r ■ P " Freshrren Jingles I f people talked only about t o t ii.._ ¡5 they understood, the Published & Edited by world would resemble a deaf and W e ’re a class o f Freshmen G. E. S E C O U R W e’ ve showed you each and all in the City o f It ’s not being down—but being dumb asylum. W e’ re not a bunch o f slow ones F orest G r o ve , O r eg o n , down and out, that means failure. _ ..... , , . I In old Pacific’ s hall. T H U R SD A Y of E AC H W EE K . Responsibility may be a homely virtue; but in the market o f labor For we are up and doing Entered at the post office at Fotest Grove, Ojrn It isn’t the fellow with an ex­ as mail matter of the second cla^s. ertu syou Tb eru em g plosive temper who always feels ¡ » . a commodity that always T erms of S ubscription brings the highest price. That you met us ne’er before. bang up. F orest g r o v e P ress nd the world laughs at W . M. Langley & Son Lawyers C A S H IN A D V A N C E One Y e a r $1.00 - Six Months .75 D isplay A dvertising rates on appli­ cation. L ocal R eaders five cents per line of seven words each insertion. Display advertisements for publica­ tion in the P R E S S must be in this otfice not later than Tuesday evening to in­ sure appearance in current issue. Just a Word With You John D. Foote, in order to de­ vote his entire time to his pro­ fessional duties as an attorney, has severed his connection with the Press, and hereafter this paper will be conducted by the undersigned, with absolutely no change from its former policy, that o f consistently and deter­ minedly working for the good of Forest Grove and its residents, in particular, and the general welfare and upbuilding of all tributary territory, which is Washington County. The business relations between Mr. Foote and myself, in the conduct o f the Press, were of a most pleasant and agreeable nature, anJ he carries with him, into the maelstrom o f legal lore and strife, the best and sincerest well wishes of G. E. S e c o u r . For we have a William in our class' Forest Grove, Ogn. been here just a year a j 0]ly tall and slender lad J. N. Hoffman This “ ladie’s man” so dear, A tlorney-at-Law Helen, better known asa “ Hard- Collections and all business entrusted to m scratch,” Riven prompt attention. Attorney for Forest Is a charming warmhearted rogue Grove Collection Agency. Ojfice-Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave. And her smiling eyes grow Ind. Phone 502 Forest Grove brighter Whenever they rest on “ Doge.” j The object o f advertising is to , , . _ .. _ , H. W . Vollmer, M. D. teach people to believe in you and N o w jh e re S the Pres,dent o f our Physician and Surgeon your goods; to teach them to j j j e mjxes H2S. Office in Abbott Bldg. think that they have a need for He always looks to church affairs Both Phones Forest Grove, Ogn. your goods and to teach them to A Bishop to address, buy your goods. Advertise in There ig a young lady called the Press and reach the people. Goldie J. D. Foote The society belle o f the class. Attorney-at-Law She is the best bluffer among us Collections and all business entrusted to me Riven prompt attention. W in d y Jim Discourses This clever dear little (?) lass O/Sce-Hotiman Bldg. Pacific Ave. W e was sittin round the stove ^ye bave a young preacher called Phone Ind. '>02 Forest Grove discussin’ politics, weather an’ Morris such like when Windy Jim cum We like him, I tell you what through the door along o f a cy- And o f the class he’ s the guardian O. W . Humphrey clone and about two barrels o f Pu*' a'as' ’ n l**8 ways he is sot . Jliiorney-at-Law water. i Miss W’healdon is our newest girl Offici- K. P. Bldg. Phone 644 “ Taint rainin, be it?” asked She’ s awfully fond of Trig Forest Grove, Oregon Cy Mullens, whose wife had sent Often she shocks us very much ____ . , I By dancing us a jig. him in the forenoon to get seme Dr. O. Ii. Scheetz groceiies, and who was afraid to W e have also another Helen ChiropraöUc Spinologist go home for fear lie would get £ ™ aidp" ? *-nd Whose modest'smile is so charm- Specialist, in i ervous diseases, lunR trouble, his feet wet. A t least that was jng rheumatism, in fact all diseases. what he said. j No wonder Levi is ‘sweet” . Office next tu LaCourse’s store . , A successful man must know There is no method o f making friends equal to the method o f his business. He must apply this knowledge—he must work, and making good. he must work to the best ad van- tage. And to work to the best From the way the kids are go­ advantage he must work with ing it on the outlots, baseball system .-John H. Converse. must be ripe. _______________ Trim the claws o f the other fellow ’s advertisement by im­ proving your own. I f a man is only saving for a rainy day, the price o f an um­ brella is sufficient. It is impossible to throw a handful o f flattery at anyone without some o f it sticking. One reason, probably, why the women o f Kansas do not care to vote is because they can.—Ex. An Illinois farmer took a 450-lb. hog to market in an auto. That was a real joy ride for the porker, \ y h o ’s There is always some fellow with good luck standing around , , , .. What s the matter with Holman? to profit by another’ s bad luck. that . anybody knows on, it never Has the char(I)m 5een j03t? W . H. Hollis do rain in Mosuree. Now i f this I H e’s not as happy as formally Gold bricks were invented that was out to Cornelius, Oregon, it Perhaps he’s been givin g frost. A ilorr.ey-al-Law To Beautify Forest Grove thooe who buy them may have would be sure wet 1 guess. Once Grace is our music specia, 1’o r e s t Grove, Ogn. The Woman’ s Club o f this city something to show for their folly. when I was out at forest Grove, She plays by the hour ’ tis said the webs in my toes got kind o f But should you wish to see her is about to inaugurate a cam­ may find her with Fred. And note you this—Men who shriveled up and the moss on my paign for the general beautifying W . Q. Tucker, M. D. o f Forest Grove, which should can change their minds are in back got dried an’ scratched holes Genevieve’s another one t'hysidan and Surgeon receive the moral and financial danger o f losing them.—The in my shirt, an’ I forgot the pass With eyes and hair o f brown. Diseases o f Women A Specialty word up at the drug store’ and u, caP ted ^er aay p'ac*v. support o f every property owner Philistine. Dr. Drown’s Old Office . . . . , , . , , &he s the most awkward thing in Main Street, Forest Grove, Ore. everything else wqis uried up an , town. and resident o f the municipality. cracked around ¿own, even the X T r While it’s a lot o f fun to do As is well known, a city pre­ ... , . e Now comes our famous fiddler senting a pleasing aspect from business, it takes a little profit city water which was got out of w ho js alwav8 vvith Migs Weist, VV. I. R. B each all sides creates an impression once in a while to make it real Gales Creek was tull o f dust. They stroll for hours together Fire and L ife Insurance W ell I had to hoof it two miles! While on chocolate creams they most favorable in the eyes o f comfortable. W ritten down to Cornelius—the booze j feast, strangers a n d tourists. The wagon wasn’t runnin’ them days. Although she seldom utters work required, in order to pre­ Close observers have noticed Most popular stocks negotiated word sent this pleasing appearance, is that Mr. Ballinger hasn’ t yet I was kind o f flush that day an’ j when I blew in it was wuss than £ Kreat career we foretell but little, when performed as a been summoned abroad to confer . j i • . f o r a bngnt and studious girl North First Street, near Main that tour-cornered cyclone which Is she> Miss Lucv A. Maxwell. unit, but o f considerable magni­ with Mr. Roosevelt.— Ex. went acrost western Cansus D . . . . . . F o re s t G ro ve , O re. tude when undertaken by the ,. , j Ruth is a fun loving maiden tother day. Who often raises the Dean few; it must be remembered Without sorrow we could not An when it comes to rain, why She’ ll angry (?) grow in a minute C A R L H O F F M A N therefore, that the beautifying appreciate happiness. The man ’ twasn’ t no time till 1 was plumb And cause a lively scene. "* o f a city depends upon concerted who seeks trouble finds it; he soaked. Speakia’ o f wind olow- Sanitary Plumbing But Edith is quiet and pretty action o f its citizens, and in this who seeks happiness finds that in’ bricks off o f chimneys and Enough to break any heart and i. eating direction each resident o f Forest also. tearin’ down fences, why there Her sayings are few hut witty Grove can be o f the utmost val­ Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges wasn’t a man in town as dared to Since she has returned to “ art’ reasonable, Fakement Huffman t uild- ue as a part o f the unit. \ mg. rhone £0.. Packers o f meat assert that stay in nis own house, they all Another one o f our girls Beauty in this sense is not a they lose by increased prices. I f run over to P eter’s saloon for ™ studious Margaret \ \ halley, purely esthetic or sentimental . , . . She is very fond o f the boys this refers to money, they err; reruge as the only place in town Though this is her greatest folly. E D W . R. W i r t z matter, but has a decided practi­ but iiossibly it is public esteem where it us safe to be. Even v „ „ . „ ___i u j Practical and Sanitary Plumbing cal value. A front yard orna­ , , .. ,. i ou ve surely heard o f Slivers they have in mind. Ex. taat w ash t good protection irom w h o often class meeting blocks mented with shrubs and a back P H O N E S - b e l l 21— i n d . 681 tne elements an’ there wasn’ t a He sometimes holds the floor an yard cleaned o f rubbish and dec­ feller the crowd that didn’ t hour Kansas City reports a feminine teller in Forest Grove, Oregon orated with a flower garden or And the And just stands there and knocks. two, not only mean more pleas­ “ Raffles, ” attired as a school girl, git soaked through ure to the occupants and passer­ Still, you can find most any old way the wind blowed was some- Clare Gihoney is a new one VICTOR LIMBER thing hut low prices and level thin’ fierce, why when one o f the S ie s always on the tear by but more money to the owner. We’ re all very fond o f her boys stepped outside an’ tried to I ground in Kansas City. —Ex. Funeral Director By experiments recently car­ And hope tnat she w.li wear. light a cigar tne match was ac­ and Embalmer. .. ried on in Northhampton, Mass., Another men b 'r o f T t tually blowed out. Whenever you discover that is bright eye i Wanda Todd it was determined that wage- ’ Long ’ bout two or three Chapel Modern Equipment« * , ¥ , , P ^ h e ’ s always in the reading rocm earners’ homes with attractive you have a whole lot o f advice o clock in tne mornin I started And so is David Mob. F orest G rove O regon that you feel must be removed plots o f grass and flowers sold fer home ’an ’ tween the rain an’ Then there-g our orator Tom from your system, don’ t fail to for 16 per cent more than those wind every copper 1 had was The bravest of-all the class' without them. A competition retain some o f it for yourself. _________ either dissolved or blowed away, .l.r-ugh all else he stands un- was carried on and prizes given JOHN W UND ER LICH When I got back to Forest Grove daunted for the liest decorated yards in Satisfaction to customers is the everything was as hot ao’ dry as But rur'8 at the sight o f a lass, certain districts. The project is only basis for a permanent busi- ever and tbey bad t0 put me bl Miss Lowell and Earl House Fu-°ral Director said to have been crowned with ness. Io eliminate complaints— tbe cj^y j ad f or a week— that , , a^ togeth* r go and Lmbalmer..... conspicuous success. to cut out the kicks is therefore bein- lhe only Sliady place in W_e * ! sh tn™ nappiness ar.d joy , . ln On this earth here below It might lie desirable for the a vital part o f business manage­ town Prompt Attention Given to V W V SI where n i u . l v it I V was U o o a anyways u j n c u a L coot UU1 C U • i . , ment—the Press aims to satisfy. Woman’s Club to evolve a scheme Calls. Modern Equip­ -to me true, boUin’ up and j L p S S e * y "a w ,!l o f this description, and one in ment. exploum on account o f the hot Many things we could have told which all citizens would willingly Business men who say they sun an’ my soaked condition. Had we the space to tell. take part. cannot afford to advertise are the Gimme a bottle o f pop, will ye, —Index. Banks very ones who cannot afford to Sy?” Oregon A rolling stone gathers no yard the advantages o f ad­ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. A tw ell, moss, but leaves it to the man vertising. for they are receiving Breathes there a man with soul who have been sojourning in who doesn’t advertise. smaller returns from their busi- so dead southern California for tine past ness than the ones who believe Who never to himself hath said four months, returned home Where is Forest Grove’s aggre­ in and practice publicity, and As he stubbed’ his toe against the Friday evening last. Mr At- gation o f leather twirlers? The cannot hope for higher returns bed w ell’s health has gready im.- Hillsboro nine is getting active. until they do advertise. proved. The fer RESS cod Printing »