ah> F orest G rove P ress A Vol. I FOREST GROVE. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 14. 1910 No. 36 à Gale Church is reported as be­ ing much improved in health. GOES EAST IN INTEREST OF THE FRUIT INDUSTRY Jack Wright is sceeduled to leave today for British Colhmbia points. President Atwell to Make Study c f Fruit and Shipping Con- The ladies of the Home Miss­ ditions—Pronounces Hills ionary Society o f the Congrega­ tional church, gave a feed on the About Forest Grove Campus last evening. Finest for Fruit f ■ * H + a * J.C.Robert,wife and daughter, The President o f the State who have been visiting the form­ er’s brother, Father Buck,in this Horticultural Society, Homer C. city, have left for their home in Atwell, accompanied by Mrs. At­ well, left this city Saturday for North Dakota. the East. In an interview the A quiet wedding occured in day of his departure with a re­ this city Saturday evening at the presentative of the PRESS, re­ Christian parsonage, Miss Iva lative to the object o f his East­ Angelo o f Cornelius, becoming ern trip, Mr. Atwell said: “ Our the bride o f Mr. B. 0 . McKinley, visit to the eastern states will be Rev. E. V. Stivers officiating. one both of pleasure and busi­ The young couple will make their ness. I have long had a desire to learn more intimately by per­ home in Forest Grove. sonal investigation, of the fruit The Knights of Pythias will situation in the reagon east of have an installation of officers at tue Rockies, and as i now have a their Castle Hall this evening. few months o f leisure 1 shall The nnw officers will ue: H. J. make a study o f the fruit and Goff. C. C : Charles Staley V .O .; shipping conditions there, and C A. Bmder»on, ’ relate; P. W. seek to come in closer touch with Cronin. M. W .; Aubrey Moore, eastern buvers. 1 shall visit inner guard: Howard M°ck,outer guard; R. Lod 'ock. keeper of records and eals; Edward Wirt: , .M. of Y. After the insta'la ion aluncheon will he served and th’ evenin spent in a ocial good time. Eastern Star Entertained The members o f the Forest Chapter of the Eastern Star of this city were invited to meet with Tualatin Chapter o f Hills­ boro on Tuesday night, and about thirty-five members from here attended. Members o f the Chap­ ter who have autos took the crowd and a vehy pleasant and jolly evening was spent. Tuala tin Chapter pot on the special Floral work in a vegy impressive manner. Refreshments w e r e served. Mrs. Don Giltner is spending two weeks at the coast, enjoying the ocean breezes. May Occupy Hillsboro Pulpit The pulpit of the Christian church in this city was occupied last Sunday by Rev. William Vil- landigham.of Klamath Falls,who preached an exceptionally strong sermon. Rev. Viliandigham has been visiting at the home o f Rev. and Mrs. Stivers on Pacific Ave­ nue. and may be called to the Christian church at Hillsboro. Rev. Stivers will have for his morning subject next Sunday “ Seeing the Invisable,” and at evening will speak on "Salvation By Works.” ENDOWMENT FOR LIB­ RARY TO BE INCREASED Clear Creek Water on Tap Married at Home Wedding bells again rang forth in the Grove, when,Sunday after­ noon, at the home o f Mr.and Mrs. James Hocking in South Park, their daughter, miss Belle itock- in , became the ! ride o f Mr. Errl Thomas, Rev. E. V. Stivers rear­ ing the service that made the hap; v couple one. T ie hridn was gowned in a traveling su , and was unattended. A fter the Ceremony a iuncheon was served to the invited guests. Mrs. Thomas, as Miss Belle Hocking, has lived in this city a- bout three yens, and has, by her many estimable qualties gained a host o f friends. Mr. Thomas is a native o f Washington county, and has lived in this and Yamhill county the major portion o f the time. Th'1 hanpy couple will go for a camping trip in the Gales creek region, and will probably make this city their home until fall. canning o f all kinds o f fruits will library building on the south soon become a great industry. west corner o f the campus, that Several factors that will enter location having been selected by largely into the making of this the trustees, and it would cost territory the fruit supplying either $20,000. the amount already center of the world are; first, Campaign Started to Raise $30, offered by Carnegie, or possibly ideal soil and climate conditions $30,000, should we succeed in 0 0 0 —Opportunity for Forest for the raising o f all kinds o f; raising that much for the endow­ Grove to Participate in deciduous fruits, such as apples, ment, and he should equal it Benefits—$ 12,000 pears,plums, prunes,small berries with his donation foi building is Contributed etc., and the vast amouut of ter - 1 the library, which is quite likely ritory yet unoccupied, that is to be the case. The building equally adapted for the raising of The campaign to complete the erected would contain rooms for such fruits, with that now plant­ $30,000 endowment fund for the the 15,000 volumes now in the ed to orchards. Second, cheaper new library for Pacific Univer­ college library, and provide production, which will be brought sity is to be pushed with vigor abundantly for its prospective about by the increase in popula­ during the summer so that work growth. tion. People are coming to this on the new building may be "The volumes now in the col­ region by the tens of thousands started this fall if possible. In lege building cover almost every every year, and as the population order to receive the $20,000 for known subject,and some o f them increases the high cost of labor building the library, promised by are o f priceless value,as they are in the orchards and canning fact­ Andrew Carnegie, it is only re­ now out of print. The new ories will become less than at quired that the school raise an building would also contain read­ present, owing to the fact that equal amount, but Miss H.E. Fail­ ing rooms where the lighter form there will be great numbers of ing of Portland has promised of literature, such as papers and women and children who will $10,000 if the University suc­ magazines, would be kept, rest seek work in these places. This ceeds in raising $20,000, and if rooms, lavatories, and rooms will encourage fruit raisers to in­ the $30,00J can be raised it is where the younger people could crease their orchards. Third,the possible that the Iron Master meet for a social time and recrea­ lessened cost o f shipping the pro­ will increase his donation for the tion. duct, and this will apply especi­ building t »equal the endowment. “ Of the five members o f the ally as to the marvels in tne Some months ago there was a hoard of control o f the new li­ eastern states, for with the open­ proposition made the city by the brary, two of them would be se­ ing of the Panama canal, compe­ officials of the college, to take lected by the city council, this tition between the lami and water over tne free reading room build­ board being appointed to look routes will reduce the rates.” ing and add the proceeds to the after the welfare o f the library, Tnere nas been a tendency, on building fund of the college li­ promote harmony, and to look the part of some who are neither brary, and throw the latter open always towards the best interests familiar with the conditions ob­ to the public. The proposition of the institution. taining, nor who have a know­ was enthusiastically received by “ Yes, the offer is still open.” ledge of fruit culture in the a number of citizens who believ­ neighborhood, to “ knock” tne ed Uii advantages to the town region about Forest Grove, as and public at large would be being unadapted to successful great, hut others opposed the The repairs to the main pipe fruit raising. plan for so me reason or another, Asked for an expression as to and it fell through. Speaking to where it crosses Gales creek, of his views regarding tins as a a representative of the PRESS, the new wate'- system, were fruit section, Mr. Atwell said: President Ferrin said: “ Yes.the completed and the water turned “ As a practical fruit raiser of offer is still open to the citizens on the latter part o f last week. The new system is now in per­ many years standing, and after of Forest Grove to join us in the having made an extiaustive study I library pvoposition if they so de­ fect running order and no future of all the condition^ nAieasary sire. Personally, I believe it trouble is anticipated. The water from Clear creek is for its successful culture through­ would be o f inestimable value to out the fruit raising sections of the people o f this city and a fine much cooler than the Gales creek the West, I unhesitatingly pro­ advertisement to the town, but I fluid, and citizens on all sides are nounce the rolling hills about have not spoken of the matter heard congratulating themselves Forest Grove to le the peer of since the proposition was refused that the trouble to the pipe was any region, in climatic and soil by the city some time ago, as I repaired before the hot spell of conditions and shipping facilities, feel that the matter should lie the last few days was on in full devoted to the industry West of wholly with the citizens o f the force. A Portland autoist who had the Rockies.” town, either to accept or reject, and 1 do not care to urge the stopped at a wayside faucet to people to accept the proposition quench his thirst was asked by a against their desire, as I do not representative o f the PRESS wish to create antagonism be­ how it compared with the Bull Run water. "Tastes about like tween the city and college. John Wilson Macrum and wife, “ However, should the citizens it,” he replied, “ But appears to of Spokane, who are visiting at of Forest Grove wish to join us, lie a little colder,” the home of Mrs. Macrum’s our proposition would be to take mother, Mrs. L. Watt, were pleas­ over the building where the free antly surprised Friday evening reading room is located,at $4000, by a party of their friends who the deed to the building or the Tuesday morning, Wm. John­ informally droppeii in upon them. money received from its sale, to The greeting was a merry one, as remain in escro until the library is son. o f Gales Creek, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Macrum formerly completed and ready to be thrown by his grandson, while driving lived here and have many warm open to the public. The city into Forest Grove in a light friends in Forest Grove. Those would be required to levy a one- buggy, met a large touring car who attended at this occasion mill tax until the amount equall­ near the City park. The horse were; Mesdames Wilber Mc- ed $1000 in revenue yearly from became frightened and started Eldowney, Philip Kinzer, John this assessment; the levy could to run. One of the reins break Thornburgh, Charlie Roe,Arthur then be reduced as the wealth of ing, permitted him to swerve in­ Caples, Mayne Abbott, Willis the city increased. This money to the fence hoardering the road, Goff, Frank Miller; Misses, Mar, would be used along with the throwing the occupants o f the garet Hinman, Manche Langley. interest received from the endow­ buggy out with considerable While the boy escaped Frances Myers. Minnie Myers ment fund for the upkeep o f the force. unhurt, Mr. Johnson suffered an and Mrs. L. Watt; Messers, library. injury to the right side together McEldowney, Thornburgh, Kinzer “ The college would erect a with a badly sprained shoulder Caples, Abbott. Hines, Scheetz, and a deep cut over the right eye. Roe, Lodwick and Thomas. The injured man, who is 77 yrs The evening was spent at five old, was brought to this City and hundred, in which Mrs. Charles attended by Dr. Tucker. Al­ Roe and Mr. Macrum proved themselves champions, winning John D. Roselair, the man con­ though somewhat seriously in­ first prizes, while Dr. Scheetz victed by a trial jury at Hillsboro jured. he was able to g o home and Miss Langley received con­ o f having murdered his wife at and should recover rapidly. solation prizes. Refreshments their lonely home in the timber above Buxton, and who was sen- were served. --------------------- tenced to be hanged, and whose • .. m n j attorney appealed the case on the City Fathers met in regu­ Another nlamage Kumored ground o f insanity, will be re- lar The monthly session in the Free \ turned to the Washington county Reading room Tuesday night. seat and resentenced, the Su­ Two ordinances came before the Reports have reached Forest preme Court having affirmed the body for action. An ordinance Grove o f the marriage of Sumner judgement o f the lower court, to change the light rates was dis­ Bryant, on July 4th.at Clatskine, holding that the evidence sub­ cussed, and suggestions were this state, which is Mr. Bryant’ s mitted at the trial proved Rose­ home. We have been unable to made that it cover more ground. lair to have been sane at the time ascertain the name o f the young he committed the murder, and Action deferred. The ordinance to establish street parkings was lady in the case, but credence is therefore responsible for the act. given to the report as it comes deliberated upon, and action de­ from a reliable source. He was ferred until next Tuesday, when James B. Mathews Post No. 6 a special meeting will be held. formerly a student at the Pacific University and was most popular takes a vacation until S ept 21st The usual routine business was 1910. George Auld, Adj. transacted. in every way. H. C. Atwell Omaha, Chicago and St. Paul, where 1 shall study shipping fac- llties and conditions under which Oregon fruit is handled in the ii,ast. “ From the most reliable re­ ports, fruit raising in the East, commercially, is fast becoming a thing o f the past. The reasons for this are unfavorable clanatic conditions, deterioration of soil, and neglect o f the orchards. On the other hand, Oregon, the Pa­ cific Northwest and California, possess the very conditions nec­ essary for successful fruit raising that is lacking in the East, and in consequence, this territory must become the fruit supplying center for the United States. An 1 not >nly will we supply our own markets, but there will, in a very few years, he a great de­ mand for our fruit by the people of the orient, who are fast assim­ ilating the customs o f the white race, and a taste for our food. “ In addition to shipping green fruit, we will supply the markets with the canned articles, and the Royal Neighbors Surprise Saturday afternoon a number of Royal Neighbors went forth to the home of Mrs. 0 . C.Schofield, on the Cornelius road,and passed a number of decidedly pleasant hours. It was the birthday of Mrs. Schofield and the party came as a complete surprise. Ice cream and cake, with lemonade, composed the refreshments. Those present were Mesdames; M. S. Allen, H. L. Deckert, J.G. Lenneville. Sam’ l Marshall,Port­ er, Bain.Stockman,Corl and Mrs. Aldrich and daughter. Hazel. Mrs. Scofield was presented with an emblem pin by the lodge, and at a late hour the company dispersed, after wish­ ing the hostess many happy re­ turns. Most Pleasantly Surprised Auto Causes Bad Accident Roselair to Hang Action on Ordinances Held Up ¡1 “.1