Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, April 14, 1910, Image 3

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    Kappa Deltas Entertain
Live Items of Local Interest
Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling
I « a u s a
Local Reporters of the Press
n J
J. T. Shannon was in the city Mrs. Gould Given Surprise
_ , _1
Last Thursday evening the
Phil Porter of Gelcs Creek was Maximus Class o f the M. E.
a Grove visitor Tuesday.
Church tendered to their teacher,
A. E. Hoffman made a business Mrs. Gould, a birthday surpise
trip to Portland Wednesday.
j party which was very unique.
Fred Kellogg o f Dilly was in
The affair was held at the Par*
the Grove Wednecday investing sonage and Mrs. Gould was the
recipient of several handsome
in fish-bait.
presents. Ice cream and cake
A. C. Mackrodt sells Stude-
were served, and after a very
baker automobiles, Indian motor­
pleasant evening, the gathering
cycles and Bicycles.
dispersed, well satisfied with the
The home made chocolates at pleasures which had been en­
the Den o f Sweets please the joyed.
most fastidious taste.
The student’s running track is Mrs. Albin Entertains at 500
being graded and the campus
A very enjoyable evening was
tennis court also is being im- passed last Thursday at the home
of Mrs. C. E. Albin, where a
In preparation for the arrival sma11 Part>' of friends Sathered
o f new stock the Pioneer Drug J meet Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Store is making special prices at ^uc^er ° f Wood burn, who were
the guests of honor. A number
| o f hands at 500 were played and
J. N. Koffman has started
a most
enjoyable luncheon
work in earnest upon the found­
a tio n for his theatre building on
Those present were Mr. and
first street.
Mrs. J. H. Hartley and Mr. and
Councilman Verhoeven and Mrs. H. L. Deckert, of this city
Otto Parsons left for their Euro­ and Miss Alma Long o f Cornelius.
pean trip to-day, accompanied by
the best wishes o f all.
Wedding Beils to Ring
For Rent, 9 room house, bath
Announcement is made o f the
and water, one block from post
engagement o f Esther Kid<j,
office. C. B. Campbell,
daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Ind. Phone No. 42
Kidd, o f Berkley, Calif., and
House cleaning requisites: Am- formerly of Portland, to Mr.
monia, borax, antiseptic solutions James A. Cronin, 6on o f Mr. and
insect powder and numerous oth- Mrs. P. W. Cronin o f this city.
er3 fresh and pure at the Forest The marriage will take place some
Grove Pharmacy.
time this month.
Mr. Cronin is
The announcement o f the early an engineer on a transport run-
marriage o f Miss May Laharie, ning out of San Francisco and is
who lesides in the Verboort Dis- a member o f the Masonic order,
trict to Jas. Davis o f Forest Grove j
was made last Sunday.
Discuss Household Economics
The parlors and dining room of
Herrick Hall at Pacific Univer­
sity were last Friday night the
scene o f the most successful so-1
cial event o f )he year, tne Kappa |
Delta Society entertaining their
friends with “ forty-tw o.”
The decorations were beautiful, [
the society’s colors, purple and
white, predominating through
the rooms, while a profusion of
flowers and palms added greatly
to the general effect.
During the evening Mrs. F.
T. Chapman, o f Portland, the I
well-known mezzo-soprano, and j
Dwinell Clapp, violinist, fur- j
nished music. Those in charge j
were the Misses Lancefield, Av­
ery, Stearns and Weist. Mr.
and Mrs. F. T. Chapman and
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shively, of
Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Ar­
chie Hahn were the guests of
Salem Being Beautified
The Cherry City Improvement!
League, organized recently, is
actively carrying on its work of
beautifying the city. The Willa­
mette University campus and the |
parked area along State street in
front o f the entire university |
property have been graded.
The Southern Pacific Railway
Company is co-operating with
the league in the improvement of
the station grounds on Twelfth
street and much of the work of
transforming the railroad proper­
ty. The league will beautify the
north end o f the grounds by fill­
ing and grading and planting
Wilson avenue, opposite the
university grounds, has been
plowed and graded. The state-
house grounds were plowed last
year and this year will have a
Geraniui'iis a r e being
planted along the cement walks
on the state property.
Fashion Stables
I. A. Brown, Proprietor
First Class Rigs
Careful Drivers
Prices Right
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove, Ore.
E wish to announce that
we have the finest line
o f wheels to be found.______
W e can suit you in quality,
color, stylé and price.
See Us Before Buying
W e also handle gasolene and automobile
cylinder oil at prices the lowest.
The Forest Grove Garage
Call or Telephone Your Orders to
Schultz Market & Grocery
For Fresh, Salt and Smoked M eats,
Fish and Vegetables of A ll Kinds
An Especially Neat Stock of Monopole Canned I
Goods and Groceries
Free Delivery to All Parts of the City
Both Phones
Pacific Avenue
Forest Grove
T o Trade W ith Us
means a saving to you.
N. J. Walker, who has been
The Household Economics De- T h e PRCZS5 Is T H E O N E B E S T B E T
ailing for a number o f months, ; partment of the Woman’ s Club for C O N S I S T E N T A D V E R T I S I N G .
recently took another bad turn, held quite an enthusiastic meet-
so that serious doubts are enter- ing with Mrs. Hines Tuesday Mrs. M. A. Thomas
tained for his recovery.
afternoon. The question under
Fashionable Dressmaker
Say! Are you acquainted with discussion being “ How to Put Cor. 2nd. St- and 1st. Ave. North.
Anderson? You should be for he Household Economies in Our Pub-
Forest Grove, Oregon
can Suit you, Hat you, Shirt you, lic Schools. ” Mrs. Seymour was
or measure you for a Suit to Or­ the leader o f the subject and
some very good suggestions were
der. He caters to men.
made. We understand that some
C. E. Dixon reports work on
aio r g the line of Economics
the patterns for his disk plows is to be placed in the Forest Grove
progressing rapidly, and sa> s that gCh00js next year so there will be
they will probably be ready for a fine opportunity for the Club to
the Foundry next week.
carry out some o f the good sug-
Highly satisfactory results will gestions presented. A fter the
be obtained from the use o f For- program dainty
maldehyde and squirrel poison at were served,
asks you
this season. Every can guaran-
The next meeting will be with
teed. For sale at Pioneer Drug Mrs. Seymour April 26 and the no questions, but fits your
subject, “ Economy o f Energy in
eyes with glasses according
Rev. Stover o f Hillsboro, who Household W ork.’
to the latest scientific meth­
has been assigned the Watt’ s
Dist. Church, was in the Grove Team Runs-Scared by Trolley ods. Satisfaction absolute­
and vicinity, Wednesday making
Tuesday afternoon, a team be­ ly guaranteed; office with
the acquaintance o f his new par­
longing to Chas. Blair, who lives
about two miles south o f the city
The slaughter house of Moore broke loose from their hitching
Forest Grove, - Oregon
and Wilhelmson on the Alvin strap and started for home at
Brown place, north east of town, a break-neck pace.
has been completed. The firm
The team was hitched in front
has leased ten acres from Mr. o f the harness shop o f J. A. Par­
Some of
Brown for a period o f five years. ker, next to the Press office, and
becoming frightened at an elec- our claims
New Night Watch on Duty tric car passing up Pacific avenue
We don’t believe that you can find
J. H. Wilson, the new night broke their strap and started to
a better all round place to fit out the
home than right at this store.
watch, started in upon his duties run, passing over the sidewalk
Monday nigtht. Mr. Wilson is between a telephone pole and the
We don’ t believe that you can
find a place that will deal more
well and favorably known to a buildings, narrowly escaping a
fairly with you than we will.
majority o f the residents o f For- complete wrecking o f the wagon
We don’t believe that, dollar for
est Grove, as he is an old resident at the start. Mr. Blair made an
dollar, you can do QUITE as well
anywhere else.
o f the city. The merchants and attempt to stop them, ar.d was
business men have full confidence swept aside into the mud like a
Those are our claims—to prove
them is our aim.
in his integrity and watchful- wisp o f straw, but happily was
Will you give u* an opportunity to
ness, and feel entirely safe in uninjured. The team headed for
do so the first time you are needing
consigning their establishments Cornelius at a 2:02 clip and dis-
something in our unc!
to his care during the hours o f appeared down the avenue like a
dark ness.
1 flash.
A guaran­
tee with every sale—to be as repres­
ented. Honest goods at right prices.
Dr. Hines’ Drug Store
A . E. M O U L T O N
Roswurm & Moulton
Successors to
Roswurm & Co.
Dealers in Real Estate, Exchanges, Business Chances,
Ice, Coal and Wood
Forest Grove
Dr. Booth
Booth Jewelry Company
W oven W ire Fence, Barb W ire,
and A ll Kinds of Shelf H ard­
ware; W agons & Buggies.
H ygienic K also m in e
Heath & Milligan
Pratt & Lambert
Brushes of AH Sorts & Sizes