Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, June 23, 1910, Image 6

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    W ÊÊÊÊÊt
W. H. H. Myers is attending
Mrs. E. E. Payne,of Hillsboro,
was transacting business here the pioneer reunion in Portland
this week.
Live Items of Local Interest
Miss Frances Myers, who teach­
H. Burk had another carbuncle
Emerson has received in car­
in the Portland schools, is at
Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling
load lots, a fresh supply o f lime,
home for the summer.
Roy Dilley was seriously in
Local Reporters of the Press
jured while cutting wood at his
Earl Doane has gone to Port­
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Waterman
home Tuesday afternoon.
and young son William Lincoln, land where he is working in the
S. Levy, o f Portland, was in
The "Colts” lost Sunday.
Mrs. John Hecktrom and son, expect to return to their home pastry department o f the Port­
town this week.
land Hotel.
o f Portland, are visit­ next week.
Miss Lou Starrett is home on
Mrs. E. E. Williams enter­
short vacation.
We understand that Alex Bax­
Katheryn, were in Portland Sat­
ter and sister, who have been tained the Bridge Club Thursday
Mrs. Nellie F. Nye died in urday.
"W in d y Jim” Discourses
ailing for several weeks, will go evening, Mrs. Wilber McEldow-
ortland Tuesday.
to the St. Joseph’s Home in Port­ ney winning 1st prize and Mrs.
A number o f F. G. boys at­
Gerald Volk booby prize.
"It was gittin’ ’ bout grass land soon.
Dr. E. H. Brown o f Portland, tending the dance at Hillboro
'as in town Tuesday.
| Saturday evening.
Grove.” said "W indy Jim” one
Just received at Emerson’ s
Mrs. S. Hinman, who has been
when fishin’ was all a fellow
umber Yard a carload o f sand. quite ill at her home in this City,
like doing. “ Grass-hopper
Dr. W. Q. Tucker was a busi- is very much better.
said Cy Mullins, "didn’t
ess visitor in Portland Tuesday.
Mrs. Oscar Baldwin, of Port­ know as how they ever hed grass
Dr. W. M. Pollock made a bus- land spent Saturday and Sunday hoppers out in Oregon.” Windy
less trip to the metropolis Tues- with friends in this City.
ate another cracker before he
Mrs. J. T. Shannon and daugh­
spoke, "W hat yer thinks an’
Miss Maggie Stillwell issuffer- ter Katherine have moved back what is, is three dr four differ­
lg with a carbuncle on her in their home on 3d street.
ent occupations, Cy Mullins, so
The children o f the Congrega-
keep yer face closed or a grass­
Mayne Abbott and wife have tional Sunday School will hold a hopper is likely to take it fer a
loved to her mother’s, Mrs. picnic at City park a week from
gofer hole an’ hop in.”
"A s I was a sayin’ of, it was
Go to Emerson’s Lumber Yard
H. Stage, who established the
gittin’ ’ bout grass-hopper time
or Sand, Lime, Cement and electric theater in this ‘city, is
spending a few days with an’ the farmers was a worryin’
as whether there was goin’ to be
j friends.
Rev. H. Gould and F. M. Star-
Miss Katherine Myers has as big a crop o f ’em as the last
ett were in Portland Monday on
gone to Portland, where she year an’ if it was safe to put in
will work in the office of her a crop o f wheat fer fear o f it’s
Mrs. Livingston o f Chicago, is brother, Frank Myers.
gittin’ et up by the varmints an’
'¡siting at the home o f C. L. j
| Tuesday evening the members if it wouldn’ t be a good idea to
of the Tennis Club held a picnic put a bounty on their scalps
When in need o f Drugs see 0n their court in South Park. A when one day Tom Johnson’s
diller; he cuts the price. PION- very pleasant time is reported.
boy, Mike, was a fishin’ fer suck­
„ „ „ ,
Dr. C. E. Bock man Chiroprac- ers in Gales Creek and couldn’ t
Prof. Hayzard on David’s Hill, j tic of Portland, a Post Graduate find any fish worms so he gits a
vas taken quite sick Monday, o f Chiropractic, and former asso-
Clark & Griffith, Agents
nice big grass-hopper an’ puts
D r. Bishop was called.
ciate of Dr Riesland, will open an him on fer bait, an’ derned if he
Floyd Allen returned Tuesday office over the Forest Grove Na­ didn’ t ketch a fish in Gales
!rom Corvallis where he has been tional Bank.
Creek.” A fter that jist as soon
ittending the O. A. C.
We have the most complete as a grass-hopper would hatch
o f Drugs and Sundries in some feller would put him in a
H. W. Nichols o f Mason, Sher- stock
and buy direct from cage to fatten fer fish bait.”
nan county, took dinner with M. tne
"P . S. This yer yarn has got a
Another reason
3. Allen Monday evening.
why we sell for less. Miller the moral.”
Will Shively and family of CUT RATE DRUGGIST. 33-2t
Miss Anna Cornelius, o f Bail­
Portland, spent Sunday at the
William Kertson, a former res­ eys Big Store spent Sunday at
home of M. Peterson, in this city.
ident of this city, was visiting her home near Cornelius.
Miss Josephine Baber, who has old friends Monday. Since dis­
been spending most o f her time posing o f his grocery business in
in Portland, is here visiting her Portland Mr. Kertson has been NOTICE OF SCHOOL INDEMNITY SELECTION.
United States Land Office,
in the employ o f a wholesale
Portland, Oregon,
house in that city.
The Annual Encam pm ent
E. X. Harding and wife of
June 20, 1910.
Gaston, are in this city attending
State Game Warden R. 0. Ste­
of the
Notice is hereby given that the
the county Sunday school con­ venson and Deputy Roy Brem-
State o f Oregon, on March 5,
mer returned Saturday from a
1910, applied for the N W i o f N
¡two weeks
automobile trip
Mrs. H. VanDusen and Miss through the central and southern WJ, Sec. 11, Tp. 2 North, R. 6
Sadie Craug, of Astoria, are I parts o f the state in the interest West., and filed in this office a
list o f School Indemnity Selec­
vising at the home o f their moth­ o f game protection.
tions in which it selected said
er, Mrs. Craug, of this City.
Mrs. Bessie Madeson, who has land; and that said list is open to
. Rev. H. Gould preached his been engaged in missionary work the public for inspection.
Any and all persons, claiming
first sermon in seven months last in the central portion o f India
Address of W elcom e by
Sunday evening. The members j for the past 16 years, delivered a adversely the above described
o f the Methodist church are glad lecture on foreign missions to a land, or claiming the same under
M ayor Challacombe
to welcome him back.
large audience at the Christian the mineral laws, or desii ing to
show said land to be more valu­
church Tuesday afternoon.
M. Peterson and Chas. MertzJ
able for mineral than for agricult­
The Best Drum Corp in the State
left Wednesday on a trip through
Miss Elda Walker, who has ural purposes, or to object to
the eastern part o f the state in been teaching in the state uni­ said selection for any legal rea­
the interests o f the Bankers and versity at Lincoln, Nebraska, the son, should file their claims or
The Orator o f the D ay
Merchants Fire Insurance Co.
past year returned Tuesday. their affidavits o f protest or con­
, ,
, I Her mother, who has spent the test in this office on or before the
will be one o f the most noted speakers in the state
Among those who have attend- past year with her daughters, is 12th day o f August, 1910.
ed the trial o f Hill vs. Pacific expected to return to their home
This will be a special treat
Chas. B. Merrick,
University are Ed Sparks, F. S. ¡n this city the fore-part o f the
Barnes, Alec Robinson, Sherman week.
J. C. Ardrey,
Bacon, Chas. O. Roe and J. T.
sermon at the Congregational
LO ST-Betw een Forest Grove church will be "Religious Influ­
The Greased Pig and Pole, Potato Race, and Foot Races
and Toll Gate on Wilson River ence.” Services at 11 a. m. C.
for Fat and Lean will add to the mirth o f the occasion
Road, June 4, ladies watch with E. meeting will be held at 7 p. NOTICE OF SCHOOL INDEMNITY SELECTION.
United States Land Office,
letter " D ” on face, diamond set­ m. There will be no preaching
Portland, Oregon,
ting on back. Liberal reward service in the evening on account
High Dive and Slide for Life
June 20, 1910.
will be given for return to Press o f the Union temperance meet­
Notice in hereby given that the
ing at the Christian church^
State o f Oregon, on March 3rd,
1910, applied for the SWJ o f N
Balloon Ascension Every Day
WJ, Sec. 11, Tp. 2 North, R. 6
W est, and filed in this office a
with illuminated ascension at night
A n A id to M atrim ony
tions in which it selected said
land; and that said list is open
The Miller Am usem ent Co.
Young men who are single, and starting in life,
to the public for inspection.
will be on the grounds with their attractions
And seek that great treasure, a home and a wife,
Any and all persons, claiming
adversely the above described
Will add to their pleasure and meet with success.
land, or claiming the same under
To buy a Stud*baker, though others cost less.
the mineral laws, or desiring to
To seek matrimony with prospects that are bright,
how said land to be more valu­
Buy your rig o f R. A . Phelps, whose prices are right
able for mineral than for agricul­
tural purposes, or object to said
selection for any legal reason,
For the man with a family, a dozen, we’ ll say,
should file their claims or their
Who has traveled life’s journey ’ till his hair is grey,
affidavits o f protest or contest in
A Studebaker hack runs as light as a feather.
this office on or before the 12th
Although the whole family piles in together.
day o f August, 1910.
Then see R. A . Phelps, as there is danger in delay;
Chas. B. Merrick.
For all kinds o f machinery, go see him today.
T he Success
Crude Oil Burner
fo r cook in g and heating
Saves from
5 0 % to 7 5 %
in cost o f fu el
F ree D em onstration
P a cific A v en u e
N ext D oor to Press O ffic e
The Eagle Screams at Cornelius
4 D ays
4 D ays
July 1, 2, 3 &
Washington County Veteran Association
Fine Program , Best o f M usic
Everyone Invited
The More the Merrier
Don’t Miss It
J . G . A rd re y ,
R e c e iv e r.
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Base Ball Game and Sports of AU Kinds