' .H is S ay! W h e r e ’s that P ig ? I f the]-« is a p is le ft in any comer o f the Northwest we w ant It. W e w ant as much dressed pork as w e can possibly get. W e will pay as follows for produce. W e never take o ff commission. Ship by express: D re ss e d P o r k ............................. D re ss e d V e a l .............................. F re sh E g g s ............................... L iv e C h ic k en s—H e n s ............... S p rin g C h ic k e n s ........................... 12Hc 10c 26c 17c 20 c Address all shipments. T R A N K L. S M I T H M E A T CO. "F ig h tin g the B e e f Trust” PO R TLA N D , OREGON Attractive Letters. Rodrick— Yes, he came over hereto learn our language and started on the alphabet Began picking up letters, you know. Van Albert— And what progress has he made? Rodrick— Oh, he soon found that the only letters he had time to pick up were the X ’s and V’s. An D e fin it io n . A m en d m en t. “ Are you ready to live on my in­ come?” he asked softly. She looked up into hJs face trust­ ingly. “ Certainly, dearest,” she answered, if----- " “ I f what?” “ I f you get another one for your­ self.” — New York Journal. The Ambiguous Cook, Mrs. DeAysker— D id your cook leave on account of the extra IS cents a week that the Raxer woman offered her? Mrs. Von Holmer— 1 can’t tell; she said she was going to leave because she wanted the change, and I don’t know whether she meant the money or the new place. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE At a London board school the teach er had explained to the children the meaning of the word "ability.” “ Now. children,” she went on, "what word I would express the opposite to ability t" E X TE N D P O R T A G E ROAD. A sharp faced little boy at the end of the end. form bobbed up his head and exclaimed, "Please, teacher, nobil­ Conditions Prescribed by Legislature ity !” — Work and Play. Met by Enterprising Citizens. Makes the Weak Strong There is no need to con­ tinue in a weak, run-down debilitated condition when Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters has conclusively proven its ability to build you up and make you strong again. It ac(s directly on the digestive system, regu­ lates the appetite, prevents Indigestion, Cramps, Diar­ rhoea or other after-eat­ ing distress. Try a bottle today. Insist on having OSTETTER’ CELEBRATED STOM ACH B I T T E R K in d r e d S p ir its . “ John, what kept you out so late?” ‘‘Didn’t I tell you, Maria, that I had to go to a meeting of the True Knights of the Mystic Brotherhood?” “Now that you mention It, I believe you did.” “Well, we had a long wrangle, as us­ ual.” ___________________ The Dalles— The money fo r the pur­ chasing o f the Portage road right o f way has been subscribed and the exten­ sion from B ig Eddy to this city is now an assured fact. Before many weeks the actual construction work w ill be commenced. For several months the contractors, who have the construction work in charge, have been gettin g m aterial on the ground and at the present time all o f the machinery, ties, rails, etc., are here. The only thing that has been holding the extension back has been the delay in the purchase o f the right o f way. A t the last session o f the leg isla tu re an appropriation was made for the ex­ tension o f the Portage road from B ig Eddy to this city. It was through the earnest endeavor o f Senator N. J. Sin- nott and others representing this dis­ trict that such action was taken. In gettin g this appropriation it was nec­ essary fo r the representatives o f The Dalles and vicinity to make a ce>-tain pledge to show good faith, this prom­ ise being that o f right of way would be furnisehd by the citizens and a pub­ lic dock built by the city. Several months ago the city council voted a bond issue o f $ 10,000 for the building o f a public dock which w ill be built and ready fo r use by the time the extension o f the road is finished. There was a little delay in starting the ball rolling, but as soon as the merch­ ants and citizens w ere called upon they came through and the money was raised in a very short time. BIG W A TE R P R O J E C T O N. 56,000 Acres o f Rogue River to Be Irrigated. Land Medford— Fifty-five thousand acres o f the Rogue river valley w ill be irri­ gated, at an expenditure o f at least $ 2 , 000 , 000 , within the next few years as the result o f the closing of a deal whereby the Rogue R iver Valley Canal company, composed o f a party of Spo­ kane capitalists, headed by P. Welch, acquires ownership o f the property o f the Fisk Lake W ater company. The consideration was not given out by either party to the transaction. Mr. Welch said that his company has had the property under option nearly a year and had spent nearly $150,000 in examining the property, making surveys and in development work. The old company had about 60 miles o f canals and ditches. $ Fred N. Cummings, manager o f the Rogue R iver V alley Canal company, said that his company would proceed at once to the construction o f additional canals and laterals until there „were 100 miles o f canals and 400 miles o f laterals. The company owns reservoir rights in the Fish and Four Mile lakes, with a storage capacity o f 55,000 acre- feet o f water, besides the running wa­ ter in the north and south forks o f L it ­ tle Butte creek. The company owns 7,000 acres of land in the valley in one body, on which it w ill maintain an experimental farm in charge o f an expert. Though this body o f land the company has dug a ca­ nal six feet wide at the bottom and a boulevard 60 feet wide paralleling it. Cleaning the Henhouee. I f you wish to rid your henhouse« of lice and mites now Is the time to do It Clean them perfectly, whitewash the sides and roosts, remove all litter from the nests and whitewash them out­ side and In. Take out all droppings and litter on the floor and sprinkle ashes over the floor every few daya. Fumigate the house once or twice • week with sulphur or tobacco smoke. Make a war on the Insects for the next two months, and you will not be troubled much with them during sum­ mer. ___________________ Checks fo r the C o m m u n io n T a b le . The author of "The Sabbath ’ n Puri­ tan New England” mentions a custom which prevailed In several Now Eng­ land churches that made It the duty of the deacons to walk up and down the aisles of the church at the close of each service and deliver to every per­ son who In their judgment was fitted to commune a metal check, which en­ titled him at the next celebration o f the I xml's supper to join in the sacred ordinance. On the communion Sal* bath It was the deacons’ duty to see that every one who presented hlmselT at the Lord’s table had this check and to collect It from the communicant be­ fore passing to him the bread and wine. — CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. TI ib Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature o f l IV s s r Its llu n l S ta te . Mr. Dorklns— Marla. I think I can make this dining table last a while longer by replacing a few of the top O W YH E E P R O J E C T RUSHED. boards with new ones. Mrs. Dorklns— Well, go ahead and Engineer Called to Chicago A fter In­ patch the top of the old thing up If you GRA1NMEN IN C O M B IN E . quiry on Irrigation Plans. think you can, but I want you to un­ Rob Dentists of Gold Leaf. W heat-Growers to Manufacture and Ontario— George H. Binkley, field derstand that It's on Its last legs. * “ Pennyweighters," as the detectives engineer for the Arnold Construction Ship Flour. in a short time by using Mothers w in find Mrs. W inslow 's Borritilo* call them, have been busy in Washing­ company, of Chicago, has been called Byrup the best rem edy hi use for th eir ch ildren Portland— As a test o f their strength P L U M M E R ’S IT C H ton during the last few days. Eleven to the home office of the company to during the teeth in g period. in opposing interests which they con­ REMEDY dentists' offices have been entered and consult the Trobridge-Nirer company S o K g e a t ln ic t H e n s o n , in 50-cent cans only. Address robbed of gold leaf and platinum to sider inimical to the Farmers’ Educa­ relative to the plans and specifications tional and Co-operative union, wealthy PLUM M ER D R U G CO M PANY Corking— I don’t know how I do It. the value of about $300 fo r the Owyhee irrigation project, wheat growers o f U m atilla county and Third an d M a d iso n Portland. Or. which covers the Kingman colony and hut I can always tell what time of day the W alla W alla country are going to Gem projects also. Mr. Binkley took It Is without looking at a watch or manufacture flour for export on an with him the data gathered during the clock. McStab——To be sure. Nature always extensive scale, according to announce­ past year concerning this project, and ment made in Portland. W hile the upon his return the plans w ill be sub­ confers Instinct upon creatures that Cutting, Fitting, Drafting, Design­ Liquid Form, 25c, 60o. Salve Tubes, 26c, $1.00. plans o f organization are not as yet lack the higher faculties. mitted to the engineer selected by the ing, Tailoring and Dressmaking taugnt. complete, it is known that they include water users o f the district. The plans 11 o i ii <*a t i c F i c t i o n . Strictly up-to-date in every style and the building o f flouring mills, ware­ fashion. W rite for terms. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. houses, power plant, transmission lines afterwards w ill be submitted to the Mrs. Brown— 1 used to be so fond of state engineer for his approval and the fiction before I was married. Mrs. o f Portland. Oregon 143 1-2 Eleventh SL Portland, Oregon and about 40 miles o f railroad. district w ill then be in shape to re­ Bmltli— And don’t you read much nowT FURNISHES HELP FREE There is abundance o f capital to ceive bids on the construction o f the Mrs. Brown— No; after the tales my TO EMPLOYERS finance the various enterprises in con­ Secretary W. husband tells me about why he is late REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING; Main office, 12 North Second St. Main 5670; A 1406 nection with the movement. $500,000 reservoirs and canals. L . Blodgett, o f tha district, at the getting home merely printed Action Ladies Dept, 205V4 Morrison St. Main 1062; A 2064 having been already subscribed, and Phone or w ire orders at our expense. meeting o f the directors in Nyssa, seems so tame and unimaginative. use C R E S C E N T there is plenty o f money, say the pro­ was instructed to investigate the quali­ moters, to insure the carrying out o f fications o f several engineers, who are Red, W ea k , W e a ry , W a te ry R yes. Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER the enterprise. applicants fo r the position o f local en­ Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You Will* are quickly relieved by Wyatt’s Asthma I-lke Murine. It Soothes. 60c at Your 25c. F U L L POUND gineers for the district. The directors | Druggists. .Write For Kye Rooks, yree. Remedy. Guaranteed or money refund­ N A V Y C A N D ID A TE S LOSE. w ill meet again soon, when it is ex­ Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. ed. Ask your druggist or send six pected an appointment w ill be made. cents postage for Free Sample to Protecting Seed Corn. Oregon District "D ow n and Out’ J. C. WYATT, Druggist. A method of protecting seed corn Prizes fo r Apples Offered. With Annapolis Men. VANCOUVER. WASHINGTON. Salem— As a premium fo r the best against the crows Is to add a table- Salem— Representative Hawley has apple exhibit from Marion county spoonful of chloride of lime to a pock received word that both the candidates First class work at at the State Horticultural society of shelled corn mixing It well. It Is a "«asonable prices. from this district, principal and alter­ show in Portland in November, the very cheap and eaay way and the seed nate, failed at the examination for the Free examination Salem board o f trade has just offered Is more agreeable to handle than and perfectly fitted United States Naval academy at An­ rlassea as low as $25. A local concern has also offered when coated with tar after the m or* napolis, and as the third alternate a barrel o f spray for the best box o f common method. $ 2.00 dropped out before the examinations, Spitzenberg apples grown in the W il­ W h a t th e W ild W a v e a H ea rd . this district is left without appointees. No faking methods. lamette valley. L»R- C L H i i Y N C b "You’re looking blue,” remarked tha The Representative is unable to lobster. "W hat’s the matter?" state what he w ill do in the nature o f Suite 427, M a rq u a m Building PO RTLAND M ARKETS. ” 1 have Juet heard,” the oyster an­ Fourth Floor filling the vacancies, but it is possible Wheat — Blues tern, 87&i 88 c; club, swered, "that there are such things ae Opposite Portland Hotel, Portland Ore. Full Set o f Teeth ......................................... $5.00 he will establish a system o f compe­ 83@84c; red Russian, 80c; valley, 84c. vegetable oysters.” Bridge Work or Teeth without Plate» $3 50 to $5 titive examinations, which has been Barley— Feed and brewing, $19®20. Gold Crowns................................. $3.50 to $5.00 "W hat’s the difference?” rejoined the Porcelain Crowns......................... $3.50 to $5.00 tried once previously and with much Corn— Whole, $32; cracked, $33 ton. other. "There are human lobsters. to>, A T R IP TO PORTLAND FREE Gold or Porcelain F illin g »...................... $ 1 .0 0 U » « n,fa tK.*a m u t t e r w i l l n o t Silver Filiinfm............................ 50c to $ 1.00 success. He says tnis matter win not Hay— Track price«: Timothy, W il­ but I don’t let that worry me a cent’s CUT BATES IN Best Plate M ade.......................................... $7.50 he «riven consideration f o r some time, lamette valley, $20®21 per ton; East­ worth.” —Chicago Tribune. N o charges for Painless Extracting when other ,___ _ _____ _________________________________ PAINLESS DENTISTRY however. ern Oregon, $22®24; alfalfa, new, $13 Painless E x tra ctio n ...... Free work »d o n e . 16 year»’ Guarantee with all work. You Can Get Allen’ s foot-rose TREE. 8ilver F illin g * ................... 50c Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. 22Uk Morriaon Street. @14. W rite A lie n s . Olmsted, f e Hoy, N. Y „ fora (G o ld F illin g s ......................75c Through Line to Crater Lake. tree sam ple ot A lle n ’s Foot-Kase. It cures Oats— No. 1 white, $26@27 per ton. r 22 K. Gold C ro w n s...............$3 eating, hot swollen, aching feet. It m akes Klamath Falls— L. W. Clapp, stage Porcelain C r o w n s ...............$3 Butter— City creamery extras, 30c; sw new or tig h t shoes easy. A certain ca re fo r Molar Gold C row n s............. $4 ] line operator, has established an auto­ fancy outside creamery, 29®30c; store, ■orns. In grow in g nails and bunions. All drug- N a m M e A R d K i c O W Bridge W ork , 22 K. Gold . .. $3 lists sell It. 26c. iio n ’t accept any subetltule* mobile service between Klamath Falls 23c. Butter fa t prices average l % c In la y Fills, Pure G o ld ........$2 AB SO LU TELY CURES _ _ V ery N ice Rubber P la te___ $4 I and Crater Lake. Mr. Clapp has the per pound under regular prices. Best Rubber Plate on E a rth .............................. $7 Strawberries Grown In City. DR. WHITING’S REMEDIES ! contract with the Southern Pacific to E ggs— Oregon candled, 27c dozen; ALL TH:8 WORK IS GUARANTEED. MANrFACTT’RFD BY Don t throw your money away. A dollar saved To «how that strawberries can b * 1 handle the through passenger service Eastern, 25c. N A T I O N A L M E D IC IN E C O - L T D U t worlollarg earned. Our original reliable Modern grown In the heart of the city, W illis i from San Francisco to Crater Lake. 4 2 2 S h e lley Bile., M o rriso n S t . rainless Methods and our perfected office equip- Poultry — Hens, 19@20c; springs, R o o m s 3 an d 4, For?land. Or. J T " an( * y " ,,r money. I Tickets can be purchased either at San 22X @ 23c; ducks, 14c; geese, 10@12c; A. Hendricks of East Twenty-flrst and FEo e Marshall 2 1 1 9 BOSTON DENTISTS, 5th t M orrises. Pert land 1. A P P E N D IC IT IS R E M E D T . Francisco or Portland and way points turkeys, dressed, 2 2 ^ @ 2 5 c; live, 20 c; Albert »treets brought to the office o f Entrance 291H Morrison, oppodrr PoeodSce and Mder a The only known c o n for AppendicUin without the Oregonian 5 number of bozes o f Prank. Etcablubed in Portland 10 rear». Open rrenlan the aid of the knife Give« immediate relief, 1 for the trip directly througth by way squabs, $3 per dozen. ami! I and Sunday, until 12.10. for people .b o work. and effect« a permanent cure in a short time. Magoon and Oregon Improved berries ! o f this great natural wonder. From PRICK MS. Pork— Fancy, 12%@13c per pound. 6. “S P E C IA L ” R E M E D T . containing an average of twenty ber- San Francisco a ticket through will V eal— Fancy, l l @ l l } ^ c per pound. P N U For Women a Ailments. 1 a mom of the How N o . 30—’10 rtes to the box The harries w ere els. Also IHnhet««. Kidney and Bladder Trou- , mean that after the arrival here pas- Green Fruits-—Apples, Oregon New­ • lea PRICK 16 Thla New Scientific Work hi a home treatment. I aengers can remain over night and the town, $2 per box; new, $1.75® 2; cher­ grown on an ordinary city lot without X T T H K W w r it in g t o a r i . e r t i a ere p le a a e I I I m e n )io n th la p a p e r . Write or call and we will explain. E ternal follow ing morning leave in an auto for ries, 5 ® 1 2 ){c per pound; apricots, Irrigation. Mr. Hendrlcka had 1,000 treatment only. the rim o f Crater Lake where they $1.26@1.60 per box; currants, $2.26t'rf plants on his lot and at tha first pick­ w ill connect with another line from the 2.40; pears, new, $1.35; peaches, 50® ing be picked a total of SO bozes of the monster berries. A number of the j other aide. ______ 85c; raspberries, $1@1.25 per crate; loganberries, 40c® $1; blackcaps $1.25 berries were over live Inches In cir­ cumference and one measured 7% Lebanon Says Train Service Bad, ®1.50 per box; blackberries, $1.76. D E STR O YS B A D ODORS turtles |n clrcuuif urenoe.— Portland Salem— The railroad commission re- Vegetables— Artichokes, 60®76c per And givaa instant relief for tender, homing, aching and swollen feet. On# j ceived a complaint from the citizens o f dozen; beans, I® 3 c per pound; cab­ Oregonian. capsule w ill g ive in« tant relief. T w elve in a box. Price 25 rents, at your druggist e or by mail. Address I Lebanon, Ore., o f the paaaenger ser- bage, 2 > 46 ; 2 *^c; cauliflower, $2 per D R O . O . FLETCHER, Foot Specialist A ll fe Do Over s o l s , 1 vice afforded them between Lebanon dozen; celery, 90c; cucumbers, 60® It la an open question If tba old fish­ Allsky Building, Portland, Ore. I and Albany on the Southern Pacific 60c; egg plant, per pound; head \ line. The complainant« allege that lettuce, 50®60c per dosen; green erman In the following atory ever got i the Southern Pacific paaaenger trains onions, 16c; peas, 2 c per pound; rad­ the right answer to tba problem that THIS FOR LIST j are seldom on time and its coaches are ishes. 16@20c per dozen; spinach, 8® was puzzling bis head. A writer In inadequate to comfortably carry pa­ 10 c per pound; carrot«, 86 c ® $1 sack; Everybody’s Magazine, nt least, leaves one In doubt on that score. The riddle trons from Iebanon to Albany. beet«, $1.50; parsnips, 75c® $l. Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Potatoes Old Oregon, 75c@$l per was this: " I f a herring and n h alf Portland Saattla Spokane coats a penny and a half, how many W ood-W orking Plant Established. hundred; new, 1 H e per pound. A s k fo r Thair Goods and herrings can yon buy for a «h illin g ? " Onions— W alla Walla, $2.60 sack. Redmond— An important industry Cattle— B eef steers, good to choice, The old fisherman had worked on I* recently located at Redmond ia the »S A V E T H E S E wood working plant o f L . L. Osborne. $ 4 .75® 5.25; fa ir to medium, $4@4.60; for some time. 'W h a t did yon say tha mackerel As aoon as the building ia completed, cows and heifers, good to choice, $4-26 S3.60®4; and a half c o a tr he asked at la st i it ia the intention to manufacture kit­ @4.66; fa ir to medium, ' I didn’t any macharal; I said her­ $3®4; calves, chen cabinets, light furniture, aereen bulla, $3®4; stags, ring,” explained the shipper. doors, sash and doors. This is the only light, I6.60W6.66; heavy, $4®6.26. They W ill Secure You M any Useful Hogs— Top, $9.76® 10.25; fa ir to “ Oh. that’« different,” «aid tha other, establishment o f the kind nearer than r s * figuring on medium. $8.60®«.60. Prineville. Articles W ithout Coat IT C H C A N B E C U R E D MURINE " ï ï t t " Keister’s Ladies Tailoring College TRY EYE R E M E D Y >- vs ia. it BAKING POW DER EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN Union Painless Dentists N ox all Foot Remedy SEND AD. FREE PREMIUM SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE bR i