CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK M IN N E S O T A FO RESTS ABLAZE Women Pray While Men Fight Fire— Militia to Rescue, AVARICE RULES OVER DEAD KING B IG B A T T L E S H IP L A U N C H E D . M onster Fighting Machine Will C arry C rew o f 1,000 Men. AERONAUTS FALL FOUR MILES; LIVE New York, May 14.—The battleship Bemidji, Minn., May 16. — Women Florida, biggest of the American and children are in Bemidji’s smoke- Dreadnoughts built thus far, was suc­ filled churches tonight praying for rain cessfully launched at the Brooklyn Rip Cord Works Too Well, and Doings of the World at Large or some other act of nature to save Points of View on Line of Fun- navy-yard yesterday in the presence of the vice-president of the United States, Balloon Collapses. them, their husbands and fathers and Told in Brief. etal Seil High. the secretary of the navy, the naval their homes from impending catastro­ attaches of all the powers and a crowd phe. of 50,000 enthusiasts, whom intermit­ Vice-President o f Aero Club Passes Although battled desperately by Police Busy Guarding Palace— Artillery tent rains failed to keep away. General Resume of Important Events hundreds of citizens, soldiers and for­ Through Snow S to rm s on The 21,825-ton fighting leviathan, Rehearse Program — Navy Will Presented in Condensed Form est rangers since 11 o’clock this morn­ built to carry 10 12-inch guns, glided 4 0 0 Mile Flight. Have Prominent Place. for Our Busy Readers. ing. a forest fire four miles wide is down the ways to the strains of The slowly nearing Bemidji from the south. Star Spangled Banner, played by the Christopher C. Andrews, Minnesota navy yard and the 29th infantry bands, Horse Cave, Ky., May 12.—After a London, May 17.—The whole court while the crowd cheered and hundreds E. B. Garriott, chief forecaster of state forestry commissioner, arrived thrilling flight of 400 miles, during and all London are absorbed in the here from Walker, Minn., this morn­ ot river craft tooted their noisy wel­ which they the United States weather bureau, is ascended to an altitude of preparations for the funeral of King ing and is now at the scene of the fire. come. dead. feet and encountered two snow The citizens of the city, convoked by Fdward, which will be the most impos­ The vessel was christened by Miss 20,600 The Herschel Parker Mt. McKinley the mayor, addressed an appeal to ing ceremonial the British capital ever Elizabeth Fleming, daughter of ex- storms, A. Holland Forbes, of Bridge­ port, Conn , vice president of the Aero expedition has sailed from Valdez for Governor Eberhardt at noon. has witnessed. Thirty thousand sol­ Governor Fleming, of Florida. Seldovia. The governor at once, by telegraph, diers will be brought from Aldershot Later when the Arkansas and the club of America, and J. C. Yates, of Mourning over the death of King Ed­ appointed Commissioner Andrews com­ and other military camps to line the Wyoming, now under construction, are New York, lost control of their balloon, ward has hushed ;all political troubles mander of all militiamen in Northern streets Friday when the procession afloat they will exceed the Florida in the Viking, yesterday afternoon and Minnesota, and Major H. T. V. Eva is passes. in England. size by 3,000 tons, a difference suffi­ descended so rapiSly that both were on his way here from Duluth. Com­ As there is no room to embarrack cient to make a pretty good little liner badly bruised and the balloon partly It is announced that California’s new missioner Andrews immediately or­ the soldiers over night they will bi­ wrecked. primary law is a piece of patchwork dered Company I, Minnesota National vouac in the parks and streets. The in itself. The Florida herself is by no The balloon came to eprth near Cen- means finished, for as she went off the and woefully inefficient. Guard, from Crookston. Company H, city will have the appearance of an in­ ways yesterday she was only about 60 j ter, Ky., a hamlet about 20 miles from Remarkable attentions paid to of Bemidji, went early to the scene un­ vested town for two days. per cent advanced towards completion, j Horse Cave, and dropped through the It is expected that 700,000 persons which means that she was not much j final 100 feet of space like a stone. Roosevelt in Germany are causing der their own command. The two big Weyerhaeuser and Shev- will pass through Westminster Hall to more than a vast empty hull, and still The escape of the balloonists from much comment in Europe. lin-Carpenter Lumber companies’ look upon the coffin. Barriers are be­ awaits the boilers and main and sec­ instant death was little short of mirac­ A woman who had been bitten by a camps and timber holdings are located ing built by means of which the people ondary engines and armor and equip­ ulous. rattlesnake was taken 80 miles in an there, and immense stores of lumber will ushered through in four lines ment that go to make up the ship “ We left Quincy, 111., at 6:55 o’clock auto to a doctor by the Louis W. Hill and poles are situated directly in the at the be rate of 18,000 an hour. The ready for commission. Monday evening, ” said Mr. Forbes. party, now touring Eastern Oregon. path of the flames on the southern out­ body of the late king will not be ex­ Probably there is not a battleship “ We were hoping to strike favorable Roosevelt arrived in London as spe­ skirts of the town. posed to view. The mourners will see afloat that could tackle the Florida on air currents from the West that might The mills closed down at noon and only the coffin with the official regalia even terms, when her commander’s give us a chance at the long-distance cial American ambassador to attend the funeral of King Edward, which both day and night crews were ordered and heaps of flowers. We were carried in a semi­ flag flies from the ungraceful, but record. will entitle.hlm to the highest honors. to the yards, where they are wetting The flowers contributed by organi­ formidable skeleton masts which will circle, passing over parts of Illinois, The flood of emigration from the down the lumber and trying to quench zations and individuals will represent be placed upon her, that is, provided Missouri, Indiana and Kentucky. “ Tuesday morning we encountered United States to Canada, is beginning the flaming brands borne on the high many thousands of dollars in value, the naval designers do not change their to worry officials of the departments wind into the lumber piles and to the The most elaborate wreath was sent minds, as to the utility of this novel intense cold and a severe snow storm from Windsor, consisting of costly at an altitude of 16,000 feet. Tuesday of agriculture and commerce and labor. central business distcict. Increasing volumes of smoke have white flowers, interwoven with pur- feature of marine architecture within afternoon at an. altitude of 16,000 feet the next eighteen months, by which Advices from Changsha, China, the been pouring into the town all day, pie, which is the royal mourning color. we ran into another snow storm. capital of the disturbed province of and tonight it is nearly suffocating. The wreaths contributed by private in­ time the Florida should be in commis­ Shortly afterward we shot up to 20,600 Hunan, state that the Yale mission in In the churches it is impossible to see dividuals, numbering thousands, will sion. feet. From that time on the cold was that city has been placarded for de­ the lighted pulpits from the rear. be hung on posts in the streets. so intense that we became benumbed IN D IA N S IN R E V O L T . struction by fire. The foreigners, who The poorer residents of the city, lo­ The artillery horses, with gun car­ and half stupefied and gradually lost were beginning to return to Changsha, cated aidjoining the big sawmills, are riages, were rehearsing today through power to control the balloon. are again living on boats in the river. running panic-stricken through the the streets along the line of march, so New M exico Redskins Destroy Prop- “ I cannot tell what the altitude was ery and Steal Stock. just before we made our final drop, but Harry F. Waugh, of Seattle, a min­ murky streets. Should the small fires, as to avoid the possibility of a mishap East Las Vegas, May 14.—An upris­ efforts to let out the gas by the valve ing prospector, member of the Arctic ignited by the brands in the lumber on Friday. Fabulous prices are being asked for ing of serious proportions has broken had not suceeded in bringing us to the club and leader of the Waugh sledge yards, escape control of the fighters, expedition to the delta of the Macken­ they would destroy the whole city. seats in the stands along the line, $25 out among the Taos Pueblo Indians at ground as fast as desired. zie river, committed suicide by hang­ The fire originated about seven miles being the lowest sum at which it is their village, 70 miles northwest of “ Finally I decided to use the rip ing himself. Failure to interest cap­ south of Bemidji, in the heart of an possible to get a place. The household­ here, and tonight troops are being cord before we lost consciousness en­ It has been ers overlooking Trafalgar square hurried by special train from Santa Fe tirely. In some manner as yet undis­ italists in his mining project when suc­ unpopulated forest. have sent a protest to the lord cham­ to check a possible massacre of white covered, the cord did not work well and cess seemed within his grasp is be­ smouldering in the muskeg soils. berlain for again changing the line of ranchers. ripped the bag almost from top to bot­ lieved to have been the cause. march, which deprives them of eagerly The Indians have cut all telephone tom. The descent was terrific, and I F L O O D T O C A N A D A W O R R IE S . Forest Ares in Wisconsin have des­ expected profits. and telegraph wires from Taos, but re­ judge that for the last 100 feet there troyed six farm houses. King George having been closely ports here indicate the depredations so was very little gas left in the balloon, No Way to Cheek Imigration From identified with the navy, the naval con­ far have been confined to an attack on as it fell like a stone.” ' An alleged combine in the fish trade United States to North. tingents will take a prominent part in the wife and children of L. S. Meyers, at San Francisco is under probe. Mr. Forbes was able to dictate a few Bluejackets will a homesteader, and the cutting of letters and telegrams to friends and Washingon, May 16.—Washington the ceremonies. Eight high school students'at Wilkes- draw the gun carriage to Windsor, as and looting of horses and cattle. relatives. Both men are being cared barre, Pa., were drowned while boat officials of the departments of agricul­ they did the carriage which bore the fences Further attacks are expected by the for at the home of a farmer, Tilden ture and commerce and labor have a riding. sharp sense of the need of something, body of Victoria, although on that oc­ ranchers and Judge John R. McFie, Boston, near Center. Forbes’ injuries It is rumored at Washington that no one knows just what, to stop the casion they did so because the horses conducting court at Taos, telegraphed are not serious, but the physicians are Peru and Ecuador will come to open flood of emigration that is flowing on became restive. an urgent demand for troops to go yet doubtful in the case of Yates. Soldiers from the king's company, there. The government immediately war soon. its way from the Western United D IS C O V E R S K E Y T O N A T U R E . guards, are keeping sentry ordered 50 men of companies D and F, Three hundred pounds of powder ex­ States into Canada. The administra­ grenadier w:itch over the body in the throneroom tion proposes to take the matter up New Mexico National guard, to Taos. ploded in a magazine near Logansport, a* Buckingham palace. They are re- The militiamen will arrive at Taos to­ Four Geometric Units C om p ose All Indiana, killing one man and injuring seriously. li ved each hour. Know n Form s. morrow forenoon. It is probably only a coincidence about 20. Scotland Yard has all its detectives Los Angeles, May 12.—Philip W. T. that the high tide in emigration to W. Cooper Morris was found guilty Canada has occurred at a time when on duty and these are reinforced by R. Thompson has set local scientific 500 S E A L S AR E S E T FREE. of embezzling $75,000 of the funds of this country is engaged in trying to ICO more from Continental cities, circles agog by claiming to have dis­ the Oregon Trust & Savings bank at settle the the problem of a proper way covered the fundamental forms upon Only ’Government Can Take Them Portland. IN D IA N S R E A D Y T O Y IE L D . to conserve the natural resources of the which the entire physical world is ¡From Water Hereafter. reared. An explosion in’ the Wellington coal country. The sharp fact is that Can­ Washington, May[14.—Five hundred He asserts that chemistry, the vege­ mine in England has entombed 137 ada is receiving thousands of Ameri­ T a o s U prising Already O ver— Will three-year-old male seals are to be al­ table and mineral realms and mathe­ miners. Fire has broken out and there cans every year, men who have made Surrend to Troops. good citizens at home and who will lowed to escape from the killing fields matics in all its stages nave their is no hope of saving any of the men. Santa Fe., N. M., May 17.—The on the Pribyloff Islands to supply the bases in certain fixed and unvarying make good citizens of the country to threatened uprising of the Taos Pueblo required number of breeding adults in forms, which are only four in number. A carload of dynamite near Tacoma the north of us. jumped the track and exploded, blow We are getting immigrants enough Indians at Taos, N. M., appears to be the future. They are to be marked in Explaining his new science, which ing two brakemen to bits and tearing to offset the loss, but the class of in­ at an end. Governor Mills today said such a manner as to make them readily he termed stereometry, before s body up the track for a considerable dis­ comers is so inferior to the class of the national guard sent to Taos last recognizable throughout the season and of Southern California educators, yes­ tance. outgoers that the United States gains night has been ordered to return. United States Attorney Wilson tele­ under no circumstances are they to be terday and today, Mr. Thompson de­ More than a hundred persons were nothing from the fact that the former graphed from Taos this morning that slain. They are to be the best samples clared that with the four units, which of the seal herds. he illustrated with wood models, he thrown into the waters of Great Salt outnumber the latter. the renegade Indians have volunteered This direction, given to W. I. Lamb- could produce any geometric shape now Lake by the collapse of a stairway to surrender themselves on the bench leading to the pavilion. All were res­ M A D D O G C O S T S T H O U S A N D S warrants which they have been resist­ key, agent in charge of the Alaskan known and many never dreamed of. fisheries, was announced today by cued, and none seriously hurt. There was no limit to the minute­ ing. He added that the trouble had seal Secretary Nagel. Stringent measures ness or to the colossal proportions of F. August Heinze, of the Mercantile Canine Runs’ Am uck in Cattle Herd; been greatly exaggerated. the protection of seal life are con­ the creations built of these forms. Fine Animals Killed. National bank of New York, was ac A regular troop of Cavalry, with for tained in the instructions to the agent Combined in octaves or in series of quitted of illegal financiering in the Captain McCoy in command, from Fort Los Angeles, May 16.—Because a The privilege of taking the seals, seven, he said, they interpreted nature panic of 1907. He now claims the mad dog got into a valuable herd of Wingate, arrived here tonight to take heretofore leased to a private com­ in its infinite variety from the tiniest trial was but a plot to ruin him. a special train for Barranca, whence it cattle at San Jacinto today and bit a pany, now rests with the government molecule to the mightiest sun. That the four great express compan­ number of them, several thousand dol­ will ride overland to Taos, unless or­ which is to sell the skins to the high­ Mr. Thompson said that there was dered back by the War department. ies get net returns of from 43 to 115 lars’ worth of fine animals had to be est bidder. no form of crystal, snowflake or any It probably will be necessary for the per cent more, on the capital employed killed. geometrical conception which he would The owners of the farm are not cer­ troops to serve tl\e bench warrants and ip actual express operations, was Flannery Trial Opens. not produce with a combination of two make the arrests, but no bloodshed is tain whether other animals were not Stated in a report issued by the Mer­ San Rafael, Cal., May 14.—District or more of his four units. attacked by the rsbies-affiicted animal, feared, as the Indians, who including Attorney chants' association of New York. Mr. Thompson labored nine years to Thomas P. Boyd, of Marin women and children number only 300, and therefore they will qurantine the county, made his opening address to bring his discovery to its present state. Eastern senators disagree with Hey- remainder of the herd and develop­ stand in awe of the military. He says he devoted 20 hours of every the jury today in Judge Lennon’s court burn's statement that “ water competi­ ments will be watched with great care. in the case of Harry P. Flannery, ex­ day to the task. tion is a fiction.’’ C hase H orsethief In Relays. Chicago, May 17.—A 19-year-old president of the San Francisco police Havemeyer, the sugar king, is be­ M o rg a n 's C a r Demolished. Lion T oys With Tiny Babe. horse thief was captured by the Wau­ commission, who is on trial on a charge lieved to be implicated in the Friar Spokane, Wash., May 16.—Private Cleveland, Tenn.. May 12.—A trained of grand larceny growing out of his al­ kegan police this afternoon after a 20- land deal in the Philippines. car No. A21 of Superintendent Mor­ mile chase that lasted more than four leged connection with the men who lion being exhibited on an opera stage The Panama canal -commission has gan, of the Marcus division of the hours and during which the police used conducted the recently-raided fake here tonight suddenly became again built and launched a barge made of Great Northern, had a narrow escape three relays of horses and an automo­ poolroom in Sausalito. Flannery was the bloodthirsty beast of the jungle, concrete, for use on the canal. from being completely demolished in bile. Volleys of shots at the opening of ordered to furnish $5,000 cash bail be­ and, snatching a babe from the arms Emperor William of Germany warm­ the yards at Oroville this morning. A the chase and interruptions of parties fore the opening of court tomorrow | of its mother, carried it to the back of the stage, dashed it to he floor and ly welcomed Roosevelt and party at 30-ton gondola, loaded with coal, was on pleasure drives that their fresh morning, at 10 o’clock. being hauled up the coal chute when horses might be exchanged for tired plantted both his forepaws on the little the entrance to the imperial palace. the cable broke just as the car reached animals driven by the police added ex­ one a body, licking the blood from the Train Robbers Are Caught. Forest fires in Wisconsin and North­ the top. The runaway dashed down citing wounds on the baby's head and face. incidents to the flight. The po­ Phoenix, Ariz., May 14.—The two ern Minnesota are destroying vast the incline, broke the sidetrack switch Frantic citizens advanced on the lion lice finally captured the thief by the robbers who held up the Phoenix * areas of fine timber and threaten many and struck Mr. Morgan's car standing and diverted its attention, while a man used of an automobile. Maricopa passenger train last night towns. a few hundred yards down the main near here were captured tonight by a snatched the baby. The child is terri­ Fruit Crop Is Menaced. Tbs Oregon State grange is begin­ line. A warning saved theoecupanta. poese headed by Sheriff Hayden and bly lacerated but may live. ning to think the initiatiative and refer­ Denver. May 17.— Colorado's fruit Immigration Inspector Corin, in the Roosevelt Will Be American Envoy. Rich Placers Uncovered. endum is dangerous to the best inter­ of the estimated value of $7,000,000 is desert beyond Casa Grande. Washington, May 12.—The appoint­ ests of the people. Victoria, B. C., May 16.—Rich menaced tonight by a storm, accom­ ment of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt by lacers have been found in Northern panied by a sudden drop in tempera­ Black Hand Agent Guilty. Roosevelt’s French disappointed his President Taft as special ambassador ritish Columbia, ¡.ear the headwaters > ture, which is sweeping the state. New York, May 14.—A verdict of to represent the United State* at the at his public speech in Paris, 1 m* hearers and Germans are wondering if he of Taku inlet, and miner« are taking The thermometer at the western guilty was found today in the Canteo funeral of King Edward in London, out 5 cents to the pan. Jack Hy­ slope registered 40 degrees Fahren­ “ Black Hand" case in Brooklyn. The *epeaks their language any better. May 20, was officially announced to- land, a trader, who arrived from Tele­ heit at 10 o’clock, ami was falling ^ Forest fires are destroying much vmL graph creek, brought authentic news steadily, under a 60-mile wind from the man on trial was Antonio Miai ana, ac­ « J - Cablegram« were exchanged last cused of attempting to extort $15,000 night. Roosevelt's answer was the timber in Western of this find. north. from the famous tenor. one word " Accept ” S