wrnm and are not only willing but anx­ Great reduction on children’s, NEWSY GASTON ITEMS ious to give such a proposition boy’s, and men’s clothing at the L G 1LTN ER & DOANE tf patronage—but would take Hoffman-Alien store Gathered by the Special Rep­ their STAPLE IND FINGI GROCERIES shares in order to assist in the A. P. Flemming, of Portland, resentative of the Press establishment of the same. Oth­ was visiting with friends in this er towns no larger and perhaps Saturday. Mi. Flemming Vegetables, Farm Produce and Fruits in Season Harry Ball spent Monday look­ not doing as much business have City is engaged in the life insuiance A ll Stock New and Highest Grade ing at farms. banks that are a well paying business. Free Delivery to any part of the City M. Moak of the Moak Lumber proposition, and there seems cer­ Men’s oak half-soles sewed or Co., is spending the week in tain in the minds of our business nailed 75?. C. E. Dixon, Pacific F o rest G rove men that it would pay here Avenue, Forest Grove. BOTH PHONES Portland. tf where, the monthly average ot Mr. McFall of the Gaston Lum­ business transacted exceeds $10,- G. Holiister and w’ife of Port­ ber Co., visited his mill Sunday 000 with a rich and prosperous land, who formerly resided in and Monday. this City visited with friends country surrounding it. over Sunday. Mr. Hollister has Rev. N. W. Phelps preached disposed of his Portland inter­ in the Evangelical church Sun­ ests. day evening. Board at the ^^Additional Local Items | Dr. Semones. Homeopathic Fishermen report poor luck the of General Interest Pysician and Oculist. Does no past week, but we know of a few ; surgery. Office at residence. Day, Week or Month who filled their baskets. 319 North A street. Ind. Phone Forest Grove Garage is Tim Thompson is rushing to the The G o o d M eals, C le a n B ed s, N o C h in e se tf proper place to buy bicycles. 3625. completion the Gaston Water Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Adkins, Prop’r’s Works. Water was turned on Do you buy your auto supplies $3000 residence in Forest Grove property. ' last Monday. at the Forest Grove Garage? If to tf trade for L farm angley & S on . , tf Miss Laura Forsberg spent not, why not? Sunday and Monday with her Mr. Spencer and wife, of Port­ Just received a shipment of I parents, returning to her work land, ran out to this City Sunday D. D. D., the only remedy for and all skin diseases. Monday evening. in Mr. Spencer’s auto, and pass­ eczema At Miller’s Drug store. tf The Thompson farm east of ed a very pleasant day with Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day town, which consists of 350 numerous friends. John E. Gleason, an early resi­ acres, has been sub-divided and j Get a bottle of Oregon Blood dent well known in this City, W e sell 6 lo a v es o f b r e a d fo r 2 5 ^ is being sold in small tracts. was visiting with friends over purifier at Miller’s. Every bot­ Sunday. Free Delivery to All Parts of the City Mr. Gleason is engag­ John Satterlee called on Mr. tle guaranteed. tf ed extensively in the stock rais­ P a c ific A v e n u e and Mrs. F. L. Koberstein Mon-; Ira Purdin and daughter, of F o re s t G ro v e ing near Goldendale, Wash. day. Mr. Satterlee is associated Portland; who were former resi­ with the Carman Co. of Port­ The place is neat of Forest Grove, were over land, and is the inventor of a dents The candy sweet visitors with friends in machine from which he expects Sunday Weatherly ice cream to secure motive power derived this City. Can not be beat T h e P ro g re s s iv e S to re For scientific shoeing go to from weights. For sale at the Den Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Harris & Markham. They guar­ The Rose show on the 26th was antee Of Sweets. tf the results. tf A Fine Line of General Merchandise a decided success. The floral B. Matthews wishes to show exhibit was splendid in its en­ Special sale of millinery at Miss you J. the new “Union” jack; for tirety. The ladies who had taken Kirkwood’s during June. A fine lifting, setting stretching it in hand, as well as the judges, assortment to select from and fence and many tires, other uses. Al­ showed exceptional exemplary nothing reserved. 30-2t ways handy. tf knowledge, quite a few flower Subjects at the Christian growers winning prizes. Mrs. church. Sunday morning, June | A Holbrook Lodge No. 30. A. F. and A. M. Stated Grace King, the milliner, donat­ IN S U R A N C E “ a rule of l i v i n g f o r t h f , / * * v communication this Sat­ ed a beautiful trimmed hat, for C 5th, urday evening, June 4. Work ristian . ” In the evening. COM PANY first prize. A few of the parties ‘‘ h looking in the F. C. degree. torward sodom . ” winning ribbons were: Mesdames Visiting brethren welcome. M U T U A L F IR E J. D. Bates, Geo. Beal, E. X. Rev. E. V. Stivers, officiating. E dw in A l l e n , W. M. A. B en K ori , Secretary, Harding, D. Emmerson, F. A. Nature is at her best now: PRINCIPAL OFFICE. FOREST GROVE, OREGON Everest, H. L. Russell, R. R. birds, flow'ers, trees and the Harding, Hanna Best and J. H. beasts of the field look sleek; Wescott. man should keep pace; therefore Will Save You More Than 25 Per Cent Our merchants desire to see a go to Andersons, get a suit, hat, bank established at this place shirt, tie and look sleek also. Best Trout Fishing in Oregon Half Way House I / Home Baking Co. Hoffman, Allen Co. INDEPENDENT 744 PHONES PACIFIC STATES 33 Fashion Stables I. A. Brown, Proprietor Examine your tongue. O ffK W : aucki\ When you see that it is coat­ ed it is high time to attend to the adjustment of your inner organs. *.«> « U V Fresh, pure drugs J CHI-NAMEL Is just like the f uno- s Chinese lacquer in beauty ami durability. For doom, floors, cuptxvirds, tables, ehnim. couch««, picture fram es, toys, pantry «helm s iiulow OHM»**, iron work, etc. Convenient because if applied today it may U* walked on tomorrow. The only Liquid Enamel th at can be used for every purpose by anybody. Our new patent G raining Process give« a grain as good as natural grain. Made in all colors by are the only kind we sell at this drug store and we cut our prices as low as possible. We al­ so have TOILET and SICKROOM novelties and comfort at moder­ ate prices. Give us a call and let us show you. Forest Grove Pharmacy TH E U P-T O -D A TE D R U Q O IST fl P h o n e s : Bell 231 FREE DELIVERY Ind. SOI First Class Rigs Careful Drivers Prices Right Pacific Avenue Forest Grove, Ore. JOE LENNEVILLE T H E H O R SE SH O ER Shoeing done in all its bran ches........................ - - Veterinary and track shoeing a specialty. - * - - Twenty-five years experience. - - * * - - - All work guaranteed. - - - BOTH PHONES Sold hy Successor to ARTHUR SHEARER OcveUlHl. O. Geo. G. Paterson Mertz & Latta - i FOREST GROVE, ORE. ( The Largest and Best Selected Stock of Jewelry, Watches and Clocks in Washington County The Ohio Varnish Company si Come and See the New Line of Goods Just Received- All Goods Guaranteed as Represented f o d c c t G °O v E