Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, May 05, 1910, Image 5

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    Oregon Land & Trading Co.
Edward Seymour, Mgr.
Farm and City Property
Both Phones
Forest Grove, Oregon
Ina. No. 4SI
Bell, M 235
Forest Grove Planing Mill Co.
Manufacturen of
All Kinds of Mill W ork, Frames, Sash, Doors,
Blinds and Mouldings
Full and Complete Line of Rough and Finished, Kiln
Dried Lumber, Always in Stock.
and Lath.
Cement, Sand
Best Shingle
Fresh candy made every day
the Den o f Sweets.
State Game Warden Stephen­
son was in Corvallis Monday on
official business.
care. At last this wholesale
clean-up was finally perfected,
Additional Local Items
Chi-Namel, used on every floor,
of General Interest
the morning light reflected.
And when we came to learn the
truth, they were expecting soon
Special prices will be given at
Vic. Brown was in from Wilson
an only son and his lovely bride
Miller’ s Drug Store.
river Monday, returning on the
who were on their honeymoon.
Mr. A. R. Leabo and w ife following day.
A house once varnished with Chi
spent Sunday in Portland.
Do y0u buy your auto supplies Namel is varnished for a lifetime
Anna Cornelius was an over at the Forest Grove Garage? I f ' Chi-Namel is elastic—n e v e r
not, why not?
cracks nor loses its transparency
Sunday visitor to Portland.
or brilliancy -a ll because it is a
The Forest Grove Garage
the proper place to buy bicycles. the home o f Geo. G. Paterson pure, unadulterated varnish.
All colors and all size packages.
Miss Kirkwood spent Monday
Saturday night,
Sold by Mertz and Latta.
John Cornelius was in our city
morning in Poitland on business.
Monday with his genial smile
Mr. Chas. Clapshaw and wife,
Call on the Main Street bar-1
and hearty hand clasp.
of Hillside, have moved to town
bers for a first class shave or
A meeting o f the Woman’s and will make their home Forest
hair cu t
i Missionary Society was held at Grove this summer.
Portland’s famous
Mt. Hood. All flavors, at Shear! Sa,em Wednesday and today. A
number were present from For-
er’ s. Try it.
i est Grove.
Mesdames J. A. Thornburg and
When you buy your new wagon
G. H. Baldwin spent Saturday in
get the “ Union.” Simplest,
Portland shopping.
stongest and most useful. Once
Portland property, in ware used always used. J. B. Mat­
house district, for sale cheap,
thews, Agent.
The foot of a horse is just as
Leonard Dixon and wife of hard to fit as the foot o f a man.
Salem are visiting relatives in We are specialists in fitting shoes
the Grove this week.
to horses. Harris and Markham
Stribichs wagon shop.
All work done in Dr. Booth’s
Agents for
Sherwin-Williams Paints
Paroid Roofing
'ornici! Street,
Optical Parlors guaranteed.
With Booth Jewelry Co.
Forest Crove, Ore.
W . E. Prickett,
Dealer in
Gonfetihonery, Ice Cream, Seda,
Lowney’s Chocolates
Fruits, Cigars and T ob a cco.
The place to stop, rest, and refresh
Pacific Avenue
Forest G rove
W ill Save Y ou
M ore Than 25 Per Cent
Forest Grove Meat Market
Fresh and Salted Meats. H om e Made Pork Sausage “Just
Like Dad Used to Make ‘ Down on the Farm.’ "
Ca»h Paid for Hid««
end Pelt!
 Πl T Ï-
Freeh FUh
Every Thuredey
M O O R E & W IL H E L M S O N
Albert C. M ackro dt SELLS
E. M. F. 30 & Flanders 20
Repairing of All Kinds A Specialty — Best W ork
Forest Grove,
L angley & S on .
Subscribe for the PRESS, now
Mrs. J. F. Woods o f Portland
came out Sunday to see her par­
ents Mr. A. E. Nourse and wife
who leave shortly for the east
and exect to be away several
Holbrook Lodge No. 30.
A. F. and A. M. Stated
communication this Sat­
urday evening, May 7th. Reg­
ular business.
Visiting brethren welcome.
E d w i n A l l e n , W. M.
A. B en K ori , Secretary,
K. L. Oleson of Thatcher, pur­
“W indy Jim " Discourses
chased a gasoline drag saw of
Miss Manche Langley spent one of our local merchants Mon-
“ I was out fishin’ with ‘Windy
Sunday in Portland with her day, which he will use in cutting
tother dav” said Bill Jen­
brother, L, L. Langley and fam- wood in his timber near Thatcher.
kins, who was holding down
FOR R E N T -T h ree
‘Windy’s’ favorite cracker box
Dr. Samuel Todd of Portland furnished rooms, for light house- during the temporary absence of
was an over Sunday visitor at the keeping, hot and cold water.
the usual occupant, “ And the
Grove. Dr. Tocid is a nephew of Mrs. N. J. Walker Third St., be- fish wasn’ t bitin* much and
Grant Hughes o f this city,
tweeen Pacific and First Aves. tf ‘Windy’ he got to tellin’ ‘bout
Archie Bryant, formerly the the times he used to have out to
Earl Miller, a sailor in the U.
S. Navy returned to his ship popular photographer o f Forest Forest Grove.” “ Funny how he
Monday after a few days visit Grove, and now located at Gas­ most always tells ‘bout Forest
ton, paid the Press a visit Satur­ Grove, must a kind o f subtracted
with his parents in this city.
day and congratulated us upon his tenshun or somethin.” “ Well
FOR SALE—7 room house,
the improvement made within the he got to tellin’ o f a excurshun
modern throughout, well built
past eight weeks.
what some of the big bugs of
and finely furnished, lot 100x100,
Chas. lams o f St. Paul, Neb., Portland was havin’ one time
terms. Archie Bryant, Forest
visited his sister, Mrs. V. S. an’ after they had visited all the
Abrahams over Saturday night little towns around they wound
Mr. lams brought a handsome up with Forest Grove” “ and
T he Hum an M ind.
Belgian horse to parties at Shan- there was all the hi-u-mucks o f
The body enm m to y row in h
1 iko. Ore., and stopped in the Forest Grove waitin’ at the depot
fow yeiirs. but the mind. If we
with awtee-mow-bills and keriges
Grove on his return East.
will permit It. may prow n* long
to show the Portland fellers over
as life lasts.—Sir John I.nbbork.
Rev. C. W. Reuters o f New-
town.” "And there was a feller
burg preached the morning and
named Sextun with a big mule
Mr. M. H. Stevenson and wife evening services at the Methodist
and a funny contrapshun o f a
of the Wilkes Bros. Abstract Episcopal church Sunday. Dr.
home-made cart with big iron
Company of Hillsboro, were in Reuters is gifted with an excel­
wheels to represent the workin-
the city Friday afternoon and lent delivery and was thoroughly
men o f the town an’ most o f the
familiar with his subjects.
pop-u-lashun was sittin’ on the
Hon. B. F. Purdy of Gaston fence tu watch ’em go by.”
It is not in many towns the
size of Forest Grove that you departed last Friday for Vallejo, “ The first awty-mow-bill was de-
will find as complete a line of Calif., to visit his son Cliff, who kerated with flags and banners
clothing and men’ s furnishings is employed in the navy yard at and things frum the college and
that place. It is Mr. Purdy’s looked awful fine.” “ Well after
as at Anderson’ s.
intention to bring his son back the perade was been ‘round over
J. G. Lenneville has added a
with him for a visit at home.
most o f the town they went up
wagon repair department to his
the new K. of P. hall which
Miss Francis B. Clapp, who
blacksmithing ana horseshoeing
is a swell place and got
shop, and a Mr. Rivet, a general graduated from both the classical
and drunk punch and
blacksmith and wood-worker is and musical courses o f Pacific
and had a good time
University, will soon depart for
in charge.
“ They
Europe to continue her studies.
Mrs. Frank Giltner o f Portland
is a
Miss Clapp is the daughter of
was in the City Saturday looking
Cephas F. Clapp, pastor o f the dry town and most o f the visitors
after property interests. Inci­
Congregational Church at Wash- etc was dry too so that was the
dentally, Mrs. Giltner called at
ougal, Wash., and who was for most appropiate thing to d o.”
the Press office and ordered the
‘ There was one feller there by
20 years a resident o f this city.
Press for one year.
the name o f F. O. Bristol from
The Catholic young people of
Homer Bemiss o f Seattle is in Cornelius and Forest Grove took New York who is workin’ for the
the Grove looking after the inter­ their hymn books and lunch Columbia Life and Trust Com­
ests o f his father H. R. Bemiss baskets and went in a body to pany what was somethin’ swell
who is confined to his bed from Seghers Church at Scoggins last at story tellin” “ Windy was a
i injuries received in falling from Sunday. The occasion was the sayin’ as how he told a story on
a skule marm who laid a couple
a wagon last week.
celebration o f Mrs. Steigler’s
o f eggs on her desk an’ then
H. W. Scott received the four birthday, she being 71 years old
asked the rithmetik class how
parsenger Mitchell Auto, which on that day. The day was m ost!
many eggs there wood be if she
he ordered a short time ago, last pleasantly spent, the party re­
laid three more on the floor an'
Friday, The machine is hand­ turning on the afternoon train.
nobody said nothin’ so the bad
somely finished and Mr. Scott is
boy of the class says to nother
To Entertain A Bride
delighted with his purchase.
‘say Pete, call her bluff I betcher
There was busy times in a cer-1 a dollar she can’ t do i t ” “ Well
Edward J. Brown, o f the Paci­
fic Paper Company and F. C. tain home, in a certain well after the punch was all gone
Wasserman. secretary o f Blake known town. The carpets were everybody went to the depot and
McFall Co. o f Portland, left cards all taken up; the curtains taken the excurshun went on to Port­
at the Press office Friday. Sorry down; and every piece o f furni­ land.”
to have misaed you. gentlemen, ture was set outside to air, and
P. S. “ No, they didn’t they
but was out entertaining the rest all the white clothes in the house stopped off at a little town called
were washed and ironed with Hillsboro, fir s t ”
o f the Portland boosters.