Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, April 14, 1910, Image 6

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Furnished by the Local Re­
porter of ihe Press
Forest Grove Advertising
Taking Off (he
Horse’s Overcoat
A p ro m in en t b reed er has th e follow ,
J. F. Forbis visited in Portland lng to say reg a rd in g th e clipping of
from Thursday until Monday last. horses: A serv iceab le h and pow er
horse clipping m achine may be bought
Frank Maury is quite sick. fo r from $5 up to $25. a very s a tisfa c ­
Dr. J. P. Tamiesie is attending tory one fo r th e fo rm er price, though,
w h ere th ere a re several horses to be
clipped. It I b b e tte r to get a higher
George Turner of Portland was p riced one. It ta k e s tw o men to run
visiting his parents over Sunday th e o rd in a ry h an d pow er clipping m a­
chine. T h e w ork can be done by the
in Dilley.
re g u lar fa rm help, and th e re a re u su al­
off d ay s In th e sp rin g when not
W. C. Gray is very sick again. ly
much else can be done, so th a t very
Dr. Bishop of Forest Grove is at­ little tim e need be lost from th e regu­
tending physician.
la r field work.
F a rm e rs do not ap p ear to ap p reciate
Mrs. Wilber Hughes and Mrs. th e a d v a n ta g e s o f clipping th e horses.
James Pollik were visitors to In th e spring, when hard w ork begins
fo r th e farm horse, th e coat o f h a ir Is
Portland Saturday.
long, coarse and heavy. N a tu re fu r­
Mr. Webber of Newburg visit­ nishes it to s e n e th e sam e purpose for
ed in Dilley at the home of Louis th e anim al th a t the fu r coat does for
Its ow ner. W hen th e horse Is put to
Parsons, our Sunday.
w ork th e long h air is a t once a b ur­
Leroy and Oscar Kuhns of den, an d th e anim al becomes covered
w ith sw eat upon even lig h t exercise
Portland visited their grand par­ o f a w arm sp rin g day.
ents in Dilley over Sunday.
W hen this heavy coat becom es w et
It takes It a long tim e to d ry . T he
Miss Francis Orr of St. Johns, spring n ights a re often q u ite cold. In
was visiting several days with stro n g co n tra st w ith th e tem p e ra tu re
d u rin g th e day. N atu rally th e thick
Miss Merle Maury of Dilley.
wet coat which th e anim al Is forced
Officials of the Southern Pacific
made an inspection of the station
and grounds at Dilley last Friday.
Miss Liza Briggs of Dilley was
a Portland visitor last Saturday,
returning on the Monday morn­
ing train.
Fishing is the occupation in
Dilley now, and the password,
“ What did you catch?” is heard
on every side.
Abraham Runyan, who former­ to w ear a t night, a fte r persp irin g free-
ly lived in Dilley, visited here ; ly a t work, su b jects It to colds an d
| pneum onia. Many a good horse has
for several days, leaving Tues­ been Injured In th is wny. not by over­
day for Oregon City.
work when It w as soft from th e lack
o f exercise, but by having to sta n d
J. R. Hollister, treasurer of through a long cold night In Its w et
the Abstract Company of Wash­ w in ter overcoat. It Is as though you
ington County at Hillsboro, was should be forced to sleep betw een wet
in Dilley on Tuesday evening.
W ith th is heavy coat rem oved by
W. C. Gray Is very sick. Mr.
Gray, in a recent conversation,
said he was visited with poorer
health than he has been for some
Geo. Briggs, of the firm of
Briggs Bros, was in Dilley a short
time this week. Mr. Briggs is
now located in Washington, near
Mr. Balgar and wife were vis­
iting Mr. Pegg and family this
week; they were old friends in
Minnesota. Mr. Balgar is now
interested in the Beaverton Bank.
Mr. Pegg and family enter­
tained Mis. Dunken and children,
friends from the east, last week.
The Dunkens stopped over en-
route home from an extended
visit in California.
Prof. Wm, Scott, principal of
the Dilley school, has been re­
engaged for another term of nine
months. This will make four
successive terms for Prof. Scott,
which is indisputable evidence
that his services are eminently
Arbor day at the Dilley school
was observed with appropriate
exercises. Rev. Pric? of the M.
E. church delivered an excellent
lecture upon the meaning of Ar­
bor Day. There was a goodly
attendance of the parents and
friends of the children.
The Dilley ball team crossed
sticks with the North Yamhill
aggregation last Saturday on
their opponents grounds, win­
ning by a score of 5 to 4. The
Yamhill twisters put up a good
game but the visitors were too
heavy with the stick work to be
beaten. A large crowd attended
the game.
for the
th e clippers th e horse does not get so
w arm wbeu a t w ork, p ersp ires much
less, and th e m oisture evuim rates from
Its h air much more rapidly. W hen a
horse perspires copiously Its v ita lity Is
g re a tly low ered, and It Is n atu rally
much less able to resist th e a tta c k s of
those allm eu ts w hich horses a re sul>-
Ject to In th e spring. T he clipped
horse can sta n d more and h a rd e r work
th a n th e one in long hair. Just as a
man can chop m ore wood on a w arm
day In bis sh irt sleeves.
T he long h air also becomes m ore or
less filthy, no m a tte r how ca re fu lly the
horse may be groom ed. Many have
th e Idea th a t th e s ta te of th e blood Is
bad when th e skin of th e horse gets
out of condition to w ard th e end of
w inter. T hey eudeavor to c o rrect th e
condition by th e use of tonics when
In fuel th e tro u b le Is an 111 cared for
skin. Hesldes, th e task of c a rin g for
th e shedding w ork horse Is a d is­
agreeable Job. T h e process of shed
d in g covers several weeks, an d every
one know s how u n p leasan t It Is to get
covered w ith discarded h o rseh air in
tending and w orking w ith th e horses
Principally for th is reason th e livery
men and city horsem en adopted clip
ping long ago.
T he farm e r Is supposed In some
q u a rte rs not to have a s su b tle sen si­
bilities as city folks, b u t th a t, like
many notions o f urban people concern­
ing rurnlltles. Is a heresy. T he fa rm ­
e r philosophically en d u res m any d is­
ta ste fu l th in g s simply because he does
n o t kuow how to avoid th em econom ­
ically. As he learns th a t he can enjoy
his b re a k fa st food In th e springtim e
w ith o u t ho rseh air accom panim ents by
th e o u tlay of a few d o llars he will no
d o u b t av ail him self of th e opportunity
a n d especially so when he discovers
th e fact th a t th e possession o f a good
clipping m achine Is n paying Invest
m en t o therw ise.
W here sheep a re kept on th e farm
a sh e a rin g a tta c h m e n t m ay he had for
th e m achine a t sm all ad d itio n al c o s t
w hich does th e sh e a rin g a t a g reat
sav in g In labor and cost. T h e m a­
chine clip" clo ser th a n th e b an d sh ears
Some claim th a t th e wool saved by
th e m achine will a v e ra g e a pound to
th e sheep.
He Came Down.
"Say." said a young sw ell to a chum ,
“you w ouldn't believe th a t J a c k had
so much spu n k : but. ‘pou my w ord, he
called down a cabby last ulght. lie 's
so rry for It today, how ever."
“W h y r
“T h e cabby cam e dow n."
More Real Work Needed.
A good roads convention la alw ay s
a helpful Institution, b u t th ere a re a
g re a t m any people who would do well
to spend more tim e In m aking roads
In stead o f a tte n d in g conventions.
I f those alone w ho “sow ed th e
w ind did reap th e w hirlw ind" it
would la? well. B ut th e m ischief
is th a t th e blindness of bigotry,
th e m adness o f am bition and
th e m iscalculations of diplom acy
seek th e ir victim s principally
am ong th e unoffending. T he cot­
ta g e Is su re to su ffer for every
e rro r of court, cab in e t or camp.
W hen erro r sits in th e sent of
pow er and of a u th o rity a n d is
g en erated in high places it may
be com pared to th a t to rren t
w hich o rig in ates Indeed In the
m ountain, b u t com m its Its dev ­
a sta tio n in th e vale.—Colton.
. .
Finest of Bread and Pastro Baked Daily .
We sell 6 loaves of Bread for 25 cents
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove,
From the Field Reporter of
the Press.
Miss Laura Knighten did shop­
ping in the Grove Saturday.
W. M. Harris and wife were
in Portland Saturday on business.
State Game Warden Stevenson
is on an extended trip through
Southern Oregon.
Austin Buxton, wife and sons
spent Sunday at Hillside, the
guests of T. Williams and family.
H. R. Burk and W. F. McCoy
are taking treatments of the
chiropixctic M. D. of the Grove.
Mrs. Keagy o f Aberdeen,
Wash, is visiting at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. h Steven­
Claude Johnson is again attend­
ing school after several weeks
absence while having his eyes
Adolph Anderson of Portland,
who formerly owned a fine fruit
ranch on David’s Hill was a vis­
itor of A. Reuter, Saturday.
The Shadow Social will be held
at Rockefeller Hall, Saturday.
April 16. A shdrt literary pro­
gram beging the evenings enter­
tainment followed by the sale of
the shadows. Lunch will then
1 be served and the remainder of
the evening given over to various
amusements. Come every one
and help towards a new organ
for the school.
March Health Statistics
The following vital statistics
were reported to the county board
of health for Washington county
during March 1910;
Returns on marriages 8
Contagecus diseases:
Measles 1 case.
Diptheria 3 cases.
Scarlet fever 6 cases.
Males 11, Females 8, Total 19.
Males 22, Females 15, Total 37
W. D. W o o d ,
Co. Health Officer.
Children Give Recital
• Fire, Plate Glass, Health and Accident Insurance.
Surety Bonds
Farm, Timber, Fruit Lands and City Property
Close atte n tio n given to care o f p ro p erty fo r non-resident ow ners
Only gilt-edge insurance companies represented by my agency
Will Save You More Than 25 Per Ceni
This is to certify
that in trading at
Abraha It rns
1 always get a square deal,
good honest weight, and prices
are always right.
I can rec­
ommend their place to any one
wishing to buy groceries, dry-
goods, shoes cr furnishings.
A . Satis Fied,
BanksAdvertiseOpportunites bids have been accepted. Bid
The Banks Commercial Club
has inaugurated an advertising
campaign by which the claims
and advantages of the hustling
town and vicinity are to be made
known to homeseekers. 2000 cir­
culars have been printed which
members will inclose in their cor­
respondence. One side of the
circular contains a finely execu­
ted map showing the location of
the city on the direct route to the
coast front Portland, and also at
the junction of the P. R. & N.
and United Railways. The re­
verse contains a brief summary
of the inducements offered the
new comer, and emphasizes the
fact that as much of the country
is yet undeveloped there remain
abundant opportunities for the
man of limited means.
An impromptu musical recital
was given Wednesday afternoon
by the students of Prof. Chap­
man’s class at Pacific University,
which was an excellent demon­
stration of the thoroughness of
Prof. Chapman’s instruction.
Those who participated were:
Misses Joycie Booth, Reine Moore
Clara Chalmers, Margaret Garri­
son. Sarah Agnew, Ruth Haines,
Golda Murphy, Lucy Weathered.
Florence Littler, Margaret Low­
ell, Ramona Hempel, Christine
Wilson, Rosa Bulcher. Maud Eng­
lish, Elida Loynes, Helen All­ Plans for Odd Fellows
worth, Grace Chandler, Liola
Building Completed
House, Flora McCorkle and Leila
Architect McFarland, who has
the plans and drawn up
A Beginning.
for the building
H o )bn—Ain*. 1 fe a r th a t boy o f m ine
Is going to develop into a n ew spaper of the local Lodge of Odd Fel­
h u m o rist. Dobbs—W hy do you th in k lows, was in the City Tuesday,
so? Ilo b b s—A school essay he w rote
began. "T h e native« o f Iceland a re a and stated that the plans were
cold an d d is ta n t people." — B oston completed and the work of con­
struction would begin as soon as
for the work will be received u
to Monday, April 25th 1910, am
the successful bidder will be ex
pected to commence operation
at once.
This building will add greatl
to the appearance of the city
and will be a lasting monumer
to the energy and progressive
ness of Forest Grove Odd Fe
Temperance Meeting
The temperance meeting unde
the auspices of the W. C. T. U
at the Congregational church
Tuesday evening, was quite we
attended and aroused much in
terest in the important campaig
now starting in this state. Mrs
Boldrick presided and Rev. Sti
\e r conducted the devotional sei
vices. Mrs. Lulu Loveland Shep
ard, one of the national officers
was the principal speaker, am
explained the plans by which th
'V v. T. U.. the Prohitionist
and the Anti-Saloon League wer
combining their efforts to vot
the entire state “ dry” at tF
coming election. She is a ver
excellent speaker.
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