Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 19, 1910, Image 3

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Live Items of Local Interest
Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling
Local Reporters of the Press
Allen Rice purchased a new
WANTED—10 or 12 burros or
Ford auto Tuesday.
small mules suitable for packing.
H. C. Atwell was in from his Chas. Miller, Pioneer Drug Store,
Forest Grove.
fruit ranch Wednesday.
Dr. Large reports a daughter
The Forest Grove Garage is
to the wife o f John V.
the proper place to buy bicycles.
Heisler, of Gales Creek, last Sat­
Men’ s Golf shirts at special
urday. Parties wishing the at­
prices at Hoffman, Allen & Com­
tendance of Dr. Large in this
class of cases, will greatly oblige
K Do you buy your auto supplies him, if convenient, by engaging
at the Forest Grove Garage? If his services two or three months
not, why not?
prior to the expected event.
Mesdames J. G. Lenneville and
Dr. Edgar H. Brown, who has
H. Patmore attended the carni­ recently returned from New
val at Cornelius Saturday.
York, where he completed a post
J. C. McDonald one o f the old gradute course on the diseases
residents of this City, was visit­ o f the large intestine, will short­
ly remove to Portland, where he
ing friends here Wednesday.
will practice his profession in the
Miss Katherine Shannon of
future. Di. Brown has secured
Hillsboro spent Sunday as the
offices in the Corbett building.
guest o f Miss Reba Hoffman.
Memorial Sunday, May 29, G.
, A beautiful
. .
. ,
. of A. R. Post, James B. Mathews,
ladies skirts at extra special pnc- No 6 win assemble at the meot-
es at the Hoffman, Allen store, tf ing rpoms at 10:3() a m and
Rev. Daniel Stavers was in march to the Christian Church,
from his Gales creek ranch Mon- where union services will be
day greeting his many friends.
held, Dr. Stivers delivering the
memorial address assisted by the
Several auto loads left this City
pastors of the other churches of
Wednesday for Newberg to at­
the city.
tend the W. O. W. convention.
The progressive proprietor of
Horses sent for and delivered
the Forest Grove Pharmacy has
to any part o f the City. Ind.
placed a most attractive enamel­
Phone No. 322. Harris & Mark­
ed glass sign over the entrance
to his place o f business. The
These balmy days remind us sign will be illuminated at night
that the season o f pic-nics is at ! by the means of electricity and
hand: if you get one o f those will undoubtedly prove a magnet
Schloss suits at Andersons you o f considerable power in drawing
trade to this up-to-date and
will be in readiness.
modern drug store.
Sicht and
A very pleasant party was held
friends of Mrs. Frank Orth, who
recently came here from Port­ at the home o f Mr. and Mrs.
land, have opened a dressmaking James Wilson where a number of
establishment in the Hoffman Miss Gladys Wilson’s friends
surprised her on her sixteenth
tenement house.
birthday. A fter a most enjoy­
The stock reducing sale at the
able evening spent with music
Booth Jewelry Company is still
and general entertainment, re­
going on and will be continued
freshments were served and the
until further notice.
guests departed regreting that
Shannon and family will birthdays did not come oftener.
return to their home in this City
Phelps and Mizner have com­
at the close o f the school year. menced a reduction sale o f their
They find Forest Grove much intire line o f wagons, buggies,
preferable to Portland as a place plows,
harrows, disc-harrows
of residence.
and all kinds o f farm imple­
a celestial nature.
A delightful “ Comet Break­
fast’ ’ was served, after which all
joined in the singing o f the
“ Comet Song, ” a copy o f which
was presented to each guest.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Moore and young son
Gussie; Mr. and Mrs. N. B. La-
course and son Oren; Mrs. Nettie
Austin, daughters and son Paul;
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rafferty;
Messrs G. Gardner and W. R.
Hicks; Misses
Phillips, Belle Taylor, Zola Karry
and Maude English; Mrs. Liv­
ingstone, Kingsley Livingstone,
Ned and Lois.
Mrs. Boldrick is to be con­
gratulated upon the originating
o f such a clever idea, and the
great success o f the affair.
Dedicate New Church
Elder G. W. Pettit returned
Tuesday from his trip to Junction
City where one o f the seven new i
Seventh Day Adventist churches
in Western Oregon was dedicat­
Mr. Pettit reports the new
Church at Cornelius nearing com­
Services will be held there in
the forenoon Saturday, and the
afternoon here, as usual, with
preaching in the evening and a
lecture on astronomy by Prof. C.
A. Wyman Sunday evening.
At the special meeting o f the
city council Tuesday evening
the matter o f the release o f the
Western Pipe Co., from a part
o f their contract and the reduc­
tion o f the size o f the pipe run­
ning from the reservoir to the
city from 14 to 12 inch was re­
ferred to the light and water
committee and city engineer.
The Mayor and City Recorder
were authorized to execute the
agreement arrived at by said
Unique “ Comet Party”
Last Friday morning will long
be remembered by a number of
Forest Grove residents as the
occasion o f one o f the most
unique and original entertain­
ments ever held. Mrs. T. Bold­
rick and daughters o f North
Mount invited a number of
friends to gather at their resi­
dence at 2:30 o ’clock o f the
morning, to gaze upon the comet
and participate in the games of
5 STAR 5
Blue Ribbon, White House Buster Brown
None better m ade anywhere, and
at prices that are absolutely right.
The SPECIAL feature this week is a bargain counter
full o f shoes consisting o f some numbers that we are closing
out. They are selling for less than 2-3 o f what they should
sell at, but we want to get them out o f the way for new
goods which we are getting soon. Drop in and look at them
they may be just your size. If they are you save from
to $1.50. The gain is all yours.
Call or Telephone Your Orders to
Schuliz Market & Grocery
For Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats,
Some A ge to Them
Fish and Vegetables of A ll Kinds
Census returns from Florence,
Colorado, include a pair o f re­
markable schedules in the case of
Francisco Esper and his wife,
Rafael, who claim to be 110 and
107 years old respectively, and to
have been married 90 years.
According to the information
given by their grand daughter,
Mrs. Julia Montoya, with whom
they reside, Esper, who is of
French parentage, was born in
what is now New Mexico in 1800
and his wife was born in Taoa,
Mexico, in 1803. They were
mairied at Santa Fe in 1820.
One son, the survivor o f 10 child­
ren, still lives in New Mexico,
and is 87 years old.
An Especially Neat Stock of Monopole Canned
Goods and Groceries
Stars shine brightest in the
darkest night: torches are better
for beating; grapes come not to
the proof till they come to the
press: spices smell beat when
bruised: young trees root the
faster for shaking; gold looks
brighter for scouring: Juniper
smells sweetest in the Öre; the
palm tree proves the better for
pressing; camomile the more
you tread It the more you spread
It. Such is the condition of all
God's children. They are then
most triumphant when most
tempted, most glorious when
most afflicted. —Bogatzky.
our claims
We don’ t believe that you can find
a better all round place to fit out the
home than right at thia store.
We don’t believe that you can
find a place that will deal more
fairly with you than we will.
We don’t believe that, dollar for
dollar, you can do QUITE aa well
anywhere else.
Those are our claims
them ia our aim.
Free Delivery to All Parts of the City
Both Phones
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove
If Y ou H ave the Kodak Fever
call and see our new and complete line
of Kodaks, the newest and best on the
market. Prices $1.00 to $100.00
Dr. Hines’ Drug Store
A. E. M O U L T O N
ments. Their unexcelled line of
implements are well known and
every article offered is new and
up- to-date.
The purpose of
more room
F. M. Bigelow, an expert o f
and seeds
the Landis Machine compans of
which will be largely increased.
St. Louis, was in the city Wed­
The Ladies Working Society of
nesday setting up the hot wax
shoe soleing machine recently the Congregational Church met
with Mrs. Major Ebberts of Van­
purchased by C. E. Dixon.
Or Somethin’.
couver, Wn., Friday afternoon.
Property in Forest Grove or in
“ Is your wife any better?’’
Mrs. Ebberts also entertained a
“ No; still ailing, i do wish she’d
Portland to trade for farm lands.
number o f Vancouver ladies, the get well, er somethin':"
L a n g l e y & S o n , Forest Grove,
principle attraction being a dime
social. Those going from here
Mrs. M. A. Thomas
The individual members of the were; Mesdames McKinzie, E.
Fashionable Dressmaker
library board offer three cash Seymour, White, Graham, A. B.
Cor. 2nd. St' and 1st. Ave. South.
prizes for the best botany exhib- Thomas, A. R. Leabo, Georgia
Forest Grove, Oregon
it to be placed in the Rodgers Hughes, S. H. Hunter, A. V.
Library room, no exhibit to have * Abraham, Burlingham and Harry
less than 30 specimens. These Goff.
Some of
exhibits will be open for inspect­
Mrs. Boldrick Gives
ion Tuesdao, May 31.
You should try a glass o f that
delicious soda, all flavors, at
Shearer’s. It will quench your
Subscribe for the PRESS, now
Roswurm & Moulton
Successors to
Roswurm & Co.
Dealers in Real Estate, Exchanges, Business Chances,
Ice, Coal and W o o d
Forest Grove
-------------------- F O R = = = = = =
W o v en W ire Fence, Barb W ire,
and A ll Kinds of Shelf H ard­
ware; W agons & Buggies.
H ygienic K a lso m in e ||
Heath & Milligan
Pratt & Lambert
to prove
Will you give ua an opportunity to
do so the first time you are needing
something in our iine?
R O E 8c C O M P A N Y
Brushes o f A ll Sorts & Si