Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, April 14, 1910, Image 5

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Local News Items
Oregon Land & Trading Co.
Edward Seymour, Mgr.
Harry Levy o f Portland is in t f
town for a few days.
Forest Grove, Oregon
Booth Jewelry C o?
Diamonds; Watches, Solid Gold and G old Filled;
Fobs, Chains, Lockets and Bracelets; Clocks.
Watch Repairing
Cut Glass
Old & Y oung
| Hand Painted China; Fancy Vases; Novelties and
Anything and Everything in Jewelry.
The Big Store
Pacific Avenue
For Sale—Household goods of
Sam Ciapshaw o f Hillside was all kinds. 31 A Street, cor. First
in the Grove Saturday.
avenue, Forest Grove.
Mrs. M. J. Allen of Patton
Rev. Frank James o f Linnton
Valley was in town Monday.
occupied the pulpit morning and
Miss Daisy Munkers is work­ evening at the M. E. church last
ing at the Laughlin Hotel.
Mrs. Walter Baldwin, who un­
Mrs. Francis Bernard o f Ver-
derwent an operation for appendi­
boort was in town Saturday.
Geo. Mead and wife of Hillside citis about ten days ago, is re­
were trading in town Saturday. ported to be rapidly recovering.
For Sale—50 acres, part under
Root beer always on tap at Den
cultivation, house ad barn, about
of Sweets.
four miles out. $40 per acre.
Mrs. Martin Lynch of Patton J. N. H o f f m a n , Forest Grove, tf
Valley was trading in town Mon­
James Fleck o f Madras, Ore­
gon and Elmer Fleck o f Beaver­
A. Hermans and wife o f Ver- ton, visited at the home o f their
boort were trading in town Fri­ cousin, Frank Fleck, in this city
this week.
Rev. J. R. Hall is seriously ill
Mrs. P. W. Cronin, who has
at his home from ptomaine poi­ been visiting for the past 10 days
with her daughter Mrs. J. J.
Call on the Main Street bar­ Brunner in Portland, returned
bers for a first class shave or to her home here Monday.
Rings for the
O u r Specialty
Mrs. Chris. Peterson o f Dilley
Mr. and Mrs. Vannoy o f Dilley
shopping in this cityWednes-
were in town Friday.
John Cornelius was in from
W anted—An experienced girl
the farm Saturday.
for general housework,
Mrs. W . N . F errin .
Farm and City Property
Both Phones
Forest Grove, Ore.
hair cut.
W . E. Prickett,
Dealer in
Gonfedionery, Ice Cream, Seda,
Lowney’s Chocolates
Fruits, Cigars and T ob a cco.
The place to stop, rest, and refresh
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove
.— ■%
Largest and Best stock
W est of Portland
: A ll Goods Bought Direct from Factory
r ic e s
ig h t
o t h
h o n e s
Forest Grove
Forest Grove Meat Market
Fresh and Salted Meats. H om e M ade Pork Sausage “ Just
Like Dad Used to Make ‘D ow n on the Farm.’ ”
Cash Paid for Hid««
and Pelts
b - i ° L - L 1 2 4
Fresh Fish
Every Thursday
M O O R E & W IL H E L M S O N
Albert C. Mackrodt SELLS
v ’ 1
Eh M. F. 30 & Flanders 20
Repairing of All Kinds
Forest Grove,
Much o f the 10.UU0 square miles of
territory comprising Switzerland is so
mountainous and stony that when
available for any purpose it can only
be for the pasturage o f animala. Vet
so carefully are all o f the natural re­
sources conserved and exploited that
the country I* one o f the moat prosper­
ous in the world, and the Swiss peo-
( % are as contented as they are in
dustrtous and frugal.
The Columbia Graphophones
Miss Estella Boscow o f Port­ and Columbia records lead them
land spent Sunday with Miss all. Quality wins. Call at the
Forest Grove Pharmacy and hear
the latest musical productions.
Ice cream cones, fresh fruits
J. B. Matthews has the only
and chocolates. Prices right at
lifting apparatus in the
“ Union Jack.” Strongest and
Miss Anna Cornelius spent
best. Handiest tool for stretch­
Sunday and Monday in Portland,
ing wire fence ever devised, tf
visiting friends.
Highly satisfactory results will
Mrs. Will Moore and small
obtained from the use of For­
daughter, o f Greenville, were in
maldehyde and squirrel poison at
the city Saturday.
this season. Every can guaran­
Mrs. Hiram Davis and Miss teed. For sale at Pioneer Drug
Lahaie o f Verboort, were shop­ Store.
ping in town Monday.
What does Anderson do? He
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bryner o f sells clothing, hats, socks, under­
Portland are visiting Mr. and wear, shirts, overalls, gloves,
Mrs. J. R. Hall this week.
ties, suspenders, belts, suit cases,
Mrs. C. V. B. Russell, who has sweaters, collars and handker­
been quite ill at her home in this chiefs.
city is very much improved.
They had a lively little earth­
quake down at San Diego Mon­
day where ex-postmaster Atwell
had spent most o f the winter,and
he is sorry he did not stay a few
J. G. Lenneville, the popular
days longer in order to feel a
chief o f the fire department, was
called to Portland on business
Dr. C. L. Large reports a
daughter born to the w ife of
Mrs. Merle Markee, who has
John Fisher, o f Scoggin’s Valley
been visiting Mrs. Herbert Mc­
last Sunday, the 10th.
Nutt o f McMinnville, has re­ wishing the attendance o f Dr.
turned home.
Large in this class o f cases will
Mrs.. Arthur Hall o f Clatskan- greatly oblige him, if convenient
ie, Oregon, is visiting at the by engaging his services two or
home o f her parents, Prof, and three months prior to the expec­
Mrs. Jos. Marsh.
ted event.
Portland property, in ware
house district, for sale cheap.
L a n g l e y & S on . .
Oregon Electric Tim e Card
Fore*t Grove
6:50 a m
8:40 a m
10:30 a m
12:20 p m
1:40 p m
4:10 p m
7:00 p m
9:45 p m
at Portland
8:00 a m
9:50 a m
11:40 a m
1:30 p m
2:50 p m
5:20 p m
8:10 p m
10;50 pm
Forest Grove
8:15 a m
9:40 a m
11:30 a m
1:20 p m
3:20 p m
4:40 p m
6:40 p m
9:35 p m
7:05 a m
8:30 a m
10:20 a m
12:10 p m
2:10 p m
3:30 p m
5:30 p m
8:25 p m
Saturday Only
Lva Portland 11:30 p m —A r. F.G. 12:35 a m
Sunday only
Lva F..G. 3:30 p m - - A r . at Portland 4:40 p m
Legal Notices
Sealed proposals will be re­
ceived by the County Court of
Washington County, Oregon, un­
til 2 p. m. o f the 5th day o f May,
1910, and then opened, for the
construction o f a bridge across
the Tualatin River about one
mile south o f Cornelius.
The said bridge to consist o f a
span across the river and approa­
ches thereto, including fill of about
600 feet on the south side of the
Proposals will be consid­
ered for both wood and steel for
above mentioned span. Separate
bids will be considered for the
earth work. The court reserves
the right to reject any or all bids,
and a certified check for 5 per
cent o f the amount will be re­
quired to accompany bid.
By order o f the Court.
J. W. G o o d in ,
County Judge.
Sealed bids will be received by
the County Court of Washington
County, Oregon, until 2 o’clock
p. m. Saturday April 16th, 1910
and then opened for the con­
struction o f a fill, said fill to re­
place about 600 feet o f the ap­
proaches to the bridge across the
Tualatin river at Farmington.
A certified check for 5 per cent
o f the amount o f the bid to be
enclosed and successful bidder
will be required to furnish a bond
for the faithful performance of
the contract.
Specifications may be seen at
the office o f the County Judge.
By order o f the County Court,
J . W . G o o d in ,
County Judge.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Sarah S. Myers, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned Executrix has filed
with the County Court o f Wash­
ington County her final account
in the above entitled estate, a n d '
that said Court has set the 9th
day of May, 1910, at 10 o’ clock
a. m. of said day for the hearing
o f any objections the said re­
port. Therefore any person hav­
ing objection thereto will file the
same with the County Court on
or before the day set for such
CYNTHIA L . B r o w n ,
Executrix o f the Will o f Sarah
S. Myers, deceased.
L a n g l e y & S o n , Attorneys.
Last pub. April 21.
J. A. Anderson o f Portland
Mrs. M. E. Dickson left yes­
was in town Saturday. Mr. An­ terday for an extended visit with
derson formerly owned a farm her daughter Mrs. Adams in New
near David’s Hill.
York City. Her departure was
a little in order that she
Ira Hampton has opened a pool
in Chicago her son
parlor in the basement beneath
the famous sing­
j the harness shop o f J. A. Parker
o f Dr. Chapman,
I on Pacific Avenue.
the evangelist, who has recently
Miles Goodman o f Wallowa
returned from a campaign inAus-
connty called on H. R. Bemis, an
tralia. Mr. William Dickson of
old neighbor but now a resident
Seattle came down to see his
| of the Grove, Saturday.
mother off.
Miss Emma Fordyce o f Port­
Notice is hereby given that
land, who formerly lived here
Christian Church Services
the undersigned has been duly
A Specialty — Best W ork
and attended Pacific University,
Sunday morning at the Chris­ appointed by the County Court
is visiting college friends in this
o f Washington county, as Admin­
tian church an address will b e ; istrator o f the estate o f Mary E.
| city.
given by Dr. W. M. Semones Harris, deceased, and all persons
Oliver Corl finds the bicycle which will be a report o f the re­ holding claims against the estate
trade so lively this spring that he cent Laymen’ s convention held will present the same to me, duly
had to go to Portland to stock up at Portland. All are invited who! verified, at the office o f Langley
a new lot of wheels and sup­ care to hear Dr. Simones in this and Son in Forest Grove, within
The comedian boarder cracked an
six months from the first publi­
egg with his lork and sakl solemnly:
address. He has been a minister cation o f this notice.
••[.miles and gentlemen, did you ever
Dated this 24th day o f March,
Who is Anderson? He is the of the Word for a number o f
bear the story o f Vpsilanti. Mich . V
"Can't say that we did,’' they echoed leading Clothier and Furnisher years besides having years o f ex­ 1910.
in unison, “ is it a good story T'
o f Forest Grove and Washington perience in his profession. The L a n g l e y & S o n ,
• E r -it ’s hard to aay."
And ten minutes wter when they County. I f you doubt it lock evening address will be by the
W m . M. H a r r is ,
(umo.ed they tousl lUul >he k.omeuu>u through his store and be con­ pastor from the subject, “ The Admintstrator o f the Estate o f
boarder should join a uilustrel show
Monumental Hour.”
Mary E. Harris, deceased.
and make bis fortuue.—Chicago News. vinced.
Mrs. H. Gould was a Portland
visitor on Tuesday.