Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, July 14, 1910, Image 7

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event, the purse biing $1000
Live Items of Local Interest
Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling
druggist, prices
Subscribe for the PRESS, now
Mrs. Wilber McEldowney was
shopping in Portland Friday.
Local Reporters of the Press
Miss Nena King is visiting
friends in Portland this week
’ ‘Shorty” Long took in the
Portland sights Saturday
Arsenate of Lead, guaranteed
the best in the market, at 16f(‘
Miss Margaret Hinman spent per pound at the Forest Grove
Sunday at the Langley camp.
Dr. Kate Myers o f Portland,
C. A. Peterson o f Buxton, was
spent Sunday at the Myers home.
last week granted a notarial com­
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McNutt mission by Acting Governor Jay
of Cornelius, spent Sunday on Bowerman.
Rhoderick creek.
. .
Dr. Lowe’s new eye glasses
Hlnmaahas the be. teat, m „ ¡ U May put on meet any nose,
theom n You want to look them See them when he is here July
over before you buy.
You should try a glass o f that
delicious soda, all flavors, at
Shearer’s. It will quench your
John McNamer has been makr
ing arrangements to open up
Camp McNamer on Wilson river
this week.
Lyman Pennell, a former resi­
dent o f Forest Grove, now located
in Salem, spent a few days last
week visiting at the Langley
All work done in Dr. Booth’s
Dr. and Mrs. G. Forest Via of
Optical Parlors guaranteed.
visited over Sunday with
With Booth Jewelry Co.
the former’s mother, Mrs. W. P.
Claude Smith left Monday Vja>in this city,
morning for Wilson river to spend
For the next ten days you can
a few days at McNamer Camp.
get a 5 pound pail o f la’ d for 90
PASTURE W A N T E D -F or 12
cents at the Forest Grove Meat
head o f mules. Inquire at Pion­
Market, Moore and Wilhelmson,
eer Drug Store-Chas. Miller. 34-3t
James Baldwin and son Vern
“ Uncle” John Baldwin andW.
have gone to The Dalles, where
J. R. Beach, both o f whom were
they will team during the sum­
of the boys o f ’ 61 who wore the
blue, spent the week-end togeth­
Horses sent for and delivered er in Portland.
to any part of the City. Ind.
Henry H. Clark, formerly in
Phone No. 322. Harris & Mark­
business in this
city, left Monday for Eastern
Rumor hath it that a new drug Oregon where he will represent
store will be started in this city, an oj, stove concern
He will
shortly, to be located in the K. proi,ably move his family to that
R building.
locality ,ater
If you have to labor in the hot
Ex-Mayor B. H. Laughlin has
sun these days you will appreci­ returned to the city from several
ate light underwear and sox. weeks’ stay at Hot Lake, Union
The F. P. Gas Plant Does All This at Minimum Ccsi
Mrs. M. J. Holloway and yourg
son Theodore, come in from Gales
Creek Saturday evening and
went back on the stage Monday
W. Jones o f North Yamhill,
was a business visitor to this city
Friday. He reports considerable
building in progress in his home
town, and crops in Yamhill coun­
ty showing up in fine shape.
Glenn Giltner, who enlisted in
the U. S. navy four years ago,
will return to his home in this
city next month, his term of en­
listment expiring August 4.
Glenn has been ori the battleship
Nebraska, and may return to the
navy later on.
A . C. Philip, Agent
Call or Telephone Your Orders to
ij Schultz Market & Grocery
O. E. Jackson left for Tilla­
mook by team Monday morning,
taking over a party o f vacation­
ists who will listen to the mur­
mur of the waves for the next
Anderson has them.
county. “ Bed” is looking tanned fortnight. In the party were
Miss Penelope Geer o f Port- and hearty from his outing, but Mrs. Andrew Phillip and two
land, spent the week-end with I is glad to get back to “ the pret- children, J. C. Giltner and Earl
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. tiest town in Oregon.”
Geo. S. Allen of this city,
Charley Morgan, engineer at
An auto picnic party consist­
Bert Lawrence was a w eek -1 McCann’ s mill at Gales Creek, ing of the families o r j . A. Thorn­
end visitor in Portland. He was cut his foot last Friday, inflict- burg, Dr. Charles Hines, W. B.
accompanied home by his brother ing a painful wound, while split- Haines and Grant Hughes mo­
John who is working in the Rose ting wood. Evidently Charley tored to Soda Springs, Sunday, 1
has yet to learn that it is his where the hours were spent in
NOTICE—The old Gymnasium w ife’s business to split the wood. the shade o f the primeval forest. ,
At noon the party partook o f a
Building at Pacific University is
Stephen Blank, one o f Ore­
for sale for immediate removal. gon’ s first settlers,and who, with
Inquire o f W. N. Ferrin Presi­ Mrs. Blank.has lived fo r a longer
NOTICE — The undersigned H
continuous period o f time in For­ will pay $20 reward for informa­
Mrs. Ann Putnam, who visited est Grove than any other resi- tion leading to the arrest and
for several days last week with dent o f the city, was in the Rose conviction of any party or parties
her sister Mrs. S. T. Walker, and City Saturday, observing the committing a misdemeanor or
other relatives in this city, left rapid growth o f the metropolis. distroying property at the City
Park. Such information will be
Saturday for her home in Wash­
Wednesday and Thursday,
as confidential.
July 20th and 21st, Dr.
J. N. Hoffman, tf
Frank Robison who has been Lowe the well known optician
Mrs. Belle P. Walker and
.living in the north part o f town, and optometrist will be in Hotel
iwent to McMinnville Monday Laughlin. Don’ t fail to consult daughter Miss Elda, left Satur­
where he has secured a position him about your eyes and glasses. day for Seaside, where they will
in a planing mill. His family 19 years experience. Dozens of spend several weeks with Mrs.
will follow later.
Griswold, formerly o f this city,
Forest Grove references.
in her cottage by the sounding
Oscar Baldwin o f Portland,
District Attorney E. B. Tongue
sea. They will return to Lincoln,
visited with relatives in this city o f Hillsboro, has entered his pa
| Nebraska, next fall, where Miss
over Sunday. Oscar is superin­ cer, Lord Lovelace, in the racing
Elda has a teaching position in
tending engineer for an engi­ meet to be held by the Portland
the state university.
neering and construction com­ Fair and Livestock association
pany and has charge o f all the during the exposition to be held
different lines o f building o f the next September. Mr. Tongue’s
horse will enter the 2:06 pacing
(Crowded out last w eek.)
Mrs. Buxton is the proud pos­
sessor of a Hobert M. < Cable
Booth Jewelry Co,
atches, Solid G o ld
G old Filled;
Fobs, Chains, Lockets and Bracelets; Clocks.
W a lch
Cut Glass
Rings for the
O u r Specialty
Old Ac Y oung
H and Painted China; Fancy Vases; Novelties
Anything and Everything
T h e B ig S t o r e
Pacific Avenue
Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Harris
attended a Sunday school con­
vention last week.
Mrs. Martin Bisbee, who has
been very sick for some time, is
; slowly improving under the care I
, o f Dr. Tucker.
Forest Grove, Ore.
Dr. Tucker was called Sunday
to dress the left eye of Willie
Burk, which was seriously in-
jured with a spring from a cur­
tain pole.
By the burstmg of a pipe near
the Gales Creek bridge, the road
was washed out so that teams
could not pass during the fore­
part of the week.
Forest Grove,
2 0 0 Chamber of Commerce,
For Fresh, Salt and Smoked M eats,
Fish and Vegetables of A ll Kinds
An E s p e c ia lly N e a t Stock of Monopole Canned
Goods and Groceries
Free Delivery to All Parts of the City
Both Phones
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove
Security Lice Killer.
Dr. Robert’ s Veterinary Remedies.
W akelee’ s Squirrel and Gopher Poison.
To trade with us means to save you money
Dr. Hines’ Drug Store
---------- for
of the very best
are second to none and cost '
no m ore than the inferior
article. Call and examine
them and be convinced of
their sterling worth
W e Carry A Full Line
Gasolene and O il Stoves
two and three burner
Safe, Reliable and Odorless
Charter Oak —Ranges— Real Estate
None better made, and at prices that are reasonable