Live Items of Local Interest Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling J. B. Matthews wishes to show you the new “ Union” jack; for lifting, setting tires, stretching fence and many other uses. Al­ ways handy. tf H. T. Giltner Local Reporters o f the Press YOUNG LADY W A N T E D -T o learn typesetting. Must be high For that fourth o f July neck­ T. H. Littlehale made a trip to school graduate and willing to tie go to Anderson. learn . Apply Press Office. Portland Saturday. Walter Roswurm and wife vis­ Mr. Shoen, o f Cornelius, an old Henry Wirtz was an over Sun­ ited Portland Saturday. man o f some seventy years, was day visitor in Portland. found dead in bed last Sunday Fourth o f July decorations at F. A. Watrous made a business morning. Forest Grove Pharmacy. trip to Albany Monday. The great sale o f trimmed hats Mrs. H. L. Deckert was a visi­ C. 0 . Roe was in the Metropo­ j at Mrs. A. E. Dixon’s Millinery tor in the Rose City Saturday. lis on business Saturnday. | Parlors still goes on. A fine John Carrico, o f Gaston, was a Prof. Frank Taylor was a Sat- assortment and going fast. 32-2t1 a Grove visitor Saturday. 1 utday visitor at the City o f roses. W. H. French, who was con­ Chas. Miller was a business Vic Brown, o f Wilson River, fined to his home for some time visitor in Portland Saturday. was in town Friday and Satur­ by a badly cut hand, is able to be | day. out again. Be sure and read the Forest' For scientific shoeing go to Grove Pharmacy’ s ad this week. Dr. Semones. Homeopathic Does your watch keep time? Harris & Markham. They guar­ Pysician and Oculist. Does no antee the results. tf surgery. O ffice at residence. If not, better leave it at Shear­ J. G. Lenneville attended the 319 North A street. Ind. Phone er’s for an overhauling. tf tf Grand Lodge o f the Mason’ s the 3625. W. W. Ryals and wife, of Roy, latter part o f the week. Tne Hoffman Park Amusement were among Monday visitors in White goods sale at Hoffman Company have changed the name this City. Allen Co., shirt-waists, under­ o f the grounds from “ Hoffman $3000 residence in Forest Grove wear and piece goods at bargain Park” to “ City Park,” and as to trade for farm property. prices. tf such it will be known in the fu- tf L angley & S on . I Miss Angeline Herrington re­ ture. Geo. G. Paterson has disposed James Walker and wife, old turned Monday from an extend­ o f his threshing and woodsawing time residents o f Washington ed visit in Iowa and Nebraska. outfit to W. A. Herman o f Ver- Now is the time to purchase county, are visiting with friends boort. that range you want. The best | and relatives o f this City. Mr. Special priees on white goods that are made can be had at Walker is a brother o f S. A. at Hoffman Allen Co. Don’ t Walker. • Hinman’ s. tf wait too long, but take your Mrs.W.B.Haines.and daughter, The Catholic young people o f choice early. tf Forest Grove and Dilley gave a returned Monday from Los Ang­ W. B. Haines and Chas. Mertz very enjoyable basket social last eles, where Mrs. Haines has been made a business trip to the me­ Saturday in the Artisan Hall. spending the winter for her tropolis Monday, in Mr. Haines’ R. M. Stevens returned the lat­ health, which has been much im­ automobile. ter part o f the week from Chelan proved by the change o f climate. Have you seen the beautiful lake, where he has spent a part Father Donnelly, an old sold­ hats at Miss Kirkwood’s? Have o f the fishing season with good ier, is expected to address the G. results. Mr. Stevens has accept­ you noticed the remarkably low ed a proposition as fire-warden in A. R. during the encampment at price for June? Better call now, a section west o f Falls City, Cornelius on July 2nd. This day where he will spend the summer. is set aside as a Catholic day and and secure one. 32-2t promises to be one o f the draw­ ing cards o f the week. The pro­ gram is not fully made up, but many good features are promised. J Staple and Fancy Groceries i Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Both Phones . . . Forest Grove _______________________________________________________________ Best Trout Fishing in Oregon Board at the H alf W a y House Day, W e e k or Month Good Meals, Clean Beds, No Chinese Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Adkins, Prop’r’» Home Baking Co. Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day W e sell 6 loaves o f bread for 25F Free Delivery to All Parts of the City Pacific Avenue Forest Grove The Progressive Store W e are making it so easy to furnish a hom e there is no longer an excuse for not providing Y O U R home with up-to- Elder G. W. Pettit returned Friday from the Portland confer­ ence, prepared to take up the work in this City with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. The lect­ ures will again be given Saturday and Sunday, commencing this week. Mr. Pettit reports excel- • lent results obtained at the con­ ference and the r< pid spread of date furniture 3 $18.00 Morris chair. Mission, im t Spanish, Special, ” 12.00 ” ' ” .G olden Oak, ” , ” Velour, ” , ” $ 3 5 .0 0 Sewing Machine, Drop Head, Golden Oak, guaranteed 10 years $ 3 2 .5 0 Sewing Machine, Drop Head, Golden Oak, guaranteed 10 years ” ” Roswurm & Moulton Successors to Roswurm & Co. Dealers in Real Estate, Exchanges, Business Chances, Ice, Coal and W ood Forest Grove Oregon IN S U R A N C E COMPANY M U T U A L F IR E M ore Than 25 Per Cent plumbing fixtures installed, or repairs made, 8 .9 8 ™ * •\J \J G e o . G . P aterson M ertz and Latta A. E. M O U L T O N If you want up-to-date, reliable and trustworthy 1 1 .6 9 W e have an up-to-the-minute line o f all kinds o f furniture, rugs, art squares, linoleum, glass, paints, oils, picture frames, go-carts, wall-paper, hammocks, etc. Successor to W ALTER ROSWURM 1 4 .9 9 These machines do as good work as a $ 7 5 . model Furniture Store H offm an, Allen Co. Will Save Y ou get in touch with the practical plumber H. L. DECKERT d *00 » P fc ifc u iJ V t A Fine Line o f General Merchandise PR IN C IPA L OFFICE. FOREST GROVE, OREGON Credit is as Free as the Air 15.00 Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes G et Ready for the 4th. When you buy your fire-crack­ ers don’ t forget the remedies for bums. Come here and lay in a stock o f oil, lotion, absorbent cotton, etc. You ought to have them, anyway. If the noise gives your wife a headache, be ready for it with some o f our reliable remedies. They will cure a headache in a few minutes and give her and you a chance to enjoy the rest o f the day. 1 The most reliable and cheapest lace to buy is , Forest Grove Pharmacy T M I U e -T O - O A T t O M U M W T * P hones Bell 281 Face o i L i v m laA M Sh op 431 In d e p o n d m t P h o n « . Pacific Avenue R e .id .n c « 452S Forest Grove, Oregon THIS IS THE MIN YOU NEED If the hoofs o f your horse need to be shod. I have the metal, the knowledge, the skill and the will­ ingness to put your horses right when they need a firm footing. I also do General Blacksmithing, anything and everything. Joe Lenneville