Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 19, 1910, Image 6

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Additional Local Item*
of General Interest
Attorney 0 . W. Humphreys
and wife are visiting relatives at
Roy this week.
Hon. Ira Purdin of this city
was in Buxton, Wednesday, the
guest o f Perry Watson.
L. M. Beebe and family of
Springfield, are visiting at the
home o f his parents near Roy.
A card from Mrs. E. A. Nurse
tells of a runaway in which Mr. i
Nurse was injured, however, not
There will be a baseball game
Sunday afternoon at Hoffman
Park between the Park nine and
the Gales Creek aggregation.
W. W. Ryals, of Roy, left for
Scoggins Valley last Tuesday,
where he is superintending the
erection o f the Tupper Saw Mill.
Miss D.M.Drew, demonstrator
for the Ohio Varnish Co., is giv­
ing practical illustrations o f the
various uses of Chi-Namel at
Mertz & Latta.
The Artisans held an open
meeting Tuesday evening.
freshments were served and the
large number present fully en­
joyed the occasion.
Jake Buxton and wife were
in this city Wednesday renewing
old acquaintances, making new
friends, and otherwise enjoying
a visit to the place Jake believes
to be superior to all other o f the
Booth Jewelry Company
Big Reduction Sale
will close June 1st
There is still time to avail yourself of some o f the
rare bargains w e offer you. Our stock consists of
Solid Gold and Gold Filled W atches, Chains and Jewel­
ry o f A ll Leading M akes. A lso a full line o f Clocks,
Silverware, Cut Glass and Hand-painted China.
O n everything in our store we give you
a discount o f from 2 5 i4 ~te 5 0 %
W e also do all kinds o f watch, clock and jewelry repair­
ing and guarantee entire satisfaction of the same
A n open letter to my friends:-
In the lines o f that beautiful
song, “ When the Mists have Cleared A w ay,” which we sing so
often, I wonder if we realize the full purport o f the words and if
the thought ever occurs that perhaps we may be able to do some­
thing to clear them away, to “ know we are known,” even here
on earth. For nearly a year I have been in your midst trying to
establish a parish, and personally, have met only with unvarying
kindness and respect; and while I am convinced o f a sincere,
The Comet arrived, took in the Christian spirit animating you, yet I cannot but feel that the
sights, and departed again. No Church I repesent, the Catholic Church, is misunderstood. It is a
evil effects have been experienced peculiar fallacy on both sides to imagine we are “ broad;” but are
and the spirit o f uncertainity has we? Do Catholics not look upon all outsiders as entirely lost,
given place to one o f security. and do they not cry, “ out o f the church there is no salvation?”
Now get in and advertise; in­ And do the non-Catholics not accuse us o f superstition, narrow­
crease your business, and draw ness and strange rites? But have we all been “ broad” enough to
new patrons to your store.
honestly and earnestly inquire into both sides o f the question?
Mrs. R. B. Faulds’ Sunday Have we read entirely unbiased books? Have Catholics examined
School class, The Native Daugh­ on just what grounds each party stands, and have non-Catholics
ters o f the Christian
church learned a single thing FIRST-HANDED o f the often “ terrible doings
gave her a surprise party at o f the Catholics?”
St. Anthony’s Chapel Car will be in Forest Grove one week
her home in Cornelius Saturday
evening. After a very pleasant commencing May 29th, on the S. P. track, and every night at 8
time including refreshments the o ’clock a lecture will be given in a hall down town. Program and
place o f meeting to be announced later. The car will be in Cor­
party returned to their home.
nelius for a week commencing June 5th, lectures to be given in
A pleasant birthday party was the church.
held at the home o f Mr. and Mrs
Now the object o f having the car here is not to make “ con­
A. P. Morgan Saturday afternoon verts,” as one might suppose, for we are firmly convinced that a
it being the 8th birthday of their good non-catholic is much to be preferred to a bad catholic and
son Jesse G. Morgan. The little j that he sees a better chance o f seeing God. Neither are we try­
folks enjoyed themselves w ith , ing to make money, for the lectures, etc., are entirely free with
games and o f course the refresh­ an offering which is usual and entirely optional.
But we do
ments served were not neglected. wish to present truths o f our religion, as for as possible, to dispel
Forty head o f mules were erronious notions some people have formed concerning us, and
brought to this city from P o rt-; above all, to prove that the church, whatever may be thought o f
land Wednesday. They were re­ her, in carrying on the teachings o f Christ, is, like her master
cently shipped from Missouri by | charitable.
There will be the time-honored Question Box, and any­
the Sweney Construction Co.,
f the Church that one may wish to know may be asked.
and will be used in Tillamook
in the line of controversy will be indulged in, but ques­
county on their P. R. & N. con- i
for honest information we will try to answer.
tract. This is claimed to be the
A cordial invitation is extended to all.
best shipment o f mules ever re­
Sincerely yours in Christ,
ceived in Portland.
Rev. Jacob R. Buck.
Rev. and Mrs. Hiram Gould
are visiting with a sister in
Weleigh, Neh. The trip, which
is proving one o f pleasure and of
benefit to Rev. Gould’s health
will be continued into Iowa in
the near future.
Mrs. George Fisher was on the
Andrew Olson suffered a severe
By the Special Correspond­ sick list a few days last week.
cut about the mouth Tuesday
ent of the Press
evening while engaged in an en­
The base ball game last Sun­ counter Jeffries a la Johnson.
Mrs. Reynolds is on the sick day at Banks resulted in a score
o f 17-3 in favor o f Banks.
T h « Pr*a«nt.
Mrs. John R. Bailey is report­
Miss Peterson who has been in
ed quite sick.
Portland the past month has re­
Dr. Via and wife were in the turned to her home in Buxton.
Grove on business Wednesday.
Jos. Pongratz, is recovering
Mr. Perkins expects to sojourn rapidly from his recent illness,
on the Nehalem river in a few and is once more seen upon the
Dua'r brood over the pant nor dream
o f tbe future, but w lw the instan t and
S»t your lemwit from the hour.
Volapuk. one o f tbe attempts at a
universal la uguaxe. was Introduced
earlv In tbe eljrbtien.
The Bleed.
T b e am ount o f luood In tbe bnman
body ia one-thirteenth o f the body
The Press Prints Everything
T ’HE quality of your stat-
ionery is an im portant
part o f your business not to
be lightly considered.
would not think of
* attending a social funct­
ion clad in a bath robe, nor,
therefore, do you want to
send forth your business let­
ters written upon wrapping
paper or poorly printed and
unsightly stationery.
* ¡a fully equipped with type of new and late design
especially suitable for business and social stationery,
and is in charge of an acknowledged authority upon
things typographical.
v " of a particular and attractive character—that will
not only please you personally, but excite favorable
criticism from your friends and business associates.
I ET US H A V E Y O U R N E X T ORDER for printed
* “* matter, of whatever nature, and we will deliver to
you an artistic and result producing arrangement on
paper of type and printer’s ink.
The Fress—Quality Printing
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