O rest G rove P ress S' Voi. I FOREST GROVE, OREGON, THURSDAY APRIL 14. 1910 MRS. WILLIAMS EN­ TERTAINS MONDAY April 3 0 to be Clean-up day Don’t Forget the Date—April 30th. Participants in “Holy City” four girls from her Oratorio Hold Reunion j \ strated a lesson. Miss Ferrin then at Leader’s Home from start to finish. Aunt Deb- COUNCIL SETS APRIL by Dexter has two girls, one of conducted a which is 18 years old at the time regular old fashioned spelling the starts, having been 30 AS CLEAN-UP DAY found story Forest match in which Miss Reed won by “ Aunt Debby” on her room demon- No. 23 WOMAN’S CLUB DISCUSS SCHUBERT Also Hold Enthusiastic ness Meeting and Take1 Up Civic Questions Woman’s Club o f Mrs. E. E. Williams enter­ Grove met at the home o f Mrs. j the honors. door step, when but a tiny baby, tained those who took part in the Miss Salters then presented a M. S. Allen Monday afternoon. in a blanket. The story hinges recent rendition o f the “ Holy Papers dealing with the life and paper on “ School Sanitation” upon the efforts o f this girl, City” oratorio, at her home Mon­ compositions o f Schubert had j which was beyond the ordinary whom Aunt Debby had named day evening. Ref been prepared and were read by on such a subject and called Elinor Pearl, to discover some sisting o f coffee, sandwiches, Mrs. E. Brown and Mrs. E. E. forth much discussion. clue to her parentage. Through cake and ice cream were served Williams, respectively, and Mrs. O. M. Gardner then presented The regular meeting o f the the confession o f an old gypsy, during the evening. Williams rendered Schubert’s the subject of Grammar in a gen- City Council was held Tuesday and the efforts o f Aunt Debby, The party amused themselves beautiful piano solo, “ The March eral talk to seventh and eighth evening, and a considerable the father o f Elinor is finally dis­ immensely by the playing o f sev­ o f the Heroes,” in a most finish- grade workers. The central amount o f routine business trans­ covered and all ends well. eral games o f an original and ed manner, displaying an excel- thought being: teach clearly and acted. Bills totaling $5,636.37 Interesting situations were con­ unique character, one o f the most lent mastery of tecnique and distinctly and for sure, were ordered paid, the amount tinually cropping out, and the ex­ enjoyable o f which was an “ orig­ knowledge o f composition. Two The Association then adjourned being devided among the several periences o f four college girls, inal song fest.” Those present month. j f unds as follows: $975.32 from whom Aunt Debby has been forc­ were divided into five groups, pretty vocal numbers, “ J3eneath to meet at Dilley in one month, the Evening’ s Last Sweet Smile” Z - ; general fund, $4,591.05 from ed to take for summer boarders, each group composing an original and “ Hark! Hark! The Lark,” Pacific Speakers Triumph water fund and $70 f rom library in order to raise the mortgage on ditty, sung to the air o f some fa ­ were also contributed by Mrs. ! at Ht>me and Abroad fund. “ Breezy Point” , are decidedly miliar tune. The resulting com­ novel, while the Hardscratch positions are given below: Williams. Other members o f the \ pacific University’ s debating I A sidewalk was ordered con- organization who were to have team won a ijnanimous decision j structed upon the west side of twins furnish plenty o f amuse­ My Bonnie appeared on the program were over the trio. ,fn the Oregon B” Street, running north from ment, in their efforts to “ never My bulldog lies sick with the fever tell.” Genevieve Courtney, as “ — — — — -------grippe absent on account o f sickness. Agricultural flol the local Third Avenue to the City line. A very enthusiastic business chapel W tÿï^sday m The Council took up the matter Ashrael, did exceptionally well “ — — — — -------fever session followed the social part solved, o f “ Clean-up” day, and April 30 and caused a laugh whenever she Oh go get the doctor real quick. and numerous ideas were advan­ Chorus tes Should was set as the date upon which came into view. Helen Bollinger as Aunt Debby won the hearts of ced relative to beautifying the energetic efforts will be made to Go get, go get, go get the doctor ingk Sub- all by her sweet motherly ways. city. The question o f watering remove the winters accumulation real quick, real quick pportld the the streets during the warm thè liega - o f rubbish, etc. The City will Miss Payne as Elinor did good Go get, go get, go get the doctor weather was discussed, and the tivi real quick propJsed a furnish teams to hall away all work. Bertha Ireland and Helen matter will be vigoicusly pushed. plai as sapping rubbish which is placed in suit­ Chalmers made a great hit as the My bull dog has died o f the fever The question o f the officers for sul jgrongly able receptacles, such as boxes, “ Twins.” Dora Baker, as Mrs. — — — — ----------- grippe the coming year was also brought obj] y Pacipfe’ s men. barrels, cans or bags. Every Hardscratch, Flora McCorkle as He’ s gone to that beautiful City up, and nominating ballots taken. Th contendinjKhat a plan resident and projlerty owner will i Mehhitable and Hazel Loynes as Where good bull dogs never get According to the constitution no o f si sick applied to be expected to lend their aid on Fantine, the French maid, all de- incumbent o f office can hold over devel serve special mention. Chorus generally and April 30. two years in succession. The question o f lighting the) ---------------------- He’s gone, he’s gone the beauti­ tablishment o f fast not The next meeting will be an mail lines. city streets was discussed at some M. E. Church to be ful city to see, to see open one, and will be held at the — — he’s gone the Holy The O. A. C. team was com­ length, and although no action Constructed at Roy home o f Mrs. F. J. Miller. posed o f E. D. Lemon, F. A. of a definite nature was taken, it City to see. Rev. W. C. Stewart, pastor of Members are privileged to bring Wilson and H. D. MaYsh, Wilson seemed to be the unanimous opin­ Tune—Seeing Nellie home their husbands, or if single, any making the clojhiB^ rebuttal. ion that an incadescent light the M. E. church at Banks, held We are the bunch o f people a meeting last Monday with a guest they may desire. The Pacific jMo wer^VHarlan ufion each corner, would add That can make ourselves at home number o f the interested men o f Turner, JL Hr Ferrin and'G. G. greatly to the appearance o f the Roy and made arrangements for Because we sang the “ fining pot” Spur For Planing Mill Brown, T'ei^n making the» clos- streets at night, and be o f mater­ the erection o f a church at that And wished we were in Rome. laes were T. ial benefit to the residents o f the The Judges we — - — — - The Oregon Electric has con­ place. Commi llees were appoint­ We H.//Chapman and city. structed a spur from the main A Committee o f two, Council- ed to look after the matter and Altho we did the best we could, Portland. Lpas line opposite the passenger depot enough subscriptions have al­ Is theMn rdebag‘ here men Bailey and Abraham, was into the yards o f the Forest Grove ready been pledged to assure W e’d better staid at home. -was at fev- appointed to secure a city attorn­ Inthiupa; planing mill, thus giving that Annie Laurie the Board o f Church Erection \pj>lmse beiqg made ey, and also to confer with the company increased and better The Holy City’s over that a church is much desired at , .. . ., . . .. , The feed is just begun jp g for bqwi teams, county judge legarding the re- facilities for the handling o f ma­ ^ oy- and ^ °f ^as one o f the hottest con- pairs to “ B” Street, which is the those terial. at the helm to erect a buil­ Our hearts are running over iebatps e y ^ h e ld on the thoroughfare leading into the ding suited to the needs o f a With thoughts o f cakes and buns Gales Creek road. It is under­ The County Teacher’s local ros With thoughts o f cakes and buns growing community. stood that the county have offer­ Association Meeting J The contract will be let the And cream and everything The Pacific University debating ed to stand three-fourths o f the But for bonnie Mrs. Williams The County Teacher’ s Associa- team tonight won from the Whit- expence o f repairing this street, first o f May and will csll for the W e’ re always glad to sing. The appointment o f City at- completion completion o o f f the the structure by tion met at Tualatin Saturday, worth College team, all girls, on Old Black Joe September first. April 9. As the President and the question o f “ ship subsidy.” torney will probably be offered to Gone are the days Vice President were absent O. The Oregon trio handled the W. M. Langley, althodgh noth­ When many came to sing Sexton vs. County M. Gardner was called to the affirmative ^de o f the question ing definite is as yet known. Coming are the days The report of the city treasur­ The suit instituted by Al. Sex­ When the comet comes again c ha*r- and won by tw o to one. er shows the following balances ton against the county o f Wash­ Gone are the clouds After a song, Mrs. Finney read H in the several funds on April 1. ington, to recover $500 for perso­ And the winter’s chilling rains a very suggestive and helpful W. O. W . Elect Delegates General fund $ 1,737.70 nal injuries sustained, and a fur­ This song will give to all who paper on, “ Self improvement o f to the District Convention Water fund 41,287.94 ther sum as damages for the loss the Teacher.” Some thoughts The local lodjfe o f the w Q hear a great big pain ____________ o f the W. Building fund 2,224.34 o f a wagon and injury to team, W e’ re hungry, w e’ re hungry were; Always be a learner. Be Be ^ elected delegates at the reg- 141.49 aggregating in all $760, was Our pulse is beating slow loyal to your work and to the u]ar meeting Saturday night to | Library fund ->» *»• I heard at Hillsboro last Friday, We think we hear the horns a course o f study in your own state. djstriCt convention which is ‘Breezy Point Big Success and resulted in a verdict for the tooting Next Supt Case took up a to be held at N ewberg May 18. The comedy in three acts, pre- defendant. Dinner----- Oh----- Round Table talk on “ How may g . R. Wirtz, W. B. Haines and ^ , . 4. Good-night ladies the moral atmosphere o f our r Hicks were unanimously sented by members o f the Phil- The action was the culmination school be kept pure?” This talk chosen by the membership to re- omathean Society o f Pacific Uni- o f an accident nearly a year ago [All paid the prices] was very helpful and nearly a pre8ent them at Newberg. At versity last Saturday evening, which occurred at the Watt s To hear that awful noise score o f teachers responded with this convention delegates will be entitled “ Breezy Point” , was hridge, and in which the plain- Joyfully we sang along hints and suggestions on what to elected to the Head Camp, to be weH received by a large and ap- tiff was precipitated some twen- Until we reached the end do. • held in Portland sometime dur- Preciative audience. Close to ty-five feet into Gales Creek in _ _ _ _ _ After dinner the teachers re- ing the month o f June. E. R. sixty dollars was realized from company with a wagon loaded ken before a higher court. In­ sponded to roll call by giving a w irtz will be a candidate for the sale of tickets, and this sum with gravel, two horses, a mule, vestigation along these lines is , will be used by the society in the and a sixty foot span o f the now under way quotation from Shakespeare. this honor. ---------------- furnishing of their room in Marsh bridge. Miss Scroggs then took up the The verdict will probably be subject o f “ Water Colors in the Re on the watch for the big Hall. Subscribe for the Press “ Breezy Point” is full of action appealed from, and the case ta- primary grades.” A class o f sale at the Booth Jewelry Co. At Regular Meeting Tuesday Night Routine Business Transacted Only \ A