Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, July 21, 1910, Image 3

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Dr. Robert Nixon was in Port­
land Monday.
Live Items of Local Interest
Allen Hayden, farming in the
Thatcher neighborhood, was a
business visitor in town Tuesday.
Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling
Local Reporters of the Press
Paul Abraham left for Wa co,
Oregon, last week.
B. A. Caples made a business
trip to Buxton yesterday.
Prof. Bean and wife are at­
tending Chatauqua this week.
Miss Stella Hahn is now work-
ingin Portland for Olds and King.
Prof. Gardner is doing some
carpenter work for Mrs. Taylor.
J. A. Elder, wife, and son, are
in Eastern Oregon, their former
Dr. Will Pollock has returned
from his fishing trip to the Mc­
Kenzie river.
Mrs. Taylor, living in the
North part o f town, is remodel­
ing her house.
Subscribe for the PRESS, no'
T. J. Lewis will give an ad­
dress on Socialism at the Skating
Mrs. T. Boldrick was a Rose Rink tonight. He is said to be a
city visitor Monday.
| forceful speaker.
Vernon Burlingham left for the
Dr. Knox, formerly a veteri­
eastern part o f the state Friday. nary practitioner in this city, but
Columbia Indestructable Rec­ now attending dental college in
ords at Forest Grove Pharmacy. Portland, was a Grove visitor
during the week.
J. H. Hicks is doing the plumb­
Little Miss Bernice Carrothers
ing at the r.ew Methofist church.
Portland is visiting with her
Mrs. J. B. Smith entertained
Florence Littler, in thi3
yesterday in honor of Mrs. Me-
the latter keep house
while her mother is in Albany.
W. P. Dyke,of Portland,was a
C. V. B. Russell left for New­
business visitor to the Grove
Tuesday. He will build a
1 four-room bungalow on property
Victor Brown, ranching on the he owns on the sea-shore,and his
Wilson river, was in for a load of family will abide therein several I
supplies Wednesday.
weeks during the summer.
Mrs. Westinghouse, o f Timber,
Mrs. Traylot and Mrs. Pan-
is in Forest Grove taking treat­ nack, have returned to their i
ments from Dr. C.E. Bock nann. homes in Billings, Montana,after |
Levi Austin, Pacific University
student and crack half mile run­
John Connell and Miss Marga­ a visit with J. L. Higginbotham
ner, has gone to eastern Oregon. ret West, of Portland, visited and family, on the east edge of
The ladies were much
with friends in this city over town.
Chas.. C. Wagner and wife left
pleased with Forest Grove and
for Nevada Monday. Mrs.Wag­
Miss Julia Moore, who has been su rounding country.
ner was formerly Miss Lou Star-
visiting Miss L. Good for the
Col. Haynes, wife and two
past two months, will leave this daughters, arrived in this city
Chas. Treeman and family re­
week for Missouri.
¡Tuesday, and making the trip
turned last week from California,
Don’ t forget to include the cur­ ; from Salt Lake city in their
and they will move back on their
rent magazines in your list for 1 large automobile touring car.
your outing trip. Get them at They will probably occupy their
Jake Buxton, forme; ly a busi­
new residence in the North-west
Forest Grove Pharmacy.
ness man o f this city, now locat­
part o f town during the summer.
The McNamer stage line to
ed in Portland, was a Grove vis­
It is expected that Chas. A.
Tillamook will begin operations
itor yesterday.
Monday, and daily trips to the Sias, former pastor o f the local
Chas. Morgan and wife, from
coast town will be made by the Christian church, will occupy the
Gales Creek, were in town Sat­
j pulpit next Sunday at 11 a. m.
urday and Sunday, guests o f the
The Bank’s Stars will X bats j If he should not come the pastor
former’ s parents,
with the City Park team at the will speak on the subject of:
George McGee o f Penn.,is here City Park west o f town, Sunday, j “ T H E c h u r c h - i t s f o u n d a t i o n . ”
visiting his sister, Mrs.J.T.Shan- the game to be called at 2 p. m. At 8 o ’ clock the subject will be:
Mrs. Shannon’s mother Both aggregations^ can deliver the 1 “ IS JACK JOHNSON TH E BEST
will be here next week.
goods and an interesting contest I M A N .”
Fred Watrous, wife and son,! can be expected.
“W indy Jim” Discourses
Don, are spending several days
Oliver W. Stewart o f Chicago,
at Newport, listening to what will address the people o f this
the wild waves are saying.
“ Speakin’ of dust” said “ Win­
city in the tent on the Congrega­
Jim” as he transfered a large
J. W. Campbell, o f the Green­ tional square, July 29. He is re­
of that comodity from
ville section, was a business call­ puted to be an orator o f much
to everything handy,
er at the office o f State Game brilliancy and power, and will
o f a summer day
Warden Stevenson in this city on speak in the interests of prohi­
Grove wonc’ t.
“ Bill Jenkins an’ me started
Mrs. D.H.Smith,sister of Mrs.
A. G. Hoffman and E.W. Haines
out fera buggy ride with a couple
Rode o f this city, died in
attended a meeting o f the Shrin-
o f gude lukin’ gals an’ the roads
ers in Portland Saturday night. Portland July 13,and the remains got kinda dusty an’ then got
The Imperial Potentate delivered were brought to the Grove Sat­ dusty some more an’ the dust
urday and interred in Buxton
an interesting address.
was a flyin’ around like a swarm
cemetery, services being held at
WANTED - Position as book­ the grave. Mrs. Smith was 50 f bees in the summer time an’
keeper by a young man of excell­ years old, and is survived by her then it begun teu settle ferst on
me an’ then on Bill an’ then on
ent ability and reputation. Re­ husband and one child.
the gals till we awl looked alike
ferences given. Address, Book
Mrs. Del Adams, formerly Miss an’ then the horses ran away an’
keeper, Box 137, Forest Grove.
Gladys Hartley, writes a friend dumped us awl out an’ when we
Fred Bell was in the Grove last in this city from Santa Ana,Cal., got up we looked as much alike
Thursday and went out to Gales that she and Del were married as beans and in the same pod.
Creek to visit his aunt, Mrs. M. March 18, and that he died June
“ Well I got hold o f my gal’ s
Holloway. Mr. Bell has been a 26, last. Both Mr. and Mrs. arm an’ prominades off teu whar
gun-pointer on the battleship Adams were former well known I lived teu git sum o f the dirt off
Louisiana, and has just finished students at Pacific University. an’ the other couple goes off in
a four year term o f service for A rumor o f their marriage had the uther dereckshun an’ I put
Uncle Sam. He left the first of reached this city, byt this is the me partner in the landlady’s
the week for Nebraska.
first authentic word received.
room while I went tew me own
“ I an’ in ’ bout three hours and 25
tubs o f water I turned out ter
find how me pardner was gittin’
along when dern my whiskers
(Windy never had any whiskers).'
e f thar wernt Bill Jenkins an’ we
were the most surprised couple
Diamonds; Watches, Solid Gold and G old Filled’
o f gents ye ever saw.
“ We never heard nor saw of
Fobs, Chains, Lockets and Bracelets; Clocks.
them gals agin but thet thar dust
Watch Rapairing
Rings (or the
jist nacherally kept raisin’ an’
settlin’ around thar till it raised
O u r Specialty
Cut Glass
O ld & Y oung
dough enuff tew settle me back
board bill an' Jenk’s tailor bill an’
Hand Painted China; Fancy Vases; Novelties and
a lot o ’ miner debts uf oum. .
Anything and Everything in Jewel ry.
‘ Then it raised all kinds uf
cain an’ bill put in a sorgum mill
an’ brom factory an’ made moll-
asses outen the sugar an’ brums
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove, Ore.
outen the reat an’ finally bill, he
settled down fer life an’ I jist
* « « 4 hp >
blowed. ”
Booth Jewelry Co,
T he Big Store
The F. P. Gas Plant Does All This at Minimum Cost
A. C. Philip, Agent
200 Chamber of Commerce,
Forest Grove,
Call or Telephone Your Order» to
Schultz Market & Grocery
For Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats,
Fish and Vegetables of All Kinds
An Especially Neat Stock of Monopole Canned
Goods and Groceries
Free Delivery to All Parts of the City
Both Phones
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove
Security Lice Killer.
Dr. Robert’s Veterinary Remedies.
Wakelee’s Squirrel and Gopher Poison.
To trade with ua means to save you money
Dr. Hines’ Drug Store
--------------F QR
of the very best
are second to none and cost
no more than the inferior '; hj J
article. Call and. examiad *
them and be convinced ofL^V |
their sterling worth -
W e Carry A Full L in e,
--------------- . . .
Gasolene and O il Stoves
two and three burner
Safe, Reliable and O dorless
Charter Oak —Ranges— Real Estate
None better made, and at prices that are reasonable