooms vada, gave the Press man a very were decorated in pink and green. interesting account o f life on the The young people spoke their vows under a wedding bell of reservation. The indians of the reservation, climatis and white flowers. The which is located on the desert land bride was sweet and charming number about 1000; farming is in a dress o f white lingerie, and bouquet of the principal occupation, and al­ carried a shower falfa the main crop raised. There sweet peas. She was attended are about 400 acres now under ir­ by Miss Grace Payne, a school­ rigation, this tract being divided mate, of Albany, who also wore into 41 farms. The government white, and carried pink carna­ buys the crops raised by the In­ tions. Lloyd Leabo, brother of dians, paying them the highest | the bride was best man. Guests market price therefor, and thus | to the number of about thirty- making them self-supporting. five witnessed the ceremony, The wisdom of this move is after which a light luncheon was shown in the fact that, whereas served. Many valuable and beau­ when the wards of the govern- j tiful presents were received. Mrs. Morley is the daughter ment received allotments o f food and money at stated periods for o f A. R. Leabo, for many years their maintenance, they were in the mercantile business in this shiftless and lazy, and would do city, and at present cashier of nothing towards earning a livli- j the First National bank. Her hood, but under the present sys grandfather, the late Alanson tern they are industrious, sober Hinman, was one o f Oregon’s earliest and most prominent pio­ and law-abiding. On the reservation where Mr. neers, who held many responsible Wagner is stationed, the Indians offices over the state, and who live in good houses, dress in the was for several terms mayor of costume of the white race, attend this city. Mrs. Morley attended church regularly, and observe all Pacific University for several the manners and customs o f the years, and has been a social fav­ pale-face. On certain occasions orite among the younger set in they assume their native dress both the town and college. Mr. and hold forth in the festivities Morley has resided in the Grove which made Lo, the poor Indian, about two years, coming here glad in the far-off days when he from Wisconsin. Out o f town guests at the wed­ knew no care but to chase the creatures o f the wild with bow ding were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank and arrow,dream away the happy H. Dunham and Mr. and Mrs. hours, and hear the voice o f the Oscar Baldwin, o f Portland; Miss Great Spirit speaking to him in j Lad Leabo and Mr. Bert Leabo, the thunder o f the hurricane, the j McMinnville, and Miss Bessie roar o f the waterfall, and the Smith o f North Yamhill. gentle murmur o f the wind in the pines. The water for the irrigation of this reservation is obtained from the Truckee River, which is the Republicans met in the North outlet for Lake Taho, located and South Forest Grove precincts about 100 miles from the reserva­ last Saturday night and elected tion. The main irrigation ditch delegates to the county assembly is about eight miles in length, that meets in Hillsboro this com­ and there are approximately 20 ing Saturday, when candidates miles o f lateral ditches. Young will be chosen to go before the cottonwood trees line either side primary election for ratification o f the main ditch. Pyramid Lake, as candidates o f the party next about six miles above the irrigat­ November. ed section o f the reservation,and In the South precinct meeting, where is located the head-gate of C. O. Roe was elected chairman, the main ditch, is well stocked and A. G. Hoffman, secretary. with fish, and the Indians catch The following delegates were them in large numbers during the chosen: Dr. Charles Hines, C.O. fishing season. finding a ready Roe, John Thornburgh, O. W. market in Reno, and making as Humphreys, Mark Bump, E. B. much as $300 during the season. Sappington, W. J. R. Beach, In Pyramid Lake is located a John Templeton, O. M. Gardner, large island, known as Thunder B. E. Lamont, A. B. Todd, O. L. Island, and here in the nesting Ahlstrom and A. G. Hoffman. season, counties thousands of In the North precinct B. H. pelicans gather to build their Laughlin was chosen chairman nests and rear their young. and E. W. Haines, secretary. Missionaries o f the Episcopal Delegates chosen were: E. W. denomination have charge of the Haines, B. H. Laughlin, John religious teaching of the Indians Fletcher, H. G. King, L. J. Corl, on the Piute reservation, and the J. C. Clark, O. S. Higby, E. J, government maintains schools Bonshoe and H. T. Buxton. for the children. Republicans Elect Delegates Christian Church Services Gfted Orator to Speak Oliver W. Stewart o f Chicago, the celebrated orator who will speak in the tent on the Congre­ gational church square tomor­ row night in the interests of pro­ hibition, is considered to be one of the most gifted orators in the country. He is of magnetic personality and is a speaker who has studied his subject in all its bearings.and the hope of the world . ” 8 his presentation is logically co­ oclock— “ god ’ s test of faith . ” herent clear, forceful and elo­ quent Rocking the boat still remains Those who miss hearing Mr. a summer pastime for fools. Stewart will miss a treat Did you ever attend a modern up-to-date Bible School? Do you know what qualifications are necessary to make schools “ front rank ?” If not, come and find out for yourself. 221 were in at­ tendance last Sunday. Come and join our School if you are not a member elsewhere. Sermon subjects—Sunday July 31st. “ the foes , the needs and An Ordinance establishing water rates for the City o f Forest Grove, providing for water Com­ missioner and penalty for viola­ tion, and repealing all Ordinances and parts o f Ordinances in con­ flict herewith. »rest Grove does The City o f Forpst ordain as follows, to-wit; SECTION I Election, Powers and Duties of Commissioner of Water Fund No. 38 Cupid Again Proves Winner Council Pass New Light and Water Ordinances— Accept A pretty wedding that united two o f Washington county’s Bond of Water Pipe Co. young people occurred at the home o f Mr" and Mrs. C. Nelson The city council met in an ad- o f Dixie, sixteen miles northeast o f this city, Wednesday at high ! journed session Tuesday evening, noon, when Miss Lillian M. Nel­ the Mayor, all members o f the son became the bride o f Esra T. council, the street commissioner, Dixon, Rev. E. V. Stivers, pas­ recorder, and the Chief o f Police tor o f the local Christian church, being present The light and reading the service that made water ordinances were passed, the happy couple one. Friends some changes having been made and relatives witnessed the cere­ in the light ordinance since the mony which consummated the time it passed the second read­ work begun by the little “ Love ing at the previous session o f the God,” after which a luncheon council. As amended the ordi­ was served to the invited guests. nance now provides that the flat Mrs. Dixon is well known at rate where there is no meter Dixie and in other sections o f the measurement for lighting shall be county, and is much 1 ked for five cents per cand'e-power to her many estimable qualities. the amount o f 50 candle-power; Mr. Dixon is a Forest Grove boy, next 25 shall be 4&¡exceeding 75, and graduated this year from 4 cents per candle-power, these the Oregon Agricultural College rates to be by the month. in the mining engineer’ s course. Measured by meter the rate by He also taught in the agricultur­ the month shall be on a basis o f al college while attending that 12& cents per killowatt for first institution. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon 100 killowatt,and for all over 100 will make their home in the j at the rate o f 10 cents per killo­ Couer D ’ Alene mining district, watt. The minimum charge to where Mr. Dixon will follow his any individual shall be 75 cents. One porch lamp not exceeding 8 chosen profession. candle-power shall be 25 cents 1 per month. The light ordinance provides that the council shall appoint a The paper that last week commissioner o f the light funds, printed the statement that it to hold office at the pleasure o f published exclusively the notice that body, and whose duties o f the coming of Dr. Bernhard shall be to collect all money due Boeggild, the great Danish dairy Forest Grove for electricity and authority, to Forest Grove, was light, for installing electric ser­ either willfully false or made the vice, for repair o f same, for mater­ statement through crass stupid­ ial sold, or any other money due ity. The PRESS gave notice in the city on account o f electricity, its issue of July 14 of the coming light or power furnished by the o f Dr. Boeggild to Portland, Sal­ city. Tne commissioner shall re­ em, Forest Grove and other Oreg­ port each month amount collect­ ed during previous calander on cities. Some papers and people, when month; keep a list o f installations they cannot best competitors by total candle-power installed in sticking to the truth, will “ Cook” each building, etc. The Council ordered that $4, up something. How does the 000 be paid the Western Water community regard them. Pipe company on their contract — with the City. The bond o f this There shall be elected by the Common Council o f the City of Forest Grove a Commissioner of the Water Funds, who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the City Council and whose du­ ties shall be as follows; 1st. To collect all money due the City for water, for repairs on piping, for material sold and other money due the City on ac­ count of water furnished by the City. 2nd. To report to the Common Council at its first regular meet­ ing in each month the total amount collected during the pre­ vious calander month, also all amount due the City and not paid during each calander month. 3rd. To keep a list of the in­ stallations o f water, and number o f faucets, where water is not furnished by meter measure­ ment, which list shall be correct­ ed up each month and shall be so arranged and indexed that the amount due from each patron can be readily ascertained. 4th. The Commissioner of Water Funds shall qualify by taking and subscribing the usual official oath and giving a good and sufficient bond, fixed by re­ solution o f the Common Council, o f not less than five hundred doll­ ars, which bond must be approved by the Common Council and held by the Mayor. At the option of the Common Council this bond Allan A. Dale, Lotus L. Lang- may be given in conjunction with ! ley and wife, and Miss Manche the bond given for the light fund. Langley, left Wednesday morn- | ing for a two weeks outing in the - SECTION II - coast range and at the beach. The party went to Yamhill on the Water Funda ! train, from whence they will “ hike” to the Trask road house, All money received or collected and will spend some time on the by the Commissioner for water i upper Trask teaching the fish to under this Ordinance shall be dodge their hook. From the paid to the City Treasurer on the Trask they will tramp through to first day o f each month and the Tillamook, probably to Cannon Treasurer shall place the same in Beach and Sea Side and back the water fund, from which funds home over the Wilson River stage shall be paid all operation ex­ route. This same party made a penses o f the water system, in­ trip, two years ago, twenty miles cluding repairs, and the balance from any settlement, into the shall be paid to liquidate the wildest district o f the Salmon bonded indebtedness o f the city Berry, where, they said, the old" for water, and no portion o f such est fish had never seen a white funds shall be paid out except on man. order o f the Common Council, by warrant drawn upon such fund, Edison says that one could live which warrant shall designate exclusively on canned goods. the purpose for which the expend­ But would one?. iture is made and said warrant The woman who purrs when must be signed by the Mayor and shall be attested by the Recorder you call her a kitten would scratch your eyes out if you were to call o f the City o f Forest Grove. her a cat. - ^SECTION III - Willfully False or Stupid Grove People on Long Walk The Common Council to Have General Supervision Sustained Broken Ribs company was accepted. Under the bond the company shall save the city free and harmless from expense in the operation o f the pipes, together with all gates and other appurtenances, arising from defective materials or workman­ ship, for a period o f one year. A bill o f $100.16 was ordered paid to J. C. Martin company. Else-where in the PRESS will be found the water ordinance. Pleasant Surprise Party A number o f the young friends o f Kennard Dixon, living in South Park, gave him a surprise party Saturday night. Kennard was called up town on some pretext, and when he returned home about eight o ’clock the young people were in full possession of the premises. It was the sur­ prise o f Kennard’s life, but he quickly recovered his usual a* plomb, after which the merry crowd repaired to an oak grove near the residence, where sever­ al happy hours were spent in playing games and in social con­ verse. Ice cream and cake, furn­ ished bv the surprisers, was serv­ ed during the evening, and at a late hour the merrymakers sought their homes, after voting Kennard a jolly good fellow ana the party a success. Those present were: Hazel Stockman, Geneva Griffith, Eva Vanderburg,Vivian D ixon,Luella Markee.Mrs.Guy Stockman,Nell­ ie Johnson, Sadie Devlin, Lennie Bumsworth, lva Devlin, Alice Bumsworth, Glen Markee, Earl Jackson, Guy Stockman, John Ireland, Itoscoe Barker, Arthur Ireland, Robert Mott, Claud Davis, Roy Grove, Kennard Dixon and Charles Grove. James McClaren, an aged resi­ dent o f Gales creek, was quite seriously injured Tuesday after­ noon. Mr. McClaren is a lum­ ber hauler, and was returning to the mill with an empty wagon, when he was in some manner thrown from his seat to the - SECTION IV - ground and his side badly hurt, i several ribs being put out o f Application for Water Service commission for a time. Doctor Hines attended the injured man. Applications for water shall be made in writing to the Com­ Virginia has a hen that photo­ mon Council or its duly authoriz­ graphs people on her eggs. Will A Poughkeepsie girl was ost­ ed agent as follows; Applica- the food commission allow re- racized for marrying. This item (Continued on Page 6) , touching. has no moral. The Common Council shall, either directly or through such agents as it may, from time to time, designate, have general supervision o f the Water System of the City o f Forest Grove.