Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 19, 1910, Image 1

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F orest G rove P ress
V ol.
Nothing W rong with W heat
Farmers Not Plowing U p Grain,
N o Sign of Hessian Fly
Cornelius Rapidly Growing
Progressiveness in A ll Lines Most
Noticeable-Prosperity Assured
N o. 2 8
Board Retains Many of Oid
Staff-Engage New Ones
Prof. Gardner to be Superinten­
dent, N ew Departments will be
A d d ed and W ork Specialized
A report has been circulated
through the columns o f various
papers that the farmers north of
this city were plowing up their
wheat on account o f a pest which
was supposed to be the Hessian
A careful investigation
which included a trip into the
supposedly effected country by a
representative o f the Press failed
to reveal any indication whatever
o f any such pest or any unfavor­
able conditions other than that
caused by an unusually severe
There are enough reports
which are true, published to the
country’ s injury, and the issuing
o f a false statement which in­
jures a section unjustly is almost
criminal in its carelessness.
Washington County Should
Help to Higher Education
Facilities for Learning Need to be
Increased and Provision Made
for Industrious Students
A recent visit to Cornelius
shows a prosperous condition in
that thriving town. A splendid
record o f building was made last
year and the present activities at
the beginning o f the building
season promises even greater
things for our thrifty neighbor
Frank Neff, the well known
authority on daughters, states
that “ Cornelius is old enough to
have a beau o f her ow n,” and
the successful manner in which
the Woodmen Street Carnival
was managed would be ample
proof of the fact were such proof
Board of Trade Extends In­
vitation for Annual Reunion
A lso Appoints Committee to A r ­
range for Entertainment of V is­
iting Parties from Portland
At a meeting o f the Directors
When the fact is considered
o f the Forest Grove Board o f
that the only schooling the ma­
Trade held Monday afternoon,
jority o f the children in our City
a committee consisting o f Ed
will secure is that furnished by
Seymore, A. G. Hoffman, W. H.
the public schools, it is the part
Scott. George Auld and W. B.
o f wisdom and economy to fur­
Haines, was appointed to arrange
nish the highest and best educa­
for the entertainment o f the
tion possible in such schools; and
tourist parties which will be
to do this successfully it is essen­
brought to this city by the
tial that Washington county, in
Contract Not Y et Let
Tourist Agency and Travel
the very near future, avail itself
Bureau o f Portland, o f which
o f the assistance provided for O dd Fellows Undecided About
Dorsey B. Smith is manager.
maintenance and support of the
Plans for Froposed Building
As the parties will make but
high schools already established.
Fall Crushes Skull
two stops in this section o f the
The Oregon State law provides
At the meeting o f the Odd valley, Forest Grove and Salem,
for the establishment o f a county
Bert Foster Drops from Trestle on high school fund and the county Fellows Lodge o f this city last it is the intention of the com­
P. R . & N. Near Buxton
judge must submit such a ques­ Monday evening no definite de- mittee to provide such a pro­
tion at any general election upon cision was reached in regard to gram o f sight-seeing as will
Bert Foster, age 22, who was the presentation o f a petition the three story brick building | fully cover the short space of
employed by the Pacific Engin­ signed by ten per cent o f the which that order contemplates time alloted to the parties at
erecting on the lots recently pur­ this point, to the best possible
eering company in construction legal voters o f the county.
work on the new P. R. and N.
The basis o f the distribution o f chased at the corner o f Main advantage. The visitors will be
railroad, fell from a 40 foot tres­ the money from this fund is the Street and First avenue North, shown all the points o f interest,
tle last Thursday, striking the top daily average attendance o f each and as yet no contract has been and the many advantages o f this
community from a residental
of his head on a stump, crushing established high school and the | let.
As the cost of the proposed and business stand-point will be
in the skull like an egg-shell.
amount of money paid to each
The accident occured near Bux­ district shall not be less than $40 building is greater than was at fully explained.
At this meeting o f the Board,
ton and the injured man was at per pupil for the first 20 o f such first estimated it is deemed wise
once placed aboard a train and average daily attendance, and $30 to make some changes in the an invitation was also extended,
through W. J. R. Beach, to the
hurried to St. Vincents hospital in for the second 20; nor more than plans first formulated.
Grand Army o f the Republic,
Portland, where an operation $12.50 per pupil for all the re­
was performed. At last reports maining pupils. But the total Narrow Escape from Death Department o f Oregon, to hold
its annual convention one year
he was doing nicely.
amount paid any district shall not
from this June, in Forest Grove.
exceed the amount paid by the
Mr. Beach will go to Astoria,
W ork, Car Turns Over and
New Oregon Electric Agent district to the teachers employed
the scene o f this years gathering
Slightly Injures Occupants
with a strong and able
J. E. Farmer, who has acted
This fund would not only be o f
relative to the
as assistant agent for the Oregon benefit to the districts wherein
Tuesday a demonstrator from
Electric at this point, has been high schools are established but Salem with a “ Kissel Kar”
advanced to the position o f gen­ would also prove o f benefit to itarted to climb the grade lead-
eral agent, filling the vacancy each district having students de­ ng to the summit on the Wilson reunion, and from every indi­
C. E. Albin Promoted
made by the promotion o f C. E. siring to take the high school liver road. When the car reach­ cation, Mr. Beach is fully de­
G oes to Salem as General Agent Albin. Mr. Farmer is a gentle­ course, for the law provides that ed the first “ z ig z a g ,” the car- termined to bring the veterans
man o f wide experience in rail­ such schooling shall be paid for borator failed to get gasoline and among us.
of Oregon Electric Railroad
All the support possible will be
road work, and is well qualified from the high school fund.
as the brake refused to operate
Mr. Beach, and every
It is in the power o f Washing­ properly the car started down
C. E. Albin, who has been the for the position. His appoint­
to secure this con­
local agent for the Oregon Elec­ ment gives universal satisfaction ton county not only to place her the grade without control.
will not only be a
The fact that the driver suc­
tric since that line built into to the business men, and citizens high schools on a more elevated
to the city, but
plane, furnishing the means, by ceeded in guiding the car into
town, left Tuesday for Salem in general, o f Forest Grove.
will be the means of promulgat­
increased faculties and a larger the bank, thus preventing it from
and assumed the duties o f gen­
ing its advantages far and near
corps o f teachers, enabling them dropping over the outer edge of
eral agent for the Oregon Elec­
Death of A . D . Gilpin
throughout Oregon.
to specialize and do greater and the road, which at that point is
tric at that place.
Since coming here Mr. Albin
A. D. Gilpin was born in more effective work, but to aid i very steep and dangerous, is all
A fter Law Breaker*
has seen the electric road grow Woodford County, Kentucky, the students of outlying districts that prevented a very disastrous
from a mere construction line to August 4,1820. Died in Gaston, who perhaps would be unable to wreck and almost certain casual­
one o f the most modem, improv­ Sunday, May 15.
He was get beyond the 8th grade, to con­ tie s ; as it was, the car onlv turn­ Game Warden* Secure Arre*t and
ed and successful
suburban married in 1841 to Mary Ann tinue and obtain a much needed ed over on it’s side, causing min­
Conviction of Offender*
routes; and his genial, accommo­ Patterson, who died in 1855, sur­ high school education.
or injuries to a few members o f
Regardless of personal feeling the party which included Hugh
dating manner and sterling worth vived by five children: W. B .;
Deputy Game Wardens Brem-
has won, not only many personal John; G. W .; A. J. and Martha. or preference, today is the dav Smith, John McNamer, John mer, Parker and Russell return­
friends, but friends and business In 1868 he again married to o f higher education, and no sub­ Stribich, John Wirtz and Claude ed Friday from Tillamook where
for the company he represents. Ellen Buckley, she dying in 1872 ject is o f more importance, or Smith.
they had been on an expedition
The family will remain in this survived by 2 children, Frances has greater influence and effect
The car while slightly damag­ against the unlawful which re­
on a community, than this one; ed was able to make the trip into sulted in the arrest and convic­
City for the present but in the and Emma Gilpin.
near future will make their home
tion o f eleven o f the offender»
Today the surviving children and the community that would town for repairs.
in Salem.
against the game laws. State
arc W. B. Gilpin, Emma Russell, keep abreast of the times and be
Warden Stevenson is deterrriined
Memorial Day Service»
o f Oregon and G. W. Gilpin o f alive to its best interests, must
give this subject the most care­
W ith the Bow and Arrow
Decoration Day, J. B. Math­ that the number o f such offen­
Mr. Gilpin settled in Yamhill ful consideration. And it is now ews Post and Corp will leave the ders shall be brought to the min­
The meeting o f the Barnes county in 1881 where he resided up to Washington county to do hall at 9:30 a. m. and proceed to imum and in this has the hearty
Archery Club o f Portland with until the time o f his death. He so.
the cemetary where the giaves co-operation o f his deputies.
the local club o f this city was well was for 50 years a member o f
o f departed comrades will be Together they are making rapid
attended and some very excellent the Baptist church.
The Royal Neighbors will hold decorated. It is the desire o f strides to this end.
shooting was done. The scores services were held at Gaston initiatory
ceremonies Friday the post to meet all the school
o f Prof. H. S. Bates and Miss E. with interment in Hill cemetary night and a large attendance is children at the monument o f the
Mrs. Winifred Aldrich enter­
B. Penfield were above the aver­ Tuesday,
Rev. N. W. Phelps expected and requested.
unknown dead.
tained her music class last Tues­
age. although neither o f them had officiating.
At 2:00 p. m. there will be
Strawberries and
E. C. Luce. Deputy County services at Marsh Hall with day evening.
had any practice since last season.
cream were served and »delight­
The local organization will short­
ful time enjoyed.
propriate exercises.
Subscribe for the Press
day in Portland.
ly visit the Portland club.
At the meeting o f the school
board Saturday, May 14, the fol­
lowing teachers were chosen for
the coming school year:
Superintendent o f Schools - - -
- ............. Prof. O. M. Gardner
of Central High
School - - - Miss Anna Taylor
Assistant P rincipal------ -- - -
------ . . . . . Mrs. Grace Shea
Principal o f Lincoln School - -
- - - - - Prof. Leonard Hiebel
Teachers are as follows - - -
Misses Bella Chalmers - - -
Lillian H o r t o n ...........................
Gladys Todd ...........................
Ada V a n V orst......................-
Ethel Joy - - - - - - -
Edith S t a n l e y ...........................
Marion Masters - - - -
Elsie L a t h r o p ...........................
Pearle Cooke - ......................
Jessie Greer - - - - - -
Bertha C l e m e n t ......................
Myrtle S c r o g g s ......................
The new members on the
teachers staff come very highly
recommended to our school board
and are without exception teach­
ers o f experience, ability and
success, while the work o f the
old teachers has placed a stan­
dard for the work accomplished
which we can only expect to be
advanced by increased numbers
thus enabling them to improve
on their work by having more
time to specialize their efforts
and in this manner obtain better