Forest Grove press. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1909-1914, March 17, 1910, Image 2

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    ^ chief, were soon listening to his Some persons may entertain the to be hoped for the sake of hum-
preaching and were baptized in view that cheaper transportation anity and domestic peace sndj.
Published by
great numbers. The zealous and will be instrumental in drawing love that the Peorian judge stands
G. E. S ecour & J. D. F o o t e
in the City of
self denying missionary c o n - trade from our merchants to his decision. The pros-
F orest G rove , O regon ,
tihued to. establish churches Portland. But that view is a pect o f four o’ clock breakfasts
T H U R S D A Y o f EACH W E E K . wherever he went until the coun­ narrow one. A policy wh i c h and an occasiqnal thrashing by
keep people within the way of diversion would not be.
Entered at the poet office at Forett Grove. Oim try was thrown into universal would
W . M . L a n g le y & S o n
a « mail m atter of the second class.
mourning by the news o f his confines o f the town will likewise very alluring to young women
death. In the little town o f keep them ou t. W i t h th e contemplating matrimony.-“-Ex.
T erms o r S ubscription
Saul, the scene o f his first tri- growth and increased population
—— — t t ;
, . ,
One Y e a r $1.00 . - Six Months .75
Forest Grove, Ogn.
umph, ended the career o f this which comes as a result of the
The trouble of having high ex-
D isplay A dvertising rates on appli­
J. N. Hoffman
cation. L ocal R eaders five cents per ing energy and devotion to work railway development, our city pointed so often._______
line o f seven words each insertion.
in his crusade against ignorance merchants would have the pleas-
The fellow who used to build
Display advertisements for publica­
Collections and all business entrusted to im-
and paganism were rewarded ure o f looking into two or more
prompt attention. Attorney for Fores*
tion in the P R E S S must be in this office
air castleis seems to be now turn­ (riven
Grove Collection Agency.
As a new faces where one familiar
not later than Tuesday evening to in­ with such great success.
O^ct-Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave.
ing his attention to airships.
monument to the character o f face is missed,
sure appearance in current issue.
Ind. Phone 502
Forest Grove
his work, it is a matter o f history
A first cousin to the town man
A Chicago judge has ruled that
that in three or four centuries who doubts the wisdom of ex-
a street band which does not H. W . Vollmer, M. D.
The P r e s s will be mailed reg­ from the time o f his death, Ire- pansion ahd growth, is the far- play in tune commits a misde­
Physician and Surgeon
ularly to all paid in advance sub­ land became the most learned mer who strenuously opposes meanor.
Office in Abbott Bldg.
scribers, whose subscriptions country in Europe and was known the construction o f a railway;
Forest Grove, Ogn.
were received by the previous by the name o f the Island o f the through or near his farm, be- Apparently the only race for Both Phones
cause it does not make the soil the North pole in the future w ,n
management, without additional Saints and Scholars.
any more productive, nor hogs ^
the Egkim0 race.-G ra n d
J. D. Foote
the fatter, nor cattle plumper Rapic]g p ress.
Keep the Wheels of
A ttorney-at-Law
Collections and all business entrusted to me
S t Patrick
Progress Rolling than they would be if there were
' ■-----------
given prompt attention.
not a steel rail within one hun-
Stocks decline in Wall stieet
O/fice-Hoffman Bldg. Pacific Ave.
Once upon a time not so long
On the 17th day o f March in
dred miles. Such a person may whenever a man opens a door o f Phone Ind. 502
Forest Grove
or about the year 465 A. D., St. ago that it may be said the
have acquired a competence by t he Supreme court room. —Bir-
Patrick, the most venerated o f “ memory o f man runneth not to
dint o f hard work, and may be mjngham Age Herald,
O. W . Humphrey
ah Irish saints, breathed his last the contrary” , a railroad com­
enjoying all the necessaries o f
among a people in whose con­ pany wanted to build its line
life with a few luxuries now and ' About the only kind 0f a Hill
version he had spent his whole into Forest Grove. But there
P. Bldg.
Phone 011
then. But when the old man
Willamette valley wants is
Though many centuries were those who were opposed to
with the scythe” visits the old Jim H ill-a n d he seems
seems to be
have elapsed since this strong having the quietude o f the place
homestead and a division o f coming this way. Eugene Guard
willed and courageous apostle : disturbed by the entrance o f the
Dr. O. H. Scheetz
property among heirs or devisees
converted the Irish nation to iron horse and declined to en­
follows, then it is that the latter
Chiropractic Spinologist
I Many big men are taking early
Christianity in such a remarkably courage the undertaking to the
fully appreciate the disadvan­
Specialist in nervous diseases, lung trouble,
I vacations abroad. What’ s the
short time, his memory is still extent o f a few hundred dollars.
rheumatism, in fact all diseases.
tages o f poor transportation fa­
¡hurry? T. R. will not be back
green, and throughout all Christ­ They reasoned in their minds
Office next to I.aCourse’s store
cilities in rural communities,
, . . .
’ before June.—Atlanta Constitu
endom the 17th day o f March is thus: “ We have lived, lo! these I ,
_____ ___ a ___ when they undertake to dispose j
known as St. Patrick’s day. many years in peace and con- o f , hcir aUotted share9. ____
W . H. Hollis
There is no authentic history o f tentment without the luxury o f
i -*-
1 a-
facilities mean scant population-
Fashion has decreed that cloth­
the life and work o f the great a railway at our doors, and we
A ttorney-at-Law
| -small demand— slim prices
missionary, and while many o f will move along in the even tenor
es shall be worn to match the
The property owners o f the 1 , .
the stories related o f him are o f our way until one is foisted •a
i 1
a hair- **e view with alarm the
Forest Grove, Ogn.
founded on truth, still they are upon us by the exercise o f the
should not only smite graciously
d H<!ra|d
more or less traditional and con­ right o f eminent domain accom­
W . Q. Tucker, M. D.
on the new enterprise, but they j
travened in some instances.
panied by a compensation com-
Physician and Surgeon
can well afford to do considerable i
The best authorities concur in mersurate with the value o f the
coaxing, and then if the project i A
Missouri town has passed
the belief that Dumbarton, in ; property to the railway company. ¡encounterg a f ew snacs and other ;ln ordinance m aking it a misde-
Dr. Brown’s Old Office
Scotland, was the birthplace o f It is a hardship on a small prop- 05struct:0ns a shoulder to thp meanor to tell a lie within the Main Street,
Forest Grove, Ore.
Patrick, though this has been erty owner to donate even one w jieej ¡g th’e
A city bmits. No political rallies ----------
disputed. According to his auto- foot o f land to a wealthy corpo- Httfe congi8tent and 3teadvDUsh- are being held there now-
W. J. R, Beach
biography he was but a youth o f ration.
But such reasoning is
ing will do more good than many
16 when he was taken to Ireland, not logical,
Fire and L ife Insurance
It will not do to say that
spasmodic and ill timed shoves
a captive, and, a Christian alone
I f those few, who were averse
Colonel Bryan cannot “ com e
and jerks.
among pagans, he spent six ; to granting a right o f way or to
Arouse ye from your lethargy. back” . The truth is that he
years in slavery before he finally contributing in bringing the rail-
Most popular stocks negotiated
Do not let it be said ten years »e v e r made the original landing.
escaped to his home. While liv­ wa> to the city, had had a know- hence, tfoat jn ^
year 1910 we j —St. Louis Globe Democrat,
North First Street, near Main
ing among the Irish people he ledge o f what railway operations:
were sleeping so peacefully and
had become familiar with their m ean to a rural community, or
Forest Grove, Ore.
..M they have ____
J into the aoundly
language, and out o f his love for could
, For*st Gr° ve and
A s t ™n* de™ c ra t looming up
them, he resolved to dispel the future and noted what a differ-
^ t even the shrill im the Presidential horizon could
. M
pagan darkness which enveloped fence just one railway m
. u . whistles o f a locomotive or the | be relied on to produce immediate , C A R L H O F F M A N
whir o f an electric motor could harmony among Republicans in
the island.
they would have pursued a diff-
Sanitary Plumbing
awaken us,
all sections.—Washington Star.
With the unwavering courage erent course; but their eyes were
and Heating
which marked the whole of his focussed on the dead past and | A
man who takes offense al-
Satisfaction „ -
A million tongues all talking re L o ^ b le ^ B
wonderful career he set out to the good old days with the purse ways makes a poor selection
Basement Hoffman build-
prepare himself for his great string tightly drawn. The re­
undertaking, A fte r four years suit is a matter o f history—a re-
L ife is full o f trials and that’s the same ta le -a ll driving the ------:— -------------------
o f diligent study, he returned to tarded growth. The c itiz e n s what keeps the lawyers alive.
W hat power these to n g u e s
Ireland, landing first at Wicklow, retained the right o f ways and
but being expelled, sailed north Cornelius got the road. Once
Fully nine tenths o f the W a ll.
0ak and Ash, 14.50
and $5.00 per cord.
to the present county Down. It upon a time the residents o f For- ¡street pointers prove to be dis-1 What majesty in the press.
I Second Ave. and Fifth St.
wrs here that he first announced est Grove, had an Indian school appointera.
h is mission and sowed the seeds near the city, but it is now only a
I f Mr. T a ft continues to deliv-
A man never kicks if his name er addresses on the short circuits ~
o f the Christian doctrine which memory, and its removal added
b y reason o f the earnestness, to the other disappointments o f ¡»m isspelled in the police records and Mr. Roosevelt makes a grand
tour o f the country with his dead
simplicity and purity o f his life life, one more cause for regret. | o f a newspaper.________
Funeral Director
s o o n spread throughout t h e The United States Government
„ r
., menagerie the average circus
Always »peak well o f yourself. mlght M well remain in »in te r
negotiated with the town au-
and Embalmer.. .
It is the accepted belief that thorities for a more appropriate L our friends will attend to the quarters. - Providence Times
there wej-e Christians in Ireland site for the school, but the citi- other side o f it.
Modern Equipment» {
before thie advent o f St. Patrick, zens retained the site and Che-
F orest G bovr
O regon
The earth was made for man
Any one can follow the old pre-
for Palladius, who had little sue- mawa got the school,
and the average trust magnate ct‘dence in theold way. Anyone
pess and was subsequently ex-
It has been said that the only
feels that he is the man.
a'onft ¡n smug and com-
— Tielled, Vas sent to be Bishop in men who never make mistakes
placent self-sufficiency. Anyone
1.131 A. D., but unlike the latter, are all occupants o f narrow beds
A girl who is too delicate to can rol1 along in a rut. The men
F o r est G rove
P ress
in tit. I atrick had know ledge o f the
^disposition and temperament o f
aftehe P*01’ 1* and o f their ,oyalty
ers ind veneration for the ruling
' amilies. This was greatly to
"d s advantage in waging his war
nelitgginst paganism. K n o w i n g
no8<^iat if successful in converting
he kings «nd chiefs, the people
, .ould follow, he devoted his
and enerKy >n attempting
_ . ) make Christians o f the former,
lia first converts were Dicho.
b,nief o f the district, and the
. M em bers o f his family. As S t
1 Atrick had expected, the people,
in the cemeteries, but there is sweep a hall rug can dance sev- who have the courage to jolt out
no excuse for making the same
enteen miles at a German. of the humdrum o f routine rise
,ni9take tw,ce. and I)a8t exper-
— — ;------—
from the commonplace to con-
iences should always play an
Mr. Morgan goes away now spicuity and are leading the way
important part in determining a without even stopping to lock his to change and progress
course o f action to be pereued. country up. — Baltimore Sun.
A t present, as has already been
- ----
Oregon i« ok i
noted in these columns, t h e
A judge in Peoria. Illinois, has state in Hi
eveJ’y otber
United Railways, a branch o f a decided that a man is justified in and mossh^w ^ Patura* u ea*th
great system, is building into beating his w ife if she refuses has e r a S*
■ <L m®8?back
this section. The route is as yet 1°
bis breakfast by four would liW t ?W,|nf ' n,*18 /'airand
undetermined. It behooves the o ’clock in the morning. That th*> man
c u ’ off the earth
citizens o f Forest Grove, in jus- judge must have got his idea to heln H «».in
'ut0 .^ e 8tate
tice to their own interests, to from Russia where it is right- nuirprin <!« t! *
^ If. ^ 80
exercise what stored up energy eously believed that a man must killer liuht«
* Wa8‘
be f°°l
they may have in blazing the occasionally beat his w ife to con- everv v >nr , ° n 9f me °.r ^ m
* xauiple o f their way for the new electric line,
vince her o f hia love.
Still it is fTTplaces -Carlton S e n s e i ^ ° W
Funeral Director
and Embalmer.....
Prompt Attention Give
Modern Equi
m ent
for Good Printing