Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 05, 1910, Image 7

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Farm, Home, Garden and Dairy
Timely Hints U p o n Matters of Interest to the House­
wife, Farmer, Gardner and Dairyman.
• io n i’'
D U C K L IN G S .
I Mick lings h i ** v*»r> iiiiiu - iii}: t o th o s e
who hare never hatched iliein tiefore.
i’hey hutch is-st lu the big water pan
In non-moisture mm-liliies
or miller tlu* hen duck eggs Khoind tie
sprinkled every other day with ie|ild
A duck ess N very dear to test, and
you may see the little tel lows wiggle
In the shell. Init the great stunt comes
when the little spongy rubbei-m-oks
punch a hole in the shells with their
scoop shovels and pop through
eggs are mostly fertile There Is near­
ly always uu incubator full, aud it's up
to you to take good care of the quacks.
You spoil your chance tor rinsing a
big proportion o f the hutch by using u
poor brooder or crowding too many
into one.
Our last hatch of rektna was llo
from 115 eggs, and of tln-se we raised
10.Y. but if we bud used the trapdoor
loti brooder with the dangerous sieps
Inside leading from nursery to sun par­
lor und hud slept them in the hover
with hot drum inside our losses would
have been great.
S o trapdoor death rrap for us!
That trapdoor cut off many a chick's
head, and the soot, hot floor, had air
aud duck killing drum aud stairway
killed millions before It was succeeded
by the suue, practical house plan
brooder in two compartments, all ou u
We present a picture o f the best
hover on the market.
It is clear space underneath, with
ventilator in top. whu h is opened by
regulator or hump when heat gets too
The lamp box Is outside, the hot air
coming In through a pipe into a drum
in top o f hover, the fumes being car­
ried out by pipe through end of
Ducklings do not require heat so
long as chicks, one week sometimes
being sufficient, the actions o f the lit­
tle quacks being tin* guide, hut after
H o w to M a s t e r I* W it h L it t la T ro u b le
a n d C a r e f u l W a s h in g .
Cooking rice is a great art which I»
easily mustered li.v those who are will­
ing to take the trouble
It* tile flrst
place, do not gel inexpensive rice
liven the best grade ts not especially
dear. Always ask for the very best
quality, and you will find the graius
are wlmle and there Is no chaff, unlike
the rice one gels In some lunch rooms,
hoar ling houses aud restaurants, which
Is soft and wet like mush and full of
little pieces of deliris
This cheupel
quality Is nell her so nourishing nor so
Ilice cannot be cooked properly un­
less It has been washed carefully I ’ui
It in a coarse strainer, set the strainer
in a basin of cold water, pick out all
pieces of foreign matter aud change
the water again and again uutil It re­
mains clear. Then the rice Is ready to
be cooked
Take one aud one-fourth cupfuls of
boiling water, oue-lialf leuspoouful of
salt aud half a cupful of rice, l ’nt It
Into boiling water and salt, lu the up­
per half of a double boiler, and steam
for about three-quarters o f an hour,
or until there is no g r l t t l n e s s left in
the grains, which should lie quite soft
Add a little water If T h e rice becomes
too dry when cooking
When done
pour Into a colander and set ou the
back of the stove or In the oven for
two or three minutes until all dami
ness is absorbed.und each grain of rice
stands out from its fellow.
H o w to S t r e n g t h e n F a c ia l M u trie « .
When one Is very tired and the fa
clal muscles seem to lie twisted Into a
tight knot, try mopping them with a
soft sponge or cloth wet with very
cold water. Resides resting the mils
des o f the face, tlie cold water acts
as a tonic. Here Is a tip for the wo
man who feels herself a "sight" from
fatigue Not only will she feel re-ted
after her cold mopping, hut the tiny
wrinkles and tired lines will disappear
and she will look years younger Quite
as .strengthening as the cold water Is
the Ice rubbing
Pm a small lump In
a clean linen doth aud pass It across
the face lu opposite directions to Vhe
wrinkles or fatigue lines.
H o w to W a s h C o lo re d E m b r o id e r y .
One method o f washing colored em­
broidery is to put a handful of bran
into warm water and leave the ar
tid e to he cleaned In the wnter to
soak, pressing It gently from time to
time. Imt not ruhbiDg It. When It is
dean hang It until it is nearly dry
and then stretch It on a frame and
Iron IL
H o w to C le a n S w e e t G r a n B a sk e ts.
When the fragrant sweet grass bas­
kets that nre bought in such quanti­
ties by summer tourists become soiled
and lose their sweet scent, try cleaning
them off with a doth wrung out of
lukewarm water
Do not use swap on
The dampness not only cleans
the reeds, but restores their frer.h
How It Can Ba Dona by 8impla Meth­
ods and 8ucteaafully.
A good soap or washing powder, two
or three tubs, one or. better still, two
fam ily sized wringers, plenty o f wa­
ter. a good drying yard, a boiler, a
glass washboard, a really good wash­
ing machine and u sunshiny day are
the essentials if one would wash wool­
ens successfully. The quickest thor­
ough wasbiug ts the best method In
washing woolens. Except for extreme­
ly soiled things, soaking hiuders clean­
liness rather than helps It.
For the want o f a little knowledge
In laundering natural uudyed wools
are easily spoiled, though they are
just as easily kept In perfect condl-
llon If one goes about it I d the right
lu washing nil uudyed woolen arti­
cles a liule ammonia can be used to
advantage, rendering them soft and
deliciously comfortable
Prepare a
lather always using a soap Jelly for
the purpose. The alkali iu the soap
Jlell.x Is much modiUed aud less likely
in harm the wool
Soap Jelly ts made thus: Shred the
soap finely, using ends and hits for
the pur|sise
.1 usl cover with water
and put in a pan or Jar and place ou
the hack of the stove until Ibe soap
is all dissolved
It should be freshly
made, as It loses its strength if kept
long (Ise in tlie pro|H>rttou o f a quar­
ter of a pound o f soup to one quart of
It should be prepared lust be­
fore washing da.v to lie ready for use.
See that the water Is only a little
more than tepid hem. work up the
lather with Hie hand, add a Utile am­
monia—a tablespoouful to a gallon o f
water is the allowance— and plunge iu
the garment
Never rub on soup nr
rub between the bauds Rather shake
about lu the water, using a squeezing
| sort of motion. Squeeze out this flrst
water, turn and. if dirty, pul Into a
| second water with rather less soap
\ jelly and no ammonia
Pass through
this water iu the same way. then Into
dean warm water for rtusiug
A ta-
blespoouful o f aniuiouia may tie added
! to the rinsing water. Pass through the
wringer and then shake well. The
importance of this process must he
T o prevent shrinkage woolen goods
must he dried quickly, und much of the
i moisture can lie shaken nut. and the
shaking also raises the pile of the wool
and makes It soft and cozy. Indeed,
light knitted go*als can heshakeu near­
ly dry See that such thlttgs are pulled
Into their uutnrai shape before they
dry. aud hang in the air. but not In the
sun. If drying Indoors must be resort-
1 ed to, do not hang too uear the tire
or lu too great a beat. If the slightest
steam arises from the woolens when
I they are drying they are “ walking in"
as hard as they can
In regard to the steeping o f flannel
this Is unnecessary unless for new flan­
nel or body woolens that are greasy
with perspiration. Make a lather with
soap jelly, add ammonia, put iu the ar­
ticle and sleep for half an hour with
the cover on
Use the water for the
flrst washing. This process gets all
the sulphur dressing out o f the flan-
Due or two precautions; Nevpr ttse
ammonia for colored material. The
water must not be either too hot or too
cold—Just tepid —washing and rinsing
and all at the same temperature Too
much soap hardens ami discolors
possible, wash only one garment at a
time, as If wooleu tblugs lie about wet
they shrink
H o w to M a k s H o m e m a d e A p p le B u tte r
heat Is cut off at times It Is |K)licy to
warm hover a few hours at ulght.
Run heat at IMi degrees at first and
then taper down
Bed brooder with sand, place water
vessels In sun parlor and have a sand
bunk between It and uursery as foot
mat. so that water cannot be dragged
In to nursery.
This hover accommodates fifty duck­
lings. but they soon outgrow IL
H o w to M a k e C offee Ice C re a m .
This Is good when one cannot secure
the elder to make the usual recipe for
apple Iwtter. Cut up the apples with­
out peeling, take out the cores and bad
places. cover them with water and put
on the stove Cook till soft, then put
through a colander. Set back on the
fire and add a cup o f sugar and one o f
molasses to about two quarts o f the
apples and a lemon cut up fine. Let
this cook slowly for about half an
hour, stirring often.
A little cinna­
mon and allspice may be added if de­
sired. Serve cold or put In Jars while
hot and seal
to M a k e
C h srco al
T a b le ts.
Some charcoal tablets thnt may be
made at home to sweeten the breath
are composed o f half an ounce o f w il­
low charcoal, half an ounce o f sac­
charin and an ounce and n half o f un­
sweetened chocolate and a quarter of
a dram o f powdered vanilla. These
are mixed and made Into a paste with
pure gum arable mucilage. The mix­
ture then Is broken Into bits and left
to dry.
Scald lightly a pint o f thin cream or
half milk and half cream
While hot
put In one cup o f sugar, boiled five
minutes, with one cup o f very strong,
clear coffee
Cool and put In the
freezer and turn till nearly stiff Then
fold In a pint o f whipped cream and
freeze solid. Pack In a mold and put
In Ice and salt till needed Arrange ou
H o w to C le a n B u r la p .
top a number o f candied mint leaves,
Burlap which has become faded and
standing them up tn a circle toward
the center. Serve plain or with whip­ soiled may be made to look as good as
ped cream and give n leaf or two of new by using one coat o f any good
the mint to each person served with Interior paint, spread evenly.
coats of paint make too glossy a fin­
the frozen coffee
How to Rsmovo Ink Spots on a Waist.
handsome white embroidered
H o w to Im p ro v e B a k e d P o ta to es.
waist apparently ruin**,) with Ink was
Let them stand In * pan of cold wa­
given a bath o f kerosene oil. rubbing ter for about an tour, then put them
the Ink »pots well with common yellow tn the oven while wet This seems to
At the end o f half an hour It steam them and cook tbera much
was washed with soap and water, and quicker
oot a trace o f Ink waa to be seen
A c c o m p lish T h is an d
T h e m C o m fo rtab le .
M ake
Good Rations
For the Cows
On* Woman Accompliahod It
Through a 8y»tem of Finos.
A t a meeting o f a woman's Institute
for the benefit of farmers’ wives a
paper was read on the artistic decora­
According to an authority on fe«-d
tion o f the home, ami esitecial stress
log. buying grain Tor c o w s |s
iu . i i -
was laid upou the wife's havlug a
daiuty table.
It was written by a L a * that takes considerable nerve at
it is
woman whose home wus luxurious the present price on the uiurket
a question, too. that takes u lot or
and whose taste was exquisite.
Many farmers «r e
"B ut." asked oue woman, “ how can thought uud study
1 have a dainty table? I have ten lu asking their uelgtilHirs what !!>••> f. t
Mi.nj *t. |.-*tt : -
the fa m ily—four children, four hired nnd how much
meu most o f the time und my husband more thought a m i s u n . , i t o p*. t -i. *
and myself. The hired men ure gen­ questions as feed H IM l e . s l . i i g *i >
as tweuty years ago mm -t a.t* iv ,y
erally foreigners, hopelessly untidy
It Is all I cun do to get them to wash and any kind or ti-ed wouiu do
The great question of today with
their bunds and faces and comb their
hair before they conte to the table. 1 the dairyman Is wtuit to fe*sl and now
cuunot set a separate table and get much It Is a question that needs the
through with my other work
How closest attention. But how shall the
can I manage to have a dainty table? man cure for his cows under the farm
The men soil the tablecloth and wipe conditions and conveniences that are
their mouths on their sleeves, and I'm at the ciininmud of the ordinary farm
— well. I'm Just discouraged. 1 tried er? When the cow Is on full iced of
furnishing them napkins, but I would grass little thought need i*e taken ot
have to give them fresh ones at each her. tail this is comparatively a small
part of the your. and. In fact, some
meal, in order to keep decently clean
That meant more washiug than I can practice feeding something tile entire
do. so It was out o f the question." year.
A small amount of grain fed even
And the speaker's eyes filled with
tears, for this was one o f her un­ on the tlush o f feed will repay the
In fact, some farmers prac­
saleable problems.
“ W ell, sister. I'll tell you how I tice feeding ensilage also when on
When It comes a little later
manage.” smilingly answered a bright grass
faced woman
"In the first place. I In the season the weather gets hot anil
put u wusbstand covered with white the tiles are troublesome. It t.s abso­
oilcloth, with pitcher and bowl and lutely necessary to feed something In
tin slop Jar. out In the hack entry. 1 eonuectlon with pasturage to main­
hung up a mirror, brushes, combs and tain anything like a full fimv of milk
The ration for a cow should lie gov­
nail cleaner ll bought them at the ten
cent counteri: also a long roller towel, erned. of course, according to the nhll
a shoe brush a small broom and a tty of the cow to assimilate her field
big piece o f soap. Then I said to the and convert It Into milk. It Is Impos­
men: 'This Is your dressing room. sible to lay down any rules to go by.
You must make yourselves tidy he- I Iml feed the cows all they will take
fore coming to the table In the house and make proper use of. Some eou
I make the rules, and If you do not tend that eight pounds of grain per
comply with them I shall fine you 5 day Is enough for an average cow hut
cents for each transgression and de­ It Is not a good rational wav to feed
duct it from your wages.’
Dellnea- [ a cow Is to commence when she
freshens with five or six pounds a
tor For April
day. itegln to increase the feed and
gradually do so as long as you can In­
In view o f the fact that strawberries crease the flow of milk and Hre sure
are among the most delicious o f the that she ts properly digesting her
garden fruits It seems strange that food
It alwn.vs pays to feed the cow all
more folks do not have a patch to sup­
ply the fam ily table and. If the bed thnt she can convert Into milk with­
does well, to sell to the neighbors. out waste, provided oue has a grain
The plants should be set In rows from ration thnt balances up on a ratio of
tw o and one-half to three nnd one-half 1 to 8.5 or thereabouts. Take farm
Jeet apart, depending upon whether grown grains nnd buy enough wheat
the (till or row system o f culture Is bran, oilmen!, cottouseed iucm I or
followed, while the plants should be some o f the protein feeds to balance
front one aud oue-half to two feet up the ration What Is a balanced ra­
apart lu the row. depending somewhat tion? It Is the proper amount of feed
upon the variety. The bed should be
set while there Is sufficient moisture
in the ground, should he given fre­
quent cultivation and kept free from
weeds and watered If the rainfall Is
not sufficient. I f the plants are not
real thrifty all blossoms should be
snipped off the season the plants are
set our.
When a bed has produced
two full crops it should be plowed up
and some legume sown to give the
land a rest.
H e lp fu l
P ig Tip«.
By proper feeding the feeder enn do
much toward making u litter o f pigs
strong at birth, provided the breeding
Is right.
The airships are flying high, but they
cannot overtake pork.
The humble
pig hits become the most Important
ntilinai on the farm
Scatter whole oats ou the ground or
platform every day for the brood sow
to gather up
This will give her oc­
cupation aud exercise, which are very
H o w to C le a n N et.
To clean delicate net yokes and
waists make a thic k paste o f flour and
Use the paste with a small
stiff brush a*td rub well. Leave h
thick coating o f the paate on to dry
When the gasoline haa evaporated the
flour will brush out. leaving the net
clean and white
A seasoned camper who has learned
many things to make utitdisir living
comfortable has given this rule for
hanging a hammock:
The bead should be two feet higher
than the foot
This gives a comfort-
| able curve
The proper distance Is
about six feet from the ground for the
D O N ’T S .
head end and four feet for the foot
Don’t fool with a hot wnter Incuba­
Another Important point Is to have
tor that leaks or bother with one that's
the head rope shorter thau that at the
hot or cold by streaks
foot o f the hammock I f the head one
Don't breed from Immature stock
Is about a foot long and the other four
nnd h half feet, the head o f the per­ and don't hatch the eggs o f n hen that
son will feel little movement while the has had a serious disease
Don't use a rooster that has a crook­
b ody swings.
This overcomes that
feeling o f nausea which keeps many ed back or a hen with a crooked tall,
except for the tt'nk pot.
l*ersous out o f a hammock.
Don't hang your affairs on every fe l­
There are many Improved hammocks
these days Those with stiffening for low's nose or Is* ashamed o f Coxey
both ends give almost the effect o f an badees on your clothes
open air bed
Some o f them have
Don't answer a bona fide knocker
slightly raised sides to prevent falling according to his folly. A nice chunk
o f tnffv mar make hl::t real Jolly
: oul
Don't bury roup vh-flm« In shallow
B e st M e th o d s F o r C h u r n in g .
Cremation prevents contam­
T o make butter thnt will keep well graves
churn only fill the butter globules In ination
.le-n’t t*e ashamed o f honest toll.
the churn are about the size o f a pea.
Without collecting or gathering the whether with the pick or midnight oil.
Don't for.-ct that thoroughness Is the
butter drain off the buttermilk and
wash in five times the amount o f cqjd Vuadatl'm of true preparation and.
om blo'd with pn*h. principle, eom-
water. The smaller the particles of
butter when the washing Is done the mo., rm «** ard practical eroertenee.
better can the wash water get among t>rln~* th» success that lasts
them for cleaning. When butter Is col­
Pun t f***sl your homers whole corn;
lected lu one large mass before wash­ If often chokes them to death.
ing the water can reach only the out­
Don't forget that one ben well fed
side o f the mass: and hence much but­ Is better than a ll half starred
termilk will remain In the batter to
Don't aell small, dirty or era*kad
cause it to become rancid sooner than eggs to your best trade unleaa by re-
when It is washed clean.
auaat and at a discount
to sustain the animal for twenty-four
hours and furulsh the nutrients for
her to do her work on. But the aver­
age farmer ts not going to weigh each
cow ’s milk each day und then weigh
each cow ’s ration aud muke them ex­
actly correspond It makes some d if­
ference as to the Individual animals
(the breeds enter Into this to a certain
extenti. the condition under which the
cuttle are kept. etc. To give the dairy
cow a working ratlou. then, one must
select such feeds as will contain the
uecessnry amount o f protein.
O f the grains raised oats are the
most valuable, barley next and corn
last so fur us the protein content la
concerned; o f the fodders alfalfa hay.
clover, oat hay. oats cur when lu the
milk and cured Into bay. redtop. mil
let. timothy, fodder corn, cornstalks
and adage. It Is Impossible to com­
pound a ratlou of home grown cropa
with a sufficient amount o f protein.
And to get the lies! results It is econ­
omy to buy s<*me concentrated feed
even at wbat may seem to tie s high
When It comes to roughage. . Inter
hay Is o f Itself a balanced ratlou. a c ­
cording to the best authorities, but It
Is Impossible to get best results from
the row or even paying results when
fed ou roughage alone. Milage is very
low lu protein aud yet Is a very valu­
able food lu fact, silage has not as
uiucb protein, top for ton -i* i.nt
straw. It Is valuable heiniise of Its
succulence aud as an aid to digest Ion
The adage aids lu the dlgestlou of
everything fba cow eats. Eusdage and
grain ahouid be fed the first thing In
the morning; IheD the milking and sep­
arating should be done, tbeu at noon
fee*) ten to fifteen pounds o f clover
and alfalfa hay. The same method Is
followed In the evening with ensilage
and grain. The ration for strictly
fresh cowa ahouid be oue and oue-half
pounds o f oilmenI. one and ooe-half
pounds o f cottonseed meal, three
pounds o f com meal and four pounds
of first quality bran.