Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 05, 1910, Image 8

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Judge Hollis Speaks of Trip
W edded at Cornelius
W. H. Hollis o f this place, who
Last Thursday evening, at the
Furnished by the Local Re­ was the only one outside of Port- home o f the parents of the groom
land included in the recent ex- in Cornelius, Rev. E. V. Stivers
porter of the Press
cursion o f the business men of tied the knot that made Miss
Grandma Chamberlin is quite that city, said of the trip in con- Rilla C. Armstrong, of Portland,
versation with a Press represent­ the wife o f Lewis D. Rogers of
“ It was productive of Cornelius. A small number of
Mr. Spencer o f Portland spent
great good to the various com­ personal friends witnessed the
Sunday on his farm.
mercial and other enterprises of ceremony and the young couple
Mr. Cameron of Portland was Portland, in that it has establish­ left directly afterward for a
an over Sunday visitor.
ed closer business relations be­ short wedding trip. They will re­
Dr. Tucker made a profession­ tween the business men o f that side in Portland.
city and the Willamette Valley.
al visit here Wednesday.
“ The enthusiasim of the wel­
Gale Grange to Meet
F. E. McBride was in Forest
Grove on business Friday.
The regular meeting o f Gale
only limited by the short period
will occur Saturday May
Josephine Friend was a Forest allowed the excursionists at each
K. o f P. Hall.
Grove visitor Wednesday.
All members are urged to be
“ Unanimous approval was ex­
J. B. Kuhns and wife of Port­
present as plans are to be given,
of Forest Grove as a sub­
land spent Sunday in Dilley.
'subject to the approval of the
urb o f Portland, and as an ideal
., ^
, Grange, for holding a Grange
Wm. Johnson made a flying
spot for resident purposes. | Fajr ¡n September. There will
trip to the Grove Wednesday.
Many of the excursionists declar­
also be a class initiated in the
A little son o f Mr. Deshazer ed that this city would suit them
morning, and the regular pro­
is quite sick with sore throat.
perfectly as a place o f residence,
gram in the afternoon to which
Mrs. C. H. O’Neil and children could it be made more easily and visitors are always welcome.
more quickly acccssablc to Port
were Hiilsboro visitors Sunday.
W. Tupper o f Portland spent ^ Judge Hollis took the trip in Col,eSe Gir,s Wil1 Entertain
Sunday at the home o f Earl Tup­
the interest of the insurance i The girls of the Kappa Delta
company of which he is secre- Society have planned something
Mrs. Joseph Verm.vlyea was tary, meeting its agent in each unique for their friends who visit
visiting at the Kilbour home on town, in addition to greeting the campus on Saturday, May 14,
many of the patrons of the con- between the hours of 5 and 9 p m .
In the Japanese Garden which
Mr. Scott and wife of Boston cern.
be profusely decorated with
spent several days looking for a
and umbrellas, a number
a former resident of thiscity will o f beautifully costumed maidens
Bradley Channing of Portland
be hurried today in Eugene I will serve the visitors. Blue and
visited Sunday with his parents
he was for several years white will predominate in the
who reside near here.
Dutch Garden where the girls
a Wells-Fargo Express agent.
Frank Maury, who has been
have a surprise in store for all.
Willard H. Wirtz a former
seriously ill the past month is on
Mrs. Chapman of Portland will
Forest Grove boy well known to
the road to health again.
sing and during the evening
nearly all the residents o f this
Willie Leasure of Yamhill was
music will be furnished by the
city, grsduates from the'law de­
a Saturday and Sunday visitor at
college orchestra.
partment of the Willamette Uni­
the home of H. McNamer.
versity Thursday, May 12.
Mr. Rice, who is employed in
Birthday Surprise
the furniture shop at St. Johns,
Friday night will long be re­
spent Sunday with the home peo­ CARE OF HANDKERCHIEFS.
membered by Master Clarence
How to Wash ths Bits of Delicate
Lennevilie as a very bright spot
Lacs Trimmed Linen.
B. A. Hoskins, the Dilley con­ The carefui Krcin iiwminm takes in his boyhood days. Clarence
tractor anil builder, will erect a mu, h truulile ovci the prupoi iv.iHd was 12 years old last Friday, and
her UuituUcr. Iilefs mid ivould uo
garage for J. F. Forbis which is lug
more llilnk ol li.miig them go luto his young friends tendered him
to be strictly up-to-date.
the I iiiih J m n f the fondly nioiidress a surprise party, which actually
then she would send u pin e of mind
Mr. Channing's nephew who some luce to her liven If they are of did surprise him, for Clarence
has been visiting here some tile ihlnnesi i mi iii Oil. and I hey are knew nothing of the gathering
time expects his parents from uiosil.i simple mt> of demote linen until he returned home from the
e m i i M l d c r i i l o r nice iriiiiiu c O . lU c y
house of a neighbor to be greeted
Los Angeles in a few days.
a r c e x p c c t c il In I iik i llie ll tiItilim it tim e,
by the congratulations of his
u m l U n it th e y m I i . i II d o * • r e q iiir o s unit
W. K. Newell the fruit special­ gro u t p u llis lie lu k o u w ith th e m If playmates.
ist states that all the fruit buds th e re I* ini in.m l in the lltlle m e nage,
The evening was pleasantly
are setting well except pears, th e n im u tu u i m u s t tin Inn ,.ivu ivn sti passed with various games, and
lu g . a m i t h is Is tile w a y s h e g o e s ills.ill
which are not doing quite so well It:
light refreshmei.ts were served.
as was first expected.
In th e tlrst place, he r h a iiilk e r c h le f a
Those present were Misses
a re u e v e i a ll,m e lt in lic e .m e iiin lu ly
Miller, Gertrude Allen,
A. S. McLeand and wife o f the B ulled a n d a fte l n in e u s in g a l e put
Gertrude Deckert,
rose city, Mrs. Nelson Dunn and
daughter of Spokane Falls and h a n g s b e sid e the lu iie t in lile W h e n h Veritta Perry, Ayelane Johnson
h a lf d u x e n o r m u re h a v e euliei t e l
Hurry McCloud, all former resi­ th e y are p m to s u n k in a n e a r t h e n and Margaret
dents o f Dilley, spent Sunday in t siw i tilled w ith e i l d w u te i a n d s u d s Masters Nelson Johnson, Willis
m a d e fr o m H ie lie sl ot w a s h in g s n a p
Hines, Joseph Loomis, George
the old town.
In t h is they s h o u ld r e m a in to r h a lf
Willis GolF, Theodore
a u h o u r afte r w h ic h th e y a r e c a r e ­
Walter Lennevilie.
Badly Burned by Fire
Hugh Smith is carrying one
hand in a sling and tne other
swathed in bandages ns the re­
sult of burns sustained while ex­
tinguishing a small blaze in the
entrance hall o f his home on
Third Avenue last Friday even­
The fire was presumably caus­
ed by a itortion of the head o f a
lighted match fiying off and
lodging in some clothing which
was hanging upon wall hooks in
the hall.
Mr. Smith did not
notice it at the time, but shortly
after retiring his attention was
attracted by light in the house,
and upon investigation he dis­
covered the hall ablaze. Quick
action upon his part extinguished
the flames with but slight dam­
age to the house, but seriously
injuring both hands, part of one
being burned to a crisp, inflict­
ing a painful wound which will
requite sometime to heal.
Gold Baatara* «kin.
The Sue goal beau-ra •kin la the
Toat o f the cdecuoi. or blind gut.
oa, apaclelly prepared.
c o m e s the t h o r o u g h w a s h in g o f th e m
lu hot w a te r m w h ic h a s p o o n f u l o f
b o r a x In is lieeu d is s o lv e d
I’h l« Is
d o n e i i s g e n t ly a s p o s s ib le by p a lt llig
a n d r u b b in g a n d fo r t h is la st m a n y
w i. lin n u se a c h i l d 's toy w a s h b o a r d ,
w h ic h is e x a c t ly tin- r ig lu s iz e lo r the
p u rp o se
la m i s w a y u o t h r e a d s o f
tile h u e m a t e ria l a r e b ro k e n , a d l s a s
tet w h ic h is d ittlc iiu to r e m e d y
t he
H aul r in s in g
is a ls o d o n e t h r o u g h
m a n y i i m i w a t e r s u n t il e v e r y p a rtic le
o f s n a p Is g o n e a n d th e n w i n e s the
c lim a x o f m e e n t ire p e r fo r m a n c e
T h e h a n d k i r. lu e f s a re pim -ed in a
h n iv i o f m ilk llilo w h te h h a v e lie e n p u l
a le w d r o p s o f e s se n c e o f rh n e t . w h ic h
Is s t r o n g a n d m « m u ls h tinge , a n d
t h is w ill g iv e lo t h e m the p u r e w h ite
co lo t w In c h is s o n e c e s s a r y
K ro m
t h is e a c h is t a k e n a n d p a r t ia lly d r ie d
In a d e a n t o w e l a n d a t on ce Ir o n e d
N o s t a r c h Is n -e d fo r th e m ilk la k e s
the pia e ot that, a n d th e little im u -
luu h o a rd Is c o v e r e d first w it h s d e a r y
fla n n e l a n d a f t e i
w it h a s p o t le s s lv
c le a n piece o f w h it e d o t h
An Iron Is kepi es|iec!ally for this
work, and usually ll Is some patented
affair, either for electricity or alcbo-
hol To do thh> all properly will take
an hour or more of madam's time, but
she Is more than repaid for that by
the results seen
The little pile of
handkerchiefs will c o m p fro»»', her
hands as If fresh from the shelve« of
a shot>. sod they will bare I he dell
cate fragrance of bavlng lain to a
re I ret sachet
I Subscribe for the Press
Dr. C. L. Large reports a
daughter born to the wife of
Chas. Wolfe near here, Tuesday,
and a son to the wife o f Elmer
wishing the attendance o f Dr.
Large in this class o f cases will
greatly oblige him if convenient,
by engaging his services two or
three months prior to the expect­
ed event.
How to Mako Washable Rushing.
Wnshiiblc niching may ho made at
home by inking two ivldtbn of footing,
of the sort used formerly for edging
. handkerchiefs and basting the oppo­
site edge* together
la>ave a quarter
In difference at the top and gather
Into liny plaits on a narrow band
This may be done by band or more
easily by a machine rutfler.
washing, starch slightly. Iron and
pinch up Into little plaits. It will be
much prettier, however. If one owns
and uses a regular fluting machine.
Thla la not Inordinately expensive and
cornea Into constant use for lace edge«,
ruffles down the front of shirt walsta.
etc., and It certainly gives one a trim­
mer. more tailor made appearance.
In Poker Circles.
•'What are projier calling catxla?"
“Three or uetter are considered very
g o o d "-L o u isv ille Courier-Journal.
The Press Prints Everything
HE quality of your stat­
ionery is an im portant
part o f your business not to
be lightly considered.
O U would not think of
attending a social funct­
ion clad in a bath robe, nor,
therefore, do you want to
send forth your business let­
ters written upon wrapping
paper or poorly printed and
unsightly stationery.
of the p r e s s
is fully equipped with type of new and late design
especially suitable for business and social stationery,
and is in charge of an acknowledged authority upon
things typographical.
h e c o m m e r c ia l d e p a r t m e n t
of a particular and attractive character—that will
not only please you personally, but excite favorable
criticism from your friends and business associates.
ET US H A V E Y O U R N E X T OR DER for printed
matter, of whatever nature, and we will deliver to
you an artistic and result producing arrangement on
paper of type and printer’s ink.
The Press—Quality Printing
Killed by Cave-in
Breeder’s Valuable Suggestion For
Breaking Horses of Vicious Habit.
Many are at a loss as to a means of
August Moseby, a sub-contract­
or on the P. R. & N., was smoth­
ered in a cave-in. 30 miles north­
west o f Buxton, Ore., on the P.
R. & N. grade. Monday. The
cave-in happened where a tunnel
was being constructed an 1 Mose­
by and two other men were bur­
ied, but the two got out. Thev
were Gus Koshia an J John Carl­
son. Coroner Brown took the
body o f Moseby to Hillsboro.
Moseby had a brother in Port­
curing a horse of the biting habit. An
expert breeder suggests the following
treatment: Keep him. If possible, iu
such position that be can be approach­
ed from iu front without entering his
When with him be very quiet
and gentle and feed him with small
apples, lumps of sugar or something
o f the sort and continue ns long ns he
Meanwhile lie prepared for
treachery. Have a short whip ut hand,
but concealed from his view, and the
moment he tries to bite strike him
sharply around the nose. Strike hard
so as to punish severely, but do not
keep on striking One or two blows are
Stand quietly by until his
miud has taken in the situation a lit­
tle. then resume feediug Repeat this
treatment as often as possible, remem­
bering that success will depend largely
upon the shortness of the lessons and
their frequent repetition
It may be
some days before he will show much
improvement, but If the treatment is
perseverlngly followed up he will see
what the lossou means
The value of this treatment lies In
the fact that the horse by behaving
properly not only receives Immunity
from punishment, but a reward be­
sides. while misconduct Invariably
brings a prompt uud sharp reproof.
The absolute cure of so deep seated
a vice cannot be expected for some
time, but a marked Improvement should
soon be ahnxvu. Remember that time
Is always necessary for the cure of
such things and that all the patience
the trainer can command Is usually
D# n°t feed the horse too stimulat­
ing a diet, and It is Important that he
be used every day
Idleness causes
nervous Irritability and always aggra­
vates a vice.
Wlfle— Did you post that letter I
gave you? Hubby—Yes, dear; I car­
ried it In my hand so I couldn't forget
It, and ! dropped It In the first box.
I remember, because— Wifle—There,
dear, don't aay any more
I didn't
give you any letter to post
L egal Notices
(First publication May 5, 1910.)
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly ap­
pointed by the County Court o f
the State o f Oregon for Wash­
ington County Administratrix o f
the estate of Newton J. Walker
deceased. All persons interested
and having claims against said
estate are hereby required to
present the same to me at my
residence in the City o f Forest
Grove. Oregon, properly verified
as by law required within six
months from the date o f this
The date and first publication
o f this notice is the 5th day of
May, 1910.
Published in the
Forest Grove Press.
Eunice Walker
Administratrix o f the estate o f
Newton J. Walker deceased.
______ __ 26-5t
S u b s c rib e fo r th a P re s s