CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK Doings of the World at Large Told in Brief. General .Resume o f Important Event! Presented In Condensed Form fo r Our Busy Readers. The death o f K in g Edward w ill make great changes in the political sit­ uation in England. A season of 20 weeks o f grand opera in N ew York cost the managers $1,- 100,000, yet they made money. John A . Benson, who had served time for land frauds in California, dropped dead from heart disease. Roosevelt w ill not be entertained at the German emperor’s palace, as that government is in mourning for K ing Edward. Spectators caught betting on the ball games at Los Angeles are ejected from the grounds. The manager believes the game would be demoralized. K in g George V, who now ascends the throne o f England, made ; a good im­ pression by his brief speech upon tak­ ing the oath, and his people express great confidence in him. A compromise has been reached on the exposition question between San Diego and San Francisco. The former w ill hold an industrial exposition and the latter a w orld’s fair. An Illinois grand juror says i f they want to paint the state black, he w ill help all he can, and has no doubt it can be done, as legislative bribery scandals are growing all the time. A Philadelphia policeman rescued three children from death under the hoofs o f the horses in a chariot race at a circus, but was himself fatally in­ jured and died soon after. DYING CAPTAIN BEGS PARDON. W recked Submarine Yields Last M es­ sage From Commander. Victoria, B. C., May 9.— While Com­ mander Sakuma and his 14 men were lying in a wrecked submarine off Kure on April 15, the commander wrote a letter to the emperor begging forgive­ ness for loss o f the vessel and com­ mending his officers and men. The letter was found after the submarine had been raised. The submarine was o f the newest type, and was engaged on April 15 near Hiroshima bay, carrying out her part in the maneuvers, being submerged 1,- 800 yards east o f her parent ship. Two hours passed without notice o f the sub­ marine’s failure to rise and then, sig­ nals being unanswered, a boat was low­ ered and efforts made to locate the submarine. Much o f the letter was not publish­ ed, but it is stated that Lieutenant Sakuma expressed sorrow to the em­ peror for the loss o f his vessel and brother officers and crew, whom he praised fo r their heroism and calm wait fo r death, and he requested the emperor to succor their families. The last w riting was made an hour and 20 minutes after the boat was submerged, and conveyed messages o f farewell to the minister o f the navy and friends, stating that breathing had become so difficult that further writing as im­ possible. The letter said one o f the crew had tried to close the valve o f the ventila­ tion pipe, but the chain had broken. He tried to close the valve with his hand, but was too late. W ater began to enter by the rear part o f the boat, which fell 25 degrees. The dynamo was submerged and all the lights went out, bad gas accumulating al­ most simultaneously. The crew drove the current o f water from the main tank and tried to get rid o f it by hand pumps. They were drenched as they worked and chilled. The message end­ ed with statements that all were ready for death. The submarine was being tested on a gasoline semi-submerged voyage. REQUIEM FOR 1,800. A brother o f Dr. Cook says he is a physical wreck, and is livin g near a Death List in Costa Rica Earthquake sanitarium, under the care o f its phy­ Grows Appallingly. sicians, but has never been in South San Jose, Costa Rica, May 9.— America, as was reported, Chimes o f the historic Church Del Car­ K ing Edward is seriously ill with men, the belfry o f which withstood the bronchitis. earthquake shock o f Wednesday, tolled The theatrical trust o f Klaw & Es- a requiem at sunset tonight for Car­ tage’s dead. langer is declared to be broken up. While the bells pealed out the tid­ It is estimated that 80 per cent of ings o f sorrow, 5,000 homeless men, the shingle mills o f the Northwest are women and children, their uncovered Idle. heads bowed with grief, stood in silent r Ja m e s J. H ill has announced defin­ prayer upon the hill tops overlooking itely that a new passenger depot w ill the ru in aof the ancient city. Hour by hour the magnitude o f the disaster be­ b^ built in Portland for his lines. comes more apparent. An explosion in No. 3 coal mine at Eighteen hundred are dead. Almost Palos, Alabama, entombed about 200 as many are wounded, ‘many o f whom men. Bodies are being recovered. w ill die. Ten thousand are homeless, Scores have ng ml Four hundred striking miners at hundreds are starving. eked several been driven insane. Pittsburg, Kansas, wrecked For the brave survivors, who for coal mines and drove away the men three days have witnessed almost un­ who were at work. speakable horrors, perils o f famine The pure food commissioner o f Lou­ and pestilence remain to be faced. isiana has condemned and ordered des­ Pioneers o f Costa Rica are facing troyed thousands o f cases o f canned them with undaunted hearts. salmon that was put up on the Colum­ Huddled in camps o f refuge, biv­ bia river. ouacked under the shadow o f the vol­ Cartago, the picturesque and ancient cano Poaz, the city ’s wealthy and capital o f Costa Rica, has been almost poor alike arose today from a third entirely destroyed by an earthquake. night o f terror, ready to plan for the A t least 500 persons [were killed and task o f reconstructing a new and as many more injured. grander city over the smoking rem- hant o f what is Cartago, a waste of Speaking In the National theater at ashes and tumbled masonry. Christiana, Norway, Roosevelt gave Hundreds o f victim s were laid to hope o f universal peace and reverenced rest today. Long trenches were dug the name o f the gerat Norwegian poet and whole fam ilies buried together. Bjornson, who died recently. Many o f the dead were unidentified. In order to avoid a collision with an­ From the ruins scores o f bodies are other car containing a number o f wo­ being removed hourly. men, a Los Angeles auto driver turned Some Americans are reported killed, his own car into the curb and was but indentification, even by the records, killed in the smash which followed. is now impossible. The American colony immediately An excellent photograph o f H alley’s comet has been taken at Lick observa­ set about to rescue those pinned down tory, in California. The comet is now by wreckage. plainly visible about 3:30 a. m. about 10 degrees above the eastern horizon. Two French counts exchanged six shots in a duel and neither was hiL A daughter o f Richard Crocker, ex- Tammany boas, married a groom in a riding academy. Mark Twain le ft all his property to his only surviving daughter. He le ft about (180,000. The jury returned a verdict o f mur­ der in the second degree for Charles Wealer, Tacoma murderer. A second man has been found who received 11,000 tor voting for Lorimer, of Missouri, for U. S. senator. The New York state legislature fa il­ ed by one vote to pass i resolution en­ dorsing the Federal income tax. The polied chief o f Council Bluffs, la., has been ousted by the courts for complicity in the Maybray fake fight frauds. Woman suffragists Will campaign M entire state o f Illinois during the MHun«r in an effort to carry the fall dW'TWMpa President, Taft eu log i sea Secretary Presùmi. Knox and kks work. Detective Byrnes Dies. New York, May 9.— Thomas F. Byr­ nes, ex-superintendent o f polic9 o f the city o f N ew York, but more famous for his work in the detective bureau, died at his home here tonight from chronic indigestion, after an illness of more than two years. He was 66 years old. Byrnes was bom in Ire­ land, but came to this country when very young. He joined the police force early and rose rapidly: at 28 he was captain. During his term the ag­ gregate o f sentences imposed on prison­ ers taken by him reached 10,000 yean . Match Oost #2,000,000. Victoria, B. C., May 9.— New s was brought by the Aytneric that the lac­ quer manufactories o f Japan, centered •t Wajima, in Noto, Were almost wiped out in a great fire at Wajim a on April 16. In all 1,808 building, including factories, temples, postofficc and public buildings, were destroyed and a loss occasioned to property o f over 12.000,000. The fire was due to a small boy playing with a match. Three hundred lacquer manufactories are engaged there, their exports amounting to half a million dollars yearly. POWDER WORKS BLOWN TO BITS. Storage Magazine at Hull, Que­ bec, Destroyed by Fire. Baseball Crowd Gathered to Watch the Fire, Disregards Warning, and Many are Slaughtered. Ottawa, Ont., May 10.— In an ex­ plosion today the plant o f the General Explosives company, o f Canada, near Hull, Quebec, was totally wrecked. Fifteen persons were killed and 50 others injured. The force o f the ex­ plosion was terrifyin g. The country for miles around was laid waste and many small buildings in the city o f Hull, on the side nearest the explosion, were laid flat on the ground. A baseball game was in progress a short distance from the powder works about 6 o ’clock this evening. The teams were playing the last inning and when a fire was seen in one o f the small buildings o f the powder plant, the crowd began to swarm up the hill to get a better view o f the blaze. Warnings o f danger soon came to the onlookers in two small explosions. Sparks and fragments o f the wrecked building fe ll among the spectators and there was a scurrying from what was considered the danger zone. Some men in the crowd, aware o f the possibility o f the danger when the main magazine should be Reached, pleaded with the crowd to go still fur­ ther back. Many heeded the warning. Others, apparently enjoying the ele­ ment o f danger in the spectacle, stood within 1,000 yards o f the burning buildings. They were kept on the qui vive by the continuous detonations that sent showers of burning brands in all directions. The scene where the crowd from the ball game stood resembled a battle­ field. Headless, armless and legless bodies were lying about among scores o f unconscious forms. The silence that followed the final death-dealing blast was broken by the terrifyin g cries and moans which came with a re­ turn to consciousness o f the badly in­ jured. RECLAM ATION SHAKF-UP SURE Ballinger Say» If H e Stays Every Dis­ loyal Suoordfnate Must Go. Washington, May 10.— Reorganiza­ tion o f the reclamation service, long rumored, is regarded as a certainty since the declaration on the witness stand yesterday o f Secretary Ballinger that i f he continued at the head o f the department o f the interior, the "snakes” would “ all be killed— every one o f th em ." Secretary Ballinger makes no secret o f his determination to have a loyal force around him. Washington knows pretty well the difficulties with which he has had to contend, which are the difficulties that beset any man in high position whose 'subordinates resort to “ office politics” to prevent the results he is seeking to attain. Hence, re­ gardless o f views as to the merits o f the Ballinger-Pinchot controversy it­ self, there is a general sympathy with the attitude o f Ballinger himself. Any secretary, says that part of Washington officialdom that has had real experience and undertands, would be justified in enforcing loyal action by those lower down and in discharg­ ing those subordinates who are insub- orlinate. Consequently Washington — again without reference to how it may divide upon the personal issue— applauds the secretary's statement yesterday: “ I have found that the only way to control some o f these fellow s is to dis­ charge them.” For other official Washingtonians have been in the same boat. Ballinger refused pointedly to speci­ fy which "snakes” w ill be killed, but his previous tetsimony has helped Washington to make some predictions as to heads that w ill fall. Date for Revolution Set. EARTHQUAKE RUINS C ITY. Hundreds Killed at Cartago, Costa Rica—Bodies Being Recovered. San Jose, Costa Rica, May 7.— The earthquake that laid waste the town o f Cartago occurred at 6 :50 o’ clock Wednesday night and continued about 18 seconds. In that brief time the buildings of the place collapsed, bury­ ing hundreds. The dead were first es­ timated at 500, but it is believed to­ night that the fatalities were much greater. Four hundred bodies were recovered today. Following ’ the shock tw ilight was turned into darkness o f midnight by clouds o f dust that rose from the ruins. Panic ensued and the cries of the injured and fleeing survivors filled the air. Cooler heads went to the telegraph office to summon help, only to [find the operators dead, lines down and traffic impaired on[the reailroad. As soon as the news reached San Jose, President Gonzales Vieques, ac­ companied by President-elect Richard Jiminez andd many doctors and nurses, started on a special train to aid the survivors. Upon the president’s ar­ rival at Cartago, martial law was pro­ claimed. Provisions, medicines and clothing were dispatched from here. Throughout the day special trains ar­ rived here, bringing the wounded. Hundreds of survivors were camped butside the ruined city awaiting trans­ portation to other points. They are being fed at public expense. Seven oerloads o f provisions have been dis­ patched from here and Alajuela. The beautiful peace palace, the g ift of, Andrew Carnegie, erected at a cost o f $100,000, was converted into a pile o f debris. Other public buildings met the same fate. Many students at the college o f the Silestan Fathers were killed. The tremors continue tonight and the terror o f the people increases. The fear o f further shocks has extended to the neighboring towns. Only the early h >ur o f the evening at which the disaster occurred pre­ vented a much greater loss o f life. A t the time many people w ere in the open. So far no deaths have been reported among the American colony. The disaster was not preceded by any activity o f the volcano Poaz or of other volcanic vents. The shock was fe lt throughout Costa Rica and in parts o f Nicaragua. Great fissures opened at many places in the volcanic zone. The ministers o f Mexico and o f Cen­ tral American countries have asked their governments to contribute to the aid o f their sister republic. Several prominent Spanish-Americans are among the dead. These include the w ife o f Dr. Becanegra, the Guatema­ lan magistrate to the Central Am eri­ can arbitration court, and Senor Trejos. APACHES A TTA C K WOMAN. Prospector With Clubbed Revolver Makes Rescue Against Odds. Globe, A riz., May 7— Drunken ¡Apa­ ches attacked the ranch o f Daniel Ma- ben, four miles East o f Globe, last night in quest o f Maben, who had killed an Apache several months ago. Maben is now in the territorial insane asylum and only his w ife and 16-year- old daughter were at the ranch. Eugene Barrows, a prospector, res­ cued Mrs. Maben and her daughter af­ ter a thrilling encounter. Using his weapon as a club, Barrows fought his way through the Indians, who numbered half a dozen. The last one attacked him with a knife and Barrows broke the revolver over his head. Barrows and the women succeeded in reaching the Sixty-Six ranch, half mile away, and came into Globe this morning. ENGLISH RULER PASSES TO REST -V 4 Peaceful Reign of Nine Years Suddenly Ended. Severe Cold Brings Bronchitis, Which Develops Pneumonia—Was III Only Six Days. London, May 7, 5 A. M.— K in g Ed­ ward V II died from pneumonia at 11:45 last night at Buckingham Palace, and at the same moment the crown and scepter o f the Empire o f Great Britain passed automatically to his son and heir, Prince George o f Wales, now George V. Death struck down the m ightiest hereditary ruler o f the world with as little compunction as if his victim had been the meanest o f that king's sub­ jects. The prayers o f the whole na­ tion, bound to its monarch by cen­ turies o f tradition and by a love born o f complete and intimate knowledge o f that ruler’ s foibles, almost as much as of his great virtues, availed to stay the hand o f the Reaper not one jot. K ing Edward died almost before his subjects had begun to realize that he was seriously ill. He was taken sick a week ago. A fte r three days a ser­ ious complication began to develop. The fourth day his physicians issued bulletin that stirred the whole nation to its depts. On the sixth day the king was dead. The shock to Great Britain and to the world had been tremendous, not in a national way, fo r the death o f the king has been discounted in the mar­ kets for many years, but to the em­ pire’ s sentimentality. K in g Edward was sincerely loved throughout the length and breadth of England’s possessions. He was loved as a great son o f a no­ ble mother, and he was loved fo r him­ self because he had in his character that rare commingling o f democratic simplicity with kingly dignity which made him justly the “ first gentleman o f Great Britain.” Politically, the death o f Edward V I I contains grave potentialities. The commons is now engaged in “ reform ­ ing the house o f lords.” To Edward a liberal ministry had looked with confi­ dence for the creating o f such peers as would carry out the will o f the people as expressed a t the last election. N ow a new king steps forward to take Ed­ ward’s place. What attitude he may assume in this, the greatest political crisis England has faced in generations, remains a problem. Nearly all members o f the k in g’s immediate fam ily were at his bedside when the king died. Just before the end came, the royal patient rallied and spoke weakly to those about him. “ I know it is all over,” he said, “ but I think I ’ ve done my duty.” Those were his last words. The first official act o f the new king, George V, was performed immediate­ ly after his father had breathed his last. He dispatched to the lord mayor o f London the announcement o f Edward V V I I ’ s death, in pursuance o f an age-old custom. His telegram read: “ I am deeply grieved to inform you that my beloved father, the king, passed away peacefully at 11:45 tonight. (Signed) “ G eorge.” / V Big Soap Factory Burns. That George V w ill leave any deep Kansas City, Mo., May 7— The plant o f the Peet Bros. Manufacturing com­ imprint on English histroy as a sover­ pany, one o f the largest soap and g ly ­ eign o f force and commanding ability cerine factories in the southwest, was is much to be doubted, but at least he destroyed by fire tonight, entailing a is likely to prove a king o f good heart, loss estimated at $1,500,000. The j o f conscientious attention to duty and flames for a time threatened the plants , o f discretion in state affairs. Geogre brings to the throne consid­ o f the Schwarzschild & Sulzberger Packing company, and the American j erable experience o f his own in rou­ Dressed B eef company. Energetic j tine demands o f public service made work on the part of the firemen pre­ upon him as the prince o f Wales, and vented serious damage to the Schwarz- he comes to the task o f governing child plant when the south wall o f the with fa ir ability, a good personality and a serious sense o f his own responsi­ Peet plant fell upon iL t bilities. Changsha, China, May 10.— The gen­ Great Northern to Build. eral uneasiness has been greatly in­ Great Falls, MonL, May 7.— The creased here by the appearance o f a Great Northern Railway company to­ large number o f posters unsigned de­ day started condemnation proceedings manding the destruction o f foreigners for right o f way through Fergus coun­ and o f native Christians, and setting ty for building a branch line about 350 May 27 as the date fo r a general a n ti-, miles long, from Hauck’s siding on the Manchu uprising. Government offi­ Billings A Northern, a Great Northern cials have destroyed the posters and branch, to a junction with the main the city is being strongly patrolled. line on the Great Northern at a point Agitators are holding secret meetings, near Mondak, on the Montana-Dakota but it is believed that the presence of line. In substance, this means that foreign gunboats w ill act as a check to the Great Northern is about to build the movements. an entirely new line from the Montana- Dakota line to Great Falls. T a ft Will Open Fair. N ew York, May 10.— President T a ft w ill tomorrow open the third fa ir of the A cto r’« Fund o f Am erica, through which funda are raiaed to care for aged and destitute actors. It is the first time that a president o f the United States has thus honored the stage and managers and players alike have united to g iv e him a spectacular welcome. KING IS DEAD Farmers Labor's Ally, St. Louis. May 7.— Organized labor and organized fanners w ill work to­ gether hereafter in preserving the rights and liberties o f both classes of workers under the provisions o f a reso­ lution unanimously adopted by the ex­ ecutive committee o f the Farmers Edu­ cative and Co-operative Union here. “ The Country's All Right.” New York, May 5,— Before sailing today for his summer home in Scotland, Andrew Carnegie had a fe w words to say about the tariff. “ In my opinion greater progress had been made by the latest ta riff revision towards the perfect tariff than ever before,” he observed. " O f course, it is hard to please everybody, and I can only express my opinion by quoting something I read on a postal card late­ ly : “ Let the scowlers scowl, let the howlers howl, and the politicians go iL The country’s all right and I know i L ” Steel Employes Slaves. < Washington, May 5.— The report o f the bureau o f labor upon the conditions * t the Bethlehem Steel Works, o f South Bethlehem, P a ., which was sub­ mitted to the senate today, «ays that 2,322 men worked 12 hours s day for •even days a week. y V ( *