Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, March 17, 1910, Image 8

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Bright days are conducive to
Furnished by the Special Rep- Chronicled by the Field Re-
resentative of the Press
porter of the Press
Six rooms so far have no tardy
Jn0 Zimmerman has a new
marks this month.
Bids Accepted for Materials to be Used
in Construction of New W ater
P. Killin is breaking one of his
fine colts this week.
Louis Roy spent the first o f
Tw o new pupils entered the
C. A. Brickman was in Scap-
High School this week, from poose, Friday.
last week in Hillsboro.
A t a special meeting o f the Council Wednesday evening, the
Walter Nelson was in Scappose
Mr. and Mrs. Ryals made a following bids, to furnish material to be used in the construction
The tenth grade history class on business, Friday.
flying trip to Hillsboro Wednes- 0f the new system for distribution o f city water, were accepted.
will complete their work this
Portland Wood Pipe company, wood pipe and cast fittin gs re-
John Zimmerman was in Hills­ day>
Mrs. Hiltz and Mrs. Skeen quired for installation, $5310.90
boro on business, Saturday.
Our High School is now on the
Crane & Co., cast iron pipe required, $989.20
Russell Grammer and John were the guests o f Mrs. M. King
accredited list at the State Uni­
Cast iron fittings at 3 1-4 cts. per lb.
(Clark were enrolled in school
M. K ing and son Merle were
Cadwell Brothers company, hydrants, gate valves and valve
A new class has been added to
tending to business interests in boxes. Cast iron valve boxes, 22 to 32 inch, top o f box marked
The last o f the snow has dis­
the manual training department
watet, at $4.10 each.
and spring work is Banks Monday.
this week.
2 0 - 4 inch hub end gates at $ 9.00 each
Mr. Beebe, who has been hav- j
under way.
The schools now have fifteen
2 0 - 6 .............................. . 12.75 “
ing a siege with lagrippe is rap­
Henry Hendrickson raised the
minutes recesses and are out at
20 - 8 “
20.00 “
idly convalescing.
frame work o f his new barn,
four o’ clock.
2 0 - 1 0 ........................................................................................... ... 27.00 “
John Hiltz who has been teach­
A ll members o f the manual
ing school in Washington, re­
Dixie has a new mail carrier.
training classes must buy books
Holbrook Lodge No. 30,
Woman’s Club Hold Meeting
turned home last week.
Tates having become
A. F. and A. M. Spec­
and study their work.
The Woman’ s Club held the
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ryals
I tired o f playing cupid, collector,
ial meeting this Saturday
The spelling contest in the n e w g b0y , and everything else spent Sunday with Mrs. Ryals’ I regular monthly meeting on Mon­ evening, at 7:30. Work in the
sixth grade is getting hotter and expected o f a rural carrier, re­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. day afternoon with Mrs. Philip E. A. degree. Visiting brethren
good work is the result.
signed and Mr. Izingblatter is Dennis, in Scroggins Valley.
Kinzer. The subject o f discus­ welcome.
E d w i n A l l e n , W. M.
The Janitor and pupils at the now trying to fill the many
Mrs. C. Griffin, who le ft a sion for the session was “ Our
A. B en K o r i , Secretary.
Central Building are trying to phased roll and also the many short time ago for Missouri, Home Library.” Mrs. O. M.
beautify the front yard.
, chuck-holes along the beautiful writes she reached
_ her destina-
Sanford, who is City Librarian
tion safelv after seven davs o f at Present> gave a very interest-
. " , c ,u
The class in physics spent an I Gregon road8‘__________
’ ng sbord; talk on the subject in
Notice is hereby given that
afternoon at the power house
* _______________
hand, as did Miss Penfield and 1909 tax rolls for Washington
Hoffman Park to Open
this week, studying electricity.
Mesdames Ferrin and Volk.
county, Oregon, will be open for
Work has again been resumed
Our new microscope is a fine
The committee on Civic Im- collection and payment o f taxes
on the Hoffman Park west o f
one and many investigations are
A Great Asset In Business as Wsii as provement reported.
They have on Thursday, Feb. 10, 1910. All
town. A force o f laborers have
In Society.
being made by the botany class.
given some attention to the mat- wbo make full payments o f their
been employed and the work will
Cheerfulness will attract
Parents should remember th a t; ke pushed to completion. The tomers, sen more good* do more bus* ter o f sPrinkling the streets this taxes before March 15,1910, will
when they cause children to be river is to be cleared o f snags ness with less wear umi tear than ai- summer and expect to make ar- receive a rebate o f 3 per centum,
tardy, the children are punished and ali other obstructions so as most uny other ijtiniity. says Orison rangements to have this done at half payments can be made by
the » 1 * " “
‘ he Club. T h e ,
first Monday in April with-
for the parents neglect.
j to make boating possible, and a
ter, bluest trader, the Krettiertuicuiev- excellent work which the Club is out interest charged or penalty
number o f open air amusement
er in the world. Pessimism has never doing along civic lines is receiv-
the remaining half can be
C O U N TY TEACHERS ASSOCIATION features will be installed.
It is
i" E th e lleservc<l commendation bald at any time prior to the first
The County Teachers Associa­ proposed to open the park to the X
in the business office, as in society and co-operation o f the citizens. Monday in October, 1910. W hen
tion met at Hillsboro last Satur- public not later than June 1st.
everywhere, the favorite is always the
The Club has joined the Nat- n0 payment is made by the first
-------'— — ----
federation o f Woman’. “ » "J a y in April, 1910. the tax
The program opened with mus- Team Runs Away.—Ac-
ergy as rapidly as the grumbler or the j Clubs and thereby gained repre- becomes delinquent and
ic and followed by a round table
cident N a r r o w ly Averted too sober, too sad people. They work sentation at the National Con- statute requires from that date a
talk on School Management led
. . .
by Wm Scott
The llttle gray team belon£in£ WG LmchV"saKreaUt lubricant u , gress to be held at Cincinnati in Penalty of 10 per cent per month
The meeting then adjourned to the Forest Grove Planing mill oils ail of life's machinery. There is May, to which Mrs. Chas. Hines on saia tax untl1 ]t 13 Paid-
no other life habit which can give has had the honor and distinc-
G eo . G. H ancock ,
for dinner after which Prof. afforded some excitement along
ex-officio tax collector
satisfaction as that o f being cheerful
Barnes took up the subject of
for Washington, Co. Oregon.
under all circumstances. If the reso­ delegate.
Class Botany.
Dated at Hillsboro, Ore, Jan. 27,
team hitched to a wagon was lution to cultivate cheerfulness Is
The work was well presented
strongly innde at the very outset It
Mike Monner was successfully
will not be difficult to form the cheer­
and the instructor showed how
very much work could be done ium while the driver was work­ ful habit, and it will be the best pro­ operated upon for appendicitis at
tection against suffering and disap
without very much costly appa­ ing on the inside, when the latter pointnieut.
St. Vincents Hospital in Portland
S u b s c r ib e fo r the F r e s a
Cheerfulness Is also a great pro­ yesterday.
ratus. It was surely a treat to emerged, he caught sight o f his
all who heard the work.
feam g ° lng over the hil1 in a gal’ ducer. It adds wonderfully to one's
active ability and Increases mental
In another room Miss Scroggs '°P ' , lb e horses kePfc in the mid' ami physical power. It makes hosts o f
o f Forest Grove gave a demon- dleno f tbe road and rounded the friends nnd helps us to be interesting
strated lesson in primary draw- jnill, pulling up m tront o f the and agreeable.
ing. Every one present was de- )arn wltbout damage to the har-
lighted and could hardly express ness or wag ° n- The driver ap-
their surprise and pleasure at
a few moments later, Why Standing Before a Hot Firs
Make« the Face Red.
the work o f the little folks. A f ­ hatless and breathless. It was
When one stands before a hot Are
ter the drawing lesson both a day o f exciting incidents for
Our assortment is unexcelled and up-to-date
the face becomes red. as we all know.
rooms came together and Mrs. ' young Moore, the driver. A This result Is the effect o f the action
Thorp gave the subject o f Pri- j short time before the runaway, o f radiated heat on the nerves con­
mary Reading in a well prepared he engaged in a friendly bout at trolling the smull blood vessels o f the
the gymnasium with Allen, an- sklu. These tiny vessels are normally
Forest G r o v e ................................... Oregon
In n stnte of moderate contraction.
Miss Magnusen followed with |
employee o f the Planing Under exposure to heat they relax and
Mill, cutting a vein on the side become distended with blood. The
Language Work in the fou rth . . . . .
, ,
same process, under the mysterious
and fifth grades. Her work was °* . ^ en
head with a small connection o f the vasomotor nerve
Call or Telephone to the
excellent and brought out clearly pebble. The cut while not deep, system with mental Impressions, pro­
the idea o f doing and o f teaching bled profusely, and it was with duces ordinary blushing.
In regard to ex|iosure to direct heat
a subject and not o f being a slave some difficulty that the flow was the reddenlug o f the skin, together
with the uncomfortablly warm feel­
to a few text book facts.
ing accompanying It, may be looked
In the business meeting which
Hosxing ths Latinists.
upon as oue of the useful little “ dan­
followed the Organization was j Perhaps one of the best of the nu­ ger signals" with which we are sur­
Persons who from any
put upon a permanent basis by merous class o f sham Latin Inscrip­ rounded
tions was that which appeared some cause have lost their susceptibility, as
being recognized at the regular time ago In a Dublin paper. It was In
is the case in some forms of paralysis,
Local County Teachers’ Institute. auUque “Latin,” as follows:
may expose a limb to heat until seri­
I sabylla haem ago. fortlbua ea In aro. ous Injury results.
The C o u n t y Superintendent
Nobile This be forte trux, ea vatlclnero—
The reasou that the face chiefly
had words o f praise for the work pea an dux.
flushes Is that In the ordinary posi­
done and asked that the Asso­ This purported to have been found tion near a lire It Is most directly ex­
ciation furnish a program for a near the site o f a church dedicated to posed to the rays o f heat, while most
“the saint known to the old chron­ of the body Is shielded by clothing:
Local Institute to be held at Tu­ iclers as Uncatua Ambulanus."
that the nerve* o f the face are partic­
alatin the second Saturday in
Ths “Latin" Inscription was In reali­ ularly sensitive In this res|>ect and
that the sklu there Is more abuudantiy
ou want the best in Gold and
Silver Jewelry and Novelties.
The Booth Jewelry Company
Schultz Market and Grocery
The meeting then adjourned.
The Lincoln regulars played a
six inning game against the Cen­
tral school on the Lincoln dia­
mond. It was a close game, 1 to
0. The score being made in the
last Inning. A wild throw from
•econd to first let in the winning
I «ay, Billy, here's s go!
Forty buses In a row.
'No, Billy; this be forty trucks
See vet le In 'em—peas and ducks
furnished with blood vessels.—London
A Tip Ha Wanted.
Artist ito burglar, who la making
Llfs'a Turning Points.
paintings»— Er— by the
The climacteric years are certain away
years In s man's Ilfs that wars long way. If yon should manage to dispose
believed to be o f peculiar significance of them woo Id yon mlud sending me
to him aa turning polnta In hla health your customer's address?— Life.
and fortnue.
Theee are the mystic
number 7 and its multiples, with odd
tv 4 Shown Goed Sena*.
numbers. 21. 39, 41) and 03. T b s most
H ew itt-T h at rich old fool wonldn’t
Important o f all waa ths sixty-third let me marry hla daughter. Jewett—' j
year, which was considered fatal to Well, be may be rich and old. but be'a
no fo*>L— New York Tlmaa
For Fresh Vegetables, Choice Cuts of Meat, and Fish and
Game in Season. Both Phones. Free Delivery.
W e Pay Cash for
All Produce
Pacific Ave.
F o re st G r o v e
Monopole Canned
Goods a Specialty