Halley’s Comet Preparine for Exhibition (Jf gRICK, ----- A great deal has appeared in Heth<111 Fy . , . . beveling a Joist eight Inches in width, whose occasional Visits to the the thickness determined largely by earth were supposed to be accom- tbo width of the street. Even in a panied by the most direful and narro'v 8treet the expansIon tU8ll,on dreadful calamities. W ars, pes­ tilence, famine, earthquakes and all sorts of fearful disasters were ascribed to the influence o f com­ ets. Ever since Halley proved that the large comet which ap­ peared in the year 1682 was gov­ erned in its movements by the same laws which control the motions o f the earth and the moon and other celestial bodies, so that it was possible to foretell its coming with a good degree of accuracy, the m ystery attending the movements o f comets has largely disappeared. True, there are questions in regard to them, that astronomers are not able to answ er; but they are no longer regarded with dread, as harbingers o f ev il, . » ,. . bringing ail sorts o f disaster to the people o f the earth. They are simply bodies in the universe, , i I* i . j extrem ely light, composed in considerable part o f exceedingly rare gases, but controlled in their From Good Roads Magazine. New York, wku . built brick roadway . «bourn not be loss than one inch, one nnd one-quarter Indies for n thirty foot ,( reet aiuj one a„ j one-half inches for n width exceeding thirty feet. This board should be placed next to the curb, worked slightly Into the sand oushlon 1>efore the , 4 k are laid and remain until the street is finished in al1 ° ,her respects, after which it should motions absolutely by the same fulk)Wlnf the applkatl0I/ of (Ue co. laws o f motion and gravitation meat filler which we recognize on the earth. Aftcr ,he brl, k are dropped into the i, n , . street the surfnee should bo swept. Halley s comet appears every 76 pm.QUtioI> thorotofora exercised that years. Its return to the region no brick go Into the street which are o f the earth this year was fore- dirty, or, after ill. that they are not . i , f. , made so by use, ns It Is Impossible told many je a r s ago. It ha8 for , cement filler to adhere to a been visible through the tele- dirty surfacing. After the sweeping scopes since October, and is get- thorough roiling must take place by .. ,, . , the use of a roller not weighing over ting nearer and becoming bright- flve tons er every day. Just how soon it The filler shall be composed o f one can be seen by the naked eye Ir>nrt ca, h of clean' *,iarP s,uul *nd cannot lie stated with certainty. dry Tho llllItur„, DOt exceed,ng one. but as it is rapidly approaching third bushel of the sand, together its perihelion— the point where it L ., , . , .. ... IS nearest the sun which It Will reach on April 19, it should be visible within a very few days . . . , . , , , . now. It rises about 4 O clock in the morning during this week and should be looked for just be­ fore dawn in the east a few de­ grees north o f the east point o f the horizon. Index. What It Waa Lika. “Goodneas:'' exclaimed a gentleman, coming Into a restaurant aud eveu tbeu bolding on bla bat from bablt because of tba gala blowing outside. “1 never •aw such a wind In my lifer -Never maw aucb a wind?” said an­ other “ What a stupid remark! Who ever saw a wind? Pray wbat la It Uker -Like?" replied the first speaker. "Like to bava blown my bat off!" 'vlth, 1* of cem*nti sha11 be placed In the box and mixed dry u,mi the mass assumes an even nnd unbroken shade. Then water shall be *ddeJ*. formln* « u.iuta mixture of the consistency o f thin cream, From the time the water Is applied until the last drop Is removed aud floated Into the Joints of the brick pavement the mixture must be kept In constant motion. To avoid the possibility o f thicken­ ing at any point there should be a man with a sprinkling can, the bend perforated with small holes, sprinkling tho surface ahead of the sweepers. Within one-half to three-quarters of an hour after this last coat Is applied and the grout between the joints has fully subsided and the initial set is taking place the whole surface must be slightly sprinkled nnd all surplus mixture left on the tops o f the brick •wept luto the Joints. After the Joints are thus filled flush with the top o f the brick and sufficient tim e for hardening baa vL/o-ed, so Earl Ryals was having some dental work done in Forest Grove last week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Q. Killin spent Saturday with Will Thornburgh o f Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Moore o f Hills­ boro are the guests o f their son this week. Miss Helen Chalmers of Forest Grove spentJSunday with her pa­ rents at Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Darity o f Glen­ coe are visiting at the Rieling home this week. Mrs. Gardner w as absent two All trees which are ornamental or days this week and Mrs. Bogges which have value as shade trees Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ryals taught in her place. should be preserved and protected un­ were the guests of 0 . W. Hum­ less they grow so close together as to Our Botany class will soon be make a dense shade. In hot, dry cli­ phrey’s Sunday. Louis Roy whitewashed his or- ready to analyze flowers and go mates particularly and Indeed In most places trees are a considerable factor | chard last week, which certain- on specimen excursions. in reducing the cost of maintenance since they lessen the evaporation of | ly gives it a fine appearance. Forest Grove and Hillsboro the moisture from the macadam. In High Schools will have a contest exposed places, where the sweep of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rieling are the wind would be otherwise unbro­ the proud parents o f a fine boy debate at Hillsboro May 21. ken, they serve to prevent in a meas­ that came to their home Sunday Our school w ll soon cPsa and ure the blowing away of the binder from the road surface. Unfortunately evening. preparations are bei ’ g made for In such places It Is often difficult to Considerable work has been fitting exercises for the last aay. make trees grow. Care in the selection of the kinds of trees best suited to the done on the roads lately in this As we now have a full High locality Is important. vicinity, but still there is lots o f A good arrangement along roadsides School and are only doing three room for improvement. for trees with large tops is to set them years work this year, there will about fifty feet apart on each side, but Hops in this vicinity are ma k- be no commencement at our close. alternating, so that there will be a tree every twenty-five feet along the road. ing wonderlul progress, despite Miss Todd who was absent tw o , the unfavorable weather. John U s e i f a D r a g o n G r a v e l ly R o a d s . days on account of the illness o f In soils full of loose stones or even Parsons can hardly find sufficient her sister returned Wedesday. small bowlders the drag has done help to train his vines as rapidly Miss Inez Luce taught for heron good service. The loose stones are as their growth dem grids. drawn into a windrow down the cen­ Tuesday. ter of the road, while the earth is de­ The Ladies’ Aid society met at Six o f our teachers attended a posited around the bowlders In such the home o f Mrs. W. W. Phillipp a way that the surface is leveled. local institute held at Tualatin The loose stones in the center of the on Wednesday, the 6th inst. last Saturday. Miss Scroggs took road should j f course be removed. There were 17 present and a very a class of four girls to demon­ Where there is a large proportion of interesting meeting was held. small stones or gravel the drag will strate a painting lesson in water keep down the inequalities in the sur­ Delicious refreshments were face. colors. served. A n Opportunity For Yourself & Family Secure a steady income. Let my pat­ ent Reversible Disk Plow earn you money and rest free from care. For the next 25 days, or until April 25, I will sell 5 0 0 Shares In M y patent, for the purpose o f constructing a demonstrating model and commenc­ ing the manufacture o f the Reversible Disk Plow Shares $1.00. any one party. C. E. Dixon Not more than 100 to Forest Grove, Ore.