Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 12, 1910, Image 7

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•■ H
“Windy Jim” Discourses
Live Items of Local Interest
Subscribe for the PRESS, now
“ Say fellers was any o f vou^a
buzzard?” said "W indy
Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling
Jim” as he slipped a package of
Local Reporters of the Press
‘Newton’ s best’ from the gum
case on the counter and proceed­
The local grange held an en- He has accepted a position as ed to ‘set’ down in his usual
thusiastic meeting Saturday.
head sawyer in Beimrhoar’s saw place among the village bums.
“ Well I was onc’t, ‘color and all
The Forest Grove Garage is mi)1- During a call at this office .
the proper place to buy bicycles. he expressed surprise and pleas- “ P1 the feathers, all day my
ure in our City and Country neck was red from exertion and
Wanted—An experienced girl
which he believed to excell any­ the rest o f me would be black as
for general housework,
tar frum handlin’ the dirt and
thing in the north-west.
Mrs. W. N. F errin .
natural rotteness o f the tow n.”
Men’ s Golf shirts at special
“ Well I’ ll be durned” said
F. T. Miles and wife visited with
prices at Hoffman, Allen & Com­ Nick Mallory leaning forward
friends in Portland Saturday
and looking closely at “ W indy,”
evening and Sunday.
Mr. Libby o f Hillsboro was a “ who’ d ever thot thet you ever
Mr. and Mrs. Fuller o f Port­
Sunday visitor at the home o f S. exerted yourself to such extent?
land were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Corl.
“ Now don’ t git funny” replied
V. H. Limber Sunday.
J .” “ You all know as how
Do you buy your auto supplies
Will Getter the catcher that is
the Forest Grove Garage? If I wouldn’ t work that hard but
ever popular with the Forest not, why not?
'twas a blush fer the kind of
Grove fans was a Sunday visitor.
T, .
¡work I was doin’ . ” “ Twere out
It is reported that a new sche-
in Forest Grove one time as the
A beautiful assortment o f dule will go in effect on the Oreg-
City Council decided to clean up
ladies skirts at extra special p ric-: on Electric the first of June
| the town a bit, somethin’ as
es at the Hoffman, Allen store, tf which will give additional trains
ought to bin done wonc’ t or
Mrs. Oscar Baldwin, o f Port­ and a later service at night. No twis’ t every year for the last
land, spent the week’ s end with | official announcement has yet | twenty years. ” “ Well the City
been made.
relatives and friends o f this city.
was to hire bout a dozen teams |
Forest Grove and Washington on a certain’ day bout a month Ì
Property in Forest Grove or in
county will be well represented ahead to haul off the rubbish etc., |
Portland to trade for farm
Ia r iin lands.
a n u s . a t th e W q W d ;s tr jc t
conven-1 mostly etc., an’ I wasdrivin’ one
L angley & S on , Forest Grove, | tjQn
which meets at Newberg 0f the teams as was delegated tu
1 May 18.
Arrangements have haul away the refuse” “ Bout
President Ferrin of Pacific Uni-1 already been made for two auto- j the second day it had rained and
versity occupied the pulpit at the mobile loads from this place.
all the tin cans and other house-
Congregational church Sunday
If you deal with me you have keepin’ efforts was full o f water j
my personel attention. No work and when I picks up a barrell of
You should try a glass o f that is turned out half done.
We trash which had no bottom i n ;
delicious soda, all flavors, at have all the newest and best ma­ it—the barrell I meam -there!
Shearer’ s. It will quench your terials of the season and stand­ was tin cans an bottles and de-
kayed vegetables a flyin’ in every !
ard authority for our work.
Mr. A. B. Caples and wife ac- Miss Kirkwood, the milliner, tf 'lorekshum and .\ou bet I got the
finest shower bath you ever]
companied Mr. S. G. Hughes and
C. E. Dickinson and son Vau- saw. ” Funny how some things
wife in an auto trip to Portland
ghn of Portland were the guests grows out there, they kin laise
o f J. G. Lenneville and family on : umbrellas the year around and!
The stock reducing sale at the Saturday. Mr. Dickinson is an the way that rubbish grow ed '
Booth Jewelry Company is still old friend o f the Lennevilles and was fierce, we cleaned up one
going on and Will be continued they passed severftf hours in the side <5f the' town fUst day out an’
recalling o f pleasant incidents of next day their was four times the
until further notice.
by-gone days.
refuse thar was the fust day, — j
Loren Bogan, who is taking a
The Fluer De Lis Club met j growed like mushrooms so it did.”
dental course at the Portland Thursday with Mrs. Arthur B.
“ We jist nacherally hadtostop
college, spent a part o f Friday Caples and a pleasant afternoon ¡haulin’ to keep it frum berryin’
with friends in this city.
was spent. Refreshments w e r e the town.” But that cooked me
Those present were; all right. ’
What did? enquir-
Mrs. Walter Baldwin, who has served.
been ill at a Portland hospital for Mesdames Willis Goff, Mayne J. ed “ Pete” who always bites at
a number o f weeks, returned Abbott and E. B. Tongue, Misses “ Windy’s” gags.
vVhy ye see
home Sundav much improved in Margaret Hinman, Katherine l got all wet frum the rain an
cussin’ I got
! Shannon and Manche Langley.
! ¡the
the treatment and cussin
frum some of the people made
Thomas Hollister o f University
me so hot that the steam jisc
Place, an old veteran and former
Gaston Couple W ed
nacherlly cooked me thru, an’ |
resident o f this city, spent Sun­
A wedding that united Miss I’ ve been done w.orkin’ ever
day here with old comrades and
Why I reckon some |
Emma Martin and Mr. Perry sence”
Gabbert, popular young people o f people akchully cleaned up enufi
Judge Wirtz is dividing his Gaston, occured at the Christian rubbish so they could see tear-a-
time between this City and Oak parsonage in this City Friday, firma fer wonc’t an’ if they’ u
park, where his wife and sister, the services being read by Rev. only clean up bout every munth
Mrs. DeGroot o f Portland, are E y
Stivers, pastor o f the they’d have a purty good lookin’
spending a week on the Judge’s Christian church. Only immed- town after while.
iate friends o f the young couple
T h e S torm B i r d .
Miss Kirkwood the milliner, witnessed the ceremony. A fter
Dakota Indiana say the storm bird
has the newest things in millinery a wedding trip Mr. Gabbert and
dwells so hilt It »* w
° m nf h" ,ll!,n
reasonable prices and a good as­ wife will make their home on a vision and earrles a fresh water lake
ou his back, so that when he plumes
sortment. Hats made to order farm near Gaston.
himself it rains, when be winks his
or made over. Satisfaction guar-
bright eyes it lightens and when he
Big City Improvements
flaps bis wings thunder rolls.
H. B. Johnson and E. R. Wirtz
were elected delegates to the
Grand Lodge K. o f P. which con­
venes in Portland June 20, 21 and
22, with C. O. Roe and J. W.
Hughes alternates.
W. T. Fogle, a former news­
paper man o f this City, visited
Saturday renewing old acquaint­
ances. Mr. Fogle is now at the
head o f the Christie-Hoge Print-
ing company o f Portland.
The infant daughter o f Mr.
and Mrs. John White died at the
home o f the parents in Cornelius
Saturday. Interment was made
in the Verboort cemetery Sunday
Rev. Father Buck officiating.
G. W. Congdon, who has been
visiting with his daughter Mrs.
Fred Lillie o f Gales Creek, pas­
sed through this city Friday en-
route to his daughter’ s home.
You may talk o f big bridges,
and parks, and such, but after
all “ they are not so much.”
The greatest improvements a city
can know, are improvements
that into its houses go. For ’ tis
“ home” where the people all
really live, and we want there
the best that the world can give.
That’ s why Chi-Namel is used so
much, by Americans, English,
an(^ Dutch. It s the
greatest finish that s known for
wood, and no one has found any
other as good. Fill knot holes,
nail holes and all other crevices
with Chi-Namel Crack Filler,
then apply the Ready-to-use
Graining Process and make cheap
hard wood or old painted wood
look like new high grade o a k -
light, dark or
samples o f the work. Sold by
Mertz & Latta.
This is to certify
that in trading at
I always get a square deal,
good honest weight, and prices
are always right.
I can rec­
ommend their place to any one
wishing to buy groceries, dry-
goods, shoes cr furnishings.
A . Satis Fied,
Call or Telephone Your Orders to
Schultz Market & Grocery
For Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats,
Fish and Vegetables of A ll Kinds
An Especially Neat Stock of Monopole Canned
Goods and Groceries
Free Delivery to All Parts of the City
Both Phones
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove
If Y ou H ave the K odak Fever
call and see our new and complete line
of Kodaks, the newest and best on the
market. Prices $1.00 to $100.00
Dr. Hines’ Drug Store
A . E. M O U L T O N
Roswurm & Moulton
Successors to
Roswurm & Co.
Dealers in R eal Estate, Exchanges, Business Chances,
Ice, C oal and W o o d
Forest Grove
= = = = =
W o v e n W ire Fence, Barb W ire,
Mrs. M. A. Thomas
Fashionable Dressmaker
Cor. 2nd. S f and 1st. Ave. South.
and A ll Kinds of Shelf H ard­
Forest Grove, Oregon
ware; W agons & Buggies.
Some of
U I* c l a i m s
We don’ t believe that you can find
a better all round place to fit out the
home than right at this store.
Heath & Milligan
We don’ t believe that you can
find a place that will deal more
fairly with you than we will.
Pratt & Lambert
We don’ t believe that, dollar for
dollar, you can do QUITE as well
anywhere else.
Those are our claims - to prove
them is our aim.
Will you give u* an opportunity to
do so the first time you are needing
something in oar iineT
Brushes o f A ll Sorts & Sizes
; t