State Grange in Session Live Items of Local Interest The 37th annual general Session of the Oregon State Grange con­ vened in Oregon City Tuesday Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling and is scheduled to come to a Local Reporters of the Press close tomorrow, Friday. Close to 800 persons are in attendance «• « For Sanitary Plumbing, Steam and Hot Mrs. R. Steigleder was a Port- and accommodations in the City Assessor Crandall was up from Water Heating........................................... land visitor Saturday. are considerably crowded. An Hillsboro Friday. of Banks elaborate reception was held at Willie Thompson Forest Grove, Oregon E. S. Willis o f Banks was a vis­ Pacific Avenue spent Sunday with friends . . . ---- - jn , j Shively’ s Opera House Tuesday . itor in the Grove Monday. . night and an address of welcome Mrs. F. W. Emerson has been delivered by Dr. W. E. Carll, the quite ill the past week. Mrs. W. R. Douglas o f Gales regp0nse being made by Austin The Forest Grove Garage is City is spending a few days in T Buxton, master of the State GILTNER & D O A N E ¡Grange. Tonight the sixth dt- the proper place to buy bicycles. Portland. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Do you buy your auto supplies! gree will be confered upon a class John Connell, of Hillsboro, at the Forest Grove Garage? If of 100 candidates in Masonic was among our Sunday visitors. Vegetables, Farm Produce and Fruits in Season Temple followed by a Grange j not, why not? tf Robert Banks o f the town of | Special prices on ladies Ameri­ banquet in the assembly hall. All Stock New and Highest Grade that name spent Tuesday in this can Beauty Corsets at the Hoff­ Free Delivery to any part o f the City city. man, Allen store. tf A few lines o f men’s felt hats Mrs. Wm. Cameron and child­ F o rest G rove BOTH PHONES at Hoffman, Allen & C o - s p e c i a l ren are visiting friends and re­ PRICES. tf latives in Portland. Mrs. E. E. Williams is confined Mrs. Goss who has charge o f wmmnn«nm»in»nnmmntnntn:mi to her home with an attack of the Western Union Office left for la grippe. Seattle Wednesday. II.—‘ T here’s No Place To clothe and hat the boys A few more of those nice dress Like Home” nicely and cheaply, take them to skirts left; better hurry if you Finest of Bread and Pastry Baked Every Day Andersons. Hilda the Helper used to say, get one at Andersons. Get a bottle of Oregon Blood when she was rather younger, “ I W e sell 6 loaves of bread for 2 5 ^ purifier at Miller’s. Every bot- Mrs. D. E. Stewart and little think I ’ll pack and go a w ay; I ’ve tie guaranteed. tf daughter of Portland spent Sun­ Free Delivery to All Parts of the City got the city hunger.” day with Mrs. F. A. Moore. A. W. Malls and family of Pacific Avenue Forest Grove Greenville, spent Monday at the Salesman Royce, representing home o f O. A. Cork the Twitched Motor Co., was Men’ s oak half-soles sewed or cahing at the forest Grove Ga- nailed 75^. C. E. Dixon, Pacific rage Monday. Avenue, Forest Grove. tf Dr. J. H. Knox who is taking The Progressive Store a course in dentistry in the Dent­ Mrs. W.W. Ryals o f Roy, was Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes al College of Poitland, spent visiting with her sister, Mrs. Sundav in the Grove. A Fine Line of General Merchandise Ray Humphrey, Saturday. Mrs. Geo. It. Hughes and dau­ Tom Sain and John Fisher of ghter Maxine are spending the Scoggins valley were transacting week with Mr. Hughes mother, business in the City Monday. Mrs. Georgia Hughes, $3000 residence in Forest Grove Just received a shipment of to trade for farm property, D. D. D., the only remedy for One day did Hilda up and pack, she tf L an gley & S on . hied her to the city. Three eczema and all skin diseases. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Richardson At Miller’s Drug store. months from THEN SHE M0SIED tf are the parents o f twin boys BACK and sang another ditty: You who contemplate the pur­ at the which were born last Sunday. chase of commencement presents ‘The city wasn’t half so fine as I A. W. Russell recently sold his should get them now while the had judged from rumor, so it’s ranch near town, which contain- big sale is on at Booth’s. tf THE OLD HOME TOWN FOR ed a little less than 20 acres, for Sure death to codling moth, MINE, and I shall be its boomer.” $(> , 000 . Black or Tan Pacific Ave. 1 spay with Sherwin-Williams ar- Fred Wilmont, wife and little senate of lead $16.75 per hundred daughter, from Hale, Missouri, pounds. Forest Grove Pharmacy, p a n t i n g * the home o f W .J . M s . Sc|mK.k, deputy Food H. L. DECKERT H IL D A THE / HELPER Home Baking Co. Hoffman, Allen Co. m i - It Shines SHOE SHOP and Dairy Commissioner, has Miss Minnie Myers, who has spent the past week in this City been ill with la grippe for sever- and immediate locality on official al days is reported rapidly im- duties. proving. Mr. Wm. Reynolds and wife o f McMinnville were visiting friends in this City the first of the week. INDEPENDENT PACIFIC STATES 33 Fashion Stahles j g Matthews wishes to show you the new “ Union” jack; for lifting, setting tires, stretching fence and many other uses. Al- ways handy. tf If you want your prescription J. S. Semones of C a ld w e ll, Ida. filled correctly, without any sub- visited his brother, Dr. Semones. stitutions, take it to the Forest i Sunday. Mr. Semones is in the Grove Pharmacy. state looking up registered Jer­ Dr. Semones. Homeopathic sey cows for shipment to Cald­ well. Pysician and Oculist. Does no The place is neat surgery. O ffice at residence. The candy sweet 319 North A street. Ind. Phone Weatherly ice cream 3625. tf Can not be beat Verne Nichols is playing ball For sale at the Den with the Benke-Walker business O f Sweets. tf college this season. He pitched A. M. Pulliam o f the O. R. & the game they played against N telegraph department in Port­ Hillsboro Saturday. land. was a visitor in the Grove Mr. and Mrs. Ruby o f Louis- Tuesday. Mr. Pulliam has a tim- viUe. Neb., originally, and late o f c \a \ m near Banks upon which Denver, Colo., are moving their he expects to locate very shortly, household goods to this city, and Work on the concrete base­ will locate here permanently. ment o f the new M. E. Church J. R. Ballard o f Independence has commenced and additional spent several days visiting with workmen will be secured to hur- old friends here. He was form- ry the construction of the entire erly engaged in the blacksmith building to an early completion, business in this City with J. G. ... j Lwnnevillc. Miss Bortha Kirkwood, who has been employed as s&les-ladv Wm. Reynolds a former pho- in the millinery department o f tographer and jeweler o f this Lippman Wolf & Co. in Portland City was visiting among friends has returned to Forest Grove and Oie foie part of the week, Mr will fill a similar position in the Reynolds is now engaged in busi- millinery establishment of her nets at Da vton. sister, Miss Kirkwood. PHONES I. A. Brown, Proprietor First Class Rigs Careful Drivers Prices Right Pacific Avenue Forest Grove, Ore. Sundries and More Sundries in every department than we can enumerate if we were to occupy a whole page of the paper. Come in and let us “ show you” wheth­ er you are from Missouri or not. Our service is right. Our goods are right. Our prices are right and you will find we are alright. Yours for pills Forest Grove Pharmacy T H E U P -TO -D A TE D R U G G IS TS P honks : JOE L E N N E V I L L E THE HORSE SHOER Bell 231 free d e l iv e r y Ind. »01 I Shoeing done in all its b r a n c h e s ........................ - - Veterinary and track shoeing a specialty. - * * - Twenty-five years experience. - - * ■ ‘ - * - All work guaranteed. . . . BOTH PHONES FOREST GROVE, ORE. The Largest and Best Selected Stock of Jewelry, W atches and d o c k s in Washington County ARTHUR SHEARER Come and See the New Line of Goods Just Received- All Goods Guaranteed as Represented /