Remember Summer Under­ Anderson’s is headquarters for Arsenate o f Lead at the Forest The white owl on the side o f wear, all kinds at Anderson’s. men’ s vacation outfits. Grove Pharmacy. Hoffman & Allen’s store, with its Additional Local Items | background o f red, looms up like Con McNamer and Will Bellin­ H. Herrington, o f Centerville, C. F. Miller was in Hillsboro on of General Interest J six bits on a foggy morning. was a business visitor to this city ger visited the County Seat Fri­ business Friday. ■ ■ ■ « ■ • • ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ I Saturday. day. Capt. Geo. Auld, who is now Miller, the druggist, prices in business at Portland, was a All work done in Dr. Booth’s Kodaks to sell or rent at the cut. 36-2t Optical Parlors guaranteed. Forest Grove Pharmacy. Grove visitor Monday. Baleing and thrashing is on in Ed. Seymour was a visitor to the With Booth Jewelry Co. tf Miss Nena King spent Sunday Dan Deaville and wife o f Cor­ Rose City Friday. full force up this way and bump­ nelius left Saturday for Newport at the home of her uncle, H.For­ L. Y. Moffett,prominent farm­ er crops are being put away for Hinman has the best tents in for a few days outing at the ney, near Hillsboro. er o f Gaston, was a business visi­ winter. the city. You want to look them beach. Good clean oat hay.alsooat and tor to this city Saturday. over before you buy. tf A. Porter and family went to You should try a glass o f that wheat hay for sale. J.T.Haynie Grant Hughes and wife,and C. Cornelius four days last week Henry Smith, a farmer lad o f delicious soda, all flavors, at Phone, Ind. 10-x. 36-2t O.Roe and wife, made an auto visiting with Mr. Porter’s broth­ the Mountaindale section, was a Shearer’s. It will quench your Miss Elsie S cott' has returned j trip to Upper Nehalem Sunday. er. W. A. Bates. They made the Grove visitor Saturday. thirst. tf from several days visit with Mrs.Butler,of Hillsboro,visited trip in their Maxwell Car. Horses sent for and delivered Will Timmerman, a prominent friends at McMinnville. Chas. Hall has shipped his last at the W. H. McEldowney home to any part o f the City. Ind. farmer of the Gales creek section, box of cherries for this season. in Forest Grove Thursday and Miss Anna Dean, book keeper Phone No. 322. Harris & Mark­ was down from his Mountain He reports an extra good crop o f the First National, will leave Friday. ham. tf home Saturday, shaking hands this year, which, by the way, is the bank soon for a vacation of Geo. Schoch, scientific farmer Earnest Reuter and Rill David, with friends and transacting several weeks. exceptional for some districts. o f above the Watt’s section, was o f the David’ s Hill section, were business. Earl Schultz, o f Albany, is shaking hands with friends in business callers in town Satur­ Mrs. Chas. Hines and son, Willis, visiting his cousins, the Schultz the Grove Friday. day. returned Saturday from a several boys, in this city. Earl will re­ j Hugh W. Sparks, cartoonist (Crowded out last week.) Joe Wirtz. a Forest Grove boy weeks visit with Mrs.Hines’ par­ main several weeks. and chalk-talker, accompanied by many years ago, was out from ents at Jacksonville. Edgar Meresse.a local newspaper Miss Cora Davidson, Ed. and George Trageser left last week Portland Saturday to visit his Chas. R. Macy returned Satur­ Lou Davidson, and the wife of man, attended the Gladstone for the harvest fields o f eastern brothers in this city and look day from a trip into Coos County, the latter, all of Grants Pass.are Chautauqua Saturday, going Washington. over old tcenes. and he says that Washington visiting at the home of their down to see Ross Crane, the car­ The approach to the Gales Invitations are out to the mar­ county is the best ever. mother, Mrs. Prospere LaFrene, toonist, who was on the boards j (creek bridge, which was washed riage o f Miss Bertha Leabo to Jeff Hayden, formerly in the living on Fifth street,in this city. that evening. out last week, has been repaired. Glenn VV. Morley,which will take butcher business in this city, now Clement Scott, a business man A farm house owned by Schultz place at the home of Miss Leabo J. 0 . McCale and wife were ranching in the Glen wood section, and Verhoven o f this city, in of Vancouver, Washington, was Wednesday, July 27. called to Portland recently by the was a business caller in town calling on the publisher o f the Yamhill county, and occupied by serious illness o f the former’s Wm. M. Harris, who lives three Monday. Jesse West, formerly in the shoe P bess Saturday, they having been mother. miles west o f town,sold his thirty “ Uncle” John Baldwin return­ repairing business next door to old friends in New York. Mr. acre farm to Samuel Taylor of ed Sunday from a week’ s visit in the press office, was burned Sat­ Scott is a native of Scotland, and Mr. Buxton and wife enter­ Washington. Mr. Harris con­ Portland. Mrs.Baldvin has been urday, Mr. West losing all his has traveled in all parts o f the tained Rev. Frank, the evange­ templates a trip into the Coos visiting friends in the Rose City household goods. list, who conducted services at civilized world. Bay country, where he may settle. for some time, and will remain the Watts church Sunday. NOTICE — The undersigned W. F. Johnson, formerly in the A. C. Allen, former Pacific some weeks longer. Mr. Taylor o f Cle Elum.Wash. post office at Glencoe, has been will pay $20 reward for informa­ University student and orator, H. C. McCoy, this year gradu­ named by T. J. Monahan, newly tion leading to the arrest and has purchased the W. M. Harris and a this year's graduate o f the ate o f Pacific University, and appointed post master at St. conviction o f any party or parties farm. Mr. Harris’ family have law department o f the Univer­ working with the United Rail­ Johns, Oregon, as his assistant. committing a misdemeanor or lived here but a few years, com­ sity o f Washington, called on ways surveying crew at Wilson, Mr. Johnson formerly lived at distroying property at the City ing from Eastern Oregon and Forest Grove friends Saturday. is reported to have injured his St. Johns, and had been connect­ Park. Such information will be while we regret their moving A. C. is making his headquarters leg and gone to his home in ed with the Glencoe office 18 treated as confidential. away, we extend a welcome to in Seattle at present. the new neighbors. Portland to recuperate. J. N. Hoffman, tf months. ( NEWSY GASTON ITEMS WEEKLY NEWS O f WATTS I* « . MILLER DRUGGIST ■•***•♦ (•* THE CUT RATE Buys A Heap — Sells Cheap Keeps Forever A t It — * I i