-di Interest Compiled by the Hustling, Bustling, Rustling Local Reporters of the Press See Abraham for genuine Kale seed. E. S. Booth was a business vis­ itor i i Portland Friday. Edward Seymour was a busi­ ness visitor in Portland Monday. N. B. LaCourse and F. A. Moore were in Portland Sunday. Mrs. Oscar Baldwin of Port­ land was ,n town Saturday even- services each week. The next being on Saturday and Sunday evenings. Subjects: Pentecost and the Pentecostal Church. “ Why not found out before and why so many churches?” Monmouth butter, best in town, at Abraham’s. Geo. Locks of Thatcher was in town, Monday. Dr. Lowe the Optician will be in Forest Grove April 6 and 7. 20 Gold Coin seed Potatoes for sale at Abraham’s. H. R. Bemiss was in Dilley on business Monday. Thad Stevenson was in town Tuesday, on business. Mrs. A. E. Dixon was a busi- ness visitor in the Rose City Tuesday. Oscar Schryer left for his home in Beatrice Nebraska, via Spo­ kane, Monday. Mrs. Chas. Bradley of Corval­ lis is visiting her mother, Mrs. Stewart, For garden plowing and team work leave orders at Pacific Ave. Shoe Shop. Prompt service. Satisfaction guaranteed. tf Mr. and Mrs. J. Ruher of John Vanderzander and wife Wilson River wTere the Grove of Verboort were trading in town Public spirited citizens are Monday. Monday. making efforts to revive interest Miss Ril’.a Henderson of Cor- Mrs. Will Finley of Hillsboro in the Board of Trade of this city. nelius was shopping in town 1 was visiting relatives in the city jA11 members who are in arrears Tuesday. last week. will please grow enthusiastic and C. B. Campbell, the well known Rev. and Mrs. Stivers visited tender the amount to the Secre­ farmer, paid the Fress office a the latter’s mother in Portland tary, G. S. Allen. visit Tuesday. Dr. C. L. Large reports a last Saturday. daughter born to the wife of Misses Minnie Myers and Mar­ Mrs. Chrystal Widner of North Henry Wolfe, section foreman of garet Hinman were shopping in Yamhill is visiting her sister Mrs. the S. P. R. R. of Dilley last Portland Saturday. A. L. Richardson. Friday. Parties wishing the at- Hoge Sexton came out from The best specific for that lan- tendance of Dr. Large in this Portland to attend the marriage guid feeling is the Hazlewood class of cases, will greatly oblige of his brother Monday. ice cream for sale by W. E. him, if convenient, by engaging Mrs. Chrystal Widnor of North Prickett. tf | his services two or three months Yamhill is the guest of her sisterj Mr. and Mrs. Will Shively o f : Prior to the expected event. Mrs. A. L. Richardson. Portland spent Sunday at the Ware house location for sale, Sam Moulton, who has been home of Mrs. Shively’s parents, Three quarters block, in South sick with typhoid fever for past Mr. and Mrs. M. Peterson. Portland 200 feet on United Rail­ two weeks, is convalescing. The sale at the Congregational | way. Direct connection with Mesdames John Wirtz and church given by the Ladies Work- terminal yards and wholesale dis­ Jack Latta were visitors in Port- ing Society was a great success, trict. Portland street car line on one side. Fifteen minutes land the latter part of the week. I The ladies cleared about $45. ride from Third and Washington. In preparation for the arrival Roy Richardson of Gales Creek, Price $5000, for ten days. of newT stock the Pioneer Drug purchased an Indian Motor Cycle It L angley & S on . Store is making special prices at Qf A. C. Mackrodt last week, present. tf having come to the Grove for Two Lectures. Misses Amy Thomas and Beu- that especial purpose. There will be Lectures at Sev- lah Ireland spent Saturday at the Miss Addie Laird of Eugene enth Day Adventist church next home of Helen Chalmers in the was the guest of Mrs. E. S. i Saturday and Sunday evenings country. Booth the latter part of last week. as follows: Saturday—Pentecost J. Loomis made a trip to the Miss Laird is a former school­ and the Pentecostal Church. Dalles recently and enjoyed a mate of Mrs. Stivers of our city. Sunday—Why not found out be­ fore and why so many churches? pleasant visit at the home of J. Miss Kirkwood, the Milliner Sabbath School 2 p. m. Home A. Elton. has the newest and most attrac­ Mission Service, 3 p. m. W. M. Harris who recently tive articles in M i l l i n e r y , A cordial welcome to all. bought the Schmaie farm two Trimmed Hats, Shapes and Ma­ G. W. P ettit , Pastor. miles west of the city was in on terials. Call and see. Pacific Ave. 20-2 1 business Saturday. The PFXSS I» THE ONE BEST BET Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hall are for CONSISTENT ADVERTISING. Miss Katie Kesler of Glenwood was shopping in town Monday. visiting friends and relatives in Mr. ana Mrs. John Cornelius town this week. Mr. Hall has disposed of his interests in Tilla­ Oregon Electric Time Card were in town Monday. mook and they are now residing ARRIVES LEAVES For Rent, 9 room house, bath at Portland Fore.t Greve and water, one block from post in Portland. 8:00 a m 6:50 a m Highly satisfactory results will oince. U. B. Campbell, 9:50 a m 8:40 a m 11:40 a m 10:30 a m tf lnd. Phone No. 42 be obtained from the use of For­ 12:20 p m 1:30 p m maldehyde and squirrel poison at | 2:50 p m 1:40 p m Mrs. F. A. Moore entertained this season. Every can guaran­ 5:20 p m 4:10 p m a number of little friends in 8:10 p m 7:00 p m teed. For sale at Pioneer Drug 10;50 pm 9:45 p m honor of her daughter Gussie’s tf oirtiiday, Yveonesuay afternoon. Store. LEAVES ARRIVES Joe Lenneville celebrated a Arch Bishop Christie and Fath­ Portland Forest Grove birthday Monday, but owing to er De Lormer of Portland spent 7:05 a m 8:15 a m his retiring nature, we are unable 8:30 a m 9:40 a m Monday in this city with Father 10:20 a m 11:30 a m Buck, looking after church inter­ to state the exact age. If looks 12:10 p m 1:20 p m count, how'ever, Joe should be 2:10 p in 3:20 p m ests. 3:30 p m about graduating from High 4 :40 p m 5:30 p m 6:40 p m Ben David, formerly of Thatch- School. 8:25 p m 9:35 p m tr, who is now living at Arleta, If there is a young woman in was visiting friends in and about S a tu rd a y O nly Lvs P ortland 11:30 p m - A r . F.G. 12:35 a m Forest Grove on Saturday and the city or vacinity who desires Sunday c n ’y to learn typesetting, an oppor­ Sunday. Lva F..G. 3:30 p m- -A r. a t P ortland 4:40 p m tunity is available in the Press A very pleasant birthday party office. Must be good speller and was given Will Van Antwerp u n d e r s tand punctuation and bunday at the home of his par­ grammer. Some of ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Van J. W. Sherwood an old resident our claims Antwerp. of Forest Grove left for Los An- We don’t believe that you can find J ‘. Matthews has the only ge]eg Wednesday where he will a better all round place to fit out the original littmg apparatus in the reside permanently. The change home than right at this store. ‘ Union Jack. ¿strongest and was necessitated by the condition We don’t believe that you can best. Handiest tool for stretch­ of his health and his many friends find a place that will deal more fairly with you than we will. ing wire lence ever devised, tf regretted to see him leave. We don’t believe that, dollar for The series of lectures at the dollar, you can do QUITE as well Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Lewis of anywhere else. Seventh Day Adventist church Nez Perce, Idaho, visited Mr. Those are our claims—to prove closed last Sunday night Elder and Mrs. E. S. Booth last week. them is our sim. j . M. Comer left to labor at Cot­ While here they enjoyed an aut­ Wi’d you give us an opportunity to tage Grove his present home. omobile ride through the city and do so the first tirr.syou are needing -ar. Pettu reports the meetings surrounding country, and were something in our iine? us being very successful. He delighted with our balmy spring R O E 8c C O M P A N Y will continue two or three public weather. Subscribe for the PRESS, n See! See! those new Bicycles at the Forest Grove Garage e carry a complete line of sundries, also do Automobile, bicycle, sewing machine, gun, lock and general repairing. Machine work and brazing O U R S P E C IA L T Y Forest Grove Garage. - - Pacific Avenue. Forest Grove Pool Room J. S. DREW, prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, and Soft Drinks. Good Lunch Counter in Connection A Clean, Quiet place to spend an Evening. FOREST GROVE V . S. OREGON ABRAHAM D ry Goods, Shoes and Groceries GOOD GOODS AND FAIR PRICES Both Phones - Forest Grove ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------— W h en Y ou A re Sick You want the doctor to prescribe for you. Then you want the prescription filled accurately. Take it where they “Know How” to Dr. Hines’ Drug Store A . E. M O U L T O N W ALTER ROSWURM Roswurm & Moulton Successors to Roswurm & Co. Dealers in Real Estate, Exchanges, Business Chances, Ice, Coal and Wood Forest Grove Oregon C. L. H I N M A N Sells - SUPERIOR Stoves and Ranges Beft and Moit Eco­ nomical on the Mar- Icet • • • f arm T ools A Full Line of General Hardware BOTH PHONES F o r est G rove O r eg o n