Subscribe for the PRESS, now J “W indy Jim” Discourses Live Items of Local Interest “ Windy” Jim recrossed his legs, spit on the floor and tried to imitate a cough and we all Local Reporters of the Press knew there was something com­ tail ing. The Forest Grove Garage is Prof. Bradley of the 0 . A. C. “ I was strollin’ leisurely down the proper place to buy bicycles. ! was a Friday visitor. Pecifik Avenoo wonc’t, when I Portland’s famous ice cream. was out in Forest Grove,” he be­ Special prices will be given at Mt. Hood. All flavors, at Shear­ gan, taking another shot at the Miller’ s Drug Store. tf tf floor with a hall o f cotton. Fresh candy made every day j er’s. Try it. “ An’ I heered the old fire-bell at the Den o f Sweets. tf All work done in Dr. Booth’ s a jinglein to beet the band; well, Rev. E. V. Stivers and wife Optical Parlors guaranteed. I didn’ t lose no time gittin’ round tf were Portland visitors Tuesday. With Booth Jewelry Co. tu the bell tower tu git wind uv Mrs. S. H. Hunter returned the excitement when I found out Call on the Main Street bar­ bers for a first class shave or Wednesday from a visit with her ’ twas only the volunteer fire- daughter, Mrs. M. A. Baker, at cumpenny goin’ to have a meet- hair cut. tf in’ . ” Well, I goes in tu the Do you buy your auto supplies McMinnville. at the Forest Grove Garage? If, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dempsie, magnifeecent city-hall auditoree- not, why not? tf o f Portland, were over Sunday um whar they was meetin’ an’ when I got tu lookin’ round the Dr. C. A. Johnson, of Portland, ! visitors at the home o f Mrs. shivers begin runnin’ up an’ Dempsie’ s mother, Mrs. R. M. spent Saturday with Dr. F. A. i down whar my back-bone was Stevens. Feeley o f this city. extracted frum the time I had Men’ s oak half-soles sewed or FOR SALE—7 room house, the depend-a-seetus. ” “ Were nailed 75^. C. E. Dixon, Pacific j modern throughout, well built you ever in a lu.iatik asyleeman’ Avenue, Forest Grove. tf and finely furnished, lot 100x100, the guards gone and the inmates terms. Archie Bryant, Forest begin gittin’ kinda familyer like? Dr. Guy P. Via and w ife of tf “ Thets jist the feelin’ what I Buxton spent the weeks end with Grove. had when I looked them fellers relatives and friends of this city. “ The man who is fitted to take over.” “ You could tell by their Portland property, in ware care o f himself in all the condi- looks that most o f um was brane- house district, for sale cheap, * tions in which he may be placed, less and you could tell by the tf L a n g l e y & S on . is. in a very important sense, an condishun of the place in which Miss Joyce Vernon o f Spokane educated man. The savage who the meetin’ was held that the was visiting with her uncle, Rev. understands the habit o f animals, rest o f um was.” Anybody E. V. Stivers, the fore part of who is a good hunter and fisher, what was fit tu be running at is a man o f education, taking in- large and alone would uv abso- the week. A wise man going to a strange to consideration his ciicum- lutlee refused tu okupie sich “ But the fellers country engages a guide: all men stances- Fhe graduate o a uni- quarters.” of looked quite harmless like so I are not good judges o f clothes-1 versity who cannot take care I himself -n o matter how much he sets down on the floor, that be- let Anderson be your guide. may be studied—is not an edu­ in bout the only furnichur in the MARE FOR SALE—4 years cated man.” —Ingersoll. place.” “ There was won feller old, $125. Chas. E. Sadd, Route sittin’ on a harrell of rubbish an’ No. 1, box number 98, Forest got his close fast on a nail an’ Grove, Oregon. 28-2t. couldn’ t git off without assistence an’ the rest was a sittin’ on the Rev. Stivers o f the Christian floor an’ boxes an other rubbish ” Church will deliver the sermon to the graduating class o f the “ The floor was littered up with Carleton High School Friday boards, an’ dirt, an’ pieces of iron an’ tin cans an’ other trash evening. as ought to bin out in a rubbish When you buy your new wagon pile.” “ Off in one corner was a jack, get the “ Union. ’ ’ Simplest, little room used fer a jale an’ I stongest and most useful. Once heered somethin’ in thar an’ I used always used. J. B. Mat­ stepped over tu investigate and thews, Agent. tf durned if thar wasn’ t a bed mat­ FOR RENT—Three nicely tress in one corner an’ a blanket furnished rooms, for light house­ in the other an’ both o f ’ em was Smart Styles keeping, hot and cold water. makin’ fer the door at a purty i n Mrs. N. J. Walker Third St., be- lively rate.” “ Well I picks up Summer Millinery tweeen Pacific and First A ves. t f ; one corner of the mattresss—only 1 didn’ t keep it very long—there G. S. 0 . Humbert, o f Eugene, The Latest and Most was the blamdest lot o f gosh- was in the City Sunday and ad­ Up-to-date Creations for derned miss-e-lan-e-us collek- dressed the congregation o f the Young and Old, Rich shun of bugs an’ things you ever Christian Church Sunday morn­ and Poor, at the Millin­ saw .” “ Well you bet I skee- ing in the interest o f Christian dadeled out o ’ there.” “ Next ery Parlors of I educational work. day I asked a feller what was the James Broderick, who has been Miss Kirkwood matter with the upper stories o f employed in Lenneville’ s black­ Forest Grove Pacific Ave. I the members o f the fire-cum- smith shop for nearly three years, . peeny an’ he said nothin’ at all has left his position and purchas­ only that was the only place in Legal Notices ed the Hatch shop in Cornelius, town they was allowed tu meet assuming charge last week. an’ a contract had bin let bout a Subjects at the Christian (First publication May 5, 1910.) year before tu build a new city Church 11 o ’ clock a. m. Subject hall an’ fire-house combined an’ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE “ On The Mountain Top with Our Notice is hereby given that the that the money was in the bank Lord.” Evening services at 8 undersigned has been duly ap­ tu pay fer it with an’ the boys o’clock. Subject “ The Unpar­ pointed by the County Court of was waitin’ fer that.” donable Sin. E. V. Stivers. Then he says, kind o f confiden- the State o f Oregon for Wash­ shel like, ‘tother night the coun­ J. N. Hoffman was in Oregon ington County Administratrix of cil decided tu put off the huildin’ City the fore part o f the week the estate o f Newton J. Walker indefinitlee an’ when the fire- looking after the loading and deceased. All persons interested boys git next to that I reckon shipping o f the swing and other and having claims against said they’ ll disband, I no I wood if it paraphernalia which will be in­ estate are hereby required to was m e.” “ Guess when thev stalled in Hoffman Park during present the same to me at my find they ain’ t got no fire pertek- residence in the City o f Forest this week. shun they’ ll sit up and take notis TAKEN U P -1 sorrel! mare, Grove. Oregon, properly verified to the wishes uv the people, bald face, branded figure two (2) as by law required within six m aybe.” on left hip. weight about 87511». months from the date o f this “ Loan me a match, will yer, Owner can have same by paying notice. The date and first publication Cy? for this notice and expense o f o f this notice is the 5th day of keeping. W. F. Schultz, May, 1910. Published in the Forest Grove, tf Father Powers of Tillamook, Forest Grove Press. was in the Grove Friday and Emmett Quick of Brown’s Liv­ Eunice Walker Saturday. Father Powers stop­ ery, made a trip to Tillamook last Administratrix o f the estate of ped here on his return from week, returning Friday. He ad­ Newton J. Walker deceased. Portland, where he had been in vises that the road is improving 26-5t consultation with the Arch-Bish­ rapidly and that if the weather op relative to the securing o f a continues favorable, should soon Subs crib* for tteo Prooo house o f worship for his parish. Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling Oregon Land & Trading Co. (INCORPORATED) Edward Seymour, Mgr. Farm and City Property Both Phones Forest Grove, Oregon Ind. No. 4SI Bell, M 235 Telephones Forest Grove Planing Mill Co. Manufacturers of All Kinds of Mill W ork, Frames, Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings Full and Complete Line of Rough and Finished, Kiln Dried Lumber, Always in Stock. and Lath. Cement, Sand Best Shingle and Lime Agents for Sherwin-Williams Paints Paroid Roofing Forest Grove, Ore. Council Street, W . E. Prickett, Dealer in Confectionery, Ice Cream, Seda, Lowney’s Chocolates Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco. . . . The place to stop, rest, and refresh Pacific Avenue - - * - . . . Forest Grove If you want up-to-date, reliable and trustworthy plumbing fixtures installed, or repairs made, get in touch with the practical plumber H. L. DECKERT Shop 431 Independent Phones Pacific Avenue Residence 4525 Forest Grove, Oregon Forest Grove M eat M arket Fresh and Salted Meats. Home Made Pork Sausage “Just Like Dad Used to Make ‘Down on the Farm.’ ’’ Cash Paid for Hides and Pelts PHONES mm Fresh Fish Every Thursday M O O R E & WILHEJLMSON Albert C. Mackrodt SELLS Indian Motor Cycles E M. F. 30 & Flanders 20 A U T O M O B IL E S Repairing of All Kinds A Specialty-- - Best Work F orest Grove, Oregon