Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 19, 1910, Image 2

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    cerre:l and has one important
part to perfonn in the awaken-
Published & Edited b;,
ing from the lethargy that seems
G . E. S e c o u r
to have seized this most valuable
in the City of
F orest G r o v e , O r e g o n ,
industry and by careful, consci-
THURSDAY o f EACH WEEK. entious, boosting give to Forest
Grove a reputiation wide as the
I n d e p e n d e n t P hones
O f f i c e 505
R esidence 231 world and which is rightfully
hers. That o f producing fruit
Entered at the poet office at Foiest Grove, Oirn
which cannot be excelled or du-
aa mail matter of the second cla. e.
! plicated, anywhere, regardless
T erms o f S u b s c r ip t io n
o f country, climate, or other
One Year $1.00 - Six Months .75
f o r e st
P r
The man who stutters does not
need to be told to think twice be­
fore he speaks once.
Some folks find out how far a
dollar will go by seeing how far
they can go on a dollar.
ployed doing what he was made
to do, carrying out the great life-
purpose patterned in his individ­
ual bent. The practical fulfilling
o f the life-purpose is to man
what the actual running and
keeping time are to the watch.
Without action both are mean­
in g le ss.—Orison Marden.
W . M. Langley & Son
The pig has never been known
to express any desire for jewelry,
Forest Grove, Ogn.
Energy when controlled by
though it very often wears a
sanity, works wonders; when al­
lowed to run riot, spells failure. J. N. Hoffman
Uncontrolled energy crushes con­
A ttomey-at-Laro
It keeps the society doctors
D isplay A dvertising rates on appli­
Collections and all business entrusted to m
servatism and makes puppets out given
prompt attention. Attorney for Forest
cation. L ocal R eaders five cents per
| busy nowadays hunting up new
of otherwise successful men. Grove Collection Agency.
line of seven words each insertion.
What is a knocker? A knock-: diseases that the common people
Q/fice-Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave.
Don’t smother your energy, just
Display advertisements for publica­
Ind. Phone 502
Forest Grove
er is a fellow who would fall | do not have,
get it under control.
It will
tion in the PRESS must be in this office
not later than Tuesday evening to in­
mean your greatest assets.
What is a knockers chief busi­ j Some say they will advertise
sure appearance in current issue.
H. W . Vollmer, M. D.
ness? To imagine that he can ¡when “ their ship comes in.” A
If a man thinks everyone is
Physician and Surgeon
Again W e Say, “Get Busy.’ do everything better than the better way is to advertise so as against him he will treat them
Office in Abbott Bldg.
j to make it come in.
fellow who is doing it.
so they will be. If he thinks Both Phones
Forest Grove, Ogn.
Organization has been talked
Does a knocker ever make j
everyone is a friend he will treat
and advocated among the fruit money? Yes, he makes money
An enterprising exchange has them nice and they will be
growers o f Washington county off the people that the boosters a long catalogue of work for friends. If a man is suspicious j O. W . Humphrey
for a number of years, yet today bring in.
'rainy days; but, then, who wants of everyone they will be suspic- j
they are approaching the com-
Do the boosters care? No, to work on rainy days?
ious o f him. You get just what Office-K. P. Bldg.
Phone 644
mencement of the fruit season they hope the knockers will all
is coming to you, good or bad—
Forest Grove, Oregon
apparently no nearer an effective get rich so they can soon retire
It begins to look now as though that’s sure.
If you keep on
organization than they were at and become respectable citizens, more people will try to raise
fighting, you’ ll get licked some Dr. O. H. Scheetz
the beginning of this important J
chickens than sweet peas in their time, good and plenty.
Chiropratlic Spinologist
industry several years ago.
Highways, Good And Bad back yards this summer.
It is not necessary to cite other
Specialist in nervous diseases, lung trouble,
The man without initiative rheumatism, in fact all diseases.
localities in the Pacific north-west
Among the greatest o f draw-
will be a long time on the road to
Office next to LaCourse’s store
which in a few years time sprang backs to farm life are bad roads,
success—and especially in the j
from obscurity into a world wide Fortunately these are obsticles
advertising business.
He will | W . H. Hollis
fame as producers of the choicest possible of being overcome, j Chicago was the home o f the
of fruit. Not one of these sec- Most questions have two sides, original “ Midway plaisance.”
to approve this or that b efore!
tions have as many natural ad- hut there is only one side to the
vantages as we might enjoy to- need and value of good roads,
Forest Grove, Ogn.
day, or are they older or longer Good roads like good streets, are but do not wear yourself out with quence his co-workers will pass j
settled. Experts have carefully noticeable at once to the most in- worry because you can not turn
examined the soil and climate different observer. The differ- the world and make it over in a the man who has the courage t o , W . Q. Tucker, M. D.
take the initiative and likewise
Physician and Surgeon
conditions of the entire state and ence between good roads and poor day.
in silence any criticism resulting, j Diseases o f Women A Specialty
have decided upon this locality ones is practically the difference
Dr. Brown’s Old Office
Many a woman as sharp as a
as being the most ideal for the between profit and loss to those
Forest Grove, Ore.
culture o f fruit, especially the who have to use roads. A good brier at the bargain counter, has
apple, yet the merits of soil, cli- highway is a universal public been obliged to confess that she
Victor H. Limber
mate and the fruit itself, de- benefactor. There is not a single was fooled in the selection of a
Funeral Director and Ejnbalmer
serving and unexcelled as they member of the community who husband,
Modern Equipments
are, have not yet reached the does not receive advantage and
IV.— How Lill Came to
boundries of our own state, j pleasure from it. It is most
So the “ sub-conscious self” is
F orest G ro v e
These facts are too well known democratic o f all public institu­ to enter into litigation arising
| ------------------------------ ----------
Bill Blue refused to advertise.
to our readers to need reviewing, tions. A court-house is for liti- from marital infelicities? How Said
he, “These measly paper guys
W. I. R. Beach
yet the question, “ Why do these gants, an asylum is for the in­ far-reaching the pyschological Will never get my hard earned cash."
B I L L 'S
conditions exist?” is ever before firm, a jail for criminals, a thea- implications o f life todav are.
Fire and Life Insurance
us and it certainly admits o f but ters for entertainments, a park
So very “ near" was old Bill Blue
He pinched a dollar bill in two.
one answer, “ Lack o f progress for recreation, a school for in-
A fire has just been put out He pinched his trade in two likewise.
and organization on the part of j struction, a church for worship- after it has burned for fifty This opened poor old William’s eyes.
Most popular stocks negotiated
the fruit growers themselves ers, a hotel for everybody—saint years and consumed $2,000,000,-
North First Street, near Main
and citizens in general.”
and sinner, man, wayfarer, but 000 worth o f coal. It will take
No one questions the import- ¡a
road is for woman and the consumers a long time to get
Forest Grove, Ore.
ance and value of a progressive, child, maid and matron, young it paid for.
live, up-to-date association and ! and old, rich and poor, healthy
in no one place in the Willamette i and sick, the lame, the halt, and
A Long Island surrogate has
valley is there as great an oppor- *he blind—all get a share of ben- decided that a gentleman may
Sanitary Plumbing
tunity for, or as great a need of, et^ ^roni a t?ood road,
get drunk three times a year.
and Heating
such an organization, as there is
make a good road involves But what some o f them would
Satisfaction guaranteed.
in this immediate vicinity, “ So the expenditure o f money, but it like to know is how many times
reasonable. Basement Hoffman build­
why have we not got it?” Any I *s nioney well spent, as it practi- may a gentleman get drunk and
ing. phone 502.
of the interested citizens when 1 calb' becomes an improvement in still be a gentleman.
approached on the question al-
community enjoying it and
E d w . R. W i r t z
most invariably reply “ I will do worth every dollar of costs,
The foremost advertising vir­
Practical and Sanitary Plumbing
my part. ” Here seems to be the
tue is persistence. One can no
answer to the question, “ Alack
The shirt waist has a great
PHONES— BELL 21 — in d . 68l
more make a single effort, how­
of leadership, of individual pro- deal of starch in the course of a
ever large, serve for a year’ s
Forest Grove,
gress and push.” Neither the year.
publicity, than he could get phy­
sical nourishment, for a life time, He smiled a bit and said: “ By gee!
I think I ve barked up the wrong tree.
Grove or Washington county in
A runabout wagon is greatly from a single dinner.
T o cure a business on the blink
general will come into its own to be preferred to a runabout
Preecribe a dote of prlnter’e ink.”
until some one does more than wife.
Funeral Director
Bill saw the “print." “A page," he said.
An UP-TO-DATE NEWSPAPER The printer man almost fell dead.
his part. A short time ago a
and Embalmer.....
there is cash in William's till.
cannery for our City was a very
The evils o f riches are seldom aims to GIVE THE NEWS WHEN IT Now
T H E AD. FO R M IN E !” says "Boost­
probable proposition and the only manifest to those who possess IS n e w s . No re-hash or worked
er Bill.”
Prompt Attention Given to
Over Stuff, but UP-TO-THE-MINUTE
reason it is not being built here them.
Calls. Modern Equip­
NEWS. When it is live news and
today is that our citizens had not
Oregon Electric Time Card
interesting to the public, you
the enterprise to grasp the op­
The skunk can not be called
portunity when it presented it­ penniless since he always has a
T h e E volu tion o f
Booster Bül
Today a proposition of vital
importance is before them and it
behooves them to lay aside the
dillatory tactics of the past,
change the disposition to wait
for some one else to take the
lead and g e t busy and do at
least a little part in assisting
nature in doing what she seems
determined to do, make of us
the central figure of a fruitgrow­
ing section.
This work does not rest with
k the fruit growers alone. The
merchant, the farmer, the labor-
er and every resident in this fer-
ble country of ours is vitally con-
Forest G rove
when thoroughly sifted there is
not much left.
That ”$500” clerk who wrote
to Secretary MacVeagh that he
had saved the government twoj
cents in ink by not dotting his
i’s or crossing his t’s spoiled all
his economy by writing an un­
necessary and foolish letter,
thereby using up ink that might
have been saved.
There is this to be said for the
apple tree —it never hides any
fruit in its trunk.
--------------- *-----
Sheep are most persistent gam­
holers, though they are constant-
ly being fleeced.
It is as impossible for a human
being to be happy who is habit­
ually idle as it is for a fine chron­
ometer to fce normal when not
running. The highest happiness
is the feeling of well-being which
comes to one who is actively em-
No. The milky way was not
caused by the cow jumping over
the moon.
Many stories are like ashes;
6:50 a m
8:40 a m
10:30 a m
12:20 p m
1:40 p m
4:10 p m
7:00 p m
9:45 p m
73)5 a m
8:30 a m
10:20 a m
p m
p m
p m
at Portland
8:00 a m
9:50 a rr.
11:40 a m
1 :S0 p m
2:50 p m
5:20 p m
8:10 p m
10;50 pm
T h e Press Prints
Letter Heads, Envelopes,
Foreet G rove
8:15 a m
9:40 a m
11:30 a m
1:20 p m
3:20 p m
4:40 p m
6:40 p m
9:35 p m
Business Cards. Calling
Cards. Statements, Bill
Heads, Circulars, and
Anything else that can be pro­
duced with ink and paper. Let
us have your next order. We
will deliver you a satisfactory and
a - L T? - P.y * * " d 11J0 p m —A r. F G 1* j * a m
L»s F..O. M 0 » m- -Ar. at h m k v l 4-1
An Artistic Job