Booth Jewelry Co. Diamonds; Watches, Solid G old and G old Filled; Fobs, Chains, Lockets and Bracelets; Clocks. Silverware Watch Repairing O u r Specialty Cut Glass Rings for the O ld & Young Hand Painted China; Fancy Vases; Novelties and Anything and Everything in Jewelry. T h e Big Store Pacific Avenue Forest Grove, Ore. You can do better at The Pioneer Drug Store. Miller meets all Portland prices , tf Albert Kirkwood, surveyor with the United Railways crew at Wilson, came in from the camp for an over Sunday visit. Horses sent for and delivered to any part of the City. Ind. Phone No. 322. Harris & Mark­ ham. tf Harry, Roy and Lou Laufland of Ashland, have returned to their home after a visit o f several weeks with their brother Charles living at the northeast edge of town. Just received a shipment o f D. I D. D., the only remedy for ec­ zema and all skin diseases. At Miller’ s Drug store. tf Dr. A. C. Boggess and wife left Monday evening for Illinois to visit at the former’s old home. They expect to return August 1, and will be in the city about two weeks before sailing for India. LOST—Between Forest Grove and Toll Gate on Wilson River Road, June 4, ladies watch with letter “ D ” on face, diamond set­ ting on back. Liberal reward will be given for return to Press j office. 33-3t The F. P. Gas Plant Does All This at Minimum Cost A. C. Philip, Agent 200 Chamber of Commerce, Portland Forest Grove, Oregon Live Items of Local Interest Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling !... Local Reporters of the Press At the regular monthly m eet-! ing o f the library board Tuesday [ the resignation o f Mrs. Arthur Boggess, who leaves the city, | was accepted, and the board rec-1 ommended that the council ap- j point Mrs. John Abbott to fill the vacancy. Every piece of jewelry we sell is guaranteed as represented to you. Come and see our line, the latest in Washington County. A. Shearer. 34-2t Miss I ranees Heibel, who is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Adler north o f town, is expecting her brother this week from North Dakota. He will be the new principal of the Lincoln school. NOTICE—The old Gymnasium Building at Pacific University is A. G. Hoffman was a Portland Jake Wirtz is limping around for sale for immediate removal. visitor yesterday. town with a game heel. Inquire o f W. N. Ferrin Presi­ Save money, trade with Miller Seifert, the Connelius photog­ dent. 35-2 the Druggist. tf rapher, was in the Grove today. Arthur Shearer, pinning his Miss Nellie Hall was a Rose Colonel R. W. McNutt o f Cor­ faith in his dusky name sake in City visitor this week. nelius, was a caller at this office the Reno scrap, will wear the Miss Freerkson o f Thatcher, \ yesterday. most expensive panama in the was shopping in the Grove Tues­ M. Jettison of Bacona, visited city for the balance o f the year. day. friends here Tuesday. He is a Ira Hampton pays for it. senior at 0 . A. C. Go to Emerson’ s Lumber Yard When some smooth one tells for Sand, Lime, Cement and Hinman has the best tents in you what fabulous sums you can Plaster. the city. You want to look them make bv investing in some in­ SAVE M O N E Y -B uy your over before vou buy. dustry located thousands o f miles tf Drugs of Miller,THE CUT RATE away, just bear in mind that John Mackrodt, now employed DRUGGIST. 33-2t there are such things as figures in a drug store at Ashland, vis­ Ernest Reuter o f the David’s o f speech. ited relatives here this week. Hill section, was a business caller Dr. Charles Pollock, graduate in the Grove Tuesday. The Congregational church this year o f the Oregon Dental All work done in Dr. Booth’s members gave a supper in the College, and located in the thriv­ church parlors last evening. Optical Parlors guaranteed. ing town o f Buxton, is in charge With Booth Jewelry Co. tf PASTURE W A N T E D -F or 12 o f Dr. Will Pollock’ s office in this Prof, and Mrs. O. M. Gardner head of mules. Inquire at Pion­ city while the latter is away for returned from Corvallis Saturday eer Drug Store-Chas.Miller. 34-3t a vacation in the wild places. and the latter went back Tues­ Pure Fresh New drugs and Stephen Mainey and Roy Ol­ day. chemicals and prices as cheap as sen, popular young men who You should try a glass o f that the cheapest, at the Forest Grove have been conducting the Scenic Pharmacy. Theatre in this city, have closed delicious soda, all flavors, at Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dixon of their show-place for the summer Shearer’s. It will quench your Carlton, are visiting the former’ s months. Steve will become as­ thirst. tf sistant engineer on a river boat Rev. and Mrs. Brackenberry o f parents. Ed Dixon and wife on running out o f Portland, and Roy north Fourth street. McMinnville, were in town sev­ will clerk in a store at Vancouver, H. E. Witham. formerly with eral days this week guests o f Dr. Wash. the First National Bank, now Geiger and family. Misses Lula and Frances Fel- with a Portland’ insurance com­ N O TIC E . bell o f Wisconsin, are visiting pany, visited friends here this week. Miss Frances Heibel. north o f A mass meeting o f the Repub­ For the next ten days you can town, and will remain all sum­ lican Electors o f North Forest get a 5 pound pail o f lard for 90 mer. Grove 'precinct is called for Sat­ cents at the Forest Grove Meat The Womans’ Missionary Soci­ urday. the 9th day o f July. 1910 , ety o f the Congregational church Market, Moore and Wilhelmson, at 8 o'clock P. M. at building on 35-2t will hold its annual basket picnic Proprietors. Main street one door south of M. LOST- REW'ARD Transcon­ Peterson’s store, to elect 9 dele­ on the campus Wednesday after­ noon, July 13. Program at 4; tinental Railroad ticket Ticket gates to attend a county assem­ supper at 6 o ’clock. All attend­ is inside leather folder with bly. to meet in Hillsboro, Satur­ ing with their families are re­ "Burlington Route” printed on day, July 16, 1910. quested to bring abundant lunch­ outside. Finder please return to J. W. C o n n e l l . eons, with plates, cups, knives, this office and receive reward and Chr. Rep. Co. Cen. Com. forks, etc. thanks. H. K. E hrsam . C. 0 . R oe . Sec’y. For Good, Clean Groceries, that are handled in a sanitary way, with particular atten­ tion to keeping t h e things that you eat Clean and Fresh call on ABRAHAM at the C om er Store W e want your trade and will try to please and give you e n t i r e satisfaction Call or Telephone Your Orders to Schultz Market & Grocery For Fresh, Salt and Smoked M eats, Fish and Vegetables of A ll Kinds An Especially Neat Stock of Monopole Canned Goods and Groceries Free Delivery to All Parts of the City Both Phones Pacific Avenue Forest Grove Premo Cameras Eastman Kodaks Are the Best that Skilled Workmanship Can Make Call and See Them at Dr. Hines’ Drug Store — HINMAN’S ---------- FOR — — = TENTS, HAY ROPE and HAYING TOOLS of the very best McCormick HARVESTERS and MOWERS are second to none and cost no more than the inferior article. Call and examine them and be convinced of their sterling worth W e Carry A Full Line Gasolene and Oil Stoves two and three burner Safe, Reliable and Odorless Charter Oak —Ranges— Real Estate None better made, and at prices that are reasonable H IN M A N ’S H A R D W A R E S T O R E 1