Live Items of Local Interest Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling Local Reporters of the Press commends it to brides. The Chi- Namel Ready-to-Use Graining Process will make any old floor look like new hard wood. It covers all stains and blemishes and makes a new surface. Sold by Mertz & Latta. GILTNER & DOANE STIFLE INO FIICT GROCERIES Vegetables, All Stock New and Highest Grade Free Delivery to any part o f the City J. M. Schaffer and wife were E. W. Haines made a business Miss Goldie Peterson visited in town Tuesday. trip to the rose city Monday. over Sunday with her mother, Miss Manche Langley spent Mrs. Frank Emerson, who hos who is in a hospital in Portland. Sunday in Portland. been quite ill, is improving slow- INTERESTING LECTURE at Mrs. Chas. Holt o f Gaston was S. D. A. church Sunday evening. Do you buy your auto supplies Prof. C. A. Wyman, who has a visitor in this City Tuesday. at the Forest Grove Garage? If made a special study of astrono­ The Forest Grove Garage is not, why not? tf my will speak on ‘ ‘Other Worlds the proper place to buy bicycles. Scoggins The lecture will be profusely ill- Oscar Baldwin o f Portland business ustrated. Mr. Pettit speaks Sat- peaks Sat- vis,ted his parents here Sunday. q R urday evening on “ Pmnhefe Prophet c urday evening Sidelights” . Miss Reynolds o f this City vis­ Special prices on ladies Ameri­ ited in Cornelius Saturday after­ can Beauty Corsets at the Hoff­ noon. man, Allen store. tf A few lines o f men’s felt hats Principal R. W. Airey and at Hoffman, Allen & Co— SPECIAL wife of the Laurelwood Acade­ PRICES. tf my were Tuesday visitors. Mr. Archie Walker and wife of Dr. M. N. Canfield, of the Scoggins Valley were trading in Portland Sanitarium was visit­ town Tuesday. ing at the home of Dr. H. W. III.— She Booms the Town Get a bottle of Oregon Blood Vollmer, the first of the week. Hilda the Helper settled down ex­ purifier at Miller’s. Every bot­ actly as she useter, except that Dr. Semones. Homeopathic tle guaranteed. tf for her native town henceforth Pysician and Oculist. Does no Mr. and Mrs. Kenworthy of surgery. Office at residence. she was a booster. Portland spent Sunday at the 319 North A street. Ind. Phone home of Geo. Sloan. 3625. tf M U T U A L F IR E PRINCIPAL OFFICE. FOREST GROVE, OREGON Will Save Y ou Cent W e sell 6 loaves of bread for 25^ Free Delivery to All Parts of the City Forest Grove The Progressive Store Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes A Fine Line of General Merchandise Hoffman, Allen Co. and letter; she strove with each j , ^ Mickel the well known Hill-side dairyman was in the City the fore part of the week, He is making a commendable effort to secure the next State You who contemplate the pur­ Dairymen’s Association for For- chase o f commencement presents est Grove. He is one of the Sundries and More Sundries should get them now while the most popular officers of that or­ in every department than we can ganization. big sale is on at Booth’s. tf enumerate if we were to occupy The annual business meeting As the days grow longer the a whole page o f the paper. Come of the Woman’ s Club will be held heat becomes stronger, necessi­ in and let us “ show you” wheth­ with Mrs. Chas. Hines Monday tating a change o f wearing ap­ er you are from Missouri or not. May 23rd at 2:30 p. m. Election parel: that summer underwear at Our service is right. Our goods I of officers for the year, every Andersons appeals. are right. Our prices are right member is urged to be present. and you will find we are alright. Mrs. Payne o f Albany, who Those still in arrears for dues • Yours for pills has been visiting her daughter, must settle with the secretary so Grace, at Herrick Hall, went to the books can be turned over. Forest Grove Hillsboro Mondav, where she is T H E U P -T O -D A T E O R U a a iG T * visiting her sister, Mrs. Galloway. A New Home, Sweet Home 2 in 1 - It Shines at the SHOE (’ honks : Ind. Ml Bell 231 FR EE D E LIV E R Y Here’s a beautiful picture of ‘ ‘Home, Sweet Home.” not the one o f the old sweet home; but a modern home, built by turtle doves, who sing through the whole day long. They have only been married just one short year, but ah, what a happy pair, and love shines out at the window, and love sits in every chair. Each room in the house is a iittle gem. the furnishings bright and new, and while not the most ex­ pensive, they’ re handsome and tasty too. The wife is as pretty as she can be and wise as she’s pretty besides. She used Chi- Namel on all the floors, and re- SH OP Black or Tan IN DEPEN DEN T 744 Pacific Ave. PHONES PACIFIC ST A T E S 33 Fashion S ta b le s I . A . B r o w n , Proprietor First Class Rigs Careful Drivers Prices Right Pacific Avenue Forest Grove, Ore. JO E L E N N E V I L L E THE HORSE SHOER Shoeing done in all its b r a n c h e s ....................... - - Veterinary and track shoeing a specialty. - - * - Twenty-five years experience. - - .......................... All work guaranteed. - - . Pharmacy tf 25 Per Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day Bank o f this C ity. Just received a shipment of D. D. D., the only remedy for eczema and all skin diseases. At Miller’s Drug store. tf The place is neat The candy sweet Weatherly ice cream Can not be beat For sale at the Den Of Sweets. M ore Than Hom e Baking Co. in>i of next week‘ succeeding day to make the vil­ Mrs. Willis Goff entertained lage better. Capt. Crang and wife of Port­ 1 the Fleur de lis club Thursday land spent Sunday at the home afternoon at her home in this She lent her aid to every cause that of his mother in this City. City. An especially good time was in need of aiding. SHE $3000 residence in Forest Grove was had by all the members of WENT AHEAD WITHOUT A to trade for farm property. the organization. PAUSE, and work was never jad­ tf L a n g l e y & S o n . ,, , Mrs. Chas. Hines entertained ing. Large crowds of forest (move the Bridge Club at her home in young people attended the dance this City Monday afternoon. at Cornelius during the carnival Mrs. Wilbur McEldowney won t^ere> 1st prize, Mrs. Frank J. Miller Miss Daisy Dean of Hillsboro 2nd prize. Dainty refreshments has accepted the position of book- were served and a most delight- keeper in the First National ful time was had by all present. Mrs. I. E. Martin o f New York arrived here Thursday afternoon to visit her mother Mrs. M. A. Thomas for a few days before going to Berlin to resume her musical studies there. COM PANY HOME Pacific Avenue Mrs. Augustus Kinney and baby of Astoria are here visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Buxton, also her sister, Mrs. Art Caples. J. B. Matthews wishes to show you the new “ Union’ jack; for lifting, setting tires, stretching fence and many other uses. Al- 28-2t H. H. Parker, who is engaged in the saw mill business at Wil- hemina, was visiting here the latter part of the week with his brother, J. A. Parker, o f this City. IN S U R A N C E PA C IF IC Miss Elva McCoy o f Portland, ways handy‘ tf is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Deputy Dairy and Food Com- Wesley Orr this week. missioner Shrock announces dairy SHE BOOMED THE BURG IN EV­ L O S T -L ife Insurance p 0,ic/ m e n ’s meetings at Roy and Ver- ERY W A Y ; she praised it, tongue New Era Association. Return to ^ t Friday and Saturday even- C. A. Cemer, Gaston. F orest G rove BOTH PHONES HILDA THE HELPER For scientific shoeing go to Harris & Markham. They guar- antee the results. tf J. E. Bailey went to Portland Tuesday, and returned with a fine new Ford auto. Men’s oak half-soles sewed or nailed 75 ff. C. E. Dixon, Pacific Avenue, Forest Grove. tf Farm Produce and Fruits in Season I BOTH PHONES FOREST GROVE, ORE. The Largest and Best Selected Stock of Jewelry, Watches and d o c k s in Washington Gounty ARTHUR SHEARER Come and See the New Line o f Goods Just Received- All Goods Guaranteed as Represented M AIN S T R E E T GROVE